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Below you will find 12 week’s worth of programming where each day and each set is laid out for you. This
is a PowerBuilding/rotating percentages program which will give you some heavy days, moderate days
and light days throughout the week. This should keep you from feeling too beat up from the weights and
will hopefully keep your training interesting. This should drive up your base numbers and there is some
simulated Strongman stuff in there, so you should get a feel for some of the movements because they will
definitely make your regular gym lifts go up. A lot of this is set up exactly like a 10x3 traditional linear
progression but I rotated your percentages on your main movements because it will keep you progressing
longer. It is definitely a step-up from basic linear and i think it will be better for you in the long term. If you
don't know your 1RM for a certain exercise, it isn’t that big of a deal. You can use a perceived rate of
exertion scale. So 70% would be a 7/10. Just work up (During your warm-ups Sets) to something that
feels right and then start your Rounds.
I am not going to lie to you, it is going to be a very challenging 12 weeks. But I am confident that if you
stick to it, follow it as it is written, and keep your diet clean, that you will have no problem reaching the
goals you have set for yourself.
You have read the content on NEVERsate.com. We don’t aim to make things easy, but we do aim to
make you better. I have no doubt that this program will do that.
I would encourage you to print out this document and make notes of all of your sets/weights as well as
notes about how the day went. You will look back on it like a personal journal and will remember
individual workouts and how you felt at the time. If done correctly, this program will change your lifting
future. It is nice to look back sometimes and remember.
Please stick to the program as it is written. I programmed it for 4 sessions a week. If you are pushing
yourself the way that you should, you will need those other recovery days. Try to keep 24-48 Hours
between workouts as your CNS is going to need to have time to recover between sessions. If that is not
possible, do what you can. If you want to get into the gym more often, feel free to push any of the
conditioning to day 5 or 6 of your schedule, but do so sparingly (At least at First) because just running a
program like this 4 days a week is going to be a brutally different experience.
At first you may find the workouts extremely challenging, but stick with it. You will get better every day
and the workouts will seem easier each wave. You will surprise yourself by what you are capable of. If
you run into any movements that you are not familiar with, just google them or feel free to reach out to me
for clarification. Also don’t hesitate to reach out if something doesn’t feel or look right to you. I proof read
this to mitigate any mistakes but there inevitably will be some. 12 weeks a lot to keep straight in my
The Program will not be easy (if it were easy, everyone would do it), but you will find yourself a different
person standing on the other end of it and I hope this program exceeds your expectations.
I wish you all the luck in your endeavors and I again, thank you for purchasing the program.
Very Respectfully,
Wave 1/Week 1/Day 1
STRONGMAN - At the Top of Every Minute for 10 Minutes, Complete:
3 Burpees
100 Foot Farmer's Walk @ 70% of your 1RM.
STRENGTH - Deadlift Focus (Hypertrophy)
Set 1: 10 Deadlifts @ 60% Of your 1RM
10 Hanging Leg Raises
8 Kettlebell or Dumbbell Snatches (Each Side)
Rest 90 Seconds and get right back to your Deadlifts
Set 2: 8 Deadlifts @ 70% Of your 1RM
10 Hanging Leg Raises
8 Kettlebell or Dumbbell Snatches (Each Side)
:90 Seconds Rest
Set 3: As Many Deadlifts As Possible @ 80% Of your 1RM (Goal is at least 6)
10 Hanging Leg Raises
8 Kettlebell or Dumbbell Snatches (Each Side)
:90 Seconds Rest
ASSISTANCE - 3 Rounds of the Following Giant Set
16 Rack Deadlifts (Just above the Knee - As Heavy As possible)
14 Krock Rows (Each Side)
10 Hanging Leg Raises
***No Rest between exercises. Take :90 Seconds Rest after you have finished all 3 and get
right back to it.
3 Squat Cleans @ 50% of your 1RM
:20 Seconds Rest Between Rounds
Wave 1/Week 1/Day 2
STRENGTH - Overhead Focus (Power)
Set 1: 8 Weighted Pull-Ups (As Heavy As possible - Ramping)
8 Strict Presses @ 65% Of your 1RM
8 Windshield Wipers (Each Side)
Rest 90 Seconds and get right back to your Presses
Set 2: 6 Weighted pull-Ups (As Heavy As possible - Ramping)
6 Strict Presses @ 75% Of your 1RM
8 Windshield Wipers (Each Side)
:90 Seconds Rest
Set 3: 6 Weighted pull-Ups (As Heavy As possible - Ramping)
As Many Strict Presses As Possible @ 85% Of your 1RM (Goal is at least 4)
8 Windshield Wipers (Each Side)
:90 Seconds Rest
STRONGMAN - 3 Rounds
:60 Seconds Max Reps Dumbbell Clean & Press @ 60% of Your 1RM. Clean Every Rep. Use
Fat grips or a Circus Dumbbell If Possible. Switch Arms as Often As needed
:60 Seconds Rest Between Rounds
:30 Seconds “Z” Presses
:30 Seconds Lateral Raises
:30 Seconds Face Pulls
:30 Seconds Rest
Max Reps Strict Press @35% of Your 1RM
100 Foot Bear Crawl
100 Foot Gator Walk
100 Foot Crab Walk
Wave 1/Week 1/Day 3
STRENGTH - Squat Focus (Speed & Endurance)
Set 1: 12 Squats @ 55% Of your 1RM
12 Standing Banded Crunches
8 Box Jumps
Rest 90 Seconds and get right back to your Squats
Set 2: 10 Squats @ 65% Of your 1RM
12 Standing Banded Crunches
8 Box Jumps
:90 Seconds Rest
Set 3: As Many Squats As Possible @ 75% Of your 1RM (Goal is at least 8)
12 Standing Banded Crunches
8 Box Jumps
:90 Seconds Rest
ASSISTANCE - 4 Rounds of the Following Giant Set
12 Good Mornings (As Heavy As Possible - Ramping)
12 Glute Ham Raises or Other Leg Curl
20 Dumbbell Walking Lunges (As Heavy As Possible)
***No Rest between exercises. Take :90 Seconds Rest after you have finished all 3 and get
right back to it.
Shuffle A Deck Of Cards. Complete the number of reps corresponding with the number on
the card. All Face Cards = 10 Reps, Aces = 11. Complete the entire deck or go for 25
Minutes. Whichever comes first.
Hearts: Sumo Deadlift High-Pulls
Spades: Burpee Lateral jumps
Diamonds: Kettlebell or Dumbbell Snatches
Clubs: Deficit Push-Ups
Wave 1/Week 1/Day 4
STRENGTH - Bench Focus (Hypertrophy)
Set 1: 10 Bent Over Rows (As Heavy As possible - Ramping)
10 Bench Presses @ 60% Of your 1RM
10 Dragon Flags
8 Kettlebell or Dumbbell Windmills (Each Side)
Rest 90 Seconds and get right back to your Bench
Set 2: 8 Bent Over Rows (As Heavy As possible - Ramping)
8 Bench Presses @ 70% Of your 1RM
10 Dragon Flags
8 Kettlebell or Dumbbell Windmills (Each Side)
:90 Seconds Rest
Set 3: 6 Bent Over Rows (As Heavy As possible - Ramping)
As Many Bench Presses As Possible @ 80% Of your 1RM (Goal is at least 6)
10 Dragon Flags
8 Kettlebell or Dumbbell Windmills (Each Side)
:90 Seconds Rest
ASSISTANCE - 4 Rounds of the Following Giant Set
15 Neutral Grip Dumbbell Bench Presses (As Heavy As Possible - Ramping)
15 Dips (Bench Dips if Necessary)
20 Band or Cable Trice Extensions (As Heavy As Possible)
***No Rest between exercises. Take :90 Seconds Rest after you have finished all 3 and get
right back to it.
OPTIONAL CONDITIONING - At the Top of Every minute
Complete 5 Burpees
Use the reminder of the minute to perform as Many Bench Presses as possible with an
empty bar.
Continue this Pattern until you have completed 300 Reps with the Empty Barbell.
Wave 1/Week 2/Day 1
STRENGTH - Deadlift Focus (Speed & Endurance)
Set 1: 12 Deadlifts @ 55% Of your 1RM
12 Glute Ham Raise Sit-Ups
:30 Seconds Kettlebell or Dumbbell Swings
Rest 90 Seconds and get right back to your Deadlifts
Set 2: 10 Deadlifts @ 65% Of your 1RM
12 Glute Ham Raise Sit-Ups
:30 Seconds Kettlebell or Dumbbell Swings
:90 Seconds Rest
Set 3: As Many Deadlifts As Possible @ 75% Of your 1RM (Goal is at least 8)
12 Glute Ham Raise Sit-Ups
:30 Seconds Kettlebell or Dumbbell Swings
:90 Seconds Rest
ASSISTANCE - As Many Rounds As possible in 12 Minutes
10 Deficit Deadlifts
12 Glute Ham Raises Or Other Leg Curl
10 Yates Rows
***No Rest between exercises. Complete as many Rounds As possible in the allotted 12
Minute Time Span.
STRONGMAN CONDITIONING - 1 Mile Odd Object Carry (Plates, Dumbbells, Sandbag,
Farmer’s, etc). Make it heavy. Get uncomfortable. Become Better.
Wave 1/Week 2/Day 2
STRENGTH - Overhead Focus (Hypertrophy)
Set 1: 10 Wide Grip Pull-Ups (Weighted if possible)
10 Push-Presses @ 60% Of your 1RM
6 Glute Ham Raise Halos (Each Side)
5 Turkish Get-Ups (Each Side)
Rest 90 Seconds and get right back to your Presses
Set 2: 8 Wide Grip Pull-Ups (Weighted if possible)
8 Push-Presses @ 70% Of your 1RM
6 Glute Ham Raise Halos (Each Side)
5 Turkish Get-Ups (Each Side)
:90 Seconds Rest
Set 3: 6 Wide Grip Pull-Ups (Weighted if possible)
As Many Push-Presses As Possible @ 80% Of your 1RM (Goal is at least 6)
6 Glute Ham Raise Halos (Each Side)
5 Turkish Get-Ups (Each Side)
:90 Seconds Rest
ASSISTANCE - 4 Rounds of the Following Giant Set
100 Foot Waiter’s Walk (Left Side)
10 Handstand Push-Ups or Deficit push-Ups
100 Foot Waiter’s Walk (Right Side)
10 Handstand Push-Ups or Deficit push-Ups
***No Rest between exercises. Take :90 Seconds Rest after you have finished all 3 and get
right back to it.
OPTIONAL CONDITIONING - 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 Reps of
Kettlebell or Dumbbell Swings (Each Side)
Bodyweight ManMakers
Kettlebell or Dumbbell Snatches (Each Side)
Double Unders x2, or Regular Jumps x4
Wave 1/Week 2/Day 3
STRENGTH - Squat Focus (Power)
Set 1: 8 Burpee Broad Jumps
8 Squats @ 65% Of your 1RM
:30 Seconds Hollow Rocks
Rest 90 Seconds and get right back to your Squats
Set 2: 8 Burpee Broad Jumps
6 Squats @ 75% Of your 1RM
:30 Seconds Hollow Rocks
:90 Seconds Rest
Set 3: 8 Burpee Broad Jumps
As Many Squats As Possible @ 85% Of your 1RM (Goal is at least 4)
:30 Seconds Hollow Rocks
:90 Seconds Rest
ASSISTANCE - 4 Rounds of the Following Giant Set
8 Barbell Bulgarian Split Squats (As Heavy As Possible - Each Side)
12 Barbell Walking Lunges (As Heavy As Possible - Each Side)
8 Dumbbell Sumo Stance Stiff Leg Deadlifts (As Heavy As Possible)
***No Rest between exercises. Take :90 Seconds Rest after you have finished all 3 and get
right back to it.
OPTIONAL CONDITIONING - At the Start of Every Minute
Minute 1: 1 Pull-Up, 2 Burpees, 3 Push-Ups, 4 Mountain Climbers
2: 2 Pull-Ups, 4 Burpees, 6 Push-Ups, 8 Mountain Climbers
3: 3 Pull-Ups, 6 Burpees, 9 Push-Ups, 12 Mountain Climbers
4: 4 Pull-Ups, 8 Burpees, 12 Push-Ups, 16 Mountain Climbers
5: 5 Pull-Ups, 10 Burpees, 15 Push-Ups, 20 Mountain Climbers
6: 5 Pull-Ups, 10 Burpees, 15 Push-Ups, 20 Mountain Climbers
7: 4 Pull-Ups, 8 Burpees, 12 Push-Ups, 16 Mountain Climbers
8: 3 Pull-Ups, 6 Burpees, 9 Push-Ups, 12 Mountain Climbers
9: 2 Pull-Ups, 4 Burpees, 6 Push-Ups, 8 Mountain Climbers
10: 1 Pull-Up, 2 Burpees, 3 Push-Ups, 4 Mountain Climbers
Wave 1/Week 2/Day 4
STRENGTH - Bench Focus (Speed & Endurance)
Set 1: 12 Single Arm Landmine Rows (Each Side)
12 Bench Presses @ 55% Of your 1RM
10 Knees to Elbows
:30 Seconds Battle Ropes or Bodyweight Manmakers
Rest 90 Seconds and get right back to your Bench
Set 2: 10 Single Arm Landmine Rows (Each Side)
10 Bench Presses @ 65% Of your 1RM
10 Knees to Elbows
:30 Seconds Battle Ropes or Bodyweight Manmakers
:90 Seconds Rest
Set 3: 8 Single Arm Landmine Rows (Each Side)
As Many Bench Presses As Possible @ 75% Of your 1RM (Goal is at least 8)
10 Knees to Elbows
:30 Seconds Battle Ropes or Bodyweight Manmakers
:90 Seconds Rest
ASSISTANCE - 4 Rounds of the Following Giant Set
12 Dumbbell Rows - each side (As Heavy As Possible - Ramping)
8 Close Grip Bench Presses (As Heavy As Possible - Ramping)
12 Dumbbell Floor Presses (As Heavy As Possible - Ramping)
:90 Seconds Rest
Begin in a standing position.
Drop and Complete 1 Push-Up
Return to standing position
Drop and Complete 2 Push-Ups
Return to standing position
Drop and Complete 3 Push-Ups
Return to standing position
….Work you way up to 10 Push-Ups, then work your way back down the ladder. No rest on
this one.
Wave 1/Week 3/Day 1
STRENGTH - Deadlift Focus (Power)
Set 1: 8 Explosive Good Mornings (With a Band)
8 Deadlifts @ 65% Of your 1RM
15 “V” Sit-Ups
Rest 90 Seconds and get right back to your Deadlifts
Set 2: 8 Explosive Good Mornings (With a Band)
6 Deadlifts @ 75% Of your 1RM
15 “V” Sit-Ups
:90 Seconds Rest
Set 3: 8 Explosive Good Mornings (With a Band)
As Many Deadlifts As Possible @ 85% Of your 1RM (Goal is at least 4)
15 “V” Sit-Ups
:90 Seconds Rest
STRONGMAN - 10 Rounds
At the Top of Every Minute, Complete a 50 Foot Farmer’s Walk @ 80% of your 1RM
ASSISTANCE - 3 Rounds of the Following Giant Set
8 Stiff Leg Deadlifts (As heavy As possible - Ramping)
:30 Seconds Reverse Hyper or Weighted Back Extension
8 Good Mornings with Safety Pins Set to the Start of Deadlift Height
***No Rest between exercises. Take :90 Seconds Rest after you have finished all 3 and get
right back to it.
OPTIONAL CONDITIONING - As Many Rounds as Possible in 10 Minutes
10 Pull-Ups
10 Barbell Step-Ups (Bar in Front Rack Position)
10 Burpee Box Jumps
Wave 1/Week 3/Day 2
STRENGTH - Overhead Focus (Speed & Endurance)
Set 1: 12 Chin-Ups or Inverted Rows
12 “Z” Presses @ 55% Of your 1RM
:30 Seconds Hanging “L” Sit Holds
10 Vertical Medicine Ball Throws
Rest 90 Seconds and get right back to your Presses
Set 2: 10 Chin-Ups or Inverted Rows
10 “Z” Presses @ 65% Of your 1RM
:30 Seconds Hanging “L” Sit Holds
10 Vertical Medicine Ball Throws
:90 Seconds Rest
Set 3: 8 Chin-Ups or Inverted Rows
As Many “Z” Presses As Possible @ 75% Of your 1RM (Goal is at least 8)
:30 Seconds Hanging “L” Sit Holds
10 Vertical Medicine Ball Throws
:90 Seconds Rest
ASSISTANCE - 4 Rounds of the Following Giant Set
1:00 Minute Crucifix Hold (Arms out to the Side w/ Dumbbells or Plates)
10 Bottom’s Up Kettlebell Presses (Each Side)
15 External Rotations
***No Rest between exercises. Take :90 Seconds Rest after you have finished all 3 and get
right back to it.
OPTIONAL CONDITIONING - In Front of a Running Clock
3 Minutes Max Reps Burpee Lateral Jumps
3 Minutes Max Reps Thrusters (Light)
2 Minutes Max Reps Burpee Lateral Jumps
2 Minutes Max Reps Thrusters (Light)
1 Minute Max Reps Burpee Lateral Jumps
1 Minute Max Reps Thrusters (Light)
Wave 1/Week 3/Day 3
STRENGTH - Squat Focus (Hypertrophy)
Set 1:10 Squats @ 60% Of your 1RM
10 Medicine Ball Squat Jumps (No rest from Squats)
:30 Second Side Plank (Each Side)
Rest 90 Seconds and get right back to your Squats
Set 2: 8 Squats @ 70% Of your 1RM
10 Medicine Ball Squat Jumps (No rest from Squats)
:30 Second Side Plank (Each Side)
:90 Seconds Rest
Set 3: As Many Squats As Possible @ 80% Of your 1RM (Goal is at least 6)
10 Medicine Ball Squat Jumps (No rest from Squats)
:30 Second Side Plank (Each Side)
:90 Seconds Rest
ASSISTANCE - 4 Rounds of the Following Giant Set
5 Front Squats (As Heavy As Possible)
8 Dumbbell Step-Ups (Each Side - As Heavy As Possible)
10 Toes to Bar
***No Rest between exercises. Take :90 Seconds Rest after you have finished all 3 and get
right back to it.
OPTIONAL CONDITIONING - “Bring Sally Up” Squats @ 30% of Your 1RM.
Find the Song, “Flower” by Moby. Hit play and then follow the lyrics. Every time it says
bring Sally Up - Stand. Every time it Says, Bring Sally Down, Drop into the hole and stay
there until you can called to stand.
Wave 1/Week 3/Day 4
STRENGTH - Bench Press Focus (Power)
Set 1: 8 Pendlay Rows (As heavy As possible - Ramping)
8 Bench Presses @ 65% Of your 1RM
1:00 Minute Flutter Kicks
Rest 90 Seconds and get right back to your Bench
Set 2: 8 Pendlay Rows (As heavy As possible - Ramping)
6 Bench Presses @ 75% Of your 1RM
1:00 Minute Flutter Kicks
:90 Seconds Rest
Set 3: 8 Pendlay Rows (As heavy As possible - Ramping)
As Many Bench Presses As Possible @ 85% Of your 1RM (Goal is at least 4)
1:00 Minute Flutter Kicks
:90 Seconds Rest
ASSISTANCE - 4 Rounds of the Following Giant Set
5 Seal Rows or Chest Supported Rows (As Heavy As Possible - Ramping)
5 incline Bench Presses (As Heavy As Possible - Ramping)
20 Straight Arm Band or Lat Pull-Downs
:90 Seconds Rest
OPTIONAL CONDITIONING - 20, 15, 10 Reps of
Ring Dips
Run 400 Meters Between Rounds
Wave 2/Week 4/Day 1
STRONGMAN - At the Top of Every Minute for 10 Minutes, Complete:
3 Burpees
100 Foot Farmer's Walk @ 75% of your 1RM.
STRENGTH - Deadlift Focus (Hypertrophy)
Set 1: 8 Deadlifts @ 65% Of your 1RM
10 Hanging Leg Raises
8 Kettlebell or Dumbbell Snatches (Each Side)
Rest 90 Seconds and get right back to your Deadlifts
Set 2: 6 Deadlifts @ 75% Of your 1RM
10 Hanging Leg Raises
8 Kettlebell or Dumbbell Snatches (Each Side)
:90 Seconds Rest
Set 3: As Many Deadlifts As Possible @ 85% Of your 1RM (Goal is at least 4)
10 Hanging Leg Raises
8 Kettlebell or Dumbbell Snatches (Each Side)
:90 Seconds Rest
ASSISTANCE - 3 Rounds of the Following Giant Set
16 Rack Deadlifts (Just above the Knee - As Heavy As possible)
14 Krock Rows (Each Side)
10 Hanging Leg Raises
***No Rest between exercises. Take :90 Seconds Rest after you have finished all 3 and get
right back to it.
3 Squat Cleans @ 55% of your 1RM
:20 Seconds Rest Between Rounds
Wave 2/Week 4/Day 2
STRENGTH - Overhead Focus (Power)
Set 1: 6 Weighted Pull-Ups (As Heavy As possible - Ramping)
6 Strict Presses @ 70% Of your 1RM
8 Windshield Wipers (Each Side)
Rest 90 Seconds and get right back to your Presses
Set 2: 4 Weighted pull-Ups (As Heavy As possible - Ramping)
4 Strict Presses @ 80% Of your 1RM
8 Windshield Wipers (Each Side)
:90 Seconds Rest
Set 3: 2 Weighted pull-Ups (As Heavy As possible - Ramping)
As Many Strict Presses As Possible @ 90% Of your 1RM (Goal is at least 2)
8 Windshield Wipers (Each Side)
:90 Seconds Rest
STRONGMAN - 3 Rounds
:60 Seconds Max Reps Dumbbell Clean & Press @ 65% of Your 1RM. Clean Every Rep. Use
Fat grips or a Circus Dumbbell If Possible. Switch Arms as Often As needed
:60 Seconds Rest Between Rounds
:30 Seconds “Z” Presses
:30 Seconds Lateral Raises
:30 Seconds Face Pulls
:30 Seconds Rest
Max Reps Strict Press @40% of Your 1RM
100 Foot Bear Crawl
100 Foot Gator Walk
100 Foot Crab Walk
Wave 2/Week 4/Day 3
STRENGTH - Squat Focus (Speed & Endurance)
Set 1: 10 Squats @ 60% Of your 1RM
12 Standing Banded Crunches
8 Box Jumps
Rest 90 Seconds and get right back to your Squats
Set 2: 8 Squats @ 70% Of your 1RM
12 Standing Banded Crunches
8 Box Jumps
:90 Seconds Rest
Set 3: As Many Squats As Possible @ 80% Of your 1RM (Goal is at least 6)
12 Standing Banded Crunches
8 Box Jumps
:90 Seconds Rest
ASSISTANCE - 4 Rounds of the Following Giant Set
12 Good Mornings (As Heavy As Possible - Ramping)
12 Glute Ham Raises or Other Leg Curl
20 Dumbbell Walking Lunges (As Heavy As Possible)
***No Rest between exercises. Take :90 Seconds Rest after you have finished all 3 and get
right back to it.
Shuffle A Deck Of Cards. Complete the number of reps corresponding with the number on
the card. All Face Cards = 10 Reps, Aces = 11. Complete the entire deck or go for 25
Minutes. Whichever comes first.
Hearts: Sumo Deadlift High-Pulls
Spades: Burpee Lateral jumps
Diamonds: Kettlebell or Dumbbell Snatches
Clubs: Deficit Push-Ups
Wave 2/Week 4/Day 4
STRENGTH - Bench Focus (Hypertrophy)
Set 1: 8 Bent Over Rows (As Heavy As possible - Ramping)
8 Bench Presses @ 65% Of your 1RM
10 Dragon Flags
8 Kettlebell or Dumbbell Windmills (Each Side)
Rest 90 Seconds and get right back to your Bench
Set 2: 6 Bent Over Rows (As Heavy As possible - Ramping)
6 Bench Presses @ 75% Of your 1RM
10 Dragon Flags
8 Kettlebell or Dumbbell Windmills (Each Side)
:90 Seconds Rest
Set 3: 4 Bent Over Rows (As Heavy As possible - Ramping)
As Many Bench Presses As Possible @ 85% Of your 1RM (Goal is at least 4)
10 Dragon Flags
8 Kettlebell or Dumbbell Windmills (Each Side)
:90 Seconds Rest
ASSISTANCE - 4 Rounds of the Following Giant Set
15 Neutral Grip Dumbbell Bench Presses (As Heavy As Possible - Ramping)
15 Dips (Bench Dips if Necessary)
20 Band or Cable Trice Extensions (As Heavy As Possible)
***No Rest between exercises. Take :90 Seconds Rest after you have finished all 3 and get
right back to it.
OPTIONAL CONDITIONING - At the Top of Every minute
Complete 5 Burpees
Use the reminder of the minute to perform as Many Bench Presses as possible with an
empty bar.
Continue this Pattern until you have completed 300 Reps with the Empty Barbell.
Wave 2/Week 5/Day 1
STRENGTH - Deadlift Focus (Speed & Endurance)
Set 1: 10 Deadlifts @ 60% Of your 1RM
12 Glute Ham Raise Sit-Ups
:30 Seconds Kettlebell or Dumbbell Swings
Rest 90 Seconds and get right back to your Deadlifts
Set 2: 8 Deadlifts @ 70% Of your 1RM
12 Glute Ham Raise Sit-Ups
:30 Seconds Kettlebell or Dumbbell Swings
:90 Seconds Rest
Set 3: As Many Deadlifts As Possible @ 80% Of your 1RM (Goal is at least 6)
12 Glute Ham Raise Sit-Ups
:30 Seconds Kettlebell or Dumbbell Swings
:90 Seconds Rest
ASSISTANCE - As Many Rounds As possible in 12 Minutes
10 Deficit Deadlifts
12 Glute Ham Raises Or Other Leg Curl
10 Yates Rows
***No Rest between exercises. Complete as many Rounds As possible in the allotted 12
Minute Time Span.
STRONGMAN CONDITIONING - 1 Mile Odd Object Carry (Plates, Dumbbells, Sandbag,
Farmer’s, etc). Make it heavy. Get uncomfortable. Become Better.
Wave 2/Week 5/Day 2
STRENGTH - Overhead Focus (Hypertrophy)
Set 1: 8 Wide Grip Pull-Ups (Weighted if possible)
8 Push-Presses @ 65% Of your 1RM
6 Glute Ham Raise Halos (Each Side)
5 Turkish Get-Ups (Each Side)
Rest 90 Seconds and get right back to your Presses
Set 2: 6 Wide Grip Pull-Ups (Weighted if possible)
6 Push-Presses @ 75% Of your 1RM
6 Glute Ham Raise Halos (Each Side)
5 Turkish Get-Ups (Each Side)
:90 Seconds Rest
Set 3: 4 Wide Grip Pull-Ups (Weighted if possible)
As Many Push-Presses As Possible @ 85% Of your 1RM (Goal is at least 4)
6 Glute Ham Raise Halos (Each Side)
5 Turkish Get-Ups (Each Side)
:90 Seconds Rest
ASSISTANCE - 4 Rounds of the Following Giant Set
100 Foot Waiter’s Walk (Left Side)
10 Handstand Push-Ups or Deficit push-Ups
100 Foot Waiter’s Walk (Right Side)
10 Handstand Push-Ups or Deficit push-Ups
***No Rest between exercises. Take :90 Seconds Rest after you have finished all 3 and get
right back to it.
OPTIONAL CONDITIONING - 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 Reps of
Kettlebell or Dumbbell Swings (Each Side)
Bodyweight ManMakers
Kettlebell or Dumbbell Snatches (Each Side)
Double Unders x2, or Regular Jumps x4
Wave 2/Week 5/Day 3
STRENGTH - Squat Focus (Power)
Set 1: 8 Burpee Broad Jumps
6 Squats @ 70% Of your 1RM
:30 Seconds Hollow Rocks
Rest 90 Seconds and get right back to your Squats
Set 2: 8 Burpee Broad Jumps
4 Squats @ 80% Of your 1RM
:30 Seconds Hollow Rocks
:90 Seconds Rest
Set 3: 8 Burpee Broad Jumps
As Many Squats As Possible @ 90% Of your 1RM (Goal is at least 2)
:30 Seconds Hollow Rocks
:90 Seconds Rest
ASSISTANCE - 4 Rounds of the Following Giant Set
8 Barbell Bulgarian Split Squats (As Heavy As Possible - Each Side)
12 Barbell Walking Lunges (As Heavy As Possible - Each Side)
8 Dumbbell Sumo Stance Stiff Leg Deadlifts (As Heavy As Possible)
***No Rest between exercises. Take :90 Seconds Rest after you have finished all 3 and get
right back to it.
OPTIONAL CONDITIONING - At the Start of Every Minute
Minute 1: 1 Pull-Up, 2 Burpees, 3 Push-Ups, 4 Mountain Climbers
Minute 2: 2 Pull-Ups, 4 Burpees, 6 Push-Ups, 8 Mountain Climbers
Minute 3: 3 Pull-Ups, 6 Burpees, 9 Push-Ups, 12 Mountain Climbers
Minute 4: 4 Pull-Ups, 8 Burpees, 12 Push-Ups, 16 Mountain Climbers
Minute 5: 5 Pull-Ups, 10 Burpees, 15 Push-Ups, 20 Mountain Climbers
6: 5 Pull-Ups, 10 Burpees, 15 Push-Ups, 20 Mountain Climbers
7: 4 Pull-Ups, 8 Burpees, 12 Push-Ups, 16 Mountain Climbers
8: 3 Pull-Ups, 6 Burpees, 9 Push-Ups, 12 Mountain Climbers
9: 2 Pull-Ups, 4 Burpees, 6 Push-Ups, 8 Mountain Climbers
10: 1 Pull-Up, 2 Burpees, 3 Push-Ups, 4 Mountain Climbers
Wave 2/Week 5/Day 4
STRENGTH - Bench Focus (Speed & Endurance)
Set 1: 10 Single Arm Landmine Rows (Each Side)
10 Bench Presses @ 60% Of your 1RM
10 Knees to Elbows
:30 Seconds Battle Ropes or Bodyweight Manmakers
Rest 90 Seconds and get right back to your Bench
Set 2: 8 Single Arm Landmine Rows (Each Side)
8 Bench Presses @ 70% Of your 1RM
10 Knees to Elbows
:30 Seconds Battle Ropes or Bodyweight Manmakers
:90 Seconds Rest
Set 3: 6 Single Arm Landmine Rows (Each Side)
As Many Bench Presses As Possible @ 80% Of your 1RM (Goal is at least 6)
10 Knees to Elbows
:30 Seconds Battle Ropes or Bodyweight Manmakers
:90 Seconds Rest
ASSISTANCE - 4 Rounds of the Following Giant Set
12 Dumbbell Rows - each side (As Heavy As Possible - Ramping)
8 Close Grip Bench Presses (As Heavy As Possible - Ramping)
12 Dumbbell Floor Presses (As Heavy As Possible - Ramping)
:90 Seconds Rest
Begin in a standing position.
Drop and Complete 1 Push-Up
Return to standing position
Drop and Complete 2 Push-Ups
Return to standing position
Drop and Complete 3 Push-Ups
Return to standing position
….Work you way up to 10 Push-Ups, then work your way back down the ladder. No rest on
this one.
Wave 2/Week 6/Day 1
STRENGTH - Deadlift Focus (Power)
Set 1: 8 Explosive Good Mornings (With a Band)
6 Deadlifts @ 70% Of your 1RM
15 “V” Sit-Ups
Rest 90 Seconds and get right back to your Deadlifts
Set 2: 8 Explosive Good Mornings (With a Band)
4 Deadlifts @ 80% Of your 1RM
15 “V” Sit-Ups
:90 Seconds Rest
Set 3: 8 Explosive Good Mornings (With a Band)
As Many Deadlifts As Possible @ 90% Of your 1RM (Goal is at least 2)
15 “V” Sit-Ups
:90 Seconds Rest
STRONGMAN - 10 Rounds
At the Top of Every Minute, Complete a 50 Foot Farmer’s Walk @ 85% of your 1RM
ASSISTANCE - 3 Rounds of the Following Giant Set
8 Stiff Leg Deadlifts (As heavy As possible - Ramping)
:30 Seconds Reverse Hyper or Weighted Back Extension
8 Good Mornings with Safety Pins Set to the Start of Deadlift Height
***No Rest between exercises. Take :90 Seconds Rest after you have finished all 3 and get
right back to it.
OPTIONAL CONDITIONING - As Many Rounds as Possible in 10 Minutes
10 Pull-Ups
10 Barbell Step-Ups (Bar in Front Rack Position)
10 Burpee Box Jumps
Wave 2/Week 6/Day 2
STRENGTH - Overhead Focus (Speed & Endurance)
Set 1: 10 Chin-Ups or Inverted Rows
10 “Z” Presses @ 60% Of your 1RM
:30 Seconds Hanging “L” Sit Holds
10 Vertical Medicine Ball Throws
Rest 90 Seconds and get right back to your Presses
Set 2: 8 Chin-Ups or Inverted Rows
8 “Z” Presses @ 70% Of your 1RM
:30 Seconds Hanging “L” Sit Holds
10 Vertical Medicine Ball Throws
:90 Seconds Rest
Set 3: 6 Chin-Ups or Inverted Rows
As Many “Z” Presses As Possible @ 80% Of your 1RM (Goal is at least 6)
:30 Seconds Hanging “L” Sit Holds
10 Vertical Medicine Ball Throws
:90 Seconds Rest
ASSISTANCE - 4 Rounds of the Following Giant Set
1:00 Minute Crucifix Hold (Arms out to the Side w/ Dumbbells or Plates)
10 Bottom’s Up Kettlebell Presses (Each Side)
15 External Rotations
***No Rest between exercises. Take :90 Seconds Rest after you have finished all 3 and get
right back to it.
OPTIONAL CONDITIONING - In Front of a Running Clock
3 Minutes Max Reps Burpee Lateral Jumps
3 Minutes Max Reps Thrusters (Light)
2 Minutes Max Reps Burpee Lateral Jumps
2 Minutes Max Reps Thrusters (Light)
1 Minute Max Reps Burpee Lateral Jumps
1 Minute Max Reps Thrusters (Light)
Wave 2/Week 6/Day 3
STRENGTH - Squat Focus (Hypertrophy)
Set 1: 8 Squats @ 65% Of your 1RM
10 Medicine Ball Squat Jumps (No rest from Squats)
:30 Second Side Plank (Each Side)
Rest 90 Seconds and get right back to your Squats
Set 2: 6 Squats @ 75% Of your 1RM
10 Medicine Ball Squat Jumps (No rest from Squats)
:30 Second Side Plank (Each Side)
:90 Seconds Rest
Set 3: As Many Squats As Possible @ 85% Of your 1RM (Goal is at least 4)
10 Medicine Ball Squat Jumps (No rest from Squats)
:30 Second Side Plank (Each Side)
:90 Seconds Rest
ASSISTANCE - 4 Rounds of the Following Giant Set
5 Front Squats (As Heavy As Possible)
8 Dumbbell Step-Ups (Each Side - As Heavy As Possible)
10 Toes to Bar
***No Rest between exercises. Take :90 Seconds Rest after you have finished all 3 and get
right back to it.
OPTIONAL CONDITIONING - “Bring Sally Up” Squats @ 35% of Your 1RM.
Find the Song, “Flower” by Moby. Hit play and then follow the lyrics. Every time it says
bring Sally Up - Stand. Every time it Says, Bring Sally Down, Drop into the hole and stay
there until you can called to stand.
Wave 2/Week 6/Day 4
STRENGTH - Bench Press Focus (Power)
Set 1: 8 Pendlay Rows (As heavy As possible - Ramping)
6 Bench Presses @ 70% Of your 1RM
1:00 Minute Flutter Kicks
Rest 90 Seconds and get right back to your Bench
Set 2: 8 Pendlay Rows (As heavy As possible - Ramping)
4 Bench Presses @ 80% Of your 1RM
1:00 Minute Flutter Kicks
:90 Seconds Rest
Set 3: 8 Pendlay Rows (As heavy As possible - Ramping)
As Many Bench Presses As Possible @ 90% Of your 1RM (Goal is at least 2)
1:00 Minute Flutter Kicks
:90 Seconds Rest
ASSISTANCE - 4 Rounds of the Following Giant Set
5 Seal Rows or Chest Supported Rows (As Heavy As Possible - Ramping)
5 incline Bench Presses (As Heavy As Possible - Ramping)
20 Straight Arm Band or Lat Pull-Downs
:90 Seconds Rest
OPTIONAL CONDITIONING - 20, 15, 10 Reps of
Ring Dips
Run 400 Meters Between Rounds
Wave 3/Week 7/Day 1
STRONGMAN - At the Top of Every Minute for 10 Minutes, Complete:
3 Burpees
100 Foot Farmer's Walk @ 80% of your 1RM.
STRENGTH - Deadlift Focus (Hypertrophy)
Set 1: 6 Deadlifts @ 72% Of your 1RM
10 Hanging Leg Raises
8 Kettlebell or Dumbbell Snatches (Each Side)
Rest 90 Seconds and get right back to your Deadlifts
Set 2: 4 Deadlifts @ 82% Of your 1RM
10 Hanging Leg Raises
8 Kettlebell or Dumbbell Snatches (Each Side)
:90 Seconds Rest
Set 3: As Many Deadlifts As Possible @ 92% Of your 1RM (Goal is at least 2)
10 Hanging Leg Raises
8 Kettlebell or Dumbbell Snatches (Each Side)
:90 Seconds Rest
ASSISTANCE - 3 Rounds of the Following Giant Set
16 Rack Deadlifts (Just above the Knee - As Heavy As possible)
14 Krock Rows (Each Side)
10 Hanging Leg Raises
***No Rest between exercises. Take :90 Seconds Rest after you have finished all 3 and get
right back to it.
3 Squat Cleans @ 60% of your 1RM
:20 Seconds Rest Between Rounds
Wave 3/Week 7/Day 2
STRENGTH - Overhead Focus (Power)
Set 1: 5 Weighted Pull-Ups (As Heavy As possible - Ramping)
5 Strict Presses @ 75% Of your 1RM
8 Windshield Wipers (Each Side)
Rest 90 Seconds and get right back to your Presses
Set 2: 3 Weighted pull-Ups (As Heavy As possible - Ramping)
3 Strict Presses @ 85% Of your 1RM
8 Windshield Wipers (Each Side)
:90 Seconds Rest
Set 3: 2 Weighted pull-Ups (As Heavy As possible - Ramping)
As Many Strict Presses As Possible @ 95% Of your 1RM (Goal is at least 1)
8 Windshield Wipers (Each Side)
:90 Seconds Rest
WIDOWMAKER - Drop the Weight on the Bar back to 70% and Complete As Many Strict
Presses As Possible in one Set. Your goal is 15-20 Reps. No Re-racking the Bar
STRONGMAN - 3 Rounds
:60 Seconds Max Reps Dumbbell Clean & Press @ 70% of Your 1RM. Clean Every Rep. Use
Fat grips or a Circus Dumbbell If Possible. Switch Arms as Often As needed
:60 Seconds Rest Between Rounds
:30 Seconds “Z” Presses
:30 Seconds Lateral Raises
:30 Seconds Face Pulls
:30 Seconds Rest
Max Reps Strict Press @45% of Your 1RM
100 Foot Bear Crawl
100 Foot Gator Walk
100 Foot Crab Walk
Wave 3/Week 7/Day 3
STRENGTH - Squat Focus (Speed & Endurance)
Set 1: 8 Squats @ 65% Of your 1RM
12 Standing Banded Crunches
8 Box Jumps
Rest 90 Seconds and get right back to your Squats
Set 2: 6 Squats @ 75% Of your 1RM
12 Standing Banded Crunches
8 Box Jumps
:90 Seconds Rest
Set 3: As Many Squats As Possible @ 85% Of your 1RM (Goal is at least 4)
12 Standing Banded Crunches
8 Box Jumps
:90 Seconds Rest
ASSISTANCE - 4 Rounds of the Following Giant Set
12 Good Mornings (As Heavy As Possible - Ramping)
12 Glute Ham Raises or Other Leg Curl
20 Dumbbell Walking Lunges (As Heavy As Possible)
***No Rest between exercises. Take :90 Seconds Rest after you have finished all 3 and get
right back to it.
Shuffle A Deck Of Cards. Complete the number of reps corresponding with the number on
the card. All Face Cards = 10 Reps, Aces = 11. Complete the entire deck or go for 25
Minutes. Whichever comes first.
Hearts: Sumo Deadlift High-Pulls
Spades: Burpee Lateral jumps
Diamonds: Kettlebell or Dumbbell Snatches
Clubs: Deficit Push-Ups
Wave 3/Week 7/Day 4
STRENGTH - Bench Focus (Hypertrophy)
Set 1: 6 Bent Over Rows (As Heavy As possible - Ramping)
6 Bench Presses @ 70% Of your 1RM
10 Dragon Flags
8 Kettlebell or Dumbbell Windmills (Each Side)
Rest 90 Seconds and get right back to your Bench
Set 2: 4 Bent Over Rows (As Heavy As possible - Ramping)
4 Bench Presses @ 80% Of your 1RM
10 Dragon Flags
8 Kettlebell or Dumbbell Windmills (Each Side)
:90 Seconds Rest
Set 3: 4 Bent Over Rows (As Heavy As possible - Ramping)
As Many Bench Presses As Possible @ 90% Of your 1RM (Goal is at least 2)
10 Dragon Flags
8 Kettlebell or Dumbbell Windmills (Each Side)
:90 Seconds Rest
ASSISTANCE - 4 Rounds of the Following Giant Set
15 Neutral Grip Dumbbell Bench Presses (As Heavy As Possible - Ramping)
15 Dips (Bench Dips if Necessary)
20 Band or Cable Trice Extensions (As Heavy As Possible)
***No Rest between exercises. Take :90 Seconds Rest after you have finished all 3 and get
right back to it.
OPTIONAL CONDITIONING - At the Top of Every minute
Complete 5 Burpees
Use the reminder of the minute to perform as Many Bench Presses as possible with an
empty bar.
Continue this Pattern until you have completed 300 Reps with the Empty Barbell.
Wave 3/Week 8/Day 1
STRENGTH - Deadlift Focus (Speed & Endurance)
Set 1: 8 Deadlifts @ 65% Of your 1RM
12 Glute Ham Raise Sit-Ups
:30 Seconds Kettlebell or Dumbbell Swings
Rest 90 Seconds and get right back to your Deadlifts
Set 2: 6 Deadlifts @ 75% Of your 1RM
12 Glute Ham Raise Sit-Ups
:30 Seconds Kettlebell or Dumbbell Swings
:90 Seconds Rest
Set 3: As Many Deadlifts As Possible @ 85% Of your 1RM (Goal is at least 4)
12 Glute Ham Raise Sit-Ups
:30 Seconds Kettlebell or Dumbbell Swings
:90 Seconds Rest
ASSISTANCE - As Many Rounds As possible in 12 Minutes
10 Deficit Deadlifts
12 Glute Ham Raises Or Other Leg Curl
10 Yates Rows
***No Rest between exercises. Complete as many Rounds As possible in the allotted 12
Minute Time Span.
STRONGMAN CONDITIONING - 1 Mile Odd Object Carry (Plates, Dumbbells, Sandbag,
Farmer’s, etc). Make it heavy. Get uncomfortable. Become Better.
Wave 3/Week 8/Day 2
STRENGTH - Overhead Focus (Hypertrophy)
Set 1: 6 Wide Grip Pull-Ups (Weighted if possible)
6 Push-Presses @ 70% Of your 1RM
6 Glute Ham Raise Halos (Each Side)
5 Turkish Get-Ups (Each Side)
Rest 90 Seconds and get right back to your Presses
Set 2: 4 Wide Grip Pull-Ups (Weighted if possible)
4 Push-Presses @ 80% Of your 1RM
6 Glute Ham Raise Halos (Each Side)
5 Turkish Get-Ups (Each Side)
:90 Seconds Rest
Set 3: 2 Wide Grip Pull-Ups (Weighted if possible)
As Many Push-Presses As Possible @ 90% Of your 1RM (Goal is at least 2)
6 Glute Ham Raise Halos (Each Side)
5 Turkish Get-Ups (Each Side)
:90 Seconds Rest
ASSISTANCE - 4 Rounds of the Following Giant Set
100 Foot Waiter’s Walk (Left Side)
10 Handstand Push-Ups or Deficit push-Ups
100 Foot Waiter’s Walk (Right Side)
10 Handstand Push-Ups or Deficit push-Ups
***No Rest between exercises. Take :90 Seconds Rest after you have finished all 3 and get
right back to it.
OPTIONAL CONDITIONING - 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 Reps of
Kettlebell or Dumbbell Swings (Each Side)
Bodyweight ManMakers
Kettlebell or Dumbbell Snatches (Each Side)
Double Unders x2, or Regular Jumps x4
Wave 3/Week 8/Day 3
STRENGTH - Squat Focus (Power)
Set 1: 8 Burpee Broad Jumps
5 Squats @ 75% Of your 1RM
:30 Seconds Hollow Rocks
Rest 90 Seconds and get right back to your Squats
Set 2: 8 Burpee Broad Jumps
3 Squats @ 85% Of your 1RM
:30 Seconds Hollow Rocks
:90 Seconds Rest
Set 3: 8 Burpee Broad Jumps
As Many Squats As Possible @ 95% Of your 1RM (Goal is at least 1)
:30 Seconds Hollow Rocks
:90 Seconds Rest
WIDOWMAKER - Drop the Weight on the Bar back to 70% and Complete As Many Squats As
Possible in one Set. Your goal is 15-20 Reps. No Re-racking the Bar
ASSISTANCE - 4 Rounds of the Following Giant Set
8 Barbell Bulgarian Split Squats (As Heavy As Possible - Each Side)
12 Barbell Walking Lunges (As Heavy As Possible - Each Side)
8 Dumbbell Sumo Stance Stiff Leg Deadlifts (As Heavy As Possible)
***No Rest between exercises. Take :90 Seconds Rest after you have finished all 3 and get
right back to it.
OPTIONAL CONDITIONING - At the Start of Every Minute
Minute 1: 1 Pull-Up, 2 Burpees, 3 Push-Ups, 4 Mountain Climbers
Minute 2: 2 Pull-Ups, 4 Burpees, 6 Push-Ups, 8 Mountain Climbers
Minute 3: 3 Pull-Ups, 6 Burpees, 9 Push-Ups, 12 Mountain Climbers
Minute 4: 4 Pull-Ups, 8 Burpees, 12 Push-Ups, 16 Mountain Climbers
Minute 5: 5 Pull-Ups, 10 Burpees, 15 Push-Ups, 20 Mountain Climbers
Minute 6: 5 Pull-Ups, 10 Burpees, 15 Push-Ups, 20 Mountain Climbers
7: 4 Pull-Ups, 8 Burpees, 12 Push-Ups, 16 Mountain Climbers
8: 3 Pull-Ups, 6 Burpees, 9 Push-Ups, 12 Mountain Climbers
9: 2 Pull-Ups, 4 Burpees, 6 Push-Ups, 8 Mountain Climbers
10: 1 Pull-Up, 2 Burpees, 3 Push-Ups, 4 Mountain Climbers
Wave 3/Week 8/Day 4
STRENGTH - Bench Focus (Speed & Endurance)
Set 1: 8 Single Arm Landmine Rows (Each Side)
8 Bench Presses @ 65% Of your 1RM
10 Knees to Elbows
:30 Seconds Battle Ropes or Bodyweight Manmakers
Rest 90 Seconds and get right back to your Bench
Set 2: 6 Single Arm Landmine Rows (Each Side)
6 Bench Presses @ 75% Of your 1RM
10 Knees to Elbows
:30 Seconds Battle Ropes or Bodyweight Manmakers
:90 Seconds Rest
Set 3: 4 Single Arm Landmine Rows (Each Side)
As Many Bench Presses As Possible @ 85% Of your 1RM (Goal is at least 4)
10 Knees to Elbows
:30 Seconds Battle Ropes or Bodyweight Manmakers
:90 Seconds Rest
ASSISTANCE - 4 Rounds of the Following Giant Set
12 Dumbbell Rows - each side (As Heavy As Possible - Ramping)
8 Close Grip Bench Presses (As Heavy As Possible - Ramping)
12 Dumbbell Floor Presses (As Heavy As Possible - Ramping)
:90 Seconds Rest
Begin in a standing position.
Drop and Complete 1 Push-Up
Return to standing position
Drop and Complete 2 Push-Ups
Return to standing position
Drop and Complete 3 Push-Ups
Return to standing position
….Work you way up to 10 Push-Ups, then work your way back down the ladder. No rest on
this one.
Wave 3/Week 9/Day 1
STRENGTH - Deadlift Focus (Power)
Set 1: 8 Explosive Good Mornings (With a Band)
5 Deadlifts @ 75% Of your 1RM
15 “V” Sit-Ups
Rest 90 Seconds and get right back to your Deadlifts
Set 2: 8 Explosive Good Mornings (With a Band)
3 Deadlifts @ 85% Of your 1RM
15 “V” Sit-Ups
:90 Seconds Rest
Set 3: 8 Explosive Good Mornings (With a Band)
As Many Deadlifts As Possible @ 95% Of your 1RM (Goal is at least 1)
15 “V” Sit-Ups
:90 Seconds Rest
WIDOWMAKER - Drop the Weight on the Bar back to 70% and Complete As Many Deadlifts
As Possible in one Set. Your goal is 15-20 Reps.
STRONGMAN - 10 Rounds
At the Top of Every Minute, Complete a 50 Foot Farmer’s Walk @ 90% of your 1RM
ASSISTANCE - 3 Rounds of the Following Giant Set
8 Stiff Leg Deadlifts (As heavy As possible - Ramping)
:30 Seconds Reverse Hyper or Weighted Back Extension
8 Good Mornings with Safety Pins Set to the Start of Deadlift Height
***No Rest between exercises. Take :90 Seconds Rest after you have finished all 3 and get
right back to it.
OPTIONAL CONDITIONING - As Many Rounds as Possible in 10 Minutes
10 Pull-Ups
10 Barbell Step-Ups (Bar in Front Rack Position)
10 Burpee Box Jumps
Wave 3/Week 9/Day 2
STRENGTH - Overhead Focus (Speed & Endurance)
Set 1: 10 Chin-Ups or Inverted Rows
8 “Z” Presses @ 65% Of your 1RM
:30 Seconds Hanging “L” Sit Holds
10 Vertical Medicine Ball Throws
Rest 90 Seconds and get right back to your Presses
Set 2: 8 Chin-Ups or Inverted Rows
6 “Z” Presses @ 75% Of your 1RM
:30 Seconds Hanging “L” Sit Holds
10 Vertical Medicine Ball Throws
:90 Seconds Rest
Set 3: 6 Chin-Ups or Inverted Rows
As Many “Z” Presses As Possible @ 85% Of your 1RM (Goal is at least 4)
:30 Seconds Hanging “L” Sit Holds
10 Vertical Medicine Ball Throws
:90 Seconds Rest
ASSISTANCE - 4 Rounds of the Following Giant Set
1:00 Minute Crucifix Hold (Arms out to the Side w/ Dumbbells or Plates)
10 Bottom’s Up Kettlebell Presses (Each Side)
15 External Rotations
***No Rest between exercises. Take :90 Seconds Rest after you have finished all 3 and get
right back to it.
OPTIONAL CONDITIONING - In Front of a Running Clock
3 Minutes Max Reps Burpee Lateral Jumps
3 Minutes Max Reps Thrusters (Light)
2 Minutes Max Reps Burpee Lateral Jumps
2 Minutes Max Reps Thrusters (Light)
1 Minute Max Reps Burpee Lateral Jumps
1 Minute Max Reps Thrusters (Light)
Wave 3/Week 9/Day 3
STRENGTH - Squat Focus (Hypertrophy)
Set 1: 6 Squats @ 70% Of your 1RM
10 Medicine Ball Squat Jumps (No rest from Squats)
:30 Second Side Plank (Each Side)
Rest 90 Seconds and get right back to your Squats
Set 2: 4 Squats @ 80% Of your 1RM
10 Medicine Ball Squat Jumps (No rest from Squats)
:30 Second Side Plank (Each Side)
:90 Seconds Rest
Set 3: As Many Squats As Possible @ 90% Of your 1RM (Goal is at least 2)
10 Medicine Ball Squat Jumps (No rest from Squats)
:30 Second Side Plank (Each Side)
:90 Seconds Rest
ASSISTANCE - 4 Rounds of the Following Giant Set
5 Front Squats (As Heavy As Possible)
8 Dumbbell Step-Ups (Each Side - As Heavy As Possible)
10 Toes to Bar
***No Rest between exercises. Take :90 Seconds Rest after you have finished all 3 and get
right back to it.
OPTIONAL CONDITIONING - “Bring Sally Up” Squats @ 40% of Your 1RM.
Find the Song, “Flower” by Moby. Hit play and then follow the lyrics. Every time it says
bring Sally Up - Stand. Every time it Says, Bring Sally Down, Drop into the hole and stay
there until you can called to stand.
Wave 3/Week 9/Day 4
STRENGTH - Bench Press Focus (Power)
Set 1: 5 Pendlay Rows (As heavy As possible - Ramping)
5 Bench Presses @ 75% Of your 1RM
1:00 Minute Flutter Kicks
Rest 90 Seconds and get right back to your Bench
Set 2: 5 Pendlay Rows (As heavy As possible - Ramping)
3 Bench Presses @ 85% Of your 1RM
1:00 Minute Flutter Kicks
:90 Seconds Rest
Set 3: 5 Pendlay Rows (As heavy As possible - Ramping)
As Many Bench Presses As Possible @ 95% Of your 1RM (Goal is at least 1)
1:00 Minute Flutter Kicks
:90 Seconds Rest
WIDOWMAKER - Drop the Weight on the Bar back to 70% and Complete As Many Bench
Presses As Possible in one Set. Your goal is 15-20 Reps. No Re-racking the Bar
ASSISTANCE - 4 Rounds of the Following Giant Set
5 Seal Rows or Chest Supported Rows (As Heavy As Possible - Ramping)
5 incline Bench Presses (As Heavy As Possible - Ramping)
20 Straight Arm Band or Lat Pull-Downs
:90 Seconds Rest
OPTIONAL CONDITIONING - 20, 15, 10 Reps of
Ring Dips
Run 400 Meters Between Rounds
Week 10: Deload Week
At the top of Every Minute for 12 Minutes, Complete 3 Deadlifts @ 50% of your 1RM
3:00 Minutes Work / 1:00 Minute Rest for 4 Rounds
8 Sumo Deadlift High-Pulls
8 Burpee Lateral Jumps
50 Foot Bear Walk
4 Turkish Get0Ups (Each Side)
Cycle the exercises until your 3 minutes is up. Take your minute rest. Then pick back up
EXACTLY where you left off.
Yep, that’s it. We are dealoading you to get you ready for the next 2 weeks of hitting PRs.
Wave 4/Week 10/Day 2
At the top of Every Minute for 12 Minutes, Complete 3 Overhead Presses (use whatever
implement/bar or style that you plan to PR in) @ 50% of your 1RM
Tabata Protocol (:20 Seconds Work / :10 Seconds Rest for 8 Rounds - 4:00 Minutes)
8 Rounds (4:00) Bodyweight ManMakers
1 Minute Rest
8 Rounds (4:00) Gator Walks
1 Minute Rest
8 Rounds (4:00) Goblet Squats
1 Minute Rest
8 Rounds (4:00) Kettlebell Swings
1 Minute Rest
8 Rounds (4:00) Hollow Rocks
1 Minute Rest
Wave 4/Week 10/Day 3
At the top of Every Minute for 12 Minutes, Complete 3 Squats @ 50% of your 1RM
CONDITIONING - 12 Minute Time Cap
40 Reps
1 Rep = 1 Burpee, immediately drop and complete 1 Push-Up, Stand and perform 1 Jumping
Jack, Sit back down and do 1 Sit-Up, then Stand and Complete a 1 Second Handstand Hold.
Wave 4/Week 10/Day 4
At the top of Every Minute for 12 Minutes, Complete 3 Bench Presses @ 50% of your 1RM
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Reps of
Power Clean @60% of your 1RM
Burpee Lateral Jumps
Wave 4/Week 11/Day 1 - TESTING
STRENGTH - Warm-Up How ever works best for you, then complete these attempts on your
way up to breaking your old PR!
3 Reps @ 50% of Your 1RM
3 Reps @ 62% of Your 1RM
3 Reps @ 75% of Your 1RM
2 Reps @ 80% of Your 1RM
1 Rep @ 90% of Your 1RM
1 Rep @ 95% of Your 1RM
1 Rep @ 102% of Your 1RM
BONUS: 1 Rep @ 104% of Your 1RM Only go for this if your 102% went very smoothly.
Set 1: As many Deadlifts as Possible @ 80% of your 1RM
10 Knees To Elbows
Set 2: 5 Deadlifts @ 80% of your 1RM
10 Knees To Elbows
Set 3: 5 Deadlifts @ 80% of your 1RM
10 Knees To Elbows
Get out the gym and rest up for the next Day’s PR!
Wave 4/Week 11/Day 2 - TESTING
STRENGTH - Warm-Up How ever works best for you, then complete these attempts on your
way up to breaking your old PR!
OVERHEAD PRESS (Whichever Style or Implement you Choose)
3 Reps @ 50% of Your 1RM
3 Reps @ 62% of Your 1RM
3 Reps @ 75% of Your 1RM
2 Reps @ 80% of Your 1RM
1 Rep @ 90% of Your 1RM
1 Rep @ 95% of Your 1RM
1 Rep @ 102% of Your 1RM
BONUS: 1 Rep @ 104% of Your 1RM Only go for this if your 102% went very smoothly.
Set 1: As many Overhead Presses as Possible @ 80% of your 1RM
10 Pull-Ups
Set 2: 5 Overhead Presses @ 80% of your 1RM
10 Pull-Ups
Set 3: 5 Overhead Presses @ 80% of your 1RM
10 Pull-Ups
Get out the gym and rest up for the next Day’s PR!
Wave 4/Week 11/Day 3 - CONDITIONING and Rest
At the Start of Every Minute
Minute 1: 1 Pull-Up, 2 Burpees, 3 Push-Ups, 4 Mountain Climbers
Minute 2: 2 Pull-Ups, 4 Burpees, 6 Push-Ups, 8 Mountain Climbers
Minute 3: 3 Pull-Ups, 6 Burpees, 9 Push-Ups, 12 Mountain Climbers
Minute 4: 4 Pull-Ups, 8 Burpees, 12 Push-Ups, 16 Mountain Climbers
Minute 5: 5 Pull-Ups, 10 Burpees, 15 Push-Ups, 20 Mountain Climbers
Minute 6: 5 Pull-Ups, 10 Burpees, 15 Push-Ups, 20 Mountain Climbers
Minute 7: 4 Pull-Ups, 8 Burpees, 12 Push-Ups, 16 Mountain Climbers
Minute 8: 3 Pull-Ups, 6 Burpees, 9 Push-Ups, 12 Mountain Climbers
Minute 9: 2 Pull-Ups, 4 Burpees, 6 Push-Ups, 8 Mountain Climbers
Minute 10: 1 Pull-Up, 2 Burpees, 3 Push-Ups, 4 Mountain Climbers
Wave 4/Week 12/Day 1 - TESTING
STRENGTH - Warm-Up How ever works best for you, then complete these attempts on your
way up to breaking your old PR!
3 Reps @ 50% of Your 1RM
3 Reps @ 62% of Your 1RM
3 Reps @ 75% of Your 1RM
2 Reps @ 80% of Your 1RM
1 Rep @ 90% of Your 1RM
1 Rep @ 95% of Your 1RM
1 Rep @ 102% of Your 1RM
BONUS: 1 Rep @ 104% of Your 1RM Only go for this if your 102% went very smoothly.
Set 1: As many Squats as Possible @ 80% of your 1RM
20 Hollow Rocks
Set 2: 5 Squats @ 80% of your 1RM
20 Hollow Rocks
Set 3: 5 Squats @ 80% of your 1RM
20 Hollow Rocks
Get out the gym and rest up for the next Day’s
Wave 4/Week 12/Day 2 - TESTING
STRENGTH - Warm-Up How ever works best for you, then complete these attempts on your
way up to breaking your old PR!
3 Reps @ 50% of Your 1RM
3 Reps @ 62% of Your 1RM
3 Reps @ 75% of Your 1RM
2 Reps @ 80% of Your 1RM
1 Rep @ 90% of Your 1RM
1 Rep @ 95% of Your 1RM
1 Rep @ 102% of Your 1RM
BONUS: 1 Rep @ 104% of Your 1RM Only go for this if your 102% went very smoothly.
Set 1: As many Bench Presses as Possible @ 80% of your 1RM
10 Pendlay Rows
Set 2: 5 Bench Presses @ 80% of your 1RM
10 Pendlay Rows
Set 3: 5 Bench Presses @ 80% of your 1RM
10 Pendlay Rows
Get out the gym and rest up for the next Day’s PR!
And there you go! I can’t wait to see how well you do with this and I really do want
to thank you again for purchasing a program as well as for all of the continued
support on social media and everything.
I can guarantee that if you put in all of the effort and dedication a program like
this takes, then you will absolutely be a stronger, leaner, and better version of
yourself than when you started. I think that is so amazing and I really respect you
for completing this!
Hopefully you broke your old PRs and now have some new percentages to plug back
into the top of the program or you can hit me up and I can write you something
new to follow!
Much Respect,