Mrs. O’Connell’s Parent

Mrs. O’Connell’s Parent
The 5th grade is sponsoring a toy
drive. Please send in new
unwrapped toys. We will donate
the toys to The Salvation Army in
Week of 11-16-2015
I am looking forward to seeing all of the Science Fair Projects. The children will be
presenting their project to the class on Monday and Tuesday. They will receive two Science test
grades on their project. One for presenting and the other one for the project.
I really enjoyed conferencing with parents last week. If we have not met yet please don’t
forget to sign up for Fall Conference. If you would prefer a phone conference please e-mail me a
good time to contact you
November 16—Science Fair Projects due!
November 19— Conferences
Science Fair Exhibit Night. 6-6:45
November 25-29—Thanksgiving Holiday!
December 2—Progress Reports
December 3—Family Night!
December 9—Early Release Day!
Classroom Needs:
Glue Sticks
This week in School:
Math: Multiplying and dividing decimal word problems.
Reading: We are reading about the History of Thanksgiving.
Grammar lesson: The children will have a grammar pack to complete this week. We are having
lessons on verb tense, verb phrases, conjunctions, and commas.
Writing: The children be writing about attitude toward gratitude. They will also begin their next
probe on their Revolutionary War topic. Probes will be due on Friday, December 4th, 2015.
Spelling: The children will receive their new spelling words tomorrow. We have a spelling test
on Friday.
Social Studies:
This week’s states we are learning about are:
New Hampshire
New Jersey
Science: We are beginning our unit on body systems. This week we are learning about the
skeletal system.
Homework for week of 11-16-2015
Math: division word problems. Log onto Moby Max or Sum dog and practice math skills.
ELA: Grammar pack.
Spelling: practice words for test on Friday.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at 704-819-1698