
1. 시각, 요일, 년, 월일을 나타내는 전치사
1) at - 짧은 한 순간을 나타낸다. ( 시간/시점 )
2) in - 비교적 긴 시간을 나타낼 때 쓴다.
( 주/월/계절/년 )
3) on - 꼭 정확히 정해진 때를 나타낸다.
( 날짜/요일/특정한 날의 오전·오후 )
1) at - 짧은 한 순간을 나타낸다. ( 시간/시점 )
I have home at seven.
We usually have lunch at noon.
2) in - 비교적 긴 시간을 나타낼 때 쓴다. ( 주/월/계절/년 )
Christmas comes in December.
It snows in winter.
Columbus discovered America in 1492.
3) on - 꼭 정확히 정해진 때를 나타낸다.
( 날짜/요일/특정한 날의 오전·오후 )
I was born on March 5th.
We don't work on Sunday.
They arrived on the morning in January 1st.
참고 I will see her on Monday evening (○)
I will see her in Monday evening (X)
in the evening ( 저녁에 )
on the evening of May 1st
2. 기간을 나타내는 전치사
1) for 동안/ 몇 시간, 며칠 등처럼 숫자로
함께 쓰이는 명사 앞에서 쓰인다.
We have lived in Seoul for ten years.
2) during 동안/ 어떤 일이 계속 되고 있는 특정한 기간
I stayed there during the summer.
3) through ~동안, 줄곧/ 처음부터 끝까지
Tim studied math through the night.
4) over ~하는 사이/ 동안
시간 표시 부사와 함께 짧은 특정의 시간
I have worked hard over the past few years.
3. 앞 뒤를 나타내는 전치사
1) before 전에
Wash your hands before dinner.
2) after 후에
He came back after a few hours.
4. ~ 부터를 나타내는 전치사
1) from ~부터/ ~까지 그러한지를 나타낸다.
He works from Monday to Friday.
2) since ~이래/ 과거부터 현재까지
계속 그렇다는 것을 나타낸다.
I have been sick since yesterday.
3) by ~까지에는/ 어떤 동작이나 행위가
언제까지 끝난다는 것을 나타낸다.
I will finish my homework by two o’clock.
4) till/ until ~까지/ 어떤 동작이나 상태가 줄곧 진행되어
언제까지 계속 된다는 것을 나타낸다.
I will wait him here until 8.
5) in ~지나서, ~안에/ 시간이 얼마만큼 흘렀다는 것을
He will come back in an hour.
6) within ~이내에/ 어떤 시간 안에 일이 이루어 진다는
것을 나타낸다.
I must finish the work within ten minutes.
* in은 현재를 기준으로 해서 어떤 시간이 지나면의 뜻이고,
within은 ~의 시간안에의 뜻이다.
in two hours 지금부터 2시간이 지나면
within two hours 2시간 이내에
 There are no classes until Monday.
월요일이 되기 전까지 수업이 없다.
 There are no classes by Monday.
월요일에는 수업이 없다.
The congestion in the city gets worse in the night.
밤중에; 시간개념
Do you always eat this late at night?
밤에; 밤이라는 환경 분위기
Being a light sleeper, I wake up very often during the night.
밤사이; overnight
In a moment 순식간에
She’ll be here in a moment.
At the moment 지금
He is not here at the moment.
 토요일이나 일요일 한번
 I’ll go home on the weekend.(미)
 I’ll go home at the weekend. (영)
 I’ll go home for the weekend. (준비)
 I’ll go home over the weekend. (토 일)
 I’ll go home during the weekend. (토일)
 Would you like to have supper with us at the weekend?
 I like to go cycling at weekends.
 Do you go hiking in the mountains on the weekend?
 Do you like mountain hiking?
 What are you doing on the weekend?
 I must work on the weekend.
 She has gone to see her sister this weekend.
 Did you go anywhere over the weekend?
 Snap
(옷을) 똑딱단추(로 잠그다)
 Arthritis 관절염
(재빨리・거칠게) 떼어[뜯어] 내다
 I ripped my jeans on the fence.
 The flags had been ripped in two.
 She ripped the letter open.
 Rip
 Oh, shoot 오! 이런 빌어먹을, 제기랄
 Oh shoot! I’ve forgotten my book.
1. I think you'd better not study so late _______ night.
2. _______ a dewy morning the leaves of the grass are all fresh.
3. Beginning February 14, we will start our work day _______
9 a.m., one hour earlier than usual.
4. What kind of topics would you like to see discussed at
these meetings _______ the future?
5. I regret to inform you that we are unable to offer you
employment _______ present.
6. In one day it's foggy and rainy _______ the morning, and
sunny ______ the afternoon.
7. I'll see him ________ the evening.
8. Mr. Lewis needs to know as soon as possible whether you
will be arriving in Philadelphia early ______ the morning or
later ______ the afternoon.
9. I have an appointment to see the doctor _______ Thursday
10. The barometer will be on the rise as the clouds roll ______
tomorrow evening.
I now regret saying what I said.
We regret to inform you that we're unable to offer you
the job.
I distinctly remember locking the door. [과거의 일]
Please remember to mail the letter. [미래의 일]
Mozart was born _______ Salzburg 1756.
2. "Have you seen Kate recently?" "Yes, I saw her
3. The price of electricity is going up ______October.
4. I've been invited to a wedding ______February 14th.
5. Hurry up! We've got to go______ five minutes.
6. I'm busy now, but I'll be with you _____ a moment.
7. Jenny's brother is an engineer, but he's out of work
____the moment .
8. There are usually a lot of parties ______New Year's Eve.
9. I hope the weather will be nice _______the weekend.
10. ______Saturday night I went to bed 11:00.
11. I don't like driving ______night.
12. We traveled overnight to Paris and arrived _____5:00
____the morning.
13. The course begins ____January 7th and ends sometime
14. It was quite a short book and easy to read. I read it _____a
15. I might not be at home ______Tuesday morning, but I'll be
there _____ the afternoon.
 may have p․p : 과거에 대한 추측 ~했을지도 모른다.
They may not haven't arrived yet.
= Perhaps they haven't arrived yet.
 must have p․p : 과거에 대한 강한 추측을 표현
「~했음에 틀림없다.」
He must have finished his homework.
 should have p․p 「~ 어야 했는데(하지 않았다.)」:
과거의 일에 대한 강한 후회나 유감
They should have been here an hour ago.(=But they weren't)
= They ought to have been here an hour ago.
 cannot have pp 「~했을 리가 없다」:
과거 사실에 대한 강한 부정적인 추측
You can't have seen him. he was here at the time.
= It's impossible that you saw him.
 in half an hour는 '(최소한) 30분 후에'라는 뜻
 within half an hour는 '(최대한) 30분 안에'라는 뜻
 He came in a few days
 He came within a few days
 in과 after의 차이
He announced retirement ----more than twenty years
of managing the sales department.
a. within
b. in
c. after
I’ll be back in an hour.
He came back after an hour.
d. along
 within 과 before 의 차이
Compared with those of other firms in the area , our
rates are very reasonable as long as they are paid ----agreed upon date.
a. above
b. throughout
c. within
d. before
within 다음에는 기간이나 장소가 오고
within two hours(2시간 이내에) 범위
그러나 within agreed upon date 에서 분명 뒤는 동의
된 날짜라는 시점이온다
before은 ~보다 빨리, 앞서서 라는 의미로 뜻
Call me before six o’clock. 시점
 From는 과거 현재 미래의 어느 때에 대해서 쓰인다.
단순히 어떤 동작의 출발점을 보일 때 계속을 나타내
지 않으며, 흔히 기간을 나타내는 어구와 함께 쓰인다.
We ‘re open from 9 to 5 from Monday to Friday.
I have known him from a child. 상태의 계속
 Since는 앞의 일이 진행된 시작점
현재완료와 주로 사용
I have lived in Seoul since my birth.