Managing Matters, Time, & Expenses in PCLaw

2010 Practice Management
Annual Conference
Workflow Essentials:
Managing Matters, Time, &
Expenses in PCLaw®
Presented by:
Patty Davidson
2010 Practice Management
Annual Conference
About the Presenter
Patty Davidson has been working with law offices for the past seventeen years. Her
affiliation with the legal community started when she accepted the position of Executive
Director of the metro bar association in Las Vegas, Nevada. She worked closely with
lawyers and law firms for eight years in that capacity. During that time, it became
apparent to her that law firms. Like many businesses, were very good at their
profession, but not always as good as managing the day to day administrative work.
Ms. Davidson is certified in Lexis Nexis® Time Matters®, Billing Matters®, Total
Practice Advantage™, and PCLaw®.
Attorney Services and Planning LLC is now one of the founding businesses in the
National Company Lawtopia LLC. Lawtopia was formed to provide a network of
certified consultants to support programs and services used by Law Firms. Support
and service can include assistance in software selection, implementation, and training
for Practice Management, Document Management, Billing and Bookkeeping programs.
Contact Information or 702-878-6191
2010 Practice Management
Annual Conference
• Preset PCLaw® options and defaults to create the most efficient
data entry environment
• Enter and track time, fees and Expenses using various windows and
components in PCLaw®
• Identify various ways to correct the different entry types
• Note: This presentation uses Version 10 PCLaw Program and
Version 8 Quick Step within the program for the screen shots
2010 Practice Management
Annual Conference
Additional Training Opportunities
• For additional training opportunities, visit LexisNexis® University,
where you may learn more about eLearning, eConsulting,
Classroom, Anytime, and Just in Time Training class offerings.
• Also available are an extensive network of LexisNexis® Certified
Independent Consultants (CICs) who offer on-site training,
installation, and maintenance of Practice Management software
2010 Practice Management
Annual Conference
Preset PCLaw® options and defaults to
create the most efficient data entry
2010 Practice Management
Annual Conference
PCLaw® Options>System
Settings>Other Tab “Quoted Amounts”
Use this setting to monitor
ongoing work. Once you
reach the quoted amount
the system will give a
warning when entering
2010 Practice Management
Annual Conference
PCLaw® Options>System Settings>Other Tab “Show
Vendors and Client – Pop Up Help”
Checking the selection under Other
Options>Show Vendors in Paid to
Pop Up Help gives you access to
the Vendor list when entering costs
through Expense Recovery
2010 Practice Management
Annual Conference
The Effects of “Show Vendors
in Paid to Pop Up Help”
When selected, you will have access to the vendor list when entering the
expense you want to bill to the Matter. This also enables you to enter a cost
before receiving the statement from the Vendor and then add it to the Payable
once the statement is received. This way, you can bill the client when the cost
is incurred not when you receive the bill.
Not Selected
2010 Practice Management
Annual Conference
The Effects of “Show Clients
in Rcvd From Pop Up Help”
Not Selected
2010 Practice Management
Annual Conference
PCLaw® Options>System
Settings>Data Entry Tab
“Allow Charges to be Held”
“Allow Charges to be Held” gives
options to categorize time, fee or
expense entries as they are
recorded. When billing, the
program will follow the rule set at
the time the entry was recorded
for each entry
2010 Practice Management
Annual Conference
The Effects of “Allow
Charges to be Held”
1. No Hold – Bill as
2. Hold – Don’t bill until
we take off Hold
3. Show Desc only –
The description will
show but it is treated
as a No Charge
4. Add to Total only –
Only the amount will
be added to the total
no description will
5. Never Bill – Will
never be billed
2010 Practice Management
Annual Conference
PCLaw® Options>System
Settings>Data Entry Tab “Use
Quantity x Rates Entries”
By selecting Use
Quantity x Rates Entries,
preset amounts can be
attached to explanation
codes so when entering
expenses you only have
to put in the number of
items and the program
calculates the amount
2010 Practice Management
Annual Conference
1. Access the
Explanation Code List
2. Select or Add a Code
How “Use Quantity x Rates Entries”
effects the Explanation Codes in the list
Not Selected
2010 Practice Management
Annual Conference
How “Use Quantity x
Rates Entries” is used
when entering client
costs for billing
As you choose the Expl.
Code and tab you will see the
Quantity Calculation box.
Enter the Quantity and the
amount is calculated based
on the amount set up in the
code list
If Quantity x Rate in Explanation
is checked the calculation will
appear in the Explanation field
2010 Practice Management
Annual Conference
PCLaw® Options>System
Settings>Matter Tab “Default Entries”
Less typing, less mouse
clicks and standardization
makes setting default
entries appealing. If the
majority of your cases are
from a certain area you can
prefill the address fields.
The same goes for task
codes and billing rate
2010 Practice Management
Annual Conference
New Matter Client Address
Where Matter Default Entries
will be seen
New Matter Default Rate
Automatically fills in Task on Timesheet
2010 Practice Management
Annual Conference
PCLaw® Options>Workstation Settings
“Close Data Entry Windows on OK”
If you enter the same
type of entries in
multiples you will find it
useful to uncheck this
2010 Practice Management
Annual Conference
PCLaw® Options>Workstation Settings
“Auto Fill for Matter and Client” and “Auto
Fill Matter from Description”
2010 Practice Management
Annual Conference
How “Auto Fill for Matter and Client” and
“Auto Fill Matter from Description” work
If both options are checked, on any data entry screen where a Matter
can be selected, as you type the 1st two characters the program will
attempt to find the Matter. If you type the 1st two characters of the
nickname the number will prefill. If you type the 1st two characters of the
Description you will have a list appear from which you can choose the
2010 Practice Management
Annual Conference
PCLaw® Options>Workstation Settings
“Expansion of Explanation Codes”
2010 Practice Management
Annual Conference
PCLaw® Options>Workstation Settings
“Default Assigned Lawyer on Time Sheets”
Prefills the Lwyr field in the Time
Sheet with the Assigned Lawyer
for the Matter
2010 Practice Management
Annual Conference
PCLaw® Options>Workstation Settings “Default
to selected timekeeper on Time Sheets”
This selection is especially
useful if you are entering time
for a certain individual. Or if you
enter everyone’s time you can
open the settings and change
the Default as you change the
person for whom you are
entering time. Less typing, less
mouse clicks
2010 Practice Management
Annual Conference
PCLaw® Options>Workstation Settings “Carry
Matter Nickname Forward on Time Sheet”
If the option is checked as
you tab through the Time
Sheet the Matter number will
carry forward. If not selected
as you tab through the
Matter box will be empty on
the next line
2010 Practice Management
Annual Conference
Must be checked to
use the Quick Step
PCLaw® Quick Step
The menu of activities can be changed
Categories on the Quick Step menu
depend on the Version you choose
2010 Practice Management
Annual Conference
Version 10
PCLaw® Quick Step
The difference in the
activity menu
Version 8
2010 Practice Management
Annual Conference
PCLaw® Quick Step
More Customization
2010 Practice Management
Annual Conference
PCLaw® Lists>
Matter Bill Settings
Matter Bill Settings can be
used to apply preset Bill
Settings by using a template.
It can be applied when setting
up a new Matter or after the
Matter has been set up by
accessing it in the Matter
2010 Practice Management
Annual Conference
PCLaw® Lists>Matter Bill
Settings – Adding
For example; a
template for task
based billing could
be created with the
selections needed to
require time in a
Matter be entered
using tasks so it can
be ebilled
2010 Practice Management
Annual Conference
PCLaw® Lists>Matter Bill
Settings – Applying
2010 Practice Management
Annual Conference
PCLaw® Lists>Rate
You can change the name
or description of the rate
category to better suit your
firm’s needs (eg year,
client, type)
The description will make it easier
to choose the correct rate category
for your new Matters
2010 Practice Management
Annual Conference
Enter and track time, fees and
expenses using various windows and
components in PCLaw®
2010 Practice Management
Annual Conference
PCLaw® Time Sheet
Several ways to access the Time Sheet
Each line on the Time
Sheet will post separately
meaning they can be the
same dates, Matters or
completely different from
each other. The timer on
the left can be activated
and stopped by clicking
on the “clock” icon.
2010 Practice Management
Annual Conference
PCLaw® Fee Sheet
Several ways to access the Fee Sheet
The Fee Sheet can be used
to record flat fee work. Note:
this is not to be confused with
court fees or other client cost
fees. Fees entered here are
for work done by the
attorneys or staff
2010 Practice Management
Annual Conference
PCLaw® Fee Sheet – Using Tasks
to Record Flat Fee Amounts
You can attach an
amount to Task
Codes and the
amount will record in
the Fee Sheet when
you select that Task
2010 Practice Management
Annual Conference
Several ways to access Quick Timer
Quick Timer can also be
placed as an icon on your
desktop. You can have
several Quick Timers going at
once. “Save” will post the
entry. “Delay Post” will put it
in the Time Sheet
PCLaw® Quick Timer
2010 Practice Management
Annual Conference
Several ways to access Quick Charge
PCLaw® Quick Charge
2010 Practice Management
Annual Conference
Access the Calendar and open the entry
PCLaw® Time Entries
from Appointments on
the Calendar
From the Change
Appointment window
you can Post Time.
The Time Sheet
entry will inherit any
of the common field
information from the
appointment such as
Action will become
2010 Practice Management
Annual Conference
You can filter to see only the To
Do’s and select from that list
Once you open the To Do you can
post time from the Change To Do
PCLaw® Time Entries from
To Do’s on the Calendar
2010 Practice Management
Annual Conference
PCLaw® Time Entries from
the Appointment Register
Accessing the Register
The Appointment
Register can be used
to bring multiple
appointments into one
screen using filters to
narrow what you want
to review
2010 Practice Management
Annual Conference
PCLaw® Recording Time Entries
from the Appointment Register
The register can be
filtered for
information using the
fields across the top
and by opening the
“Filters” Advanced
Selection” window.
Highlight your
selection and you
can Post Time using
the button at the
bottom of the register
2010 Practice Management
Annual Conference
PCLaw® Time Entries from the
Phone Call Manager
Accessing the Phone Call Manager
Phone calls that are
recorded to and from
clients can be
accessed through the
Phone Call Manager
2010 Practice Management
Annual Conference
PCLaw® Filtering Entries in the
Phone Call Manager
Use the filters in the
Manager to locate
the entries you will
want to review
2010 Practice Management
Annual Conference
PCLaw® Time Entries from the
Phone Call Manager
Open the Phone
Call and from the
Change Phone
Call window you
can now post
your Time Entry
2010 Practice Management
Annual Conference
Accessing Check data entry window
PCLaw® Client
Cost/Expense Entries
from Check Writing
All debits from the bank account, checks,
online payment with ATM card, bank
debits, that you will bill to the client can
be recorded at the time of recording the
bank transaction in the General Check
window. These expenses are considered
“Hard Costs” in PCLaw®
Note: “General” will refer to a General
Operating Bank Account. If you see
“General” in the description, you are
not looking at a Trust Account
2010 Practice Management
Annual Conference
Several ways to access Expense Recovery
PCLaw® Client Cost/Expense
Entries from Expense Recovery
1. In house costs such as photocopies
can be billed to recover some
2. Costs that you will be billed for later
such as outside Delivery can be
billed in advance
3. Costs that were already paid but
you now decide to bill the client can
be added
Just a few ways for Expense Recovery
Depending on how your
firm tracks expenses the
recovery window can be
used in several ways.
These costs are
considered “Soft Costs” in
2010 Practice Management
Annual Conference
PCLaw® Client Cost/Expense
Entries from Accounts Payable
Several ways to access Accounts Payable
Accounts Payable entry allows you to
enter costs for billing even if you don’t
pay the bill right away. You can enter
the charges from your Vendor’s
statement and assign them to different
Matters as you record the entries
2010 Practice Management
Annual Conference
Identify various ways to correct the
different entry types
2010 Practice Management
Annual Conference
Open the Calendar and
select the “Time” tab
PCLaw® Time Tab on the Calendar
Filter for the timekeeper you want to view. The total
amount of time appears on the Day. Red would mean
daily goals had been set and they had not been met.
Double click on the total number of hours and you will
access the “Correct Time Entry” screen where you can
make your adjustments.
2010 Practice Management
Annual Conference
PCLaw® Pre-Bills run to
Screen for Corrections
Several ways to access Pre-Bills
Run the Pre-Bill(s) to Screen
2010 Practice Management
Annual Conference
PCLaw® Pre-Bills – Drilling Down
1. Pre-Bill Run
to Screen
3. Refresh the
Report (Pre-Bill)
and you will see
the change
2. Correct the Entry
2010 Practice Management
Annual Conference
PCLaw® Time Register
Several ways to access the Time Register
Use the Time Register to
view multiple entries based
on the criteria you choose to
use in your filters
2010 Practice Management
Annual Conference
PCLaw® Corrections from Time Register
Selection criteria can be
added to the fields
across the top of the
Register screen.
Additional filters can be
added by accessing the
“Filters” Advanced
Selection window
Open the entry you
want to view or change.
The entry will open in
the “Correct Time Entry”
screen. You can make
your changes on that
2010 Practice Management
Annual Conference
PCLaw® Time Entries in
the Matter Manager
Open the Matter
Manager and select
the “Time” tab.
Highlight and select
the “Change” button
or double click on
the entry. The entry
will open in the
“Correct Time Entry”
screen and you can
change it there
2010 Practice Management
Annual Conference
Opening Bill Flow Manager
PCLaw® Bill Flow Manager
Once you have created your Bill Flow you can
access the individual entries by highlighting the PreBill in the top window and selecting the Time or
Expense Tab in the bottom window. You can then
open the entry to make the changes in the data
entry area where they were created.
2010 Practice Management
Annual Conference
PCLaw® Expense Recovery
Register with Filters
2010 Practice Management
Annual Conference
PCLaw® Accounts Payable
Register with Filters
2010 Practice Management
Annual Conference
PCLaw® Check (General)
Register with Filters
2010 Practice Management
Annual Conference
PCLaw® correction of Time
Entries through Reports
Various Reports can be used for
correcting Time Entries. As you
review the list you will be looking
for those reports that can contain
unbilled time entries. You can
use the filters to narrow the
amount of information you want
on your report. You can filter by
Matter, Client, Responsible
Lawyer, Working Lawyer, Date
Range etc.
In this example we use the
“Work-in-Progress” Client report
2010 Practice Management
Annual Conference
PCLaw® correction of Time Entries
Drilling Down in Reports
1. Report has been run
to Screen. Entry is
opened by double
2. Change is
made on the data
entry screen
3. Report is Refreshed and
the change can be seen