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CompTIA Security

CompTIA Security+ 501 vs. 601 Exam Domains
The CompTIA Security+ (SY0-601) exam now covers five major domains instead of six, guided by a
maturing industry job role.
CompTIA Security+ 501 Exam Domains
CompTIA Security+ 601 Exam Domains
1. Threats, Attacks and Vulnerabilities (21%)
1. Attacks, Threats and Vulnerabilities (24%)
2. Technologies and Tools (22%)
2. Architecture and Design (21%)
3. Architecture and Design (15%)
3. Implementation (25%)
4. Identity and Access Management (16%)
4. Operations and Incident Response (16%)
5. Risk Management (14%)
5. Governance, Risk and Compliance (14%)
6. Cryptography and PKI (12%)