The Vikings - Glencullen School

By Conor Goodrich
The Vikings came from Norway, Sweden and
Denmark , also known as Scandinavia.
Their land was not fertile. It was rocky. They
found it hard to grow crops.
They travelled to Great Britain where they
discovered better land and lots of treasures.
The climate was much warmer than where they
came from, they preferred it and wanted to
settle there.
 The Viking age was from AD 700 to 1100.
 During this period many Vikings travelled to other
countries, such as Britain and Ireland.
 Some went to fight and steal treasure.
 Others settled in these new lands as farmers, craftsmen
or traders.
The Vikings used long
ships to raid and steal
from other lands.
The Long ships were
powered by sails or by
rowing with oars.
The Viking long ships were made from different woods and were very effective
at skimming across the surface of the waves. They used their boats for
transporting cargo, trading and for exploring. The Vikings even travelled to
America, they were the first Europeans there. They called America Vineland,
because grapes grew there.
The Vikings believed there were
many different gods that lived in
a place called Asgard.
Odin or Woden was the
god of war. He rode an
eight legged horse.
Loki was half god
and half fire spirit.
He played tricks to
cause trouble.
Thor was the god of
thunder. He had a
quick temper but was
good hearted.
Viking weapons were heavy and
strong. The blacksmith would
make these as well as jewellery. The
metal would be heated up and
then banged into shape. To make a
weapon stronger, it would be
plunged into cold water.
Vikings were skilled craftsmen making objects from stone, wood and metal. The
blacksmiths were very well respected. Some jewellery was made especially to be
buried with someone who had died. Some was made for rich people as it was the
safest way to keep their wealth. Gold pendants were made to wear around the
neck, some were thought to be magical charms.
Viking children did not go to school so instead, lessons came in the form of Sagas
or long stories. They described the adventures of great Viking warriors or gods.
The Sagas were an important way to teach History, Geography and navigation.
The Vikings often decorated buildings with pictures from famous sagas.
The Viking alphabet was called the Futhark. The letters or runes were carved into
wood or stone. The runes are made of straight lines so it is easier to carve them.
 Most Vikings were farmers, living with their families
and growing and making all the things they needed for
their daily lives.
 Food was stored in wooden barrels and boxes. The
Vikings also used wood for plates and spoons.
 The Vikings would build a longhouse for the family
and barns for the animals.
 Vikings also built Smithys, which were places for them
to make and mend iron tools and utensils.
 Viking homes were made of timber planks and woven
branches, with turf or thatched roofs.
 In the middle of the room was an open fire set in along
hearth. This gave the Vikings heat and light.
 The Vikings came from the three countries of
Scandinavia: Denmark, Norway and Sweden.
 The name 'Viking' comes from a language called 'Old
Norse' and means 'a pirate raid'.
 People who went off raiding in ships were said to be
'going Viking'.
 Around 500 years before Christopher Columbus
‘discovered’ the American continent, Vikings had
visited its shores.
 The Vikings called themselves Ostmen.
 The largest Viking graves were found
at Islandbridge and Kilmainham, Dublin.
 They were uncovered between 1846 and 1934.
 The Vikings raided all around the Irish coast.
 The Vikings took tradable goods, livestock, and people
to sell as slaves.
 The Vikings ate two main meals a day, one of which
usually consisted of some kind of meal or porridge.
 The main everyday food was the big kettle of stew
containing whatever vegetables and meat were
 With no fridges or freezers Viking families had to take
special measures to stop their food going bad. Like
rubbing meat and fish in salt.
 Pan flutes: made from cow's horns,
bones of sheep and other animals.
 Horn pipes: similar to a bagpipe
without the bag.
 Rebec: a violinish looking
 Harp: used most during the
Viking era.
 Lur: a piece of wood parted,
carved out, then joined together
 Where did the Vikings come from?
 What does Viking mean?
 When did the Viking age begin?
 How many meals did Vikings eat a day?
 What did Vikings mostly make stuff from?
 What was Oden God of?
 What did the Vikings call themselves?
 What is a pan flute made from?
 What is a Rebec?