Critical Enablers for HIV, TB & Malaria Responses

Critical Enablers for HIV, TB & Malaria Responses
Dr Mandeep Dhaliwal
United Nations Development Programme
Director: HIV, Health & Development Practice
UNDP & Global Fund informal session
30th meeting of the Global Fund Board
Global Fund : Investing for Impact
 The Global Fund strategy Investing for Impact, 2012-2016;
recognizes the importance of a strategic investment approach
has a focus on high-impact interventions that are supported by
attention to critical enablers
includes a strong focus on human rights, gender and key populations
recognizes the major contribution to realizing the right to health by
enabling a global expansion of prevention, treatment, care and support
for the three diseases.
 Enabling legal and policy environments, including the promotion and
protection of human rights and gender equality, are essential to
effective, efficient and sustainable national responses to HIV, TB and
Enabling Environments:
the New Funding Model
The New Funding Model presents several opportunities to address enabling
legal and policy environments, including human rights, gender and key
populations throughout the course of the grant cycle
National strategic plans for the three diseases should include strategies to
strengthen enabling legal and policy environments and promote rights and
gender sensitive approaches , including an appropriate focus on key
Country dialogue should include the full range of relevant stakeholders,
including civil society groups representing people affected by the three
diseases, key populations, women's organizations and other vulnerable groups.
The country dialogue is a key opportunity to identify and advocate for the
inclusion of high impact interventions to strengthen the enabling legal and
policy environment as well as rights-based and gender sensitive responses to
the three diseases in the concept note.
UNDP – Global Fund Partnership
Supporting implementation as interim PR of Global Fund grants in countries facing
exceptional development challenges / emergencies
Developing the capacities of national entities to take over the management of
Global Fund as soon as circumstances permit
Strengthen policy & programming quality of Global Fund related work at both
country and global levels
UNDP – Global Fund Partnership
In line with international human rights and health commitments, UNDP works to
support countries in creating enabling legal and policy environments for effective
and sustainable HIV, TB and malaria responses – this includes strengthening
capacity to review and reform legislation, promote gender equality, human rights
and access to justice, and address stigma and discrimination, including for key
UNDP’s online Capacity Development Toolkit for National Entities Implementing
Global Fund Grants (EN, RU)
Capacity Development Toolkit
Enabling legal & policy environments capacity development module:
 1. Enabling legal & policy environment: definitions & key resources
 provides a broad definition of enabling legal and policy environment,
critical enablers for effective responses to the three diseases and
examples of relevant programmatic activities
 2. Key human rights frameworks for HIV, TB and malaria
 provides a broad overview of and links to major international
frameworks on the right to health and specific information on human
rights and law in the context of each of the three diseases
Capacity Development Toolkit
 3. Opportunities to strengthen enabling environments through
the Global Fund grant cycle
 provides an overview of entry points for strengthening enabling legal
and policy environments and rights-based responses in the context
of the Global Fund's New Funding Mechanism, the Global Fund
Strategy 2012-2016
 4. Programming tools and resources for strengthening enabling
legal and policy environments for the three diseases
 provides links to resources, tools, guidelines and case studies* that
support human rights programming activities related to enabling
legal and policy environments, including law reform, law
enforcement, human rights-based approaches to key populations
and gender equality and women's empowerment.
2013 Analytics
2013 Analytics: Countries