Uploaded by Malek Afifi


By: Malek Ragi
In this presentation we will discuss:
• Difference between reading from books and tablets.
• Why reading from tablets is harmful?
• The affect of books and tablets on sleeping.
• How to read from tablets with less harm.
1) Difference between reading from
books and tablets
• Books are the only source of
knowledge in everything. Such as
(History, Science, Languages,
Geography, Logic games and
• They are also better than the
tablets because they aren’t harmful
for your eyes or your brain.
– Tablets are electronic devices that
you use it for several things except
for reading like playing video
games, looking out for knowledge
and also maybe used for studying
(like this power point you are
watching now :D).
– They maybe good for reading, but
not as good as reading from books.
Because it would be an easy
distraction for you if you were
reading or studying.
2) Why tablets are harmful?
– Tablets are the most destroying weapon made by human. Because it
destroys your eyes, communications and your brain.
– Your eyes: because it produces electronic waves which harms your retinal
tissue, eye redness, headache and nearsightedness.
– Communications: If you spent a lot of time playing on tablets (Especially online
games), it will make you like the cave man. And all your goals will be to take
the first place in the game or to break your high scores. And if nobody take
with your hand to save you, it would be like drugs, and if you lost in the game
or someone take your tablet from you, you will forget your self and if the game
effected you so much, you might kill the person who took your tablet from you.
– Your brain: the radiations coming out from the tablets, may cause tensions in
your whole body, and if you are from the type of people who sleep beside
your tablet, it affects your sleeping and this will affect also your REM sleep and
you will send more time sleeping and you will feel as you have just slept for 2
hours even you slept for 13 hours.
3) The affect of books and tablets
on sleeping.
• If you like to read before sleeping, you will have 2 options: read from
an actual book or from an E-book. If you read from an actual book,
you should read in a suitable light concentration and you won’t be
harmed. But if read from an E-book, then you must read in a lighten
room, and don’t depend on your tablet’s light, because reading in
darkness is more harmful than reading from tablets in high light
concentration. Because is darkness, your pupil becomes wider, so
when you concentrate in your tablet’s screen in darkness, the amount
radiations coming from the screen which enters to your eye is larger
than when you read in light. Because your pupil will be narrower, so
the amount that enter to your coronary and your retinal tissue will be
less. But you now may ask :”What is the REM sleep?”
The REM sleep stands for(Rapid Eye Movement)
4) How to read from tablets with less
• But if you are in a case that you can’t read except from a tablet,
therefor, you should read in a high light concentration, decrease
the brightness of your tablet, use the blue light filter effect and
don’t read for along period of time.
• Finally, for me, if I had the option to choose between reading
from tablets or books, I would choose reading from books.
Because it is less harmful and it won’t harm you.