Roots of American People Test


Roots of American People Test

The format of this exam will be:

 Multiple Choice

 Document Based Questions

 Short Answer Questions

To do well on this exam, you must study:

 Your Power point slides

 Your structured class notes

To do well on this exam, you must be able to:

 How the first peoples reached America

 The definition of archeology, glacier, Ice Age, and global warming

 The descendants of the first Americans (Olmecs)and the land bridge

 Characteristics of a culture

 Achievements of the Aztec, Anasazi, Inca, Maya, and Inuits cultures

 The definition of adobe and hieroglyphics, and quipu

 Characteristics of the Native American Culture Areas (Eastern Woodland, Great Plains, etc.)

 The Mound Builders and the purpose of the mounds

 The Iroquois long house

 The role of women in the Iroquois Nation

 Tribal Nations of the Iroquois Nation

 The League of Iroquois and sachems

 The definitions of potlatch, katchina, and teepee

 Achievements of Christopher Columbus

 Beliefs of the Muslim World and the Silk Road

 Life in the African villages

 Beliefs in Judaism and Christianity

 Beliefs of Judaism and Christianity

 Ideas developed by the Ancient Romans

 The Crusades

 The Renaissance

Extra Help:

 Available Fridays after school.
