Soilless Media


Soilless Media

Plant and Soil Science

Standard 4 Objective 2

Soilless Media

 When raising plants there are many different options for a growing media

 Most of the time think all plants grow in soil

 This is not the case

 Does anyone know the kind of growing media we commonly use in our greenhouse?

 Is is soil? or a Soilless media?

Composition of Potting


Soil (loamy, good structure, pesticide-free)

 Coarse aggregates for drainage (sand, perlite, vermiculite, shredded plastics)

 Organic amendments to hold water (sphagnum peat moss, tree bark, sawdust, rice hulls, shredded coconut hulls, wood chip/sludge compost)

 Most contain no soil

Advantages of Soilless Mixes

 sterile

 lightweight

 good moisture retention and drainage

 free of weed seeds

Disadvantages of Soilless


 minor elements are missing

 light weight - pots tip in strong wind

 transplants may not adjust well to new media

Content of mixes

 Soilless mixes contain various combinations of the following materials.


 improves aeration

 of volcanic origin

Spahgnum Moss

 Dehydrated remains of acid bog plants

 Used to cover seeds because it is lightweight, controls disease, and holds moisture.

Peat Moss

 Partially decomposed underwater vegetation.

 Holds moisture well

 Low in nutrients


 Exploded Mica

 Improves aeration

 Holds moisture very well


 Raises pH


Technique of growing plants in non-soil medium using feeding mixture of essential plant nutrients dissolved in H



Three main types

 static solution culture medium culture aeroponics
