Social progress

Arengu uuringud
1.Sissejuhatus. Areng kui konstrukt
Mati Heidmets
2013 sügissemester
Areng kui vaatepunkt ja mõõdupuu
Areng – tänase maailma keskne vaatepunkt elule + mõõdupuu toimuva
Erinevad kontekstid - arengueesmärgid, arengumaad, arenguabi, firma
arengu kavandamine, arenenud isiksus, alaarenenud, arengupeetusega,
arengu mõõdikud, arengufond ...
Areng - vaatepunkt, mis tähtsustab muutust, annab sellele suuna ning
väärtustab selles “suunas” liikumist. Kasutusel nii argielus (alaarenenud
naaber), poliitikas (arenguabi, arengufond), äris (strateegiline
arengukavandamine), uurimistöös (arengumõõdikud)
Interdistsiplinaarsus - arengut uuritakse sotsioloogias (social change),
psühholoogias (arengupsühholoogia), ajaloos (ideede ajalugu),
poliitikateadustes (global development), välja on kujunenud omaette
uurimisvaldkond “arengu-uuringud” (development studies)
“Arengu” alusel kujunevad hoiakud ja otsused – arenguhindamise tööstus!
Kursuse eesmärgid:
– Selgus sotsiaalelus muutusi tähistavate mõistete osas: muutus, kasv,
areng, progress, moderniseerumine, innovatsioon. Arusaam nende
sisust ja suhetest
– Arengu käsitlused neljas perspektiivis – inimareng, organisatsiooni
areng, ühiskonna areng, globaalne areng
– Arengu mõõdikud, arengu hindajad ja hindamismeetodid,
arenguteemalised andmebaasid. Arenguhindamine kui hoiakuloome
– Arenguerinevused, arengukonfliktid. Nende määratlemine ja mõju
– Arengukonstrukti vastuolulisus, selle kriitika.
– Iseseisev arenguanalüüs. Kontekst MA tööle?!
Lähenemine – sotsiaalteaduslik (mitte astronoomia, meditsiin, geoloogia vms)
• Õppetöö – vt aineprogrammi
• Teemade jaotus. Teemad erineva mahuga, loengupiirid võivad
• Konstrukti käsitlus + andmeallikad + arengupilt
• Arenguanalüüs – isiklik pingutus arengu mõistmisel. Ca 4-5 lk
analüüsi, skeemi annan ette. Valmis kursuse lõpuks.
• Mõisted, teooriad, andmed, allikad slaididel. Slaidid üleval Moodle’s,
kursuse nimetus: Arengu uuringud 2013, parool au2013
• Moodle tugiisik Veronika Rogalevits, ruum: M356, tel: 6409 282 epost:
• Esimene loeng: mõisteaparaat - mis on muutus, kasv, areng,
progress, moderniseerumine, innovatsioon. Alusterminoloogia,
milles edasi rääkida.
Konstruktid ja küsimused
Konstrukt. Termin vs konstrukt. Sotsiaalne konstruktivism. Konstrukt: kokkulepitud ja
ühiskonnarühmas taastoodetav arusaam + suhtumine, kinnitatakse sotsiaalse
suhtluse käigus. Konstrukt kui kokkulepe.
• Argielu konstruktid: Eesti, Euroopa, hängimine, elukaaslane, õnn,
• Teaduslikud konstruktid: sotsiaalne mobiilsus, väärtused, hoiakud, demokraatia …
• Teadus: teadlaste poolt konstruktide loomine, mõõtmine, debatt
• Meie - uurime konstrukte, mis kirjeldavad inimese/ühiskonna muutumist: muutus,
kasv, areng, progress, moderniseerumine, innovatsioon. Rõhk arengul, teised
Küsimus: Kas on olemas arenguuniversaale – kõikjal ja kõigile kehtivaid
arengukriteeriume? Kuhu tuleks püüelda – riigina viie rikkama, rohelisema, targema,
tugevama hulka; - inimesena edu, tunnustuse, rikkuse, õnne suunas? Kas üldse
püüelda (seada arengueesmärke?) Areng kui konstrukt - relatiivne või universaalne,
individuaalne või üldinimlik?
Sotsiaalne muutus (social change)
Social change is a general term which refers to:
change in the nature of the social institutions, the social behaviour or the social relations of a society, community
of people, or other social structures.
The term is used in the study of history, economies, and politics, and includes topics such as the success or failure
of different political systems, globalization, democratization, development and economic growth. The term can
encompass concepts as broad as revolution and paradigm shift, to narrow changes such as a particular cause
within small town government.
The concept of social change imply measurement of some characteristics of this group of individuals. While the
term is usually applied to changes that are beneficial to society, it may result in negative side-effects or
consequences that undermine or eliminate existing ways of life that are considered positive.
Social change is a topic in sociology, but also involves political science, economics, history, anthropology, and
many other social sciences.
Theories of social change
evolutionary theories (how one social form evolves into another),
the idea of cyclical change, a pattern of subsequent and recurring phases of growth and decline, and the social
the idea of continuous social progress
the idea of decline or degeneration
Sotsiaalne muutus:
• Kõige üldisem osutus ühiskonnas toimuvatele muutustele
• Ilma hinnangulise vektorita
• Haarab kõiki sotsiaalelu valdkondi
Kasv (growth)
• Kasv – kvantitatiivne muutus/suurenemine, mõõdetav suurus
• Rahvastiku kasv, majanduskasv, lapse kasvamine, taimekasvatus,
kasvuhoone, kasvuraskused ...
• Kasv ja kasvatamine. Kasvatusteadused
• Sotsiaalteaduslikus kontekstis: kasv osutab inimese füüsilisele ja
vaimsele küpsemisele (täiskasvanuks saamine), koosluse
suurenemisele (rahvastiku kasv), tegevusmahu suurenemisele
(majanduskasv) …
• Kasv – valdavalt kvantitatiivselt mõõdetav “suurenemine”
• Kasv on muutus, aga ei pruugi olla areng. Muutus ei pruugi olla
areng aga võib olla kasv. Areng on muutus ja võib olla kasv.
Areng (development, evolution)
Development can be broadly defined in a manner applicable to all societies at
all historical periods as an upward ascending movement featuring greater
levels of energy, efficiency, quality, productivity, complexity,
comprehension, creativity, mastery, enjoyment and accomplishment.
Sociocultural evolution is an umbrella term for theories of cultural evolution
and social evolution, describing how cultures and societies have developed
over time.
Early sociocultural evolution theories — the theories of Auguste Comte and
Herbert Spencer, developed simultaneously but independently of Charles
Darwin ‘s works and were popular from the late 19th century to the end of
World War I. These 19th-century unilineal evolution theories claimed that
societies start out in a primitive state and gradually become more civilized
over time, and equated the culture and technology of Western civilization
with progress.
Some forms of early sociocultural evolution theories (mainly unilineal
ones) have led to much criticised theories like social darwinism, and
scientific racism, used in the past to justify existing policies of colonialism
and slavery, and to justify new policies such as eugenics.
Sotsiaalne areng (social development)
Most 19th-century and some 20th-century approaches aimed to provide models for the evolution of
humankind as a single entity.
Most 20th-century approaches, such as multilineal evolution, however, focused on changes specific
to individual societies. Moreover, they rejected directional change.
20 saj II pool: jätkusuutlik areng (sustainable development). G.H Bruntlandi ÜRO komisjon 1983:
“sustainable development is a development that "meets the needs of the present without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs."
Sotsiaalne areng:
-vaade inimesele ja ühiskonnale, mis väärtustab muutust, defineerib mingi seisundi
-19 sajandi lihtne ja lineaarne sotsiaalse arengu käsitlus (kõik peaksid elama nii, nagu
arenenud lääs) muutunud 20 saj jooksul multilineaarseks ja vastuoluliseks. Erinevad
ühiskonnaelu vormid võrdväärsed?! Jõuga “arendamine” pole ilus
- 20 saj lõpp: jätkusuutlikkus – arusaam, et areng toimub millegi arvel, tuleb arvestada
-21 saj: püsib usk ja lootus arengust parema ühiskonna suunas. Samas see, mis “parem” on,
pole üheselt mõistetav. Universalismilt relativismi?!
Progress (progress)
Social progress is defined as the changing of society toward the ideal.
• The concept of social progress was introduced in the early 19th century social
theories, especially those of social evolutionists. Human freedom as a measure of
social progress - people independently making their own lives using their own
Trends of thought about social progress:
• Neo-conservatism, which returns to the old idea that nothing ever truly changes in
the human condition, and the eternal values of religion. The ability of people to
change anything other than themselves is vastly overrated. Here, the emphasis is on
honoring a traditional way of life which allegedly proved itself as superior in the past,
and to which we should adhere.
• Neo-liberalism, which affirms the power and potential of change, but only on a
personal, individual level. The idea that the state could be an instrument of social
betterment in society as a whole is rejected; only free choices made in markets can
hold any promise of social progress.
• Socialism, which argues that state direction of social progress booked very important
positive results; at the simplest level, it was able to overcome problems of hunger and
disease, and raise the material and cultural standard of living for the great masses
where markets could not. This leads to the defense of public services and assets,
and the case for regulation of market activity.
Various strands of new radicalism which begin to question the objective
criteria by which we could measure human social progress. For example,
labor productivity might be a criterion of social progress, but how about
infant mortality? This kind of thinking rejects the political traditions of the
past, and argues that a variety of criteria must be applied to assess social
progress. In some cases, this leads to new charters for the moral criteria to
which a society should aspire; in other cases, authentic lived experience in
society with all its complexities is emphasized.
Progressi konstrukt tänapäeval:
• Ettevaatlikult kasutatav, sageli ideoloogilises kontekstis,
kaotanud varasema sära ja võitlusliku hoiaku
• Areng – avatud suunaga konstrukt, progress – kirjeldatava
suunaga areng
• (Progressiivse, soovitava) arengu kriteeriumid: vabadus,
võrdsed võimalused, inimõigused, sallivus ...
Moderniseerumine (modernism,
Modernism is a trend of thought which affirms the power of human beings to make,
improve and reshape their society, with the aid of scientific knowledge, technology
and practical experimentation.
Modernization Theory is a theory of development which states that the development
can be achieved through following the processes of development that were used by
the currently developed countries.
Extreme limits - Russian Revolution and the third Chinese revolution - people claimed
such confidence in the ability to change their world for the better, which they thought
that, in a relatively short time, largely illiterate peasants could begin to build a just,
egalitarian and socialist order in a conscious way, armed with science and
Modern vs traditional society - Talcott Parsons functional sociology defined the
qualities that distinguished "modern" and "traditional" societies. Education was
viewed as key to creating modern individuals. Technology played a key role in this
development theory. One key factor in Modernization Theory is the belief that
development requires the assistance of developed countries to aid developing
countries to learn from their development.Thus, this theory is built upon the theory
that it is possible for equal development to be reached between the developed and
lesser developed countries
Postmodernism and social progress. In the postmodernist thought steadily
gaining ground from the 1980s, the grandiose claims of the modernizers are
steadily eroded, and the very concept of social progress is again questioned
and scrutinized. In the new vision, radical modernizers like Stalin and Mao
appear as totalitarian despots, whose vision of social progress is held to be
totally deformed
Postmodernists question the validity of 19th century and 20th century notions
of progress - both on the capitalist and the Marxist side of the spectrum.
They argue that both capitalism and Marxism over-emphasize technological
achievements and material prosperity while ignoring the value of inner
happiness and peace of mind.
Moderniseerumine: liikumine hea elu suunas: tehnoloogiline areng +
haridus + ratsionaalne ühiskonnakorraldus. Tööstusühiskond.
Tarbimisühiskond. Ilma olulise ideoloogilise sisuta. Kas
moderniseerumine tähendab läänestumist?
Postmoderniseerumine: eesmärgitu, paljusubjektne, palju tõdesid, ei
liigu kuskile, ei usu midagi?!
Innovatsioon (innovation)
Innovation - may refer to both radical and incremental changes in thinking, in things, in
processes or in services (Mckeown, 2008). Invention that gets out in to the world is
innovation. In many fields, something new must be substantially different to be
innovative, not an insignificant change, e.g., in the arts, economics, business and
government policy.
In economics the change must increase value, customer value, or producer value. The
goal of innovation is positive change, to make someone or something better.
Innovation leading to increased productivity is the fundamental source of increasing
Innovatsiooni liigid:
– tehnoloogiline innovatsioon – uued tehnilised lahendused (päikesepatarei, wifi)
– turundusinnovatsioon – uuenduslike müügimeetodi tekasutuselevõtmine.
– organisatsiooniline innovatsioon – muudatused ettevõtte struktuuris ja juhtimises
– toote või teenuse innovatsioon – uus või oluliselt täiendatud toode
– finantsinnovatsioon – uute finantsiliste toodete ja teenuste arendamine
– sotsiaalne innovatsioon – uuendus ühiskondlikus elus (naabrivalve, e-õpe)
Sotsiaalne innovatsioon (social
Sotsiaalne innovatsioon - inimeste ja sotsiaalse süsteemi vahelise
koostoimimise parendamiseks uute ideede genereerimine ja ellukutsumine
(Mumford (2002). Näiteks - uudsete sotsiaalsete institutsioonide loomine,
uued ideed juhtimise valdkonnas või uute sotsiaalsete liikumiste teke.
Ajaloos võiks kogu ühiskonda haaravate sotsiaalsete innovatsioonide
ellukutsujateks pidada näiteks Martin Lutherit, Henry Fordi, Karl Marxi.
Tänapäeval sotsiaalsed innovatsioonid spetsiifilisemad , sageli seotud
kodanikuühskonnast väljakasvanud initsiatiividega. Näit Greenpeace,
Amnesty International, Noored Kooli liikumine ...
Innovatsioon = kiire positiivne muutus, reeglina haarab ühte, kindlalt
määratletud eluvaldkonda. Tulemus määratlemata (erinevalt
Innovaatilisus – väärtustatud omadus inimese ja ühiskonna puhul.
Saanud tänapäeva ühiskonna oluliseks mõõdupuuks – vt European
Innovation Scoreborad
Inimese ja ühiskonna muutumist tähistatakse lähedaste, kuid erineva
tähendusvarjundiga mõistetega – varem fookuses progress ja kasv, siis juurde
moderniseerumine ja areng, nüüd lisaks innovatsioonid, jätkusuutlikkus
Igal oma rõhuasetus:
– Muutus – ilma suunata teisenemine
– Kasv – kvantitatiivne suurenemine
– Areng – positiivne pikaajaline muutumine
– Progress – liikumine ideaali suunas
– Innovatsioon – järsk teisititegemine
Konstruktide erinevused: suund/eesmärgistatus, kiirus/ajahorisont, kvantiteet/kvaliteet, otsene
Meie huvi: arengukonstrukti kasutamine, ülejäänud mõisted kontekstiks
Uuesti küsimus: areng kui konstrukt - relatiivne või universaalne,
individuaalne või üldinimlik?
Arengukonstrukti kriitika
Development criticism as a concept is not older than the modern concept of development. However,
many thinkers in the past are seen as the precursors of development critics. An early and
outspoken critic of the secular aspects of modernism was Pope Pius IX, whose Syllabus of Errors
(1864) condemned many aspects of modern culture, including freedom of religion and the
separation of church and state . Another famous critic of modern life in the nineteenth century
was the writer Henry Thoreau , who preferred living in the woods to living in the city.
The best-known development critic is Mohandas Gandhi who heavily criticized modern technology
and many other characteristics of western culture. Like many other development critics, he
recommended local food production for local consumption rather than for trade. Similar thinkers
often criticize contemporary globalization. Development critics are often politically left-leaning and
favour such ideas as pacifism and local-level democracy,
Some religious organizations, for example, the Roman Catholic Church , have from time to time
taken anti-modernist and development-critical stances by criticizing modern technology or other
principal characteristics of prevailing societies
In modern academic discussion, proponents of and other post-modernist lines of thinking have
been advocates of development-critical views. Among academic disciplines, development
criticism is most closely connected with development studies and anthropology. Happiness is a
central theme of development-critical writings.
Arenguidee kui ohtlik ja sajandite jooksul väljakujunenud elukorraldust lõhkuv
Arengu taandamine üksikutele mõõdetavatele näitajatele (GDP, oodatav eluiga,
patentide arv ... )
Arengu-uuringud (development studies)
kui uurimisvaldkond
Development studies is a multidisciplinary branch of social science which addresses issues of
concern to developing countries. It has historically placed a particular focus on issues related to
social and economic development, and its relevance may therefore extend to communities and
regions outside of the developing world.
Development studies is offered as a specialised Master's degree in a number of universities, and,
less commonly, as an undergraduate degree.
It has grown in popularity as a subject of study since the early 1990s, and has been most
widely taught and researched in the third world and in countries with a colonial history, such as
the UK, where development studies originated.
Students of development studies often choose careers in international organisations such as the
United Nations or the World Bank, non-governmental organisations, private sector development
consultancy firms, and research centres
Meie lähenemine laiem - interdistsiplinaarsed arengu-uuringud ja
arenguhindamine. Arengukonstrukt erinevates uurimistraditisoonides
Traditsiooniline, globaalsele arengule pühenduv lähenemine – üks osa
meie käsitlusest
Huvilistele: Development studies association: