San José State University Department of Justice Studies


San José State University

Department of Justice Studies

FS 163, Fingerprint Science, 01, Spring 2013


Office Location:


Email and website:

Office Hours:

Class Time/Room:


Mary Juno

MacQuarrie Hall 511


Please do not leave voicemail messages at this number.

Tues & Thurs 0830-1000 by appointment

Sign up for appointments on the clipboard outside my office

Tues & Thurs Lecture 1430-1520, Sweeney Hall 347

Thurs Lab 1530-1730, Clark 303

JS 10 or FS 11, upper division standing. Recommended prep: FS 161

Course Catalogue Description

History and use of fingerprints in criminal identification. Topics include the scientific basis for fingerprint identification, anatomy of friction ridge skin, pattern classification, minutiae marking, the Henry System, AFIS and CAL-ID, and court presentation of fingerprint evidence.

Course Goals and Student Learning Objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

LO1 Demonstrate knowledge of structure, formation and function of FRS.

LO2 Identify fingerprint patterns, minutiae points, and microscopic ridge characteristics (three levels of detail).

LO3 Articulate the underlying principles of identification from FRS and the scientific basis for fingerprint identification.

LO4 Articulate and demonstrate the process of ACE-V through fingerprint comparison, and create an exhibit of the comparison for court presentation. Demonstrate understanding of the bases of court challenges to fingerprint evidence.

LO5 Classify fingerprints correctly using the Henry, NCIC and IAFIS systems.

LO6 Demonstrate understanding of human factors, confirmation and cognitive bias, subjectivity, and the scientific method as related to fingerprint identification.

LO7 Demonstrate knowledge of latent fingerprint development techniques.

Required Textbooks

Hawthorne, M. (2009). Fingerprints: Analysis and Understanding.

Boca Raton: CRC Press.

ISBN-13: 978-1-4200-6864-1

Composition notebook or lab notebook (bound)

NIJ: Fingerprint Sourcebook (pdf)

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NIJ: Latent Print Examiners and Human Factors: Improving the Practice Through a Systems

Approach (pdf)

Access to Internet

Other Readings

Register at the NIJ website during the first week of class and peruse the website. You can also sign up to receive free email publications on forensic science topics of interest to you.

Journal articles, tutorials, and links to other required readings will be posted on d2l. It is the student’s responsibility to check the website (minimum twice weekly) for new postings.

Classroom Protocol

1. Students are expected to attend all class meetings, arrive on time, stay for the duration of the period, and complete all assignments in accordance with the class schedule. Class participation is expected and is part of your grade. It is essential that you come prepared and speak up during class. Lack of participation may result in pop quizzes.

2. Students are responsible for all missed notes, materials and announcements due to absence.

3. Please stow your cell phone, PDA, iPad, and laptop while in the classroom. Their use during

class is distracting and disrespectful. If you require a laptop for physical reasons, please

bring me documentation from the DRC.


Students must print all assignments and turn them in as hardcopy. I do not print documents for students and I do not grade electronic copies of assignments, unless otherwise specified. If you must miss a class when an assignment is due, email it to me on the due date and bring the hard copy to the next class meeting to be graded.



Practical Exercises (40%): Locating typelines and deltas, pattern identification, ridge counting and tracing, recording fingerprints on ten-print cards, Henry classification,

ACE-V, matching partial prints, palm prints, and latent print development. Details of format and grading will be provided with each exercise.

(LO2, LO4, LO5, LO7)


Exams and Quizzes (30%): Periodic quizzes on reading and lectures, one midterm and one final exam. (LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4, LO5, LO6, LO7)


Presentation (20%): Each student will demonstrate the process by which he/she made a positive identification from a latent lift. This will include an explanation of the process used to locate and develop the lift, the comparison of minutiae points in a latent print and a known print, and the basis for his/her conclusion, as if for a jury. (LO4, LO6)


Participation and homework (10%): Maintain lab notebook according to lab rules. Come to class prepared to discuss and critique readings and assignments. Participate in all inclass and out-of-class assignments. Complete homework on time. (LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4,

LO5, LO6)

Extra Credit

Extra credit opportunities may be available throughout the semester and will be used to augment your final grade up to 3%.

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Join a criminal justice or forensic science professional organization that is of interest to you and supply proof of membership before the end of the semester. Some examples of forensic science organizations include AAFS, CAC, and IAI. To view a list of law enforcement professional organizations, please visit ectory/


Attend a lecture in the Forensic Science Seminar Series and write a two-page, doublespaced, typewritten paper that includes a synopsis of the talk and your reaction/response.


Tour a crime lab and write a two-page, double-spaced, typewritten paper that includes a synopsis of the tour and your reaction/response.

Grading Policy, Late Work and Make Ups


No late work or make up assignments will be accepted or allowed except under extraordinary, documented circumstances, unless instructor specifies otherwise. Please adhere to all stipulated due dates which have been established in order to facilitate grading.


Most lab exercises will be carried out in teams. These involve a lot of prep and set up and therefore cannot be made up for any reason, so do not miss them.


Students are responsible for reading and following the directions on every assignment.

Papers that do not adhere to the directions of an assignment may be handed back for revision and resubmission. Work resubmitted for this reason will be marked down 10% automatically.

Grading Scale for All Assignments:

Note: A grade of C or better is required for all Justice Studies and Forensic Science courses.

Grade % Grade %









Grade %

F <60












D+ 67-69

D 64-66


University Policies

Academic Integrity

Academic integrity is essential to the mission of San José State University. As such, students are expected to perform their own work (except when collaboration is expressly permitted by the course instructor) without the use of any outside resources. Students are not permitted to use old tests, quizzes when preparing for exams, nor may they consult with students who have already taken the exam. When practiced, academic integrity ensures that all students are fairly graded.

Violations to the Academic Integrity Policy undermine the educational process and demonstrate a lack of respect for oneself, one’s fellow students and the course instructor. Violations also can

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ruin the university’s reputation and devalue of the degrees it offers. We all share the obligation to maintain an environment that practices academic integrity.

The University’s Academic Integrity Policy is available at

. Your own commitment to learning, as evidenced by your enrollment at San Jose State University, requires you to be honest in all your academic course work. Faculty members are required to report all infractions to the office of Student Conduct and Ethical Development. The website for

Student Conduct and Ethical Development is


Instances of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. Cheating on exams or plagiarism

(presenting the work of another as your own, or the use of another person’s ideas without giving proper credit) will result in a failing grade in the course and will be subject to sanctions by the

University. For this class, all assignments are to be completed by the individual student unless otherwise specified. If you would like to include in your assignment any material you have submitted, or plan to submit for another class, please note that SJSU’s Academic Policy F06-1 requires approval of instructors.

Dropping and Adding

Students are responsible for understanding the policies and procedures about add/drops, academic renewal, etc. Information on add/drops is available at

. Information on late drops is available at . Students should be aware of the current deadlines and penalties for adding and dropping classes.

Campus Policy in Compliance with the American Disabilities Act

If you need course adaptations or accommodations because of a disability, or if you need to make special arrangements in case the building must be evacuated, please make an appointment with me as soon as possible, or see me during office hours. Presidential Directive 97-03 requires that students with disabilities requesting accommodations must register with the DRC (Disability

Resource Center) to establish a record of their disability.

Forensic Science Student Group (FSS)

FSS is the student group at SJSU dedicated to Forensic Science. The group meets twice monthly to discuss and organize scholarly and social events related to forensic science. FSS also has a

Peer Mentor group whose purpose is to provide a forum to assist forensic science students in navigating the major, understanding requirements and prerequisites, and making wise choices in their college careers. FSS Peer Mentors may also offer limited tutoring, and facilitate educational and professional opportunities. Peer Mentor services are free and available to active members of the FSS. You can get an FSS application or more information by contacting


You cal also find the FSS on Facebook (San Jose State University Forensic Science Students).


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Mary Juno earned her MSc in Forensic Science from the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow,

Scotland, and her BA in Forensic Anthropology from San Francisco State University. Juno worked for many years as a CSI at the Oakland Police Department where she processed hundreds of major crime scenes and taught in the Oakland Police Academy. She has conducted research at the NYPD Latent Fingerprint Lab and currently teaches Criminal Justice

Communications, Police Role in the Community, and Forensic Investigations in the Criminal

Justice Department at Cabrillo College. At SJSU, Juno teaches several courses in the department, co-advises the FSS, advises Forensic Science majors, and edits Forensic Science

Forum and Themis.

She can sometimes be found in her office: 511 MacQuarrie Hall. She likes

Giants baseball, beer, and homemade chocolate chip cookies with walnuts, since you asked.

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FS 163 Fingerprint Science Spring 2013 Course Schedule

Schedule is subject to change.

Week Date Topics and Deadlines











1/24 Introduction, Course Overview, Lab Notebook



















Lab: Equipment, Rolling, Tracing

Quiz 1: Reading, History of FP

FRS Structure and Formation

Lab: Rolling Fingers, Palms and Feet

Terminology: Typelines & Deltas

Fingerprint Patterns

Lab: Worksheets, Ridge Counts

Fingerprint Patterns

Lab: Pattern Worksheets

Quiz 2: Patterns, Ridge Tracing, Counts

Systems of Classification: Henry, NCIC, IAFIS

Lab: Classification

Classification Continued

Lab: Classification

Scientific Basis for FP Examination, Levels of

Detail, Examination Process: ACE-V

Quiz 3 Due

Scientific Basis for FP Examination, Levels of

Detail, Examination Process: ACE-V

Lab: ACE-V, Matching Prints and Partials

Subjectivity and Cognitive Bias

Human Factors, Mayfield Case

Lab: ACE-V, Matching Prints and Partials

Midterm Exam

No Lab

Spring Break!

Readings and Assignments for Following


FP Sourcebook Ch 1 & 4

Hawthorne Ch 1

Trace Print

Website Docs

FP Sourcebook Ch 2 & 3

Website Docs

Hawthorne Ch 2 & 3

Website Docs

FP Sourcebook Ch 5 & 6

Hawthorne Ch 4

Website Docs

FP Sourcebook Ch 9 & 14

Website Docs

Take Home Classification Quiz

Hawthorne: pp 97-102

LPE & HF: Ch 1 & 5

Article: Scientific Methodology and the

Friction Ridge Identification Process

Website Docs

Article: Confirmation Bias

Article: Subjectivity: The Misused Word

Website Docs

Mayfield Case

Website Docs

Study for Exam







Latent Print Development

Lab: Latent Print Development

Evaluation of Latents

Quiz 4: Reading, Latent Prints

Lab: Latent Print Development, Evaluation of


Hawthorne Ch 5

FBI Latent Print Guide

Website Docs

FP Sourcebook FP Sourcebook Ch 7 & 10

LPE & HF: Ch 3

Website Docs

Hawthorne Ch 6

FP Sourcebook Ch 13

LPE & HF: Ch 6

Article: Defense Challenge to Fingerprints

Website Docs

Week Date Topics and Deadlines









Courtroom Presentation of FP Evidence,

Expert Testimony

Lab: Court Presentation

Quiz 5

Student Presentations

Palms and Feet

Lab: Palms and Feet






Lab: Final Exam

Last day to drop a course without receiving a W is Feb 4

Last day to add a course is Feb 11

Last day to withdraw from a course is April 23

Readings and Assignments for Following


Locate: Codes of Ethics for Latent Print


Website Docs

Website docs

Website docs

Website Docs
