
Sarvathra Govinda
Nama Sankeertana
Govinda Hari Govinda
At every place, always, we
love to sing Your Divine name
O Lord Hari Govinda! You
remove our agonies and
bestow bliss
Govinda Hari Govinda
Hey Sai Natha
We love to recite Your Divine
Name with joy and devotion
as It is the bridge that
connects us with our Loving
Lord Sainatha
Purana Purusha
Govinda Punya Sloka
Lord Govinda, You are the
Eternal Primal Person who
existed before everything;
Your sacred name bestows
good merits and
Krishna Rama
Govinda Hey Rama
Krishna Govinda
O Lord, we love to sing Your
Divine names as Rama,
Krishna and Govinda
Bhakta Vatsala
Govinda Hey
Bhagavatha Priya
O Lord Govinda, You are so
affectionate towards Your
faithful devotees; You love
devotees who are attached to
You and who seek Your
Rama Krishna
Govinda Hey Sai
Rama Govinda
Repetition of Your Divine
Name ‘Sai Rama Govinda’
fills our hearts with love and
Govinda (7)
O Lord Govinda, we chant
Your sacred name
Govinda Hari Govinda
Hey Sai Natha
O Hari Govinda, You are none
other than our Lord Sainatha;
O Lord of the entire Universe,
please help us to cultivate
undivided love towards You
Govinda Harey
Govinda Govinda Sai
O Lord of most auspicious
renown, we honour, worship
and sing Your glory; singing
Your praises cleanses us of
our impurities at once