Topic/Objective:_______________ Full Name: _______________________________ _____________________________

Full Name: _______________________________
Class: ___________________
Date: _________________
Period: _____
Essential Question:
Chapter 24 (Currents)
24.1 Surface Currents
 flow in the upper ____________ meters of ocean
 driven by ___________ __________
 N. and S. hemispheres each have ______ circulations
o caused by the ______________ Effect
o ________________ in N. hemisphere
o _______________________ in S. hemisphere
Current Temperature
 cold currents- move towards the Equator
o Eastern sides of ocean basins
 warm currents- move towards poles
o Western sides of ocean basins
Tutor Use
Essential Question:
Currents & Winds
 2 sets of global _____________ drive currents
o __________ winds- blow from NE in N. hemisphere; SE in S.
o _______________ - blow from SW in N. hemisphere; NW in S.
hemisphere (generally west to east)
 Earth’s rotation & continents push currents along path of travel
Important Currents to know
 Gulf Stream - _____________________________________________
 N. Atlantic - ______________________________________________
 Canary - _________________________________________________
 N. Equatorial - ____________________________________________
 California - _______________________________________________
 Labrador - ________________________________________________
 West Wind Drift - __________________________________________
Counter Currents
 flow in ______________ direction of wind-related currents
 return water taken away from one side of the ocean basin to the
opposite side
 EX: Equatorial Countercurrents
Essential Question:
24.2 Currents Under the Surface
 driven by ______________ & differences in __________________
 Density current = __________ & __________ than surrounding water
o Sink to ___________ from surface
o move very slowly
o Circulate for ______________ years
Global conveyor belt
 global circulation of ____________ ocean currents
 _____________ warm water to colder areas & cold water to warmer
 efficient heat-transport system drives Earth’s climate
Importance of Density Currents
 ___________ oxygen absorbed from surface for deep sea life
 retain same ______________, ______________, & ______________
as surface
 _______________ currents are an example of VERTICAL density
Density Currents from Polar Water
 polar water is the most _____________ because it’s ______________
 when water _______________, it leaves behind _____________
Essential Question:
 both of these factors ______________ density
 __________ of a water mass or current depends on its _____________
Density Currents from Evaporation
 ____________ evaporation leaves _________ behind, which
______________ the density
 dense water sinks and is replaced with less dense water
 Example:
 vertical density currents that occur when cold deep water comes to the
 can occur anywhere, prevalent along western coasts of continents
 Two causes of upwellings
o surface winds ____________ water away from continent
o ___________, salty water suddenly ______________
Essential Question:
 Benefits of upwellings
o large amounts of nutrients come to the ______________
o ____________________ populations cultivate and provide food for
marine life
o __________________ fishing areas
o Examples: California, Morocco, southwestern Africa, Peru,
western Australia
24.3 Tides
 _________________ rise and fall of Earth’s oceans
 result of gravitational pulls from __________ and ____________
 reach different levels depending on Earth’s ____________ in
___________ to moon and sun
o ____________ has a greater effect since it is closer
o The closer an object is to another, the greater the gravitational
Moon’s Effect on the tides
 The moon orbits around Earth causes bulges to rotate around the Earth
over the lunar month (~29 days).
 The moon rises about 50 minutes later each days so do the tides.
Essential Question:
 sun can enhance or detract from the moon’s effects
o ____________ occur when the sun and moon are in
________________ (enhances tides)
o High tides are higher and low tides are lower
o ________________ occur when the sun and moon are at
_______________ angle (sun detracts from moon’s pull)
o High tides are not as high and low tides are not as low
o Another factor adding to the tidal effect is the moon’s
to the
Essential Question:
 _________________ is the difference between high and low tides.
o more noticeable on ___________ than lakes
o Small lakes show _________ tides at all
o Great Lakes have tides with ranges of just a few
o Ocean tidal ranges can vary ____________
 closer to the poles the greater the tidal range
 The shapes of individual shorelines influence the tidal range
o A ___________ bay has a greater tidal range than a
___________ coastal area.