How to grow pineapple

Step 1: Buy a mature fresh pineapple.
Step 2: Twist off the top.
Now you have a fruit to eat and a plant to start.
Step 3: Let the stalk dry out for a few days.
Step 4: Remove about twenty leaves to expose the
Step 5: Plant the top in a small pot with well-drained
soil, avoid direct sunlight; water sparingly.
Step 6: When new growth appears, repot the plant in
a 1 gallon container with regular soil; water more.
Step 7: The plant will need 6 hours of direct sunlight.
After a year repot it in a 5 gallon container.
Next year an inflorescence will form. Pollination is not
necessary for a fruit to develop.
The inflorescence forms a multiple fruit that takes
about 5 months to ripen.
This pineapple is ripe for picking.
After the fruit is
removed, an offshoot
will form from the
original plant. This
offshoot will grow and
produce the next
pineapple in 2-3 years.