ZigBee Based Remote Control Automatic Street Light System

DOI 10.4010/2014.208
ISSN-2321 -3361 © 2014 IJESC
Research Article
June 2014 Issue
ZigBee Based Remote Control Automatic Street Light System
Srikanth M1, Sudhakar K N2
M.Tech1, Associate Professor 2
Department of Computer science and Engineering
CMR Institute of Technology, Bangalore-560037, India
jsrikanth.m@gmail.com1, sudhakar.kn@cmrit.ac.in2
ZigBee based remote control automatic street light system is smart and provides a safe night time environment for all road
users including pedestrians. The Street light Automation system can reduce energy consumption and maintenance costs and also
helps to reduce crime activities up to certain limit. The automatic street light system is mainly decided on the combination of
sensors and ZigBee technology. This system would provide a remote access for streetlight maintenance and control. It also
discusses an intelligent system that takes automatic decisions for ON/OFF/DIMMING considering movement of vehicle or
pedestrian and also surrounding light intensity. An automatic streetlight system is designed with the help of ZigBee modules
which can be help in detection of faulty lights and control it. For monitoring purpose, a graphical user interface (GUI) is
Keywords—ZigBee, sensors, automatic, lighting system, control system.
The smart system is developed using Arduino Uno
microcontroller kit. Arduino is an open-source hardware kit
with 8-bit Atmet AVR pre-programmed on-board
microcontroller kit, with boot loader that uploads programs
into microcontroller memory. They are different type of
Arduino based on their features it is being categorized some
of them are Arduino Deicimila, Arduino
UNO, Arduino
Leonardo, Arduino Mega, Arduino Nano, Arduino Due,
Development boards. Here for this project we are using
Arduino Uno R3. The Arduino Uno R3 specification are
ATmega328 microcontroller, operating voltage at 5v, input
voltage 7 to 12v, input voltage limit up to 20v, digital I/O
pins 14, analog pins 6, DC current 40mA, flash memory
32KB including 0.5KB used by boot loader. SRAM of 2KB,
EEPROM of 1KB and clock speed of 16 MHz some of the
Features of Arduino UNO are power: can be USB connection
or external power supply, with 7 to 12 volts Recommended.
The Arduino UNO provides power pins for other devices, the
variants are 5v 3.3v and vin IOREF pin for optional power.
It as 2KB of SRAM and 1KB of EEPROM. Input and
Output pins: there are 14 digital pins with serial transfer and
external interrupts and PWM pins as well and 6 analog pins.
Communication: the ATmega 328 provides UART TTL
serial communication which is available on 0 and 1 digital
pins, the 16U2 firmware uses the standard USB COM
drivers, and no external driver is needed. A Software Serial
library allows for serial communication on any of the uno’s
digital pins. Automatic reset is provided using software
running on computer with Arduino uno board connected to
that computer. The Arduino provides an IDE for
programming the Arduino uno board, this Arduino IDE can
be downloaded from the Arduino official website and it’s
This IDE is
components. In
wireless device
projects. Some
supported for every product of Arduino
this project we are using two sensors and
module to accomplish the objective of the
of the sensors and its descriptions given
PIR sensor is a motion sensor, is used to identify the
passage of vehicle or pedestrian, giving an input to turn street
light or street lights ON/DIM/OFF. LDR sensor is a light
sensor, will detect intensity of sunlight. Depending on it,
street light will be ready to turn ON/DIM/OFF. Xbee module
is a wireless communication medium, used to send/receive
information from/to street lights and control unit. Also, helps
in identifying faulty lights and control it.
A. Arduino Uno R3- Microcontroller development board
PIR sensor is a motion sensor used to detect passage of
vehicle or pedestrian. It senses the heat emitted by a living
body or vehicle body. When an intruder walks or vehicle
enters into the region of detection, the detector detects a
sharp increase in infrared energy.
The solar panels will feed the system with solar power,
which will be charging the battery during the day. At night
the battery will be discharge through the project processes.
B. PIR Sensor
LDR Sensor is light sensors that are very useful especially
in light/dark sensor circuits. These help in automatically
switching ON /OFF the street lights and etc., normally the
resistance of an LDR is very high, sometimes as very high as
1000000 ohms, but when they are illuminated with light,
resistance drop dramatically.
E. Solar panel & Battery
Fig.1. shows the block diagram of proposed zigbee
based remote control automatic streetlight system.
consists of sensors, microcontroller, zigbee modules, solar
panel and battery.
C. LDR Sensor
XBee is a device used to send and receive wireless data, it
is considered as one of the ZigBee families. ZigBee or simply
XBee has a feature that is can be easily connected to the air
interface UART(RS232)/USB cable which allows any microcontroller or microprocessor to immediately use the services of
the ZigBee protocol. All ZigBee hardware designers have to be
concern of the serial port logic levels that are compatible with
the XBee standard, that is to say, 2.8-to3.4V logic levels.
Fig.1. Block diagram of ZigBee based remote control
automatic streetlight system
Sensors are used to control and guarantee the desired
system parameters and the sensors transfer the collected
information to a controller which runs the software to
D. Xbee Module
analyze the system. The purpose of microcontroller is to
take the data from all the streetlight through parallel
processing and convert them into serial communication.
The information is transferred point by point using ZigBee
transmitter and receiver modules and is sent to a control
terminal used to check the state of the street lamps and to
take appropriate measures in case of failure. The
transmission system consists of a ZigBee device that
receives information on the state of the lamps and sends it
to a terminal. This unit is powered by solar panel and
battery. At receiver side, base station system allows the
visualization of the entire lighting system. This unit
consists of a terminal with a serial Universal Asynchronous
Receiver-Transmitter (UART)/USB cable interface which
receives information about the state of the lamps provided
by a ZigBee device. The terminal is required for a
graphical display of the results. The graphical interface
enables monitoring the state of the system with the state of
the lights.
Figure 3 shows developed control unit at the receiver side
Fig.3 control unit at the receiver side
In this receiver side, you can see zigbee module which can be
used to receive the data from transmitter side via USB, also
there is terminal/GUI to display the results.
The work flow steps given below:
A prototype of ZigBee based remote control automatic
street light system is developed.
Developed streetlight system is composed of 2 different
units, streetlight terminal at the transmitter side and control
system at the receiver side. Among them, street light
transmitter terminal are hardware based system and control
system, works based on software. Figure 2 shows developed
street light terminal at the transmitter side.
Street light are powered by solar energy. Sensors
senses the data, collect the information and sends
to microcontroller.
Microcontroller controls the signal and runs the
software to analyze the system.
Initially, motion sensor activates the microcontroller only when vehicle or pedestrian enters
into the detection region and activates light
Light sensor gets activated if light illumination is
achieved less than fixed threshold to switch the
lights ON, else OFF. For example in rainy or
winter season automatically control takes action
over DIMMING. (i.e., low illumination, acts as
supporting feature for natural light).
Now, ZigBee device (at transmission side) is
ready to receive information from streetlight and
communicate with ZigBee device (at receiver
side), then sends to terminal via USB cable.
ZigBee device communicates point-to-point to
detect the faulty lights in the system.
Through GUI technician can identify the faults
and can easily maintain the system.
Fig.2 streetlight terminal at the transmitter side
As you can see, Arduino UNO microcontroller, it simply
converts all data parallel to serial form, also there is zigbee
module for transmitting and receiving purpose, its operating
frequency is 2.4 GHz and operates at 3.3v and its data rate is
250 kbps..Communication between the microcontroller and
zigbee module was done with the help of USB cable.
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All street lights ON automatically
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All streetlights OFF automatically
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Faulty light detection (One is ON, another is OFF)
This system provides an efficient and smart automatic
streetlight control system with the zigbee technology. The
system can reduce energy consumption and maintenance
costs and also helps to reduce crime activities up to certain
limit. This streetlight control system helps in energy savings,
detection of faulty lights and maintenance time and increase
in life span of system.
For further development, Android based applications can
be developed for Smart Tabs/Mobile Phones making mobility
of control possible.
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[10] Prof. A. B Jirapure; Rohini T. Gulhane, ―Zigbee Based
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The whole haartly thank my guide Sudhakar K N, college,
my friends-Chandan Raj S, Sree Harsha, Manasa S M, my
cousins- Bhanu Prakash S, Vinay S, Deepak M S and my
parents-Munirathnam M and Sarojamma M for their love,
support and encouragement.
A. Mr. Srikanth M
My Birth Place is Bethamangala, Born on 25/02/1989, and I
studied my primary school in Bethamangala Trust School,
later did my high school in New Oxford Residential Higher
Primary School and did my Pre-university in Mahaveer Jain
College, and I did my Bachelor Engineering-specialization in
Computer Science in MVJ college of engineering and finally,
I did my Masters- specialization in Computer Networks in
CMR institute of technology. My field of study in embedded
system and wireless sensor networks.
B. Mr. Sudhakar K N
Associate professor,
Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
CMR Institute of Technology,
AECS Layout, Bangalore-563037
Mobile: 99644 84720