Transana - Video/audio Data Analysis Series

L.Stone 2013
Transana - Video/audio Data Analysis
Series - Organize Raw Data – Multiple days or events
(videos of an event, classroom lessons, a teacher, etc.
or audios)
Episodes – A Single Media File
(e.g.,one event, one lesson in the series)
Clips -- *Evidence of something!
Portion of an episode
Primary analytic unit or code
(open coding or sections of video/transcript
data identified as meaningful or interesting)
Collections - Clips organized into
thematic collections
(method of focused coding where
analytically similar clips are
grouped together)
Coding - all coding occurs at the clip level
Clips - applying key words (codes)
L.Stone 2013
Clips - two types - regular clips and quick clips
Regular Clips - placed in existing collections
Theory based (or content centered) from the beginning
and are associated with any number of key words
Quick Clips Associated with a single key word and not
given a name – not associated with theory