Causes of the Civil War – Study Guide

Today’s Date: 3/20/15
Causes of the Civil War – Study Guide
Quiz Date: Friday, March 27th
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Rebel: To act against something.
Plantation: A large farm where cash crops
are grown.
Abolitionist: One who was against slavery
and wanted laws passed that would force
slave owners to free their slaves.
Agricultural area: an area with many farms
Industrial area: an area with many factories
Northern Economy: Based on industry and
relied on paid workers.
Southern Economy: Based on agriculture
and relied on slavery.
New states were forming in the Western
Territories, which caused more differences
between the North and South. The North
wanted the new states to be “free states”
and the South wanted the new states to be
“slave states”.
Virginia on Slavery: Virginia was divided
over the issue of slavery. The people who
lived in the western counties of the state
were against slavery and sided with the
North. The people in the eastern counties of
the state depended on slavery and sided
with the other southern states.
Formation of West Virginia: The
disagreement between the two regions in
Virginia led to this new state.
Nat Turner: A slave who led a revolt against
plantation owners in Virginia in 1831. 60-70
slaves roamed the countryside killing white
men, women and children. He was
captured and put to death.
Harriet Tubman: A famous runaway who
risked her life to lead hundreds of slaves to
freedom on the Underground Railroad.
John Brown: A well-known abolitionist who
tried to start a slave rebellion at Harpers
Ferry, Virginia in 1859. The rebellion plan
failed and the leader was convicted of
treason and hanged.
Presidential Election of 1860: Many
southerners wanted a president who would
favor slavery. The presidency went to
Abraham Lincoln and the South feared that
slavery would soon be abolished. Within
months, many states seceded from the
Union and formed the Confederate States
of America.
Underground Railroad: A network of secret
routes and safe houses that helped slaves
escape to the north into “free” territories like
Canada. Abolitionists, such as Tubman,
risked their own lives and safety to help
other achieve freedom.