Document 17696882

1. Revisión de vocabulario. Marca  las palabras que ya conoces.
 glasses
 wall
Classroom objects
 (car) keys
 window
 act
 board
 newspaper
 word
 ask
 book
 pager
 answer
 book bag
 purse
 check
 calculator
 stamp
 that
 choose
 cassette player
 sunglasses
 these
 circle
 chair
 (tele)phone
 this
 close
 chalk
 television
Subject pronoun
 come in
 classroom
 umbrella
 they
 complete
 clock
 wallet
 compare
 computer
 watch
 gone
 correct
 desk
 great
 cross
 (English) dictionary
 answer
 interesting
 count
 door
 box
 nice
 draw
 encyclopedia
 chopsticks
 find
 eraser
 class
 a/an
 know
 map
 competition
 the
 learn
 marker
 exam (examination)
 listen
 mouse
 example
 still
 look
 notebook
 exercise
 very
 match
 pen
 homework
 number
 pencil
 language
 behind
 open
 picture
 lesson
 in
 practice
 piece of paper
 letter
 in front of
 raise
 table
 location
 next to
 read
 wall
 mistake
 on
 repeat
 wastebasket
 number
 under
 say
 workbook
 pocket
 unscramble
Personal items
 question
 hmm
 sit down
 address
 restaurant
No problem
 speak
 (electronic) address book
 Oh, cool!
 stand up
 bag
 sentence
Oh, no!
 spell
 briefcase
 test
 OK
 turn
 camera
 text
 See?
 translate
 CD player
 thing
 uh
 underline
 cell phone
 tick
 Wait!
 understand
 earring(s)
 university
 Wow!
 work
 write
2. Escribe las palabras que no conoces en tu cuaderno. ¿Cuántas son? ¿Qué vas a hacer para
aprenderte estas palabras? __________________________________
3. En esta sección marca las funciones que aprendiste o que ya conoces.
 Identificar objetos:
 Expresiones para el salón de clase:
What’s this called in English?
May I come in?
I don’t know. / It’s a/an…
May I go out? / May I step out?
What are these called in English?
How do you say ___ in English?
What’s the meaning of ___? / What does ___ mean?
I don’t know
 Pedir y dar la ubicación de objetos:
Sorry, I don’t understand.
Where is …?
How do you spell…? / Could you spell that for me?
It’s under …/ next to…
How do you pronounce ___?
Where are…?
How do you write…?
They’re under … / next to …
Please, speak slowly.
 Encontrar al dueño de algo:
Can you repeat, please? / Say it again, please / Again
Is this your…?
Yes, it is
I have a question
No, it’s not. It’s …
I didn’t do homework
Are these his…?
Can you lend me your…, please?
Yes, they are.
Right! / Correct! / That’s right
No, they’re not. They’re …
That’s wrong / Wrong
4. ¿Hay funciones o frases que no conozcas? ¿Qué vas a hacer para aprenderlas?