Daylight Sensor Interface Assembly

ETC Application Note
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Configuring Hubbell Occupancy and Daylight Sensors
for Unison Paradigm Systems
O ccup an cy Sensor Con figu rat ion
Bef or e you c an c onf igur e the oc c upanc y s ens or f unc tions in LightDes igner you m us t
first add an occupancy sensor to the co nfiguration. To do this select Hubbell as a
m anuf ac tur er in the Station Libr ar y; then s elec t the O MNIDT 2000 s ens or and dr ag
and drop it into the desired space. W ith the station added and selected from the
Control Sim ulate view, the station properties will display in the Property Editor.
(Pictured Below)
W ithin the configuration area, there are few items that m ay require changes based
on the desired functionality of the sensor.
S e ns or C onfi gura t ion:
This setting will determ ine how the sensor responds to occupancy detection.
There are 6 common modes to use. Based on the desired functionality you will
need to set this field using the table below.
Configuring HBA Sensors for Unison Paradigm Systems
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Electronic Theatre Controls, Inc. 06/2010
ETC Application Note:
Configuring Hubbell Sensors for Unison Paradigm Systems
Config Value
Desired Functionality
Sensor will trigger when occupancy is detected using Passive
Infrared or Ultrasonic detection. Adaptive Learning Disabled
Sensor will trigger when occupancy is detected using Passive
Infrared or Ultrasonic detection. Adaptive Learning Enabled
Sensor will trigger when occupancy is detected using Passive
Infrared and Ultrasonic detection. Adaptive Learning Disabled
Sensor will trigger when occupancy is detected using Passive
Infrared and ultrasonic detection. Adaptive Learning Enabled
Sensor will trigger when occupancy is detected using Passive
I n f ra re d on l y. U l t ra s o n i c d e t e c t i o n Di s a ble d . A d a p ti v e
Learning Disabled
Sensor will trigger when occupancy is detected using Passive
I n f ra re d on l y. U l t ra s o n i c d e t e c t i o n Di s a ble d . A d a p ti v e
Learning Enabled
Note: Adaptive Learning allows the sensor to de termine false occupancy triggers over time to
provide more efficient performance and energy conservation; when enabled, the occupancy
sensor will mitigate false triggers after 72 hours of operation.
I na ct iv it y Ti m e out :
Am ount of time ( in minutes) before ‘No Occupancy’ action is executed
U l t ra S oni c S e ns it iv it y:
Should not be adjusted unless instructed by ETC Technical Services
I R S e ns it iv it y:
Should not be adjusted unless instructed by ETC Technical Services
W ith these properties set as required , expand the occupancy sensor in the Browser
(Pictured here)
This will display control action information in the property editor. (Pictured here)
Configuring HBA Sensors for Unison Paradigm Systems
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Electronic Theatre Controls, Inc.
ETC Application Note:
Configuring Hubbell Sensors for Unison Paradigm Systems
F r om her e you c an as s ign the occ upanc y and no occ upanc y ac tions us ing any
action that can be assigned to a button on a station. W hen using simulation control,
or using LiveControl, the State property indicates what the current position of the
sensor is. Occupancy =Down, No Occupancy = Up
Dayligh t Sensor Con figu ration
Bef or e you c an c onf igur e the daylight s ens or func tions in LightDes igner you m us t
first add a daylight sensor controller to the configuration. To do this select Hubbell
as a m anuf ac tur er in the Station Libr ar y; then s elect the LX PSCMLP ( Link Power ) or
LXPSCMFT (Aux Power) sensor controller and drag and drop it into the desired
space. Either sensor controller will support any of three sensors for Indoor,
O utdoor or Sk ylight us e
Note: Either sensor controller can be used with an indoor, outdoor, or skylight
sensor unit; it is not important during conf iguration which physical sensor is
W ith the sensor controller added and selected, expand the station in the browser
( s hown below) . T he c onf igur ation s ettings will be dis pla yed in the Pr opert y Editor .
Select the Lux Input portion of the Photo Sensor to display the sensor properties in
the Property Editor. (Pictured here)
Configuring HBA Sensors for Unison Paradigm Systems
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Electronic Theatre Controls, Inc.
ETC Application Note:
Configuring Hubbell Sensors for Unison Paradigm Systems
T he s ens or will def ault to pr oviding Da yli ght Har vesting F unc tionalit y in a c los ed
loop format for the entire space that the sensor was added to. To change the
def ault c ontr ol f unc tion, us e the s am e pr oc ess you would to c onf igur e a button or
f ader s tation c ontr ol to s elect s pac e, gr oup, or c hannel da yligh t har ves ting.
T her e ar e a f ew other pr oper ties dis playe d in the pr oper t y editor that will need to
be configured based on the proje cts requirem ents.
P e rc e nt C ha nge :
Determines what percentage change is made with each step. For example a
setting of 5% means the electric light level will change in 5% increments until
the target Level is achieved. The interval of change is dependent on the Fade
T ime pr opert y.
D e la y ti m e:
Sets how long the system must wait after detecting a change before any level
c hanges will tak e effec t. T his pr events the s ys tem fr om c hanging output to the
elec tr ic light level when a s hadow pass es the s ens or or a c loud pas s es by.
Ta rge t Le ve l:
Sets the desired overall reading the sensor should maintain in lux
S e ns it iv it y Le ve l:
Sets the amount of the m easured light (in lux) must deviate from the specified
tar get bef or e the s ys tem s hould tak e action.
Fa de Ti m e:
Sets the Fade Time used between Change St eps in seconds.
V a l ue:
W hen in Live Contr ol, and c onnec ted to the c ontr ol s ys tem , the value f ield will
display the actual level the photocell is detecting in lux. This field is useful in
configuring the above values during commissioning.
Configuring HBA Sensors for Unison Paradigm Systems
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Electronic Theatre Controls, Inc.