IECA Fall Conference

IECA Fall Conference
November 2–5, 2O16
Independent Educational Consultants Association
Welcome to
For IECA member consultants only
IECA returns
to New Orleans for its
2O16 Fall Conference, in one of the world's most
fascinating cities—home to a truly unique melting pot
of culture, food and music. Much has changed since we
were in the Crescent City 12 years ago. Our conferences
have grown in attendance and in the number of
educational sessions to choose from (more than 50!)
that emphasize practical take-aways for immediate use
and those that are designed to be thought-provoking,
innovative, and theoretical. Offered from Wednesday
to Saturday, sessions will cover the key content areas:
college, school, therapeutic, LD, graduate school, global
topics, and issues related to running an IEC practice.
Our wide-ranging variety of speakers, panelists, and
presenters, will stimulate advances in our work with
students and families, encourage exploration of new
ideas and approaches, and inspire and engage the
independent educational consulting community. We have
built in many opportunities for attendees to connect with
peers, network with admission reps, discover new
services and products, and uncover new opportunities.
The New Orleans community has a reputation for
sharing, and you’ll see this throughout our conference
as well, with interactive discussions, community forums,
case study reviews, and networking opportunities.
New Orleans is one of America's most culturally
and historically-rich destinations. Our conference
hotel is within walking distance of the French Quarter
so you’ll be able to explore clubs featuring live
Dixieland, jazz, and zydeco; sample the city’s most
iconic foods, including gumbo, jambalaya, étouffée,
po’boys, and Cajun cooking.
To u r s
Register through IECA’s conference registration system
Monday K October 31
Tour 1:
University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Louisiana State University,
Xavier University of Louisiana
Tuesday K November 1
Tour 2:
Tulane University, Dillard University, University of New Orleans
Wednesday K November 2
Tour 3:
Loyola University
Tuesday K November 1
Evangelhouse Christian Academy and New Beginnings
Adolescent Recovery Center
To register, contact Mark Barrentine
at 337-212-9320 or
We look forward to seeing you in N’awlins!
Earn Continuing Education Hours
at IECA Conferences
Conference attendees can earn Continuing Education Hours
(CE Hours) at the IECA conference. Independent educational consultants can
earn up to 23.25 CE hours; school, college, and program representatives can earn up
to approximately 12.00 CE hours. IECA has been approved by NBCC as an Approved
Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 6632. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC
credit will be clearly identified. IECA is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.
New Orleans
Fall 2O16
Featured S p e a ke r s
Reframing Sexual Assault on Campus:
The Way Forward
Wednesday K November 2 K 1:00 p.m.
Wednesday Opening Session Presentation Sally J. Kenney
Why has the issue of sexual assault on campus suddenly burst onto the public agenda? Has there been a new epidemic
of sexual violence? Professor Kenney will present the evidence on incidence, explain the legal context of the issue’s
emergence on the public agenda, and talk about the best practices for prevention. She will also discuss questions parents
and IECs should ask university officials when considering schools and what to look for in their answers and in their
programs. Her insights will inform school and college administrators as they seek effective approaches on these issues.
Sally Kenney is the Newcomb College Endowed Chair at Tulane University, executive director of the Newcomb College
Institute, professor of Political Science, and an affiliated faculty member of the law school. She has been a national leader
on the issue of ending sexual assault on campus calling for an interdisciplinary scholarly approach and fostering the
mobilization of student activism. Her latest book is Gender and Justice: Why Women in the Judiciary Really Matter (2013).
Transformative Educational Leadership:
No Crisis Required
Friday K November 4 K 9:45 a.m.
Friday Keynote Presentation
Scott S. Cowen
At the helm of Tulane University when Hurricane Katrina devastated the city of New Orleans, Dr. Scott Cowen
experienced firsthand one of the greatest crises an institution of higher education has ever faced. He will share what he
learned about leadership as he and his team brought Tulane back from the brink and embarked on developing their
students’ habits of the mind and heart (to draw from Alexis de Tocqueville) by integrating public service into the core
curriculum. Cowen will discuss what constitutes transformative leadership that makes positive change possible—no
matter how ordinary or dramatic the circumstances may be—and why teaching young people to become effective,
compassionate leaders is key to a transformational education.
Scott Cowen served as Tulane University’s 14th president from 1998-2014 and has been named one of the top college
presidents in the nation by Time. Newsweek twice declared Tulane, under his leadership, one of the “Hottest Schools
in America.” He has been widely praised for helping to transform New Orleans’ K-12 public schools and health care
system after the storm. He is author of The Inevitable City: The Resurgence of New Orleans and the Future of Urban America.
Complexities of Addiction &
Mental Health Care in Young Adulthood
Saturday K November 5 K 10:00 a.m.
Master Class Speakers Maureen MacConnell and Ray Estefania
This session will explore how the issues in mental health care, co-occurrence, trauma, and addiction impact the
neurobiology and social development of young adults. This presentation will focus on the national epidemic of addiction
and mental health issues and the changing course of development in today’s young adult. It will also explore advancements
of therapeutic approaches to engage adolescents/clients in a comprehensive health care model, and the importance of
therapeutic outcomes.
Maureen MacConnell is a board certified psychiatric nurse practitioner and the program director of The Willows at
Red Oak Recovery. She has worked extensively with adults diagnosed with high-risk behaviors such as substance use,
self-harm, and suicidality to increase coping strategies that minimize maladaptive behavior.
Ray Estefania is the co-founder and executive director of Family Recovery Specialists, a Miami based addiction
treatment program. He has worked in the fields of addiction treatment and mental health for over 20 years.
JaZZed About Our Future
Wednesday K November 2
8:30 – 11:30 a.m.
Fee: $55 for IECA Member Consultants
$75 for All Others
Pre-Conference Workshops
Grow Your Consulting Practice
by Getting the Right Message
to the Right Consumer
Thinking about expanding your practice to include school
consulting? Want to grow your school consulting or need
a refresher on best practices and the changing nature of
school admissions? A group of experts from both sides
of the desk will examine testing, ethics, the changing
landscape, and much more. This session is appropriate
for school admission reps who want to explore the
consulting side as well.
In addition to providing great consulting and advisory
services, IECs must also attract potential clients to help
their businesses thrive. The session will be led by two
faculty members from the Arthur M. Blank Center for
Entrepreneurship at Babson College—one of whom is
also an IECA member. Expect this to be a hands-on,
practical session to help you communicate the right
message about your practice.
Kristen Naspo and Allison Matlack, IECA
with a roster of admission and IEC presenters
Josephine Firat
Firat Educational Solutions, LLC
Marketing & Growth Faculty, Goldman Sachs
10,000 Small Businesses at Babson College
Ibrahim Firat, IECA
Lead Faculty, Goldman Sachs
10,000 Small Businesses at Babson College
School Consulting:
Best Practices
Got Affordability:
How to Broaden a "Best Fit"
Approach to Include Affordability
Wondering about how to use college affordability in a
college counseling practice? Or how to talk to families
about it as a college or school representative? Using
a case study approach, this session will explore three
principles of affordability and how to include them in
a "best fit" approach.
Members of the IECA College Affordability Committee
New Orleans
Fall 2O16
College & School Fair &
Therapeutic Program
I n fo r m a t i o n S w a p
The Fair and Swap
feature tabletop exhibits and represent
the primary opportunities for networking and learning about schools, colleges, and
programs. These events give all attendees an opportunity to share information, discover
new schools and programs, reconnect with colleagues, and learn what’s new on campuses
across the country. In New Orleans, admission staff, school heads, program directors,
and other administrators will represent hundreds of educational institutions. To provide
maximum interaction and opportunities to gain insights, the School & College Fair will
be held Thursday morning, and the Therapeutic Information Swap will take place on
Friday afternoon. Over 200 independent educational consultants are expected to attend
the New Orleans conference.
School &
College Fair:
9:00-11:15 a.m.
Information Swap:
12:30-2:30 p.m.
Participants include:
• Colleges/universities
• Traditional day/
Participants include:
• Residential treatment centers, boarding schools
• Postsecondary, gap year,
and travel programs
• LD-focused schools
and programs
• Vendors and related service companies (i.e. publishers,
software, finance)
• IECs who work with these
JaZZed About Our Future
includes lunch
outdoor and wilderness
programs, and therapeutic,
developmental, and emotional growth schools
• Postsecondary and
transitional schools and
programs (therapeutic)
• Vendors and related service companies (transport,
publishers, software, finance)
• IECs who work with these
7:30 a.m.
Among the top-rated
conference segments, this very
popular exchange of ideas
among independent
educational consultants
(members and nonmembers)
on a variety of topics is perfect
for all specialties.
8:30 a.m.
This is an opportunity for
therapeutic program
therapists and program
leaders—and independent
educational consultants to
learn from each other by
discussing key issues in the
areas of emotional and
behavioral development.
Special Events
Thursday K 5:15-6:00 p.m.
IECA Foundation Event
(ticketed event)
To celebrate 20 years of its achievements and its future, the IECA Foundation invites
its sponsors and its leadership donors (gifts of $250 and above) to a taste of New
Orleans. Enjoy the music of young musicians from The Center for Creative Arts and
the city’s finest cuisine, as you mingle with IECA members and sponsors who are
committed to service.
For ticket information, contact
Thursday K 6:00-7:00 p.m.
Networking Reception
For Early Arrivals
6:00-8:00 p.m.
IECA Member
Consultants Dinner
(for IECA Professional, Associate,
Student, and Retired Member Consultants
and spouses/partners only)
Tuesday's Member Dinner will take
place just five blocks from the
conference hotel. In the tradition
of New Orleans we'll "second line"
as a group—music, beads and more
celebrating our host city. The
restaurant is a transformed factory
in New Orleans’ warehouse district
on the edge of the French Quarter.
They feature fresh Louisiana cuisine
from seafood to creole to French.
Join us for a great start to your
NOLA experience!
(for all fully registered conference attendees)
After the successful schedule change during the spring conference, Thursday’s
all-attendee event will once again begin—and END—earlier in the evening allowing
time for attendees to participate in other networking receptions, hosted gatherings,
or join colleagues and friends for dinner. Showcasing eclectic street performers and
highlighting New Orleans’ amazing cuisine, expect to see some gumbo, red beans
and rice, and pralines (but don’t call them pray-lines!).
Cost: All fully registered conference attendees may participate,
at no additional cost. IECA member guests: $50
Guests may include IECA member spouses/partners. Employees
or affiliates of programs, schools, and colleges may not attend as guests.
Friday K 2:45-5:00 p.m.
College Community Forum
CIC Presentation & SACAC/IECA College Showcase
Part 1: Dr. Georgia Nugent, president emerita of Kenyon College and senior fellow of
the Council on Independent Colleges, will share information on a new national effort
to promote public awareness of the liberal arts.
Part 2: Take the opportunity Friday afternoon (before your free night in the French
Quarter) to hear from admissions counselors representing colleges and universities from
across the south. Planned in coordination with SACAC, we’ll include large and small,
public and private, highly selective and hidden gems, so don’t miss this unique
opportunity to add to your “college knowledge.”
Cost:IECA Members $50
Spouses/Partners $65
(includes food and beverage)
New Orleans
Fall 2O16
Conference Schedule
for Independent Educational Consultants
Monday K October 31
November 2 – 5, 2O16
12:00 – 1:30 p.m.
1:45 – 3:00 p.m.
Breakout and Discussion Sessions
All Specialties
3:00 – 3:45 p.m.
Dedicated Vendor Time
in Conference Central
Tuesday K November 1
3:45 – 5:00 p.m.
Breakout and Discussion Sessions
All Specialties
5:15 – 6:00 p.m.
IECA Foundation Event
ticketed event
6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
6:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Welcome to New Orleans
Networking Reception
for all fully registered conference attendees
7:00 p.m.
Hosted Receptions Begin
Local school and college tours
For IECA member consultants only
Local school, college, and program tours
For IECA member consultants only
IECA Member Dinner (optional)
Wednesday K November 2
Local school and college tours
For IECA member consultants only
Friday K November 4
7:00 – 9:30 a.m.
Conference Central Open
Includes Registration, Vendor Hall,
and Networking Lounge
7:00 – 8:00 a.m.
Continental Breakfast & Final Vendor Time
in Conference Central
7:00 – 8:00 a.m.
Affinity Group Meetings
for IECA member consultants only
8:15 – 9:30 a.m.
Breakout and Discussion Sessions
All Specialties
9:45 – 11:15 a.m.
General Session with
Keynote Speaker, Scott S. Cowen
Breakout and Discussion Sessions
All Specialties
11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
IECA Committee Meetings:
LD, Graduate, and Global
(for IECA member consultants only)
4:30 – 5:45 p.m.
Breakout and Discussion Sessions
All Specialties
11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Affinity Group Meetings
(for IECA member consultants only)
5:45 p.m.
Hosted Receptions Begin
12:30 – 2:30 p.m.
Therapeutic Information Swap
with Lunch
2:45 – 4:00 p.m.
Breakout and Discussion Sessions
All Specialties
2:45 – 5:00 p.m.
College Community Forum:
CIC Presentation &
SACAC/IECA College Showcase
4:30 p.m.
Hosted Receptions Begin
8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Conference Central Open
Includes Registration, Vendor Hall,
and Networking Lounge
(Registration will remain open until 7:00 p.m.)
1:00 – 2:15 p.m.
Opening General Session
with Featured Speaker, Sally J. Kenney
2:15 – 3:00 p.m.
Dedicated Vendor Time
in Conference Central
3:00 – 4:15 p.m.
Pre-Conference Workshops
Grow Your Consulting Practice
School Consulting: Best Practices
Got Affordability
Thursday K November 3
7:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Conference Central Open
Includes Registration, Vendor Hall,
and Networking Lounge
(Registration will remain open until 7:00 p.m.)
7:00 – 8:30 a.m.
Continental Breakfast
in Conference Central
7:30 – 9:00 a.m.
Consultant Round Tables
(for member and
non-member consultants only)
All Specialties
9:00 – 11:15 a.m.
School & College Fair
11:15 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
IECA Committee Meetings:
College, School, and Therapeutic
(for IECA member consultants only)
JaZZed About Our Future
Saturday K November 5
8:00 – 9:00 a.m.
Continental Breakfast
8:30 – 9:45 a.m.
Therapeutic Community Discussions
10:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Master Class: Mental Health Care
Maureen MacConnell
and Ray Estefania
12:30 – 1:00 p.m.
Grab & Go Lunch
1:00 p.m.
Conference Closes
Independent Educational
Consultants Association
3251 Old Lee Highway
Suite 510
Fairfax, VA 22030-1504
IECA Fall 2O16
Conference in New Orleans
Registration is being conducted exclusively through the
online registration system at:
Hotel booking information will be provided at the end of
the online conference registration process. This helps to
ensure that registered attendees have first access to available
rooms. Only those registered for the conference will be eligible
for the hotel’s discounted rate. A list of participants, based
on paid registrations received by October 1, will be distributed
with the conference materials.
Conference Fees
Conference Registration for
IECA Member Consultants
Early Bird (through August 31): $450
Regular (September 1 - October 1): $495
Late Fee (after October 1): $40
Tuesday Dinner Member: $50
Tuesday Dinner Guest: $65
Thursday Reception Guest: $55
Conference Registration for Nonmember Consultants,
College, School, Therapeutic, and LD Representatives
Early Bird (through August 31): $535
Regular (September 1 - through October 1): $575
Late Fee (after October 1): $50
Pre-Conference Workshops
IECA Member Consultants: $55
All Others: $75
Special Needs
Registrants with a physical disability or dietary restrictions
are asked to include that information with their conference
registration, or send written requests for special meals or
accommodations to
Only IECA member consultants may register a spouse or
significant other to join IECA members for the dinner on
Tuesday, November 1 ($65), and the reception on Thursday,
November 3 ($50). Other guests cannot be accommodated.
We are not able to accommodate guests for conference
speakers, meals, sessions, or the Fair/Information Swap.
Only registered conference attendees will have access to
conference events and the conference areas of the hotel.
Hotel Information
Conference attendees ONLY may book at the listed IECA
Conference rate ($229 single / $249 double). Note: A maximum
of two rooms may be reserved under a conference registrant’s
name. Those not registered for the conference will pay the
hotel’s standard rates (usually $289 and up). You must mention
IECA to receive the conference discount rate or use the online
booking process that is provided with conference registration.
Complimentary Internet access is included for all guest rooms
reserved inside the IECA group block.
Conference Materials
Conference materials will be available in Conference Central
(at the IECA registration desk) located inside the conference
hotel (see enclosed schedule for specific days and times).
Travel Information
Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport (MSY)
is approximately 16 miles from the conference hotel. Taxis
are readily available and will cost around $45. IECA has
negotiated a discounted rate through Airport Shuttle
New Orleans for $24 one-way and $40 roundtrip. Booking
information will be located at the end of the online
registration system and in your confirmation email.
Valet parking only is provided at the conference hotel.
The rate is $43/day.
New Orleans
Fall 2O16