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CompTIA A+ 20B - Proper Communication Techniques.docx

Elizabeth Mabrey
Comptia A+ Core 1 and Core 2
CompTIA A+ 20B.RV
Proper Communication Techniques
Answer the following questions:
1. When you arrive at a customer location to service a
network printer, the user is upset because the printer
is not working and therefore he cannot submit his
reports on time. How should you approach this user?
Answer: Sympathetically, make sure they know you
understand their frustration, and ask the right questions to
find out the problem.
2. You are trying to troubleshoot a problem over the
phone and need to get advice from your manager. How
should you handle this with the customer?
Answer: Ask the customer if you can put them on hold, or if
you can call them back at a later time.
3. You are troubleshooting a print problem, which
turned out to be caused by user error. The user is not
confident that the problem is solved and wants more
reassurance. You have already explained what the user
was doing wrong in some detail. What should you do?
Answer: Go through the process with them step-by-step
until they understand, you cannot close a ticket/leave a
request until the user confirms the problem was resolved.
4. You are working on the training documentation for
help-desk agents. What should you include for dealing
with difficult situations?
Answer: I would avoid arguing, don’t take things personally.
Try to calm the customer by being sympathetic and
understanding and try to continue to solve the problem. If
the customer is using abusive language or threats, end the
call and document the reasoning.