A Childhood in Brazil

A childhood in one of
Brazil’s most dangerous
Lesson ideas and activity sheets
Samir, 8, Brazil
ActionAid Schools | May 2014 | 1
A Childhood in Brazil/Lesson plan
Introduction: Brazil is one of the world’s largest economies and is about to play host to the 2014 World Cup, but despite this
period of economic boom, income distribution remains incredibly unequal. 16 million Brazilians live below the
poverty line.
To discover the challenges of growing up in Maré favela, Brazil.
To explore the similarities and differences between growing up in Maré favela, Brazil and in the UK.
To annotate an image
To create a pictorial diary
To complete a venn diagram
• Where was the photography taken? Pupils share their ideas
with reasons for their answers. Introduce the Maré favela using
notes on PowerPoint.
• How does a house in the favela compare to where pupils live?
Pupils complete Activity Sheet 1 and share their thoughts.
Activity Sheet 1
• Introduce Samir and Samira to pupils using PowerPoint.
• Lead pupils through a day in the life of Samir and Samira using
slides 5-16 in the PowerPoint (edit according to time
• Pupils create a pictorial diary of their own, either using Activity
Sheet 2 or their own format. You may want pupils to take and
print photos in advance as a homework.
Activity Sheet 2
• Pupils use their pictorial diary and what they have learnt about
life in the favela to complete Activity Sheet 3 (or draw a venn
diagram in books). Ask pupils to share some of their answers.
How different are their lives to Samir and Samira? Why?
• Using the PowerPoint, explain what ActionAid does to support
communities living the favela and what impact this has on the
lives of Samir and Samira and their mum Cirlene.
Activity Sheet 3
Curriculum links
PSHE/Citizenship: KS2
4b. to think about the lives of people living in other places and times,
and people with different values and customs.
4f. that differences and similarities between people arise from a
number of factors, including cultural, ethnic, racial and religious
diversity, gender and disability.
PSHE/Citizenship: KS2
4b. to think about the lives of people living in other places and times,
and people with different values and customs.
4f. that differences and similarities between people arise from a
number of factors, including cultural, ethnic, racial and religious
diversity, gender and disability.
PSHE/Citizenship: KS2
4b. to think about the lives of people living in other places and times,
and people with different values and customs.
4f. that differences and similarities between people arise from a
number of factors, including cultural, ethnic, racial and religious
diversity, gender and disability.
ActionAid Schools | May 2014 | 2
A childhood in Brazil/Activity Sheet 1 – Our house in the middle of our street
Instructions: Look at the image on this page and then either add arrows from a sentence to something in
the image or complete the sentence.
Draw an arrow from each sentence to something in the image
This is similar to what I see near my home
This is different to what I see near my home
Complete the sentences:
Complete the sentences:
I am surprised to see...
I already knew...
This helps me understand...
I did not know...
ActionAid Schools | May 2014 | 3
A childhood in Brazil/Activity Sheet 2 – A day in the life of… you!
Instructions: Fill in a day in your life in the diary below using pictures, for example photos or cartoons.
Dear diary,
My morning
My evening
My afternoon
My bedtime
ActionAid Schools | May 2014 | 4
A childhood in Brazil/Activity Sheet 3 – A day in the life of…
Instructions: On the outermost part of the circles, fill in the different activities that you do during your day
and that the twins do during their day. Where the circles overlap in the middle, fill in the activities you do
that are the same as those done by Samir and Samira.
Your day
The twins’ day
ActionAid Schools | May 2014 | 5