01 Zechariah 1v1-20 Horsemen, Horns And Craftsmen

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The background of the three port-exilic prophets, Haggai,
Zechariah and Malachi, is found in the historical books
of Ezra and Nehemiah. Zechariah, began prophesying in
520 BC. between the second and third utterances of
Haggai [cf Haggai 2v1,10]. Zechariah's prophecy falls
into two parts: the first eight chapters refer to the
time of the rebuilding of the temple; chapters 9ff.
are mostly apocalyptic. The following outline
describes the first section:
1v7-6v8 Eight visions [2nd year of Darius]
7v1-8v23 Questions and answers [4th year of Darius].
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Haggai and Zechariah were both ministers of hope and encouragement to
the people of God. But whereas Haggai's word had immediate application to
one particular situation. Zechariah's prophecy is broader and wider and
more comprehensive. It takes up indeed the whole purpose and point of the
rebuilding of the temple in the unfolding strategy of God in the world. And
so in Zechariah’s prophecy, wider horizons open up.
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The significance of the introductory statement in 1v1-6 is that in it Zechariah
interprets the part to be played by his people in the light of God’s Word.
God has been displeased with their fore-fathers [v2] and his Word which
had been neglected and despised overtook them in judgment [v6].
Therefore, says the prophet, do not
follow in their footsteps, but
‘turn to God with all your hearts'.
There are two things here to note;
Zechariah had understanding of
the times and of history, and
he could read its lessons.
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And so, he was able to speak realistically to the people, even bluntly, as if to
say: “When you look back at your past, instead of letting your zeal flag and
being discouraged, so that you bemoan the greatness that once marked the
nation, by seeing what happened to your ancestors, try to avoid falling into
the same pitfalls that they did, and avoid bringing on yourselves the judgment
which they brought on themselves'.
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Zechariah introduced a healthy realism.
Are we slow to learn the lessons of
history? Are we grateful when God
raises up someone who can read and
interpret such lessons to us?
Blunt realism can be encouraging, in
spite of its sombreness, if only we can
take it. The trouble is, we are so often
simply not prepared to face up to the
blunt truth. But when we do, it is
health giving and invigorating.
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Zechariah’s Vision
Zechariah ‘s first vision is recorded in v7-17.
A word about the nature of his visions may
help. In each case, certain conditions are
described, and side by side with these
conditions, facts are declared, which the
average man cannot see. This latter is the
content of the Lord's Word in those situations,
and conditions.
The first vision is dated as having been given in
the eleventh month; that is to say, four months
had passed since Haggai had prophesied that
God would shake the heavens and the earth.
But that promise of deliverance was not yet
forth-coming, and disappointment was natural.
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Rider In the Myrtle Grove
And into this situation the vision came of a
majestic rider on a red horse, in an obscure
myrtle grove accompanied by other riders who
represent the angles of the Lord.
Their mission is explained: they are God's
scouts to survey the whole earth. The world,
they report, lies quiet, for the shaking of the
heavens and earth has not yet begun [8-11].
Then comes the question,
"How long, O Lord....?"
And the prophet hears
‘kind and comfortable words' [13-17].
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Rider In the Myrtle Grove
The nations have done more to God's people than
God empowered them to do, and their actions
have changed his wrath to pity [15,16] causing
him to return to his people: Jerusalem will be
rebuilt and enjoy prosperity. They are assured
that despite their depressed condition, the angel
of the Lord and the heavenly hosts are ready to
rally to their defence.
The vision is similar to the one given to John on
Patmos, when he was anxious about the welfare
of the churches from which he had been exiled.
The Lord was in the midst of the seven candlesticks, just as he was with the returned exiles.
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Rider In the Myrtle Grove
The words 'in the ravine' in v8 can equally be
translated 'in the shady place', and construes
the meaning to be that Israel is in the day of her
overshadowing yet she is watched ever by God.
This is indeed a parable of all Israel's history
down the ages, in the purpose and providence
of God.
Outcast from privilege and position, yet never
forgotten by their covenant God, and still His
care. How comforting to know v10 that he
keeps watch over all the events of the earth,
and that his almighty hand is in control.
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The Four Horns
The second vision is relatively simple. The four horns represent all Israel's
enemies, who have oppressed and scattered them. The people were conscious
of the weapons that were being forged against them, and the prophet here
makes clear that the unseen weapons of the Lord of hosts are ready to destroy
these destroying powers. It is not merely that the Lord will raise up
instruments of his purposes, but that
he has them at hand, ready to go
into service for him. Though
enemies might rise on every
side to attack his people,
God always has a more
than adequate defence
prepared for them.
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The Four Horns
Think of the story of Elisha and his servant in 2 Kings 6v13 ff., when the young
man's eyes were opened to see the mountain full of horses and chariots of fire
above the hills surrounding Dothan. God is always prepared and in place when
his people need his protection. The enemy does not catch him out, or find him
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The Four Craftsmen
One wonders whether there is anything particularly symbolic in the
'carpenters' or 'smiths' or 'craftsmen' in v20. Does the word suggest 'builders',
and is there a suggestion in it of the work that the returned exiles were to be
engaged in? If so, it may just possibly be that it was to be in the act of
continuing the work in face of the opposition that they would experience the
delivering power of the Lord and the overruling of their enemies.
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The Four Craftsmen
Whether this this is the case or not, there is
great encouragement here for hard-pressed
believers. So often we find ourselves in a
situation in which we simply cannot see any
way out of the impasse; but then God says,
"Ah, but I can show you a way out".
He draws aside the veil, and shows us the one
great circumstance, which is the reality and
sufficiency of his divine grace and power
flowing from his throne. May God grant us
eyes to see what is unseen.
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