Unit 5-Section A

Unit Five
New Horizon English Course
Section A
Rocketing to Stardom
Unit Five
Warming Up
Reading Through
Text A
Main Idea & Structure
Words & Expressions
Unit Five
Warming up
Activity I
Background Information
Activity II
Spot Dictation
Unit Five
National Basketball Association
Unit Five
NBA Draft
• NBA draft refers to a procedure
that started in 1947 whereby new
or existing sports players are made
reselection by the teams in a
league, usually with the earlier
choices being given to the weaker
teams during the annual selection
process. No. 1 draft pick means the
first player selected by a sports
Unit Five
Houston Rockets
This team, from
Houston, Texas,
is one of the NBA’s 30
basketball teams. Houston is the city where
the NASA Mission Control Center is located,
and hence the name of “Rockets” for the
team. It belongs to the Western Conference.
Yao Ming has been playing basketball in this
team since 2002.
Spot Dictation
Unit Five
Directions: The following paragraph is taken from Text A. Listen
carefully and fill in the blanks without referring to the original text.
Every year when the NBA season
______ ends, Yao _____
back to his homeland, where he plays for the Chinese
National Team. This mixing of cultures is typical
______ for Yao.
Sport is a universal language and Yao has often been the
translator bringing two very different countries together,
the close ____ between
two peoples.
Unit Five
Unit Five
Text A
Rocketing to Stardom
Today, the world’s best-known basketball player, Yao
Ming, is a busy guy on and off the court.
There are times
when all Yao Ming wants to do on his time off is sleep. The
National Basketball Association’s No. 1 draft pick for 2002 has
now rocketed to stardom and led a busy life in America,
playing center for NBA’s Houston Rockets and spending some
80 nights a year on the road with his teammates.
Text A Para. 1
Unit Five
Every year when the NBA season ends, Yao
heads back to his homeland, where he plays for the
Chinese National Team.
This mixing of cultures is
typical for Yao. Sport is a universal language and Yao
has often been the translator, bringing two very
different countries together, and developing the close
ties between two peoples.
Text A Para. 2
Unit Five
When he was a child, Yao even dreamed of looking
forward to playing with the best in the world. Now
his skills have allowed that dream to come true. He
moves fast and shoots very well.
That’s a rare thing
in a player so tall.
Text A Para. 3
Unit Five
The 7-foot-5 star is now no longer a shy boy when he is in
front of cameras and surrounded by reporters. Though at first
he was a bit surprised by American culture, language, and food,
he has now got used to them and the fast pace of the NBA as
well. His English has also greatly improved though he often uses
the help of his translator. He speaks English all the time with his
teammates. People now are aware that Yao has earned the
respect of those he works with. As Rockets’ strength coach says,
there is something inside of Yao that makes him work harder
and want to do even better.
Text A Para. 4
Unit Five
Yao knows well that communicating with his fans is very
important to him. So he has set up two of his own websites. One
is his official site and the other is his fan club.
“I felt it was really important for me to have the websites
because it is a way for me to reach out to my fans,” Yao explains.
“My goal was to allow fans to talk with me. Even though I have
a busy schedule, I want my fans to feel that they can still reach
out to me when they want to during the season and the offseason.”
Text A Para. 5& Para. 6
Unit Five
Perhaps his right attitude towards the sport and his success in
the United States will advance the development of basketball in
China and encourage other young players to practice harder in
order to realize their own dreams.
Text A Para. 7
Unit Five
There are times when all Yao Ming wants to do on his time
off is sleep.
Meaning: When Yao Ming does not play basketball off
the court, what he wants to do most is sleep.
Meaning of the Sentences
Unit Five
Every year when the NBA season ends, Yao heads back to his
homeland, where he plays for the Chinese National Team.
Meaning: Every year when the NBA basketball playtime
finishes, Yao Ming will return to China and play
for the Chinese National Team.
Meaning of the Sentences
Unit Five
This mixing of cultures is typical for Yao.
Meaning: It is quite usual for Yao to mix American culture
and Chinese culture.
Meaning of the Sentences
Unit Five
That’s a rare thing in a player so tall.
Meaning: It is an unusual quality for such a tall player as Yao.
Meaning of the Sentences
Unit Five
Even though I have a busy schedule, I want my fans to feel
that they can still reach out to me when they want to
during the season and the off-season.
Meaning: Although I have a very full plan for what I should
do every day, I want my fans to feel that they can
still contact me whenever they want to whether
during the season or not.
Meaning of the Sentences
Unit Five
Main Idea
This passage tells you something about a most common
sport, the game of basketball, and especially a famous
Chinese basketball player, Yao Ming. With great effort, Yao
has developed from a shy boy into an international
basketball star. He also accelerates the development of
basketball both in America and in China.
Main Idea & Structure
Unit Five
Part I: Para. 1
Part II: Para. 2-6
Main idea: Yao Ming is busy
on and off the court.
Part III: Para. 7
Main idea: Yao Ming has set
an example for young players.
Main idea: Yao worked hard and rocketed to
Main Idea & Structure
Unit Five
Words & Expressions
Unit Five
Words & Expressions
on one’s time off
dream of/about
come true
set up
reach out to
Unit Five
rocket n. & vi.
n. [C] a tube-shaped object used for traveling into space
e.g. A rocket hit the house, causing a big fire.
vi. move or increase very fast 急速移动,迅速上涨
e.g. The train rocketed through the tunnel.
Interest rates rocketed.
New words
Unit Five
court n.
【1】[C; U] (a part of) an area specially prepared and marked
for various ball games 球场
e.g. Which do you prefer to play tennis on, a grass or a clay
The ball was off court.
【2】[C; U] a room or building in which law cases can be
heard and judged 法院;法庭
e.g. She was prepared to go to court as a witness.
New Words
Unit Five
draft n. & vt.
n. 【1】(singular) the process or method of selecting one or more
individuals from a group 挑选
e.g. The first draft of people for blood donation was completed.
【2】[C] the first rough and incomplete form of something written,
drawn or planned 草稿;草图;草案
e.g. The first draft of the will could not be found.
vt. select; choose 挑选;抽调
e.g. Some students are drafted to conduct the survey.
New Words
Unit Five
typical adj.
【1】showing the usual behavior or manner; characteristic 表现
e.g. It was typical of him to get angry about it.
【2】having the usual features or qualities of a particular thing or
group 典型的;有代表性的
e.g. This painting is fairly typical of his early work.
New Words
Unit Five
shoot v.
kick or throw a ball so as to win a point in a game 射门;投篮
e.g. 1. When he shot, nobody thought he would miss the hoop.
2. Michael turned and shot the ball, making a 3 pointer in
the final second.
New Words
Unit Five
pace n.
【1】(singular) the speed at which something happens or is
done 速度;节奏
e.g. He liked to work at his own pace.
【2】[C] a single step in running or walking, or the distance
moved in one step 一步;步子
e.g. She took a pace backwards in horror.
New Words
Unit Five
aware adj. having knowledge or understanding 意识到的;明白的
e.g. 1. Most smokers are perfectly aware of the dangers of
2. I gradually became aware that there was someone else in
the room.
3. Nowadays everyone is much more environmentally aware.
New Words
Unit Five
schedule n.
【1】[C] a planned list or order of things to be done, dealt with
e.g. 1. I have got a very full schedule today.
2. Our production schedule is so tight that we
may have to take on extra staff.
【2】timetable 时刻表
e.g. The majority of holiday flights depart and
arrive on schedule.
New Words
Unit Five
attitude n.
[C; U] a way of feeling or thinking about sb. or sth. 态度;看法
e.g. 1. Their attitude towards the new policy is to wait and
2. As soon as they found out I was a doctor their whole
attitude changed.
New Words
Unit Five
on one’s time off 在某人不需要工作的时候
e.g. When I am on my time off, I usually go shopping.
What he wants to do on his time off is playing cards.
Unit Five
dream of/about 梦见;梦想
e.g. I dreamed of flying last night.
The young couple always dream of buying a large house of
their own.
Unit Five
come true 成为现实;实现
e.g. His dream of breaking the world record finally came
true. 他打破世界纪录的梦想终于实现了。
Her worry about the failure in the exam came true.
Unit Five
set up 树立;建立; 准备;安排
e.g. The city has set up a special fund for the disabled.
He set up a small travel business.
I’ll get my secretary to set up a working lunch for us.
Unit Five
reach out to 与……联络(联系)
e.g. She told the students her cell phone number, so that
they could reach out to her whenever needed.
The customers can reach out to him by this phone
Here’s my phone number, in case you need to reach
out to me.
Unit Five
Using the Right Word
Working with Expressions
Focusing on Sentence Structure
Using Topic-related Terms
Basic Writing Skills
Unit Five
Choose the best item to complete each of the following
1. Her parents ________
her to cook and even paid her to make
dinner twice a week.
A. discouraged B. encouraged C. couraged D. promised
C in science and technology.
2. The country is experiencing fast ____
A. moving
B. speed
C. development D. making
Using the Right Word
Unit Five
A there was a loud cheer.
3. When his team arrived on _____,
A. court
B. floor
C. place
D. ground
4. The Chinese government has set up Dragon Boat Festival as a(n)
A. long
B. spring C. official D. universal
B that he had made a careless
5. The boy said he was quite _____
A. known B. aware C. knowing D. understanding
6. When the car suddenly stopped, many passengers were pushed
A. around B. back
C. aside
D. forward
Using the Right Word
Unit Five
7. His new book _________
to the top as the bestseller.
A. rocketed B. raised C. stayed D. arrived
8. She doesn’t have the ________
to move that table alone.
A. schedule B. strength C. teammate D. attitude
Using the Right Word
Unit Five
Fill in each of the blanks in the following sentences with a
suitable preposition or adverb.
1. Coaches like those players who have a very positive attitude
towards the sport they are in.
off the court, he plays cards with his teammates
2. When he is _____
on her time
3. There are times when all she wants to do ____
off is go shopping.
4. For over a century every small boy dreamed ___________
becoming a pilot.
Working with Expressions
Unit Five
5. It was so black you could not see a hand _____
in front of your
to new
6. He walked like an old man trying to get used ______
7. People use more than words when they communicate _______
each other.
8. We have to reach _______
to parents and help them to
understand homework, to give them the tools to do the job.
Working with Expressions
Unit Five
A. Rewrite the following sentences after the models, using
the expression “look forward to”.
Model 1:
Yao has said that he hopes to play with the best in the world.
Key: Yao has said that he is looking forward to playing with
the best in the world.
Model 2:
He hopes he can visit her in Beijing.
Key: He is looking forward to visiting her in Beijing.
Focusing on Sentence Structure
Unit Five
1. He says he really wants to have a new bicycle as his birthday
He says he is looking forward to a new bicycle as his
birthday present.
2. Mother is expecting good news from her son.
Mother is looking forward to good news from her son.
3. She hopes she can help the poor in the West after graduation.
She is looking forward to helping the poor in the West
after graduation.
Focusing on Sentence Structure
Unit Five
B. Combine the following pairs of sentences after the model,
using the expression “even though”.
Model 1:
I have a busy schedule.
Yet I still want my fans to feel that they can still reach out
to me when they want to during the season and the off-season.
Even though I have a busy schedule, I want my fans to feel
that they can still reach out to me when they want to during
the season and the off-season.
Focusing on Sentence Structure
Unit Five
1. You have won the first place.
There is still much to learn.
Even though you have won the first place, there is
still much to learn.
2. The man has become rich.
He is still leading a very simple life.
Even though the man has become rich, he is still leading a
very simple life.
3. Peter knew it was dangerous.
Yet he still went on with the experiment.
Peter went on with the experiment even though he knew it
was dangerous.
Focusing on Sentence Structure
Unit Five
A. Translate the following into English.
1. 人们期望看到有更多的优秀球员到国外去打篮球。(look
forward to)
People look forward to seeing more excellent players play
basketball abroad.
2. 球迷们都围着他要签名。 (surround)
The football fans surrounded him and asked for his signature.
Unit Five
3. 她没有足够的力气来推开这扇门。 (strength)
She doesn’t have enough strength to push this door open.
4. 你应该意识到担心是无济于事的,你该做点什么才行。
You should be aware that it is no use worrying; you need
to do something about it.
Unit Five
B. Translate the following into Chinese.
1. There are times when all Yao Ming wants to do on his time off is
2. Sport is a universal language and Yao has often been the
translator, bringing two very different countries together, and
developing the close ties between two peoples.
Unit Five
3. As Rockets’ strength coach says, there is something inside of Yao
that makes him work harder and want to do even better正如火箭队
干得更 好。
4. Perhaps his right attitude towards the sport and his success in the
United States will advance the development of basketball in China
and encourage other young players to practice harder in order to
realize their own dreams.
Unit Five
All of the following words and expressions are related to sports. Read them
closely and then use them to complete the sentences that follow. Make changes
if necessary.
practice coach no longer best-known draft pick fan
improve shooting
no longer beat me as she does not practice as hard as
1. She can __________
she used to.
2. The world’s _____________
basketball player once said, “I love
this game”, which is the advertising slogan of NBA.
Using Topic-related Terms
Unit Five
3. After being a player for fifteen years, he became the head ________ of the basketball
4. I still need to __________
more so that I can run faster.
5. To show their support for the player they love, the _______ are all dressed in the same
sports fans
clothes with the number “7” on them.
6. Who will be the National Basketball Association’s No. 1 _____________ for the
coming year?
draft pick
7. My PE teacher told me that I should _________ the way I pass the ball.
8. He is quick at seizing the rebound (抢篮板球), but his ____________ is very poor.
Using Topic-related Terms
Unit Five
种处理方式可以选用:(a) 分成两个独立的句子;(b) 用分号
连起来;(c) 加合适的连词。例如:
Wrong: Mr. Smith was greatly surprised, he went on in spite of his
obvious mistake.
Mr. Smith was greatly surprised. He went on in spite of his obvious
Mr. Smith was greatly surprised; he went on in spite of his obvious
Mr. Smith was greatly surprised, but he went on in spite of his
obvious mistake.
Basic Writing Skills
Unit Five
None of the following sentences are complete. Add a word
to each sentence to make it complete. Make other
change(s) if necessary.
Model :
Dogs are faithful, cats are unfaithful.
Dogs are faithful, but cats are unfaithful.
OR: Dogs are faithful, while cats are unfaithful.
Basic Writing Skills
Unit Five
1. I don’t think you need a new bike, the old one is OK.
I don’t think you need a new bike because the old one is OK.
2. Some people think women should keep their family names, others
think they shouldn’t.
Some people think women should keep their family names, while
others think they shouldn’t.
3. My parents wanted me to be successful in life, they gave me a
strong name.
My parents wanted me to be successful in life, so they gave me a
strong name.
4. We listened to the report, we had a discussion on it.
After we listened to the report, we had a discussion on it.
Basic Writing Skills
Unit Five
5. You know the rules of grammar, you’ll be able to write correctly.
When you know the rules of grammar, you’ll be able to write
6. It must have rained last night, the ground is wet.
It must have rained last night because the ground is wet.
7. He works as hard as others, he is in poor health.
He works as hard as others, though he is in poor health.
8. Girls play in small groups or in pairs, the center of a girl’s life is
her best friend.
Girls play in small groups or in pairs, and the center of a girl’s life is
her best friend.
Basic Writing Skills
Unit Five
Para. 1
Unit Five
Para. 2
Unit Five
Para. 3
Unit Five
Para. 4
Unit Five
Para. 5 & Para. 6
Unit Five
Para. 7