Fire Protection | A.G. Coombs

Fire protection
No matter what
type of facility
you have, we
offer the highest
quality installation,
maintenance and
advisory services
in Australia.
Walker Fire Protection delivers a
unique combination of professional
engineering and regulatory advice,
matched to practical, industry-based
experience and knowledge.
Combining our product independence and detailed
understanding of code requirements, we offer you unbiased,
objective, practical and accurate advice on system selection,
design, maintenance and compliance issues to achieve
the best fire protection solution to suit your requirements.
We are continually reviewing and developing our abilities
in this area and see it as central to our ability to provide
”world’s best practice” fire protection solutions.
Our staff are always up to date with the latest and proposed
changes to Building Regulations and Fire Standards, with
a detailed appreciation of the consequences for new and
existing buildings.
Authoritative advice on system, regulatory and compliance
issues is always just a phone call away.
We offer full design and engineering
services to develop and support our
efficient installation and ongoing
maintenance of superior fire protection
Our ability to provide a complete Essential
Safety Measures Management service can
make sure that your facility complies with
relevant legislation and offers a fire safe
environment for everyone inside.
We particularly focus on highly integrated systems that
Innovative use of Information Technology allows us to
feature alarm and detection, wet and dry suppression,
provide excellent client service levels, with quicker response
smoke management and occupant evacuation systems
times and improved records and reporting functions.
to manage fire risk and protect occupants and assets.
Walker Fire Protection provides dependable and cost
As an acknowledged industry leader in fire protection
effective fire services maintenance and management
for mission critical sites such as data processing centres,
to ensure that essential safety measures are maintained,
internet switch facilities and critical storage and archive
systems are operable, records are up to date and statutory
facilities, we provide not only high quality, high reliability
obligations are met.
systems for these essential locations, but also full operational
documentation and operator training.
Indeed, the more critical the location, the more likely you
are to need the detail and quality of a Walker Fire Protection
solution. Our project management, engineering and technical
capabilities deliver leading fire and life safety systems from
advice, design and budgeting, through to documentation,
procurement, installation and commissioning.
To find out more about superior fire protection solutions call
03 9279 7100 or visit
It’s the people who say “it won’t
happen to us” that it usually happens to.
Walker Fire Protection is one of the most respected names in the Australian fire
protection industry. Why? We offer a uniquely integrated combination of Project,
Service and Advisory capabilities to ensure that fire protection is one of the things
your business doesn’t have to worry about.
Specialist Fire Protection Systems. Walker Fire
Whole of Life. Embracing the A.G.Coombs “whole
Protection design and install sophisticated, world-leading
of life” philosophy, Walker Fire Protection offers life cycle
fire protection systems for commercial and industrial
contracts for design, installation and ongoing warranty
facilities, and mission critical sites such as data centres
and maintenance of fire protection systems providing
and internet switch facilities.
clear quality, risk and cost benefits.
Essential Safety Measures Management.
Safety is Important to us. Occupational Health and
With thorough and reliable inspection and testing regimes
Safety is a major focus and Walker Fire Protection is fully
Walker Fire Protection ensure that essential safety measures
SafetyMAP accredited. SafetyMAP is a rigorous best
are fully maintained, systems are operable, records are up
practice integrated safety management system subject
to date and statutory obligations are met.
to regular and independent auditing.
Technical and Regulatory Support. Superior and
Sustainability. Fire protection systems can have a
product independent technical advice from Walker Fire
significant environmental impact, particularly with respect
Protection will identify the most effective solution for your
to water usage. Walker Fire Protection is a leader in the
fire protection, and authoritative and practical advice on
design of water saving systems and the application of
regulatory issues will support your statutory compliance.
water efficient testing regimes.
Walker Fire Protection Pty Ltd
Unit 6, 273 Williamstown Road
Port Melbourne, Victoria 3207
Phone 03 9279 7100 Fax 03 9279 7111
Emergency After Hours 03 9625 1573
Member of the A.G. Coombs Group of Companies