Driver Report

Welcome to Driver’s Alert
Implementation and Online Tutorial
A Premium Safety Service
A Premium Safety Service
Delivery of Your Decals
The decals will arrive via FedEx. If
they do not arrive in 7-10 business
days please call us 800/443-9600.
The box contains the decals, a folder
with the implementation information,
all of the forms needed to keep your
information accurate and current, and
the Decal Information Entry Form.
Fill out this form as you apply the
decals and fax back to Driver’s Alert at
954/421-1707 as soon as it is
completed. Or you can fill out this form
online using the View/Edit Vehicle List
or the Decal Information Report.
This information is vital as it will make
it easier for you to reference the
vehicles involved in the report and
provide our operators with an
additional four points of identification
to validate the call as well.
A Premium Safety Service
Application of Your Decals
Peel away the protective backing of
the decal to reveal the adhesive.
Clean the surface of the vehicle and
leave damp. Apply the decal to the
rear of the vehicle according to the
image below, then squeegee the decal
to remove excess water.
A Premium Safety Service
Decal Information Entry Form
Immediately after application of your decals fax
this form back to Driver’s Alert at 954/421-1707
You can also fill this form out online under the
“Decal Edit” tab and it will be automatically
saved into our database
This information is used to verify and validate
potential calls that come in on your company’s
The information that is requested is:
 License Plate Number
 Vehicle or Unit Number (an exterior vehicle
# not the VIN number)
 Vehicle Color
 Type ( i.e....Pick-up, SUV, Roll-off, Straight
Truck, or a Trailer)
 Comments - The comments section can be
used for any miscellaneous information you
may want to use to reference a vehicle
If this form is not submitted back to Driver’s
Alert within 30 days a reminder email will go out
to all levels of management on the report
transmission list
Decal Information Entry Form
A Premium Safety Service
How the Program Works
1. Concerned Motorist
Calls Driver’s Alert
7. Client can Access
Summary Data
via D.A. Website
2. Detailed, Recorded
Interview with CSR
6. Manager’s
Entered into
D.A. Database
5. Driver Takes IncidentSpecific Online Training
3. Incident
Report, Audio,
Driver Training
Emailed to
4. Supervisor and
Driver Review Incident
A Premium Safety Service
Receiving an Incident Report
Your reports will come via email. The email
will contain two hyper-links and two TIF
files as attachments. These are the
Management Report and the Driver’s
The links in the body of the email are the
best way to access your reports. From the
links you are able to:
View the incident report.
Listen to the audio recording.
Assign online driver training.
Click on the link to the Call Response 3
Form to open it. This will allow you to
type your response directly into our
database. Each report (even
compliments) MUST be responded to
within 5 days.
4 The attachments are always there in the event the
links do not work.
A Premium Safety Service
The Incident Reports
1) The Incident Call Report, otherwise
known as the management report,
provides a detailed accounting of the
event, as well as the name and phone
# of the concerned motorist who
reported the driver. (NEVER GIVE THIS
 You will also be able to listen to the
audio recording via the link to the
online management report.
2) The Driver Report offers specific training
information to the driver regarding the violation
in question, along with the accounting of the
event, minus the caller’s name and phone
number. If your driver would like a copy of the
report this one is for them.
A Premium Safety Service
What to do when you get a report
1) Review the report
Click the link to view and login to listen to the recording.
2) Research to find who the driver is.
Investigate GPS (if applicable), past history, and job performance.
3) Speak to your driver about the report.
You can play the recording for the driver, and let the driver know you will
call and review the report with the caller as well.
When contacting the caller do apologize and express appreciation for
them letting us know about the incident.
4) Respond to the report with the driver’s information and actions taken.
Use the link in the email to respond to the report even compliments!
5) Assign the incident specific “mini” training module attached with the report.
A Premium Safety Service
Responding to an Incident Report
The preferred method of responding to an
Incident Report is using the link in the
body of the email that delivers the
reports. This eliminates handwriting
errors and time spent confirming a fax
Required Fields will have a red * next to
them. They must be completed for the
response to be accepted into the system.
When available ALWAYS choose
drivers name from drop down box.
Next choose your driver’s name from the
drop down box. If the driver’s name is not
in the box, you should choose “driver not
in list”, and type their name into that field.
After you have completed the required
and optional fields click on the SAVE
button and the response is now in our
You will see a green check mark at the top of the
form that will let you know you have completed
the response successfully.
A Premium Safety Service
Delinquent Response Form Alert
•The Delinquent Response Form
Alert is an auto-generated notice
transmitted to all relevant contacts
on the Report Transmission List if
the response (with all required
fields) is not completed within 5
business days of receipt of the
Incident Report.
•The alert will include links that will
open the Incident Report as well
as the Call Response Form.
Tip! To check and see if the report
has been responded to you can click
on the link to Alert Report and view
the report, if the response was
entered you will be able to view it at
the bottom of the report. Even if it
was saved moments before.
A Premium Safety Service
Driver’s Alert Online Driver Training
With each Incident Report we send, we include access to an
online driver training module that is specific to the call
violation (i.e. speeding, weaving, etc).
These interactive modules average about 10 to 15 minutes
in length and are ideal for corrective action on specific
driver safety issues.
See the following slides to
understand how to access and
use the incident associated
training modules.
Contact your account manager
Joe Zingale at 803-781-2806 if
you have any problems with the
training assignments.
A Premium Safety Service
Assigning Incident Related Online Driver Training
 When you want to assign the
online training for an incident
report simply pull up the report
via the link in the email or by
logging onto the website.
Click on the “Online Training” in
the upper right hand corner of the
page under “Report Options”.
You will then be prompted
through the process of assigning
one of the four available incident
specific “mini” training modules.
The next slide will explain the
process. They available in
Spanish and light or large
A Premium Safety Service
Driver’s Training Assignment (Step 1 of 3)
1• Clicking on the Online
Training link in the
incident report will
bring you to this Login
Log in by using the
same user name and
password used to
access the web site.
All location contacts
should have a user
name and password if
not contact Driver’s
Alert customer service
department and we
will give you one.
* You can also access the driver training by logging onto the website,
clicking on any call report and accessing the link for the driver training.
Continue to Step 2
A Premium Safety Service
Driver’s Training Assignment (Step 2 of 3)
In Step 2 choose the course for
your driver to take.
The highlighted course is
recommended for the specific
incident type cited on the Incident
Call Report.
Note: The highlighted course
corresponds with the nature of the
call, but you can choose the one
you want to assign.You will also
have some choices of LIGHT OR
LARGE, English or Spanish.
If it is a compliment simply choose
training not required.
Finally click the green “Select” bar
below the options.
You will then be asked to review
your assignment for accuracy,check
the box for verification then simply
Continue to Step 3
A Premium Safety Service
Driver’s Training Assignment (Step 3 of 3)
At this point you have 3 options...
1. Have the driver take the course now;
2. Email login information to driver or
manager to access later. (No login required
from the email. Driver just clicks the link.)
3. Print login information now.
A Premium Safety Service
Helpful Hints and Notes for the Remedial Training Modules
Your driver will get a test at the end of the training
modules. If driver fails the test after 3 attempts please
refer to your HR policies regarding corrective actions.
If the driver fails the test the first time they will have 3
chances to try again. The final test score will be recorded.
The “Call Summary” will have a column that will tell you at
a glance if the driver has taken the training or not.
By clicking on the incident report # and looking in the
upper right hand corner that will tell you the status of the
It will also tell you if the training has been started or if
“no training was required”.
If the training is “completed” you can click on it and print
the certificate.
If your driver is having problems with the training
modules, it’s freezing or won’t load you need to check the
minimum requirements for your computer. You do need
You can find the “Help with Online Training” links and
“check minimum requirement” links throughout the
assignment process, as well as on the home page (before
login) under “Our System” / Online Training (“more”…link)
A Premium Safety Service
Using the Driver’s Alert Website
The web address is
To access your account, go to Client Login.
Signing in will take you to the
secure portion of our website
where you can view all of your call
data, edit your vehicle/location
information, or access the audio
or driver training. Also known as
the “Welcome” page.
User names and passwords are
set up with your enrollment. If
you don’t have one or can’t
remember it, please call us at
A Premium Safety Service
Menus On the Welcome Page
Quick Navigation Bar (Most commonly
used features)
Call Summary pulls up all calls for the
past year to date with one click.
Multiple Calls pulls up all driver’s with
multiple calls for the past year to date.
Incident Type pulls up a pie chart of
your incident types for the past year to
Decal Edit will pull up your account(s)
and allow you to edit the information we
show for your decals.
Welcome will bring you back to the
welcome page from where ever you are in
the website.
Quick Entry Menu
Type in an incident report #
Click “show report” or “response form”
Read or listen to your report or fill out the
response form
A Premium Safety Service
Menus On the Welcome Page
Account Maintenance Menu
Order Decals for your fleet
View/Edit or download decal/vehicle
Transfer a vehicle from one branch to
Change company and/or contact
Request online access (user name and
password) for another manager.
All Reports Menu
Click on the drop down box and you will
have 20 different reports to choose
This menu allows you to change dates,
select certain locations from a group,
and add filters to your reports.
A Premium Safety Service
Preventative Online Premium Training Courses
These courses can be assigned to any employee without having received an
incident report.
You can use these courses for new hires, or quarterly / annual safety refreshers.
You can find the full course list on the home page (before login), in the PureSafety box under the “Review our complete course
list” link.
There is a description of the course, how long it takes to complete the course and
some bullet points about what the course covers.
Some of the available courses are:
Distracted Driver * Road Rage * 3 Dimensions of Safe Driving * Fleet Safety *
Delivery Driver Safety, and more…
As a manager you can view your Incident Type Trend report for a specific time
frame and then assign all (or some) of your driver’s certain courses based on your
findings. These are great tools, take advantage of them.
A Premium Safety Service
Preventative Online Driver Training
Preventative Online Training Link
•Clicking on this link will bring you to
another menu of services.
•This is where you want to go to assign
the full premium training modules to your
drivers, view their training history, and add
driver’s to the “driver list” so they will
appear in the drop down box on the
response forms.
* Note if you are new to this
training you will need to set
up your drivers.
Once you have clicked that link you will see the
“Training Welcome Screen” Your options
here are as follows:
• Use Advanced Training
• Go to Training Home
• View the Course Library
A Premium Safety Service
Setting Up Your Drivers List
Training Home
 There are two ways to add
your drivers.
1) You can get an upload form (an
Excel spread sheet called the
“Driver Training Upload Form”)
fill out the information and send
it to DA to upload the driver info
2) You can add your drivers
If you had your drivers
uploaded via the Excel spread
sheet you will see your driver’s
listed here.
If not you will start by adding a
Please note that if you have access to more than one
location, you can change your view or see the different
location names (company name field) you can sort by all of
these columns if you want to or you can limit your search by
using the “selection” and “search” field.
Also be sure to check the rows per page or what page you
are looking at it may not be the full list.
A Premium Safety Service
Adding a Driver to Your Driver’s List
Adding a driver to your list is a 2 or 3 step process depending on if your entry is a possible duplicate.
After you have clicked on the “Add Driver”
from the driver list you will be prompted
through the process below.
Add the driver’s last name and
employee ID #, then submit the
*** If this is not a duplicate entry
you will skip step 2 and go directly
to step 3.***
In step 3 you will need to:
1. Choose a home location for your driver from drop down
2. Add driver’s first name
3. Give the driver a password (using their employee id # as
the password is highly suggested!
4. The other fields are optional, keep in mind if you do not
provide a password the system will generate one for you
but it is very long.
A Premium Safety Service
Adding Driver’s To Driver’s List Step 2
If you add a driver’s last name and/or employee ID in step 1, and there are matching
names in the system you will be directed to step 2.
The reason for this is to avoid duplicate entries.
After you have added a
duplicate name or number the
computer will give you a list of
possible matches.
Please note that there is a
column for “active” this means
that particular driver appears
in your “Driver Manifest”.
The others were entered but
previously deactivated from
If the driver you are adding is not on this list, simply
the system.
Also note the computer
assigned password! It’s very
click the check box to confirm and then the green
“Continue” bar.
At any time to return to see your driver list, click the
red link to “Return to Driver Manifest”.
A Premium Safety Service
Assigning Premium Training
Assigning the Training to
Individual Drivers
From the driver’s List, choose the
driver(s) that you want to assign
training to and check the box to
the left of their name.
Click the Assign Training (green
box at top or bottom of the page)
button to assign training to the
driver(s) you selected.
TIP ! Use the rows per page drop down
box so you can view all your driver’s from
this location on one page by scrolling
down instead of bouncing between pages.
Or use the “search selection” feature.
From the driver list you can also edit a driver’s
information by checking the box on the left of their
name and clicking the edit on the right.
You can also deactivate a driver by choosing the
driver(s) and clicking deactivate drivers bar at the
top of the list.
A Premium Safety Service
Assigning Premium Training
Once you have chosen your driver(s) that
you want to assign the training to and
you’ve clicked on the “Assign Training”
bar, you will be given a list of courses that
can be assigned.
•You simply choose the course(s) you wish
to assign to the driver(s) by checking the
box next to the course.
•The due date defaults to exactly two
weeks, however you can change this by
typing in the date you would like it
completed by.
•Then submit for review.
Some courses are available for
large or light vehicles.
If the course is available in
Spanish, the driver will be given the
choice to take it in Spanish when
he goes to take the course.
When you are looking at the “Training Assignment Review” screen,
please note the check box at the bottom and the RED writing.
This feature is in place to stop duplicate assignments.
If you DO want to assign the driver the same course within one
year, all you need to do is UN CHECK the box!
Then “Confirm Training” if all is well.
A Premium Safety Service
Premium Training Login Instructions
After you have confirmed your training you
will have the option to print out the “Driver
Instruction Sheet”.
This sheet will give the driver step-by-step
instructions on how to login, and their user
id and password.
If you have assigned training to more than
one driver the instruction sheets will print
out on separate sheets so that you can
hand them out at your convenience.
If you have entered an email address for
your driver, the driver will receive an email
with a link which will eliminate the login
process completely, and take the driver
straight to the courses that were assigned.
NOTE! The web address the drivers will log into for
the remedial training and the premium training are not
the same! Read and type carefully or email.
A Premium Safety Service
Viewing History or Editing Training
 Once a driver has been assigned training you
can view what you have assigned by doing the
1) Go to the Driver’s List
2) Check the names of the driver’s training
history you wish to view.
3) Click the “Training History” bar at the top.
•Please note the status of the training in the far
right column, the scores are listed as well as if
the training has been completed you will be
able to “view” then print the certificates.
•This training is the same as the remedial in
the sense that they have 3 chances to pass
the course then the score is recorded.
•If driver fails the test after 3 attempts please
refer to your HR policies regarding corrective
•Also from training history you can change the
due dates for the courses as well.
The call history can also be downloaded
to Excel for all drivers then sorted as you
deem necessary.
A Premium Safety Service
For further help on anything Driver’s Alert
Please contact:
Joe Zingale
Vice President
Ph: 803-781-2806
A Premium Safety Service