sample quality control manual template

For: Current Certified Third Party
Developed By: Florida Department of
Community affairs
Date: January 14, 2011
Participants will be able to…
 Better understand the purpose of a quality
control manual
 Better understand the minimum requirements
regarding the content of a quality control
manual, as described in 9B-1.006, 9B-1.009,
9B-1.016, 9B-1.017, 9B-1.019, 9B-1.023
Must submit to DCA
◦ Initial certification
◦ Re-certification (updated triennially)
Must be posted on BCIS
Must be kept on file at all physical locations
Must contain certain required categories of
information, as described in 9B-1.006 (3)
Give description of categories of information,
as listed in 9B-1.006, 9B-1009, 9B-1.016,
9B-1.017, 9B-1.019, 9B-1.023
Ensure understanding that third party QC
manual different document than
manufacturer QC manual
Format of manual is at the discretion of the
individual third party agency
Introduction to the agency and other
organizational elements
Outline of internal quality control plan and
personnel in charge of quality control
Description of agency’s processes used for
plans review and inspections
Organizational chart showing relationships
between administration, operations, and
quality control responsibilities (include
Personal resumes for architects, engineers,
plan reviewers, inspectors, supervisors
Listing of training programs for required ce,
code compliance, plan reviews, inspections,
department requirements, etc.
Procedure for control of insignias
Procedure for maintenance of approved plans
and other public records
Procedure for investigating complaints
Name, corporate address, phone, email of agency
Type of organization (corporation, partnership,
LLC, other)
Identity of Officers, Partners, Directors, Etc.
Names (and license types/numbers) of all
employees who review plans/inspect in Fla.
Procedure for verification of current Fla. Specific
Proof of general liability insurance (minimum of
Proof of liability insurance/worker’s comp. by
Statement of independence regarding
affiliations with dealers/manufacturers
Brief history of agency – To include:
◦ Number of years of existence
◦ Description of types of services offered (e.g., plan
reviews, inspections, etc.)
◦ Who provides what service
◦ Statement of affirmation of compliance with 9B-1, F.A.C.,
to include statement that they (agency) represent DCA’s
interests when working within the Manufactured Building
Description of agency quality control plan or
Administrative procedure for revision of
quality control process and quality control
manual (How---is checklist used?)
Procedure for retaining records of plans,
travelers, inspection reports, insignias used,
Resumes of personnel responsible for quality
control, including QC Manager showing
education and experience
Organizational chart depicting relationships
between administration, operations, and
quality control responsibilities
Names of inspectors and plan reviewers with
corresponding titles, license numbers,
employee status (permanent/ contracted)
Plans Review Process
Description/steps of intake process
Date received documented
Agency number issued upon receipt of plan
Describe plan review process/steps ( is checklist
 Is checklist available upon request
 Occupancy type notation
 Does it contain Chapter 106 minimum plan review
 Product approval notations
◦ How is documentation added to the job folder
Plans Review Process (Continued)
◦ Approval stamp form should contain at a minimum…
Agency name
Plans reviewer name/license number
Occupancy type
Agency number
Manufacturer name
◦ How are approved plans submitted to DCA
◦ Describe process/steps of how non-compliant plans are
handled (to include how changes are handled)
◦ Describe process/steps used when plan approvals expire
due to FBC code changes
◦ Describe process/steps as to how recertified plans are
◦ Describe process/steps for plans storage
Inspection process/steps
What constitutes plant quality control (process and/or manual)
Describe process/steps
Is their an agency specific form
Inspector’s name, license number, signature
Manufacturer’s name
Quality control deficiencies corrections section
Code deficiencies corrections noted section
Reinspections section
Type of inspections noted
Log of past code violations noted
How/who submits inspection reports to DCA
Describe procedure for inspection report storage
Describe procedure for FBC code updates (e.g., who and
Process/Steps for Insignia Handling/Control
◦ Procedure for insignia receipt from DCA
 Name(s) of employee responsible for insignia
◦ Procedure for Insignia storage
◦ Procedure for Insignia disposition/release to man.
◦ Procedure for posting/affixing insignias (to include
who posts---inspector, QC person, other)
◦ Procedure for returning insignias to DCA
◦ Procedure for removal of insignias due to
Personnel resumes must be included for
architects, engineers, plan reviewers,
inspectors, and their supervisors…to include:
◦ Applicable education/experience
◦ License number
List/describe training/learning opportunities
for continuing education
◦ Courses/seminars/workshops (should be approved)
◦ Discussions (regarding code compliance,
inspecting, plans review, DCA rules/requirements
or procedures, etc.)
◦ In-house/on the job training
Description of procedure used to investigate
code violation complaints, after agency approval
of plans or inspections
Investigation of complaint report should include:
(if applicable)
The parties involved
Description of grievance
Important dates and transactions
What is being affected
Documentation of code violations/plan deviations by a
licensed contractor, architect, engineer, or building
◦ What relief is sought