Power Point for 20

The great proponent (supporter) of
capitalism who wrote the Wealth of Nations
Adam Smith
Lord Liverpool
Arthur Thistlewood
William Pitt the Younger
Sir Robert Peel
His name was connected with
Orthodoxy, Autocracy and Nationalism
Nicholas I
George IV
Charles X
Louis Philippe
Alexander I
The appointment of this Ultraroyalist minister
by Charles X caused French liberals to begin
to consider revolution and to open
negotiations with the more liberal Orléans
branch of the Royal Family.
Jean Maximilien Lamarque
Marquis de Lafayette
Louis Philippe
 Prince de Polignac
In 1821, this royalist general seized power,
pushed out the Spanish and proclaimed
himself emperor of Mexico. He was a poor
administrator, however, and was deposed in
1824 by his fellow Creoles, who proclaimed a
Mexican Republic.
Jose Pavon
Bernardo O’Higgens
Simon Bolivar
Augustin de Iturbide
Burschenschaften were student associations
distrusted liberalism and both feared and
hated Enlightenment ideas
opposed the ideas of Edmund Burke
supported the ideas of Adam Smith
laid foundations for a change in loyalty
from the old provinces to a united
German State.
They were Europeans born in the new world
who wanted to displace the Europeans born
in Spain and thereby control the wealth of
the Americas – and not share with the lower
classes of people
 Creoles
Louis XVIII’s spirit of compromise did not sit well
with the elites who had suffered during the
revolution. They found a champion and
rallying point in the king’s younger brother,
__________, the Count of Artois.
As we read in the last chapter, these angry
elites carried out the White Terror against
former revolutionaries and supporters of
Napoleon and Louis was unable to stop them.
They were called:
The Spanish Revolution of 1820 and a revolution
in Naples the same year (both of which forced
their rulers to accept constitutions)caused
Metternich to convene the members of the
Quadruple Alliance at the
 Congress of Troppau
Congress of Vienna
Congress of Liabach
which only issued a protocol that asserted that
stable governments might intervene to restore
order in countries undergoing revolutions
In 1815, Parliament passed a __________
Corn Law (in
Oxford English, this word means all grains) to
maintain high prices for domestic grain by
levying import duties on foreign grain. The
next year, Parliament abolished the income
tax that only the _________
wealthy paid and
sales tax on
replaced it with an excise (______)
consumer goods paid by both the wealthy
and the poor. These laws showed that the
British ruling class had abandoned their role
as paternalistic protectors of the poor and
the taxpaying class was no better in that
Poor Law
they wanted the repeal of the __________
which provided relief to the poor and jobless.
In 1820, the German Confederation passed
the _____________ which limited the subjects
that could be discussed in constitutional
Corn Law
 Final Act
Four Ordinances
Great Reform Bill
Nationalism and liberalism were often
____________ because ________________
government and liberal notions of _________
often helped nationalists seeking freedom
win the support of liberals in France and
Great Britain. This compromise was adopted
by many nationalists in Germany, Italy and
Austrian Empire
the ________________.
This –ism was the single most powerful
ideology of the nineteenth century
 Nationalism
In 1830, Charles X tried to effect a coup d’ état
in which he restricted freedom of the press,
dissolved the Chamber of Deputies, limited the
franchise (right to vote) to the wealthiest
people in France and called for new elections
in his:
 Four Ordinances
Great Reform Bill
New Charter
Organic Statute
In late 1822, the five members of the
Quintuple Alliance met in Verona in northern
Italy. It would be the last meeting of the
alliance members (but not the end of the
congress system) and its primary purpose
was to resolve the situation in ____________.
 Spain
In 1827, Russia, Great Britain and France
signed the Treaty of London which demanded
that the Ottoman Turks recognize Greek
In 1830, a second Treaty of London declared
that Greece
was an independent kingdom.
In 1832, the son of the king of Bavaria was
elected king of the Hellenes. He was
Otto I
The Polish revolt in 1830 took its genesis from
what happened in _________six months earlier.
Louis XVIII was willing to rule as a constitutional
monarch but Charles X believed in
the Divine Right of Kings
Supporters of Charles X who were more royal
than the king were called
He believed that change must be by
consensus and condemned radical
revolutionaries and the anarchy that resulted
from the French Revolution but approved of
the consensus in the American Revolution.
William Pitt the Younger
 Edmund Burke
John Locke
Daniel O’Connell
Louis XVIII was a realist who knew that he could
not turn back the clock. So he agreed to
become a monarch but under a constitution,
Charter of 1814 This provided for a
called the ________________
hereditary monarchy and bicameral (two house)
legislature. The king appointed the upper house,
Chamber of Peers modeled of the British
or __________________,
of Lords The lower house or Chamber of
men of property
Deputies was elected by ________________.
This idea stresses the importance of liberty
and equal rights.
 Liberalism
After an unruly meeting by the poor and
unemployed in 1816 at Spa Fields in London,
a sans-culottes rebellion broke out in
many English cities and industrial areas.
the poor law was passed by Parliament
the poor law failed to pass Parliament
the government passed the Coercion
Acts of 1817 which temporarily suspended
writs of habeas corpus
Which of the following did the Carlsbad
Decrees of 1819 not do?
Dissolve the Burschenschaften
Crack down on the liberal press
abolish the income tax that only the
 wealthy paid and replaced it with an
excise (sales) tax on consumer goods
Seriously restrict academic freedom in
many states of the German
They were runaway slaves who established
local communities and raided slave
plantations; they played a key role in the
Haitian slave uprising
 Maroons
His Two Treatises of Government (1690)
became the foundation of liberal
ideology and in it he maintained that in
the past people had given up their
political rights to rulers in order to
promote the common good. He stressed
that although people had granted
political rights to kings and elites, the
people still retained their personal rights
of life, liberty and _________.
John Locke
After the Congress of Vienna, this Prussian King
promised to allow some form of constitutional
government. But he formally reneged on his
pledge in 1817. Then, he created a New
Council of State which was more efficient –
and answerable to the him alone.
Wilhelm I
Frederick the Great
Frederick William II
 Frederick William III
Between 1804 and 1813, this Serbian patriot
led a guerrilla war against the Ottoman Turks
which was called the First Serbian Uprising.
Nevertheless, it failed to win Serbian freedom.
Filiki Eteria
 Kara George
Muhammad Ali
Miloš Obrenovitch
This Creole priest rallied indigenous peoples and
mestizos against the Spanish. He also terrified the
Creoles when he called for a revolutionarygovernment, which would redistribute wealth,
give equality to the peasants, and return of land
stolen from the indigenous peoples. The Creoles
executed him in 1811.
Simon Bolivar
Augustin de Iturbide,
Jose Pavon
 Miguel de Hidalgo
After 1820, electoral laws giving wealthy electors
two votes, the imposition of press censorship, the
mass arrests of those suspected of dangerous
political activity and the Catholic Church being
given control of all secondary education
happened because:
Louis XVIII was assassinated.
Ultraroyalists convinced the king of the
 danger of liberal politicians.
the new king, Louis Philippe, was terrified of
the Bougeoisie.
This –ism stresses that citizenship in a nationstate should be limited to one ethnic, cultural,
religious, or identity group.
 Nationalism
Filiki Eteria
In 1814, an organization called the __________
was founded to liberate the Greeks. Revolts
broke out in 1821and the Greeks were initially
successful. But in1825, the Ottomans, with aid
from Muhammad
Ali of Egypt, retook much of
the Greek mainland. But then, after much
deliberation, Russia, Great Britain and France,
decided that military intervention was in their
best interest. They sent ships and in 1827
destroyed an Ottoman-Egyptian fleet at the
Battle of Navarino Then French troops
landed on the mainland and by 1828 had
liberated most of central Greece.
Two months after the passage of the Six Acts
in 1819, the Cato Street Conspiracy was
uncovered, led by a mentally unstable man
George Canning
 Arthur Thistlewood
Henry Hunt
John Cartwright
At the Congress of Verona, Great Britain balked
at intervention in _______.
Spain The British foreign
minister, _________________,
George Canning was not sympathetic
at all to Metternich’s goals and effectively
withdrew Great Britain from continental affairs.
Prussia and Russia however, agreed to
support a French military intervention in Spain
which took place in 1823, suppressing the
rebellion and restoring ______________
Ferdinand VII to power.
This father of Liberalism championed
legislative government (as opposed to
monarchy) because he felt that a legislature
embodied the will of the people.
Thomas Hobbes
 John Locke
Edmund Burke
Adam Smith
When Poland rebelled in 1830 and tried to
Nicholas I issued the
depose the tsar, ____________
Organic Statute which proclaimed Poland an
integral part of the Russian Empire. Although it
supposedly guaranteed Polish liberties, the
Russians ignored them and the tsar made
Gendarme of Europe ready to
Russia the _____________________,
liberal or nationalist
supply troops to suppress _____________________
This ideology arose in response to the American
War of Independence and the French
Revolution. Its adherents viewed society as an
organism that changes (or ought to change)
very slowly over the generations.
Nineteenth century liberals
wanted to extend liberties to the
peasant and urban working classes
opposed the ideas of John Locke
opposed the ideas of Adam Smith
believed in advancement in society
 based on talent and achievement but
did not favor full democracy.
In 1815, this Serbian leader began the Second
Serbian Uprising. In 1817, he was defeated by
the Ottomans but gained partial autonomy for
most of Serbia. In 1830, he became head of
an independent Serbia
Filiki Eteria
Kara George
Muhammad Ali
 Miloš Obrenovitch
When fighting Napoleon, Russian officers
learned about
the French Revolution and the Enlightenment
As a result they wanted
an end to serfdom, representative government
and even Constitutional Monarchy
In the confusion that followed Alexander I’s
death, some junior army officers launched a
revolt called the
Decembrist Revolt
In spite of the strong contrast in motivation
and economics, the leaders of the
American and French Revolutions used the
liberal philosophy of this treatise of John
Locke to justify the armed overthrow of
tyrannical rule.
The Wealth of Nations
Ninety Five Theses
 Two Treatises of Government
Their goal was to establish free trade and
abolish the economic restraints of regulated
economies. They were opposed to established
wages and laws protecting the laboring class
because they saw them as simply one more
commodity that could be bought and sold.
John Cartwright and Henry Hunt
Nineteenth Century Conservatives
Economic Nationalists
 Nineteenth Century Liberals
When Ethnic Nationalists were a _________,
they usually wanted their own ethnic group
to dominate others, as it was with the
Magyars in Hungary. But when Ethnic
nationalists were a __________,
minority however, they
usually struggled for political equality. But in
either case, once freedom was achieved,
ethnic minorities had no intention of
establishing _________
liberal political institutions.
In spite of Edmund Burke, nineteenth century
_________________ generally distrusted
representative government fearing an attack
on their property and influence in society.
 Conservatives
Lord Liverpool and the Tories sought to protect
the interests of the wealthy and landed classes
by persuading Parliament to pass a (the)
_____________ to maintain high prices for
domestic grain by levying import duties on
foreign grain.
 Corn Law
Final Act
Four Ordinances
Great Reform Bill
A liberal who no longer works though
government and society to achieve change
but demands immediate and often violent
change in a short period is called a:
A Conservative who no longer believes in
change, moderated by reason and sensible
thinking but comes to believe in no political
change whatsoever is called a
Of all the victors over Napoleon and the
ideas of the French Revolution, this nation
could not make any compromises with
nationalism or liberalism because both were
already inspiring various national and ethnic
groups to demand independence.
 Austria
Great Britain
By 1819 the lower classes in England were again
demanding reform. In a field outside of
Manchester a well-organized meeting resulted
in tragedy at __________________.
Saint Peter’s Fields As the meeting
was beginning, a magistrate ordered the militia
to disperse the crowd. The result was mass
confusion and the deaths of at least eleven
people. The event came to be called the
Peterloo Massacre, which was a sarcastic pun
of Wellington’s victory at Waterloo. Even though
the tragedy was the result of incompetent local
officials, the _________
Liverpool government felt they must
defend the officials; and take harsh measures to
act once and for all against the radicals.
Inspired by George Washington, he began the
rebellion against Spain in 1811. Like Washington,
the early days of the rebellion were difficult with
many setbacks. But in 1819 he assembled an
army that surprised and crushed the Spanish in
Colombia and quickly freed what is today
Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru.
Jose Pavon
Bernardo O’Higgens
 Simon Bolivar
Augustin de Iturbide
At the Congress of Vienna, the victors and
later France agreed to consult with each other
on matters affecting Europe. This was done
through a series of congresses but soon
became informal consultations between
nations. This new arrangement was known as
Protocol of Troppau
The Quadruple Alliance
The Quintuple Alliance
He assassinated a conservative dramatist
August von Kotzebue, who had ridiculed the
Burschenschaften. He was tried, publically
executed and became a nationalist hero
and martyr.
Karl August von Hardenberg
George Canning
Henry Hunt
 Karl Sand
In1791 on the island of Saint Dominique, a civil
war broke out between the white settlers and
the Gens de Couleur but the conflict took an
unexpected and violent turn of events when a
Voodoo priest, _____________, organized a slave
Jean-Jacques Dessalines
Toussaint L’Overture
 Boukman
Louis Philippe
Serbia’s special protector was
The Ottoman Empire
Great Britain
 Russia
When the English poor and unemployed began
to lose confidence after the Corn Law was
passed in 1815, they demanded change. Mass
meetings demanding reform became
commonplace and republican clubs were
organized to coordinate these demands and
radical newspapers like the Political Register of:
 William Cobbett
Arthur Thistlewood
George Canning
The Decembrists
What was the Eastern Question?
What should European powers do about the
Ottoman inability to change and grow
What did Russia and Austria want in regards to
the Ottoman Empire?
Russia wanted to conquer Constantinople
and the Balkan portion of the Ottoman Empire
Austria also wanted to occupy as much
Balkan territory as possible at Ottoman
Which of the following did not happen
because of the Charter of 1814?
The rights enumerated in the
Declaration of the Rights of Man and
Citizen in 1789 were reaffirmed.
The Catholic Church became the
official religion of France.
Aristocrats were allowed to reclaim
 their land lost in 1789 – or not restored
to them by Napoleon.
VII was restored to the
When Ferdinand
Spanish throne in 1814, he pledged to govern
Spain by a written constitution. But once in
power, he ignored his promise, dissolved the
Spanish parliament (or _______)
Cortes and ruled as an
autocrat. In 1820, army officers, about to be
sent to Spain’s colonies in order to suppress
Creole rebellions rebelled against the king in
Revolution of 1820
the Spanish
In I825, these Russian army officers were the
first to lead a rebellion for political goals in
modern Russian history - and they became
martyrs for the cause of constitutional
government in Russia.
Nationalist Brotherhood
 Decembrists
The Congress of Troppau stopped short of
authorizing direct Austrian intervention in Italian
uprisings but authorization was obtained in 1821
at the ____________________ after which Austrian
troops quickly attacked Naples and restored
the king and his absolutist government.
Congress of Vienna
Diet of Rome
 Congress of Liabach
London Conference
Miguel de Hidalgo and his peasant/Mestizo
rebellion was, after Hidalgo’s execution,
succeeded by this Mestizo priest, who was far
more radical and extended the rebellion until
1815, when he was captured and executed.
 Jose Pavon
Bernardo O’Higgens
Simon Bolivar
Augustin de Iturbide
It has been said that __________________, by
supporting the Monroe Doctrine, finally won the
War of Jenkins’ Ear of 1739 the underlying
cause of which was Great Britain’s trying to
break Spain’s economic monopoly with her
Lord Liverpool
Viscount Castlereagh
Sir Robert Peel
 George Canning
The only successful slave revolt in history took
place on the French island of
Saint Dominique
The great hero of the slaves and maroons was
Toussaint L’Overture
On Saint Dominique, free people of color who
usually toiled their own small farms, sometimes
with a few slaves, were called
Gens de Couleur
He was the son of the King of Portugal
and the first emperor of Brazil.
 Pedro
Jose de San Martin
Augustin de Iturbide
Jean-Jacques Dessalines
Alexander I of Russia was succeeded by
his brother:
 Nicholas