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Copy of The Larry Walker Trilogy

Larry Walker was a normal man. He had a wife, three kids, and a nice dog. You see,
Larry had a very good life along with his family, his nice house, and his realty business. And I’m
Rod Serling, I will be walking you through the night of August 24th when Mr. Walker had a run in
with the Twilight Zone. Before August 25th Larry was a normal man.
We will start on the day of August 25th. Larry was heading to his work when he got a
call. A client had a house they saw and were interested in, so Mr. Walker turned around and
started heading to the house. Without knowing, Mr. Walker was heading straight into the home
of the Poffenberger’s. You see, the trouble with this is that the Poffenbergers were religious folk,
they summoned demons and monsters from worlds unlike this, in fact, they come from the very
place known as the Twilight Zone. The Poffenbergers didn’t own the house, but it was where
they practiced their rituals to the demons they worshipped. Mr. Walker arrived in the late
afternoon to tour the house, clueless to what was about to come. August 25th is the day that
started it all.
It was now night on August 25th. Mr. Walker had begun to tour the house and I have
never seen such a house, nor had Mr. Walker. There was an intricate ballroom, huge ornate
wardrobes everywhere, and a massive kitchen, a huge selling point for the house. Now one
thing some might not know if they met Mr. Walker is that he has a serious case of OCD and this
makes him an especially good realtor. However, this made him notice little things, such as an
out of place kitchen knife, odd mysterious antlers in the most random places, and a somewhat
odd taxidermy subject in the corner. He started to worry and for all the right reasons because he
was about to journey further into the Twilight Zone. The beginning of the night of August 25th
alarmed Mr. Walker.
We now continue heading deeper into the night of August 25th. You see, by now Mr.
Walker is beginning to see that people live in the house despite the for sale sign outside. Mr.
Walker still continued viewing the house until he found something. He was in the 3rd-floor
master bedroom and found a dead sacrificial goat with strange markings all over it. The goat
was in the center of a circle of strange markings, illuminated only by a few candles. Mr. Walker
heard a sound and he dove under the bed. What he saw next terrified him. A man in a grey robe
with black, intricate details on it came into the room with a curved, black knife with the edge of a
razor. The night of August 25th kept getting worse and worse.
Then, it all happened in the bedroom. The man in the hooded robe said something in an
old language and the inscriptions on the floor illuminated with the blue flame. The illumination
somehow coaxed Mr. Walker to start squirming as if to find warmth, but he soon realized his
mistake. The hooded man turned to where Mr. Walker was hiding and said something again in
that old language. This time the words lifted Mr. Walker up and put him in front of the man,
unable to move due to some spell. Mr. Walker cursed himself, then he realized, the hooded man
was Chase Poffenberger, the leader of this group. Mr. Walker knew they existed, but here, he
never imagined. Chase said something in a mysterious language and our hero, Larry, was
changed into a horrid beast from Chase’s imagination. Mr. Walker now had 3 giant horns, giant
hooves, a lion’s tail whipping back and forth, wings of an eagle, and giant claws where his
hands used to be. Mr. Walker tried to run but failed, for a demon held him in place, not allowing
him to escape. Desperate for freedom, Mr. Walker kept pushing until Chase spoke again and
the demon spit flames, burning Mr. Walker's legs, crippling him. Mr. Walker stayed on the
ground, pleading for mercy from Chase. Chase sat thinking about it while the demon continued
to burn Mr. Walker. Mr. Walker’s screams got to Chase and he decided to pity him. Chase
commanded the demon to stop in that old tongue and started chanting, “Raza ul la ku,” after
chanting this a few times Mr. Walker was changed back to normal, his memory was erased, and
he was teleported outside of the house. All Mr. Walker remembers from that day is that the
house was dangerous, and not to be messed with. The events of the bedroom were finally over.
Mr. Walker continued to live his life. Mr. Walker was a normal man, and he continued on
with his life normally. You see, Chase’s cult would continue underneath the Godfrey cult led by
Isacc. Mr. Walker would love his family and work for 3 months until October. In October Mr.
Walker will have a run in with the cult again, except the next time, with Isacc’s more ruthless
part. I’m Rod Serling and this was Mr. Walker’s trip to the Twilight Zone and back to continue his
Our story starts with a man named Larry Walker. Larry is
a normal man, has a wife and three kids, but today he is
going to be taking a trip through the Twilight Zone. Mr.
Walker woke up this morning just like any other day and
headed to his work as a realtor. Now you see before Mr.
Walker shows a house to a client he must tour it himself
but the house he is going to today is a portal to a realm
unlike his own, called the Twilight Zone.
Mr. Walker was walking to the old Godfrey house in Salem, the Godfrey’s were religious
folk and the house is rumored to be haunted. The Godfrey’s were led by a man named Isaac
who planned to summon demons and spirits from the grave. Things went terribly wrong for him
and a permanent portal opened up, straight to the devil himself.
Mr. Walker went ahead and toured the house, dismissing the previous trial that had put
away Isaac for good on account of his nefarious acts. The house was in good shape, some nice
old wardrobes that could go for a good buck, huge rooms, a ballroom, and it was the biggest
mansion Mr. Walker had ever seen, he was sure he could sell it quickly and for a high price. But
he never noticed the body hanging from the ceiling, or the demon hiding in the wardrobe, but
Mr. Walker was about to find out.
Finally, Mr. Walker got to the basement, he was sure it would be a big selling point for
the house. But when he got down there… it was not what he had expected. A giant gaping hole
in the ground, still lit candles, and more wardrobes but bloody, there were ceremonial robes and
what appeared to be a sacrificial goat right next to some odd markings on the ground. He was
told the police had cleaned everything up but that must not have been true. Mr. Walker all of the
sudden heard a creaking from one of the wardrobes so he ran and hid behind the steps, and
what he saw next was horrifying.
Men in dark black robes came out from behind one of the wardrobes, all carrying black
curved knives, as sharp as razors. What was even worse was the man who was leading them,
Isaac Godfrey. Mr. Walker was trembling, he had thought Isaac was gone, done for good, but he
escaped. Mr. Walker in his fear pulled out his phone to call the police, but forgot that when he
pushed the buttons it made a beeping sound. Mr. Walker began dialing and when he heard the
beep he cursed himself, for at the same moment Isaac snapped his head in the direction of Mr.
Walker and saw him, trembling, cowering, begging for mercy that he would not soon find.
Isaac walked over to Mr. Walker and said in a deep booming voice, “Who are you? Why
are you so afraid? And get out of my house.” And so Mr. Walker replied, “I’m a real estate agent
who is selling this house. And are you not Isaac Godfrey, the man who did demonic rituals in
this house. Isaac was proud he had left a reputation for himself but needed this man out of his
house, so for the last time he said, “Get out of my house now!” Mr. Walker simply replied by
saying, “I can’t, this house now belongs to the bank and I have to sell it, otherwise I will get fired
and won’t be able to provide for my family.” Isaac was furious so he said, “Get out of my house
and you can go home to your family a failure without a job, or be a “man” and stay.” Isaac waited
for a reply that didn’t come because Mr. Walker remained where he was at without making a
Now Isaac was done with Mr. Walker so he signaled his followers to chain up Mr. Walker
and put him to the side. He then shouted something in a mysterious language saying, “sala ki
laca ha za la shu la SAKIKI!” Then the markings on the ground lit up in red flames and the hole
in the ground illuminated for blue flames erupted out of it. Isaac then said. “Are all here prepared
for the sacrifice?” All of the hooded men nodded their heads. Then they all turned to Mr. Walker,
chanting the same thing over and over again, “sala ki laca ha za la shu la sakiki, sala ki laca ha
za la shu la SAKIKI, sala ki laca ha za la shu la SAKIKI!” until they finally reached Mr. Walker
where they grabbed him and brought him into the center of the strange markings.
Isaac walked in front of Mr. Walker and finally said, “Any final words, Larry?” Mr. Walker
pleaded for mercy, but still Isaac didn’t listen, he was tired of the pleading and slapped Mr.
Walker across the face, making him fall to the ground. But Mr. Walker continued pleading, so
Isaac brutally beat Mr. Walker until he couldn’t talk. At this moment Mr. Walker knew it was time,
there was no more fighting, so he kneeled down and accepted his fate. Isaac continued to beat
Mr. Walker until he was barely alive. At this point Isaac grabbed Mr. Walker by the head and
said silently, “Goodbye, and thanks for the house” he then stabbed Mr. Walker through the chest
and watched the life leave his eyes. Soon after the hooded men started chanting again, “sala ki
laca ha za la shu la sakiki, sala ki laca ha za la shu la SAKIKI, sala ki laca ha za la shu la
SAKIKI!” Then at that moment a giant red spiked hand rose out of the blue flaming portal and
grabbed Mr. Walker’s dead body and dragged it into the portal.
Isaac’s men continued their rituals in secrecy in the same house for many years to
come. Mr. Walker’s wife died a few months later from heartbreak, and his children were
orphaned. The bank never went to try and resell the house because now it really was haunted in
a realm known as the Twilight Zone.
Larry Walker had an odd childhood. Larry was born to a woman named Eleanor Godfrey
Walker (she kept her maiden name) and a man named Issac Godfrey. It was rumored that
Godfrey would perform demonic rituals on young Larry, one that even cursed him, without
Issac’s knowledge, to be killed by a blood relative and be sacrificed to Issac’s demonic lord.
Issac left Larry and Eleanor when Larry was just three years old. Larry’s childhood continued
with him noticing strange things around him, making people think he was crazy. Larry Walker
continued his odd childhood as normally as he could.
Larry had a good time in school. Larry continued noticing odd things like darting figures
and things being out of place throughout high school. Larry performed well all the while and
became valedictorian for his class. After high school, Larry went to college attending Harvard
Business school. Larry went to college for business until he got his masters degree. Larry,
during school, had several internships and found the most interesting one was at a real estate
agency. Larry knew what he wanted to do by the time he was out of college. Larry’s school
career was very good.
It was time for Larry to go to the Twilight Zone. Larry loved his job. At the age of 26, he
was out of college and got a job at a real estate agency in his hometown, Salem Ohio. He got
paid well enough to take care of his wife and three kids. He lived a normal adulthood until he ran
into Chase Poffenberger and got his memory wiped. It got worse after that. One day he got a
call from a client who identified himself as Joe Etchum(e-chum), what Larry didn’t know was
that this was really his father, Issac Godfrey, and he was going to finish the curse from so long
ago himself. Forced by his demonic overlord, Issac would kill his son that night, as Larry Walker
would enter the Twilight Zone.