Weekly Planning Sheet for Maths Year 3/4 Mrs Haines Week 8 Beg




Objective Activity

1 Can you count to 60 in 5s, and back?

2 Can you practice the

5 times tables?

Mexican wave, where each child takes on the next number in our sequence. We are counting in 5s. First, count up to

60 and back altogether.

Chn practice, in table races, telling the 5 times table.

Weekly Planning Sheet for Maths

Year 3/4 Mrs Haines Week 8 Beg: 09.11.15

Main Activity

Activities incl. differentiation Objectiv e

Do you know how many days and months there are in a week/ year?

Do you know the months and seasons of the year in order?

Can you tell the time to the nearest hour?

Can you tell the

Steps to


1) Have you put the months in order?

2) Have you written the write number for that month down?

3) Have you put the months into seasons?

1) Have you put the short hand on the hour?

2) Have you put the long hand on the minutes?

Show chn day/month/year on boards (Mon-Sun, Jan-Dec, 1925/2014).

Chn put them into groupings. What are they? Does anyone know any facts about them? Chn talk in partners.

Today we are going to be factfinders. Chn work in pairs to look at calendars, and work out how many days there are in a week/month.

Set off MA group to put months in order. Model with HA chn how to count using a calendar.

After investigations, chn tell other groups what they found out. Tell the chn there is a little song we can sing and learn that can help us. 30 days have September, April, June and November. All the rest have 31, except for February alone. It has 28 days clear, and 29 in each leap year. Sing the song and practice it together.

Teacher Led: OH with group 1, JA with group 2.

Y1: I can recognise and use language relating to dates, including days of the week, weeks, months and years.

Chn order Jan-Dec month cards and group them into seasons. Can you name the seasons?

Chn compare how we write the month in a number date, to the written. How can we tell the order they go in? How many days in a week? How many days in a year? How many months in a year?

Misconception: How can January and February be in the same season as December, when they are 10 months apart?

JA with MA (group 1, 2b), supporting chn and making sure they join in.

Assess what chn know by doing quick fire show me. Show chn how to use their individual clocks. What does the short hand point to? What does the long hand point to? Show me 5 o’clock. Show me 12 o’clock.

Show me 2 o’clock. Show me 3am. Show me 3pm. What is the difference? Chn talk in partners.

Teach chn song. It is about a child who doesn’t know the time and is always late… so their mum wrote them a song to help them learn. “It’s


Key qs/focus

How many days are there in



How many days are there until


How many months are there until


How many years are there until


(Challenge for HA, how many days are there until 6 th

January 2015?)

Chn complete worksheet. Chn must match up digital, analogue and written time and stick in their books.

Peer mark – how

3 time to the nearest half hour?


12 o’clock, it’s 12 o’clock. Hurry Up! Hurry up!” “I’m coming!” Choose a child to come and pick the time we’re singing. If they get it right, they can stay on. If they get it wrong, we pick someone else. Chn use their individual clocks and show me whilst we’re singing altogether. When chn seem to be picking it up, introduce digital clock, showing chn what each hour looks like. I put a time on the digital clock, chn talk in partners about what time it is, show it to me on their individual clocks and one/two pairs lead the song for that hour.

If chn get the hours really quickly, move on to telling the time to the nearest half hour, using the same song. Emphasise the long hand pointing toward the minutes. How many minutes is each segment?

Chn and I count round altogether in 5s. What do I mean by half past? What does that look like on a clock?

Look at digital and analogue.

I can tell the time to the hour and half past the hour and draw the hands on a clock face to show these times. (Y1)

Mental maths test.

Chn answer questions and then work through answers with partners.

How else could we have worked it out?

Maths games with clocks – show me, quick fire. can we tell which analogue time goes with the digital time?

JB with MA – what is the difference between the time when it is analogue/digital/w ritten?

4 Can you find the missing multiple of

5 in a sequence?

Chn play


Sequences game, on board, but also using wbs. Chn have to work out the missing multiple of 5 from the sequence.

Write it on

Can you tell the time to the nearest half hour?

Can you tell the time to quarter past the hour?

2) Have you pointed your long hand towards the minutes



3) Have you pointed your short hand

Quick recap from yesterday – show me 5 o’clock, show me 12pm, show me 7.30am, half past 2.

What do I mean by quarter past and quarter to?

Focus on the past and to words. What do they mean?

Chn show me what they think on their clocks. Count round the clock in 5s together. How many minutes are there in an hour? How many are there in half an hour? How many are there in quarter of an hour?

Show chn what that looks like on digital and analogue clock. Why is it 12.15/12.45?

Count round on clock in 5s again.

Sing the song with them, going all the way through the hour. Chn use clocks to put the correct time on each time. “It’s eight o’clock… It’s

Quick fire show me on individual clocks.

Show me: quarter to nine; quarter past eleven; 12 o’clock; 2.30pm; quarter to two etc.

5 Can you tell the time to the nearest

5 minutes? whiteboards, show me and see if we are right.

Quick fire show me on individual clocks.

Can you tell the time to quarter to the hour?

Can you use Roman numerals in time? towards the hour?

4) Have you written the digital version next to your analogue clock? quarter past eight… It’s half past eight… It’s quarter to nine.”

Why is it quarter to nine?

Chn discuss with partners. Look at how we are going from one hour to the next. If we said quarter to eight, it would look different. It would mean something completely different.

What would it mean?

Model to chn drawing the time on blank clock faces, using ruler.

Teacher Led: OH with group3, JA with group 4.

Y1: I can tell the time to half past the hour and draw the hands on a clock face to show these times.

Y2: Tell and write the time to quarter past the hour and draw the hands on a clock face to show these times.

Chn give their partners a time, and then draw it in their books.

Partners then check to see if it is correct. Chn must write down the digital of the time next to the clock.

Show chn Roman Numeral clock face. What is this? Why does it look different? Have they seen these before? Where?

If I is 1, then what is II? What about III? What is 4?

Talk about how it is IV, because it means one less than 5.

Chn work in mixed ability partners, to build their own Roman clock.

Teacher Led:


Peer mark. Why did you choose that answer? How can we tell it is half past? How can well tell it is o’clock?


Homework: Clocks.
