\begindata{text,539466424} \textdsversion{12} \template{help} \define{global } \define{index menu:[Title~3,Index~91] attr:[FontFace Italic Int Set]} \define{indexi menu:[Title~3,InvisibleIndex~92] attr:[Script PreviousScriptMovement Point -2] attr:[FontFace Italic Int Set]} \define{text } \chapter{1 Lisp Primitives in ELI, the Embedded Lisp Interpreter } \section{1.1 Introduction }This document gives a brief description of the data types in ELI, the Embedded Lisp Interpreter, and full documentation for the primitives and library functions available in ELI. ELI is the Lisp library on which both BGLisp and FLAMES are constructed, hence these primitives, library functions and data types are available in both. ELI implements an extended subset of Common Lisp. \section{1.2 Data Types }ELI supports long integers, strings, symbols and lists. Note that, unlike XLisp or Common Lisp, it does not provide for ratios, floating-point numbers, arrays or characters (among other types). \subsection{1.2.1 Integers }An ELI integer is stored as a C "long int". \subsection{1.2.2 Strings }An ELI string is entered and displayed as a C string constant. That is, one encloses a string in double-quotes, and ELI recognizes all of C's backslash escaping conventions: \\n means newline, \\t means tab, and so on. \subsection{1.2.3 Symbols }ELI symbols have separate value and function fields. The syntax of a symbol name is like the syntax of a Common Lisp symbol name. Among the exceptions to this rule is the fact that a period "." is a valid symbol-name character (see note on dotted pairs in Lists). \subsection{1.2.4 Lists }ELI lists are straightforward, standard Lisp lists: arbitrarily long, with each item in the list being any one of these four data types. Unlike Common Lisp, there are no dotted pairs in ELI, and as you will see, no destructive list operations. \section{1.3 Library Functions }There is a standard library of ELI functions in the file /usr/andrew/lib/eli/elilib.eli. To load the functions in this file, simply type (load "elilib") while in BGLisp. The elilib library itself loads four sub-libraries: strings.eli, lists.eli, ints.eli and misc.eli. \text{\section{1.4 About This Document} This document contains user and programmer information about programming in Flames, as well as a reference list of Flames primitives and library functions. This document will \bold{not} teach you how to program in Lisp. If you are unfamiliar with Lisp, you should find a book designed to teach Lisp and learn from it. If you are using EZ to read this document, you can open an interactive Table of Contents window by choosing \bold{Table of Contents} from the \italic{Page} menu card. Clicking on a heading in the Table of Contents window that appears scrolls this document to bring the heading into view. Throughout this document, \italic{italics} indicate a parameter to a function, and \typewriter{typewriter} indicates a Lisp expression. Each primitive or library function is listed by name in alphabetical order within its section. The description of each function has several subsections, as follows: \text{______________________________________________________ \italic{ FunctionName} ______________________________________________}}\text{________ \typewriter{(sample call of this function from ELI)} \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{Description of this function's argument(s). } \bold{Description} \leftindent{A description of the function, as well as various facts related to this function that are helpful to know. } \bold{Return Value} \leftindent{Summary of the types or values the function returns. } \bold{Defined In }\leftindent{In which library the function is defined, or an indication that this function is an ELI primitive. } \bold{Known Bugs} \leftindent{What are the known bugs? bugs?} What is the status of the known \bold{See Also} \leftindent{A list of related ELI or operating system functions, as well as documents that may be useful.} \bold{Example} \leftindent{A (usually) simple, practical example of this function, with commentary.} } \begindata{bp,539691272} \enddata{bp,539691272} \view{bpv,539691272,1745,0,0} \section{1.5 Integer Manipulation } ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ <} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(< \italic{x y}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{\italic{X} and \italic{y} must evaluate to integers. } \bold{Description} \leftindent{Returns \typewriter{T} if and only if \italic{x} is less than \italic{y}.} \leftindent{ }\bold{Defined In }\leftindent{ints.eli } \bold{Example} \leftindent{\typewriter{(< 3 12)} returns \typewriter{T}, \typewriter{(< -1 -2)} returns \typewriter{NIL}, \typewriter{(< 0 0)} returns \typewriter{NIL}.} ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ >} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(> \italic{x y}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{\italic{X} and \italic{y} must evaluate to integers. } \bold{Description} \leftindent{Returns \typewriter{T} if and only if \italic{x} is greater than \italic{y}.} \leftindent{ }\bold{Defined In }\leftindent{ints.eli } \bold{Example} \leftindent{\typewriter{(}}\typewriter{<}\leftindent{\typewriter{ 3 12)} returns \typewriter{NIL}, \typewriter{(< -1 -2)} returns \typewriter{T}, \typewriter{(< 0 0)} returns \typewriter{NIL}.} ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ BIT-AND} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(bit-and \italic{x y}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{\italic{X} and \italic{y} must evaluate to positive integers. } \bold{Description} \leftindent{Returns the result of the bitwise and of \italic{x} and \italic{y}.} \leftindent{ }\bold{Defined In }\leftindent{ints.eli } \bold{Example} \leftindent{\typewriter{ (bit-and 10 6)} returns \typewriter{2}.} ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ DIV} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(div \italic{n1 n2}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{\italic{N1} and \italic{n2} must evaluate to integers. \bold{Description} \leftindent{Performs integer division, returning \italic{n1} / \italic{n2}. It is an error for \italic{n2} to be zero.} \leftindent{ }\bold{Defined In }\leftindent{ELI primitive. } \bold{Example} } \leftindent{\typewriter{(div 5 2)} returns \typewriter{2}.} ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ INT-TO-STR} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(int-to-str \italic{n}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{\italic{N} must evaluate to an integer. } \bold{Description} \leftindent{Returns a string containing the ASCII representation of \italic{n} in base 10.} \leftindent{ }\bold{Defined In }\leftindent{ELI primitive. } \bold{Example} \leftindent{\typewriter{(int-to-str 200)} returns \typewriter{"200"}.} ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ LESSP} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(lessp \italic{a b}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{\italic{A} and \italic{b} must evaluate to integers. } \bold{Description} \leftindent{Returns \typewriter{T} if \italic{a} is numerically less than \italic{b,} otherwise returns \typewriter{NIL}.} \bold{Defined In }\leftindent{ELI primitive. } ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ MINUS and -} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(minus \italic{a b}) (- \italic{a b}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{\italic{A} and \italic{b} must evaluate to integers. \italic{B} may be omitted; } \bold{Description} \leftindent{if \italic{B} is omitted, returns \italic{-a,} otherwise returns \italic{a} - \italic{b.} } \bold{Defined In }\leftindent{ELI primitive. } ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ MOD} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(mod \italic{x y}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{\italic{X} and \italic{y} must evaluate to integers. } \bold{Description} \leftindent{Returns the remainder from the integer division of \italic{y} into \italic{x}.} \leftindent{ }\bold{Defined In }\leftindent{ints.eli } \bold{Example} \leftindent{\typewriter{(mod 7 4)} returns \typewriter{3}.} ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ NUMBERP} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(numberp \italic{e}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{\italic{E} may evaluate to any expression. } \bold{Description} \leftindent{If \italic{e} is an integer, returns \typewriter{T}, otherwise returns \typewriter{NIL}.} \bold{Defined In }\leftindent{ELI primitive. } ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ PLUS and +} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(plus \italic{m1 m2 ... mn}) (+ \italic{m1 m2 ... mn}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{\italic{M1} through \italic{mn} must evaluate to integers. } \bold{Description} \leftindent{Returns the result of adding \italic{m1} through \italic{mn.} \italic{N} may be 1.} \bold{Defined In }\leftindent{ELI primitive. } ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ TIMES and *} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(times \italic{m1 m2 ... mn}) (* \italic{m1 m2 ... mn}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{\italic{M1} through \italic{mn} must evaluate to integers. } \bold{Description} \leftindent{Returns the result of multiplying \italic{m1} through \italic{mn.} \italic{N} may be one, in which case it returns \italic{m1.} } \bold{Defined In }\leftindent{ELI primitive. } ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ ZEROP} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(zerop \italic{x}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{\italic{X} must evaluate to an integer. } \bold{Description} \leftindent{Returns \typewriter{T} if \italic{x} is zero, \typewriter{NIL} otherwise.} \leftindent{ }\bold{Defined In }\leftindent{ints.eli } \bold{Example} \leftindent{\typewriter{ (zerop 0)} returns \typewriter{T}, \typewriter{(zerop 1)} returns \typewriter{NIL}.} \begindata{bp,539691208} \enddata{bp,539691208} \view{bpv,539691208,1746,0,0} \section{1.6 String Manipulation } ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ A-PAT-IN-ANY-STR} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(a-pat-in-any-str \italic{pat strs}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{\italic{Pat} must evaluate to a string, \italic{strs} must evaluate to a list of strings. } \bold{Description} \leftindent{Returns \typewriter{T} if the regular expression in \italic{pat} is found in any string in \italic{strs,} otherwise returns \typewriter{NIL}. Alphabetic case is significant during pattern-matching.} \bold{Defined In }\leftindent{strings.eli } ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ ANY-PAT-IN-ANY-STR} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(any-pat-in-any-str \italic{pats strs}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{\italic{Pat} and \italic{strs} must evaluate to lists of strings. } \bold{Description} \leftindent{Returns \typewriter{T} if any regular expression in the strings in \italic{pat} is found in any of the strings in \italic{strs,} otherwise returns \typewriter{NIL}. Alphabetic case is significant during pattern-matching.} \bold{Defined In }\leftindent{strings.eli } ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ A-STR-IN-ANY-STR} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(a-str-in-any-str \italic{str strs ignoreCase}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{\italic{Str} is a string and \italic{strs} is a list of strings. The optional third argument, if non-\typewriter{NIL}, causes alphabetic case to be ignored during matching. } \bold{Description} \leftindent{Returns \typewriter{T} if \italic{str} is contained within any string in \italic{strs,} otherwise returns \typewriter{NIL}.} \bold{Defined In }\leftindent{strings.eli } ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ ANY-STR-IN-ANY-STR} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(any-str-in-any-str \italic{strs1 strs2 ignoreCase}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{\italic{Strs1} and \italic{strs2} are lists of strings. The optional third argument, if non-\typewriter{NIL}, causes alphabetic case to be ignored during matching. } \bold{Description} \leftindent{Returns \typewriter{T} if any string in \italic{strs1} is contained in any string in \italic{strs2,} otherwise returns \typewriter{NIL}.} \bold{Defined In }\leftindent{strings.eli } ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ INDEX} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(index \italic{str char}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{\italic{Str} and \italic{char} must evaluate to strings. (\italic{Char} should be a one-character string.) } \bold{Description} \leftindent{Searches for (the first character of) \italic{char} in \italic{str,} returning that sub-part of \italic{str} which starts with \italic{char.} Searches from left to right, so that if \italic{str} contains more than one of \italic{char,} the return value will start from the first occurrence of \italic{char} in \italic{str.} (See RINDEX for a similar function which searches from right to left.) If \italic{char} is not found in \italic{str,} \typewriter{NIL} is returned.} \leftindent{ }\bold{Defined In }\leftindent{ELI primitive. } \bold{Example} \leftindent{\typewriter{(index "Hawaii" "a")} returns \typewriter{"awaii"}.} ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ LCSTRING} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(lcstring \italic{s}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{\italic{S} must evaluate to a string. } \bold{Description} \leftindent{Returns the string \italic{s} with all capital letters replaced by lower-case ones.} \leftindent{ }\bold{Defined In }\leftindent{ELI primitive. } \bold{Example} \leftindent{\typewriter{(lcstring "Bob Glickstein")} returns \typewriter{"bob glickstein"}.} ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ RE-STRCONTAINS} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(re-strcontains \italic{pat ref}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{\italic{Pat} and \italic{ref} must evaluate to strings. } \bold{Description} \leftindent{If the regular expression in \italic{pat} is found in \italic{ref,} returns \typewriter{T}, otherwise returns \typewriter{NIL}. } \bold{See Also}\leftindent{ See the \typewriter{regexp.doc} for a discussion of the syntax and use of regular expressions.} \leftindent{ }\bold{Defined In }\leftindent{ELI primitive. } ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ RE-STRDECOMPOSE} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(re-strdecompose \italic{pat ref}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{\italic{Pat} and \italic{ref} must evaluate to strings. } \bold{Description} \leftindent{If the regular expression in \italic{pat} is found in \italic{ref,} returns a list of the form (prefix matched suffix), where prefix and suffix are the parts of \italic{ref} before and after the portion that \italic{pat} matched, and matched is the matched portion itself. If no match is found, \typewriter{NIL} is returned. }\bold{See Also}\leftindent{ See the \typewriter{regexp.doc} for a discussion of the syntax and use of regular expressions.} \leftindent{ }\bold{Defined In }\leftindent{ELI primitive. } \bold{Example} \leftindent{\typewriter{(re-strdecompose "S[a-z]*" "Robert Steven Glickstein")} returns \typewriter{("Robert " "Steven" " Glickstein")}.} ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ RE-STRDECOMPOSE+} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(re-strdecompose+ \italic{pat ref}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{\italic{Pat} and \italic{ref} must evaluate to strings. \bold{Description} } \leftindent{If the regular expression in \italic{pat} is found in \italic{ref,} returns a list of the form (prefix (matched submatch1 submatch2 ... submatchn) suffix), where prefix and suffix are the parts of \italic{ref} before and after the portion that \italic{pat} matched, matched is the matched portion itself, and submatch1 through submatchn are the portions of \italic{ref} which were matched by successive ( and ) pairs. If no match is found, \typewriter{NIL} is returned.} \leftindent{ }\bold{See Also}\leftindent{ See the \typewriter{regexp.doc} for a discussion of the syntax and use of regular expressions.} \leftindent{ }\bold{Defined In }\leftindent{ELI primitive. } \bold{Example} \leftindent{\programexample{(re-strdecompose+ "Robert (.*) Glickstein" "Robert Steven Glickstein, Jello Biafra") }returns }\programexample{\leftindent{("" ("Robert Steven Glickstein" "Steven") ", Jello Biafra").} } ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ RINDEX} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(rindex \italic{str char}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{\italic{Str} and \italic{char} must evaluate to strings. (\italic{Char} should be a one-character string.) } \bold{Description} \leftindent{Searches for (the first character of) \italic{char} in \italic{str,} returning that sub-part of \italic{str} which starts with char. Searches from \italic{right} to left, so that if \italic{str} contains more than one of \italic{char,} the return value will start from the last occurrence of \italic{char} in \italic{str.} (See INDEX for a similar function which searches from left to right.) If \italic{char} is not found in \italic{str,} \typewriter{NIL} is returned.} \leftindent{ }\bold{Defined In }\leftindent{ELI primitive. } \bold{Example} \leftindent{\typewriter{(rindex "Hawaii" "a")} returns \typewriter{"aii"}.} ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ STR-TO-LIST} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(str-to-list \italic{str delim}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{\italic{Str} and \italic{delim} must evaluate to strings. \bold{Description} \leftindent{Breaks \italic{str} into substrings at occurrences of \italic{delim,} and returns a list of the pieces.} \leftindent{ }\bold{Defined In }\leftindent{strings.eli } } \bold{Example} \leftindent{\typewriter{(str-to-list "Joe and Ted and Dan" " and ")} returns \typewriter{("Joe" "Ted" "Dan")}.} ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ STRCAT} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(strcat \italic{str1 str2 ... strn}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{\italic{Str1} though \italic{strn} must evaluate to strings. } \bold{Description} \leftindent{Returns a string which is the result of concatenating all the \italic{stri's.} \italic{N} may be 1, in which case \italic{str1} is returned.} \leftindent{ }\bold{Defined In }\leftindent{ELI primitive. } \bold{Example} \leftindent{\typewriter{(strcat "B" "G" "Lisp" ")} returns \typewriter{"BGLisp"}.} ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ STRCONTAINS} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(strcontains \italic{pat ref ignoreCase}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{\italic{Pat} and \italic{ref} must evaluate to strings, \italic{ignoreCase} may evaluate to any expression. } \bold{Description} \leftindent{If the string \italic{pat} is contained in the string \italic{ref,} returns \typewriter{T}, otherwise returns \typewriter{NIL}. \italic{IgnoreCase} may be omitted; if it is present, and it does not evaluate to \typewriter{NIL}, then alphabetic case is ignored during the search (i.e., upper-case and lower-case letters are treated as equal).} \bold{Defined In }\leftindent{ELI primitive. } ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ STRDECOMPOSE} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(strdecompose \italic{pat ref ignoreCase}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{\italic{Pat} and \italic{ref} must evaluate to strings, \italic{ignoreCase} may evaluate to any expression. } \bold{Description} \leftindent{If the string pat is found in the string \italic{ref,} returns a list of the form (prefix matched suffix), where prefix and suffix are the parts of \italic{ref} before and after the portion that \italic{pat} matched, and matched is the matched portion itself. \italic{IgnoreCase} may be omitted; if it is present, and if it does not evaluate to \typewriter{NIL}, then alphabetic case is ignored during the search (i.e., upper-case and lower-case letters are treated as equal). If no match is found, \typewriter{NIL} is returned.} \leftindent{ }\bold{Defined In }\leftindent{ELI primitive. } \bold{Example} \leftindent{\typewriter{(strdecompose "Steven" "Robert Steven Glickstein")} returns \typewriter{("Robert " "Steven" " Glickstein")}.} ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ STRINGP} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(stringp \italic{e}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{\italic{E} may evaluate to any expression. } \bold{Description} \leftindent{If \italic{e} is a string, returns \typewriter{T}, otherwise returns \typewriter{NIL}.} \bold{Defined In }\leftindent{ELI primitive. } ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ STRLEN} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(strlen \italic{s}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{\italic{S} must evaluate to a string. } \bold{Description} \leftindent{ Returns the number of character in \italic{s.} } \leftindent{ }\bold{Defined In }\leftindent{ELI primitive. } \bold{Example} \leftindent{\typewriter{(strlen "hello")} returns \typewriter{5}.} ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ STRSTARTS} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(strstarts \italic{prefix ref}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{\italic{Prefix} and \italic{ref} must evaluate to strings. \bold{Description} \leftindent{If \italic{ref} starts with the string \italic{prefix,} returns \typewriter{T}, otherwise returns \typewriter{NIL}.} \leftindent{ }\bold{Defined In }\leftindent{ELI primitive. } } \bold{Example} \leftindent{\typewriter{(strstarts "Hi" "Hi There")} returns \typewriter{T}. \typewriter{(strstarts "Canada" "O Canada")} returns \typewriter{NIL}.} ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ STR-TO-INT} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(str-to-int \italic{s}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{\italic{S} must evaluate to a string. } \bold{Description} \leftindent{If\italic{ s }is the ASCII representation of a base-10 integer, returns that integer. If STR-TO-INT can't understand \italic{s,} returns 0.} \leftindent{ }\bold{Defined In }\leftindent{ELI primitive. } \bold{Example} \leftindent{\typewriter{(str-to-int "-327")} returns \typewriter{-327}.} ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ SUBSTRING} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(substring \italic{str start len}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{\italic{Str} must evaluate to a string, \italic{start} and \italic{len} must evaluate to integers. } \bold{Description} \leftindent{Returns a portion of \italic{str} starting at character \italic{start} and containing the next \italic{len} characters. The first character in a string is numbered zero.} \leftindent{ }\bold{Defined In }\leftindent{ELI primitive. } \bold{Example} \leftindent{\typewriter{(substring "Bob Glickstein" 4 5)} returns \typewriter{"Glick"}.} ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ UCSTRING} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(ucstring \italic{str}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{\italic{Str} must evaluate to a string. } \bold{Description} \leftindent{Returns the string \italic{str} with all lower-case letters replaced by capital ones.} \leftindent{ }\bold{Defined In }\leftindent{ELI primitive. } \bold{Example} \leftindent{\typewriter{(ucstring "Bob Glickstein")} returns \typewriter{"BOB GLICKSTEIN"}.} \begindata{bp,539691144} \enddata{bp,539691144} \view{bpv,539691144,1747,0,0} \section{1.7 List Manipulation } \text{\text{______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ APPEND } }______________________________________________}}\text{________ } \typewriter{(append \italic{l1 l2 ... ln}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{\italic{L1} through \italic{ln} must evaluate to lists. } \bold{Description} \leftindent{Returns a new list which is the result of removing the outer parentheses from each \italic{li}, placing the lists "end to end", and surrounding the entire result with a pair of parentheses. \italic{N} may be zero, in which case \typewriter{APPEND} returns \typewriter{NIL}. } \bold{Return Value} \leftindent{A new list, or \typewriter{NIL}. } \bold{Defined In }\leftindent{ELI primitive. } \bold{See Also} \leftindent{\typewriter{LIST, CONS, APPLY} } \bold{Example} \leftindent{\typewriter{(append '(a b c) '(d e f))} returns \typewriter{(a b c d e f)}. } ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ ASSOC} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(assoc \italic{key a-list}) } \bold{Parameters }\leftindent{\italic{Key} may evaluate to any expression, \italic{a-list} should evaluate to a list of the form \italic{((k1 d1) (k2 d2) ... (kn dn))}. } \bold{Description} \leftindent{Returns the first sublist in \italic{a-list} whose car is \italic{key}, or \typewriter{NIL} if no such sublist is found. Note that the sublists of \italic{a-list} can contain any number of elements, not only a \italic{ki} and \italic{di} pair.} \bold{Defined In }\leftindent{ELI primitive. } \bold{Example} \leftindent{\typewriter{(assoc 'a '((a b c) (d e) (a g h)))} returns \typewriter{(a b c)}.} ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ CAR} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(car \italic{l}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{\italic{L} must evaluate to a list. } \bold{Description} \leftindent{Returns the car (first element) of the list \italic{l}. car of \typewriter{NIL} is \typewriter{NIL}.} The \bold{Defined In }\leftindent{ELI primitive. } \bold{Example} \leftindent{\typewriter{(car '(a b c))} returns \typewriter{a}.} ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ CDR} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(cdr \italic{l}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{\italic{L} must evaluate to a list. } \bold{Description} \leftindent{Returns the cdr (the list of everything except the car) of \italic{l}. The cdr of \typewriter{NIL} is \typewriter{NIL}.} \leftindent{ }\bold{Defined In }\leftindent{ELI primitive. } \bold{Example} \leftindent{\typewriter{(cdr '(a b c))} returns \typewriter{(b c)}.} ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ CONS} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(cons \italic{e l}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{\italic{E} may evaluate to any expression, \italic{l} must evaluate to a list. } \bold{Description} \leftindent{Returns the result of prepending \italic{e} to \italic{l}, making it the new car.} \leftindent{ }\bold{Defined In }\leftindent{ELI primitive. } \bold{Example} \leftindent{\typewriter{(cons 'a '(b c))} returns \typewriter{(a b c)}.} ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ CONSP} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(consp \italic{e}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{\italic{E} may evaluate to any expression. } \bold{Description} \leftindent{If \italic{e} is a list, returns \typewriter{T}, otherwise returns \typewriter{NIL}. Note that (consp \typewriter{NIL}) returns \typewriter{T}, since \typewriter{NIL} is equivalent to the empty list ().} \bold{Defined In }\leftindent{ELI primitive. } ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ INTERSECT} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(intersect \italic{x y}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{\italic{X} and \italic{y} must evaluate to lists. } \bold{Description} \leftindent{Returns a list of the elements common to both \italic{x} and \italic{y}.} \leftindent{ }\bold{Defined In }\leftindent{lists.eli } \bold{Example} \leftindent{\typewriter{(intersect '(a b c d e) '(b d f h j))} returns \typewriter{(d b)} (yes, the elements are in reverse order).} ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ LENGTH} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(length \italic{x}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{\italic{X} must evaluate to a list. } \bold{Description} \leftindent{Returns the number of items in \italic{x}.} \leftindent{ }\bold{Defined In }\leftindent{lists.eli } \bold{Example} \leftindent{\typewriter{(length '(a b (c d)))} returns \typewriter{3} (since \typewriter{(c d)} counts as one top-level item).} ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ LIST} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(list e1 e2 ... en) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{\italic{E1} through \italic{en} may evaluate to any expressions. } \bold{Description} \leftindent{Returns a list created by placing the \italic{ei's} "end-toend" and surrounding them with parentheses. \italic{N} may be zero, in which case \typewriter{LIST} returns \typewriter{NIL}.} \leftindent{ }\bold{Defined In }\leftindent{ELI primitive. } \bold{Example} \leftindent{\typewriter{(list 'a '(b c d) 7)} returns \typewriter{(a (b c d) 7)}.} ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ LIST-TO-STR} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(list-to-str \italic{strs separator}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{\italic{Strs} must evaluate to a list of strings, \italic{separator} must evaluate to a string. } \bold{Description} \leftindent{Concatenates the strings in \italic{strs,} separating each by the string in \italic{separator.} } \leftindent{ }\bold{Defined In }\leftindent{strings.eli } \bold{Example} \leftindent{\typewriter{(list-to-str '("Joe" "Ted" "Dan") " and ")} returns \typewriter{"Joe and Ted and Dan"}.} ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ MEMBER} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(member \italic{elt list}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{\italic{Elt} may evaluate to any expression, \italic{list} must evaluate to a list. } \bold{Description} \leftindent{If \italic{elt} is found in \italic{list}, returns that part of \italic{list} that starts with the first occurrence of \italic{elt}, otherwise returns \typewriter{NIL}.} \leftindent{ }\bold{Defined In }\leftindent{lists.eli } \bold{Example} \leftindent{\typewriter{(member 'c '(a b c d e))} returns \typewriter{(c d e)}. However, \typewriter{(member 'c '(a b (c d) e))} returns \typewriter{NIL}, since \typewriter{c} is not a top-level element of the list.} ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ NTH} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(nth \italic{num list}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{\italic{Num} must evaluate to a non-negative integer, \italic{list} must evaluate to a list. } \bold{Description} \leftindent{Returns the \italic{num}-th element of \italic{list}, where the first element of \italic{list} is numbered zero.} \leftindent{ }\bold{Defined In }\leftindent{lists.eli } \bold{Example} \leftindent{\typewriter{(nth 2 '(a b c d))} returns \typewriter{c}.} ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ REMOVE-DUPLICATES} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(remove-duplicates \italic{list}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{\italic{List} must evaluate to a list. } \bold{Description} \leftindent{Removes all but the last occurrence of each top-level element of \italic{list} that is repeated.} \leftindent{ }\bold{Defined In }\leftindent{lists.eli } \bold{Example} \leftindent{\typewriter{(remove-duplicates '(a b c b d b))} returns \typewriter{(a c d b)}.} ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ REVERSE} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(reverse \italic{list}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{\italic{List} must evaluate to a list. } \bold{Description} \leftindent{ Returns the result of reversing the order of the top-level elements in \italic{list}.} \leftindent{ }\bold{Defined In }\leftindent{lists.eli } \bold{Example} \leftindent{\typewriter{(reverse '(a b (c d) e))} returns \typewriter{(e (c d) b a)}.} ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ SNOC} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(snoc \italic{elt list}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{\italic{Elt} may evaluate to any expression, \italic{list} must evaluate to a list. } \bold{Description} \leftindent{Performs a CONS of \italic{elt} onto \italic{list}, but at the end of \italic{list} instead of at the beginning. Returns the new list.} \leftindent{ }\bold{Defined In }\leftindent{lists.eli } \bold{Example} \leftindent{\typewriter{(snoc 'e '(a b c d))} returns \typewriter{(a b c d e)}.} ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ UNION} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(union \italic{x y}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{\italic{X} and \italic{y} must evaluate to lists. } \bold{Description} \leftindent{Returns a list containing all elements in either \italic{x} or \italic{y}, with overlaps removed.} \leftindent{ }\bold{Defined In }\leftindent{lists.eli } \bold{Example} \leftindent{\typewriter{(union '(a b c) '(c d e))} returns \typewriter{(a b c d e)}.} \begindata{bp,539691080} \enddata{bp,539691080} \view{bpv,539691080,1748,0,0} \section{1.8 Symbols, Binding, and Functions } ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ ATOM} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(atom \italic{e}) } \bold{Parameters }\leftindent{\italic{E} may evaluate to any expression. } \bold{Description} \leftindent{Returns \typewriter{T} if \italic{e} is an "atom", \typewriter{NIL} otherwise. Integers, strings and symbols are atoms, as well as the empty list (), which is equivalent to the symbol \typewriter{NIL}.} \bold{Defined In }\leftindent{ELI primitive. } ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ BOUNDP} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(boundp \italic{s}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{\italic{S} must evaluate to a symbol. } \bold{Description} \leftindent{If there is a value bound to \italic{s} (typically by \typewriter{SETQ}), returns \typewriter{T}, otherwise returns \typewriter{NIL}.} \bold{Defined In }\leftindent{ELI primitive. } ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ DEFUN} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(defun \italic{name params body}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{\italic{Name} is a symbol, \italic{params} is a list of symbols (possibly empty), \italic{body} is any expression. None of these arguments is evaluated. } \bold{Description} \leftindent{Creates a function with the name \italic{name}, whose parameters are given by the list \italic{params}, and whose value is the result of evaluating \italic{body} with the given parameters. Returns \italic{name}.} \leftindent{ }\bold{Defined In }\leftindent{ELI primitive. } \bold{Example} \leftindent{\typewriter{(defun two-x-plus-y (x y) (+ (* 2 x) y))} creates a function called \typewriter{two-x-plus-y} which, when passed two integers, will multiply the first one by two and add that to the second one: \typewriter{(two-x-plus-y 3 4)} will return \typewriter{10}. \typewriter{(two-x-plus-y (+ 1 2) (+ 3 1))} will also return \typewriter{10} since the parameters are evaluated (to \typewriter{3} and \typewriter{4}, respectively) before the function body is executed.} ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ DEFUNQ} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(defunq \italic{name params body}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{\italic{Name} is a symbol, \italic{params} is a list of symbols (possibly empty), \italic{body} is any expression. arguments is evaluated. } None of these \bold{Description} \leftindent{Creates a function with the name \italic{name}, whose parameters are given by the list \italic{params}, and whose value is the result of evaluating \italic{body} with the given parameters. The difference between DEFUN and DEFUNQ is that functions created with DEFUN will evaluate their parameters before executing the function body; functions created with DEFUNQ will not evaluate their parameters. Returns \italic{name}.} \leftindent{ }\bold{Defined In }\leftindent{ELI primitive. } \bold{Example} \leftindent{\typewriter{(defunq two-x-plus-y (x y) (+ (* 2 x) y))} creates a function called \typewriter{two-x-plus-y} which, when passed two integers, will multiply the first one by two and add that to the second one: \typewriter{(two-x-plus-y 3 4)} will return \typewriter{10}. However, \typewriter{(two-x-plus-y (+ 1 2) (+ 3 1))} will not return \typewriter{10}, it will cause an error to occur.} ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ DEFUNV} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(defunv \italic{name param body}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{\italic{Name} is a symbol, \italic{param} is a list containing one symbol, \italic{body} is any expression. None of these arguments is evaluated. } \bold{Description} \leftindent{Creates a function with the name \italic{name}, which can take any number of arguments. All arguments to the function are evaluated, placed in a list and assigned to the symbol in \italic{param}. Returns \italic{name}.} \leftindent{ }\bold{Defined In }\leftindent{ELI primitive. } \bold{Example} \leftindent{\typewriter{(defunv two-x-plus-y (a) (+ (* 2 (car a)) (car (cdr a))))} creates a function called \typewriter{two-x-plus-y} which, when passed two integers, places those integers in a list and multiplies the first one by two and adds that to the second one: \typewriter{(two-x-plus-y 3 4)} will assign the list \typewriter{(3 4)} to \typewriter{a} and return \typewriter{10}.} ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ DEFUNVQ} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(defunvq \italic{name param body}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{\italic{Name} is a symbol, \italic{param} is a list containing one symbol, \italic{body} is any expression. None of these arguments is evaluated. } \bold{Description} \leftindent{Creates a function with the name \italic{name}, which can take any number of arguments. All arguments to the function are placed in a list and assigned to the symbol in \italic{param}. (These arguments are not evaluated.) Returns \italic{name}.} \leftindent{ }\bold{Defined In }\leftindent{ELI primitive. } \bold{Example} \leftindent{\typewriter{(defunv two-x-plus-y (a) (+ (* 2 (car a)) (car (cdr a))))} creates a function called \typewriter{two-x-plus-y} which, when passed two integers, places those integers in a list and multiplies the first one by two and adds that to the second one: \typewriter{(two-x-plus-y 3 4)} will assign the list \typewriter{(3 4)} to \typewriter{a} and return \typewriter{10}. However, \typewriter{(two-x-plus-y (+ 1 2) (+ 3 1))} will assign \typewriter{((+ 1 2) (+ 3 1))} to \typewriter{a}, and cause an error to occur.} ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ DISCARD} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(discard \italic{s}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{\italic{S} must evaluate to a symbol. } \bold{Description} \leftindent{Removes \italic{s} from the table of "known symbols". If \italic{s} had a function or value (or both) bound to it, they are lost. Returns \italic{s}. } \bold{Defined In }\leftindent{ELI primitive. } \bold{Known Bugs} \leftindent{WHATEVER YOU DO, DO NOT USE THIS PRIMITIVE. fairly unpredictable side-effects.} It has some ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ FUNCTION} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(function \italic{s}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{\italic{S} must evaluate to a symbol. } \bold{Description} \leftindent{Returns the function bound to \italic{s} (which was probably done with \typewriter{DEFUN} or \typewriter{DEFUNQ}). If the function is a list, it returns the list; however the function may be a compiled subroutine, in which case it returns an object which is a pointer to the compiled routine. (If this object is displayed, it comes out looking like "\typewriter{;<Subr:#10003aec>}" or something.) If \italic{s} has no function bound to it, an error occurs.} \leftindent{ }\bold{Defined In }\leftindent{ELI primitive. } \bold{Example} \leftindent{If you \typewriter{(load "elilib")} (which, among other things, defines a function called "\typewriter{LENGTH}", which returns the length of a list), then \typewriter{(function 'length)} will return the list \typewriter{(lambda (list) (cond ((null list) 0) (t (+ 1 (length (cdr list))))))}.} ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ GENSYM} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(gensym) }\bold{Parameters} \leftindent{None.} \bold{Description} \leftindent{\typewriter{GENSYM} returns a symbol whose name is guaranteed to be unique among all currently existing symbols. Note that the returned symbol is "interned", so this function is more like Common Lisp's \typewriter{GENTEMP} than \typewriter{GENSYM}.} \leftindent{ }\bold{Defined In }\leftindent{ELI primitive. } \bold{Example} \leftindent{The first call to \typewriter{GENSYM} will return the symbol \typewriter{g#1}, the second will return \typewriter{g#2}, etc. Note that the number after the \typewriter{#} mark is a hexadecimal number; that is, after \typewriter{g#9}, there will be \typewriter{g#a}, \typewriter{g#b}, \typewriter{g#c}, \typewriter{g#d}, \typewriter{g#e} and \typewriter{g#f} before \typewriter{g#10}. \typewriter{GENSYM} will skip over a number in this sequence if there is a symbol with the same name anywhere.} ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ LET} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(let \italic{((var1 val1) (var2 val2) ... (varn valn)) body}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{LET takes two arguments, a variable list and a \italic{body,} neither of which are evaluated. Each of the \italic{vari's} in the variable list must be a symbol. } \bold{Description} \leftindent{LET evaluates and binds each \italic{vali} to \italic{vari,} then evaluates \italic{body} while these temporary variables are in effect. The return value is the result of evaluating \italic{body.} When LET returns, the \italic{vari's} revert to their previous values, if any. Note that LET evaluates every \italic{vali} before binding any to the \italic{vari's.} This is not the case with LET*. There are times when each functionality is useful. \italic{Body} may be omitted, in which case \typewriter{NIL} is returned.} \leftindent{ }\bold{Defined In }\leftindent{ELI primitive. } \bold{Example} \leftindent{If you \typewriter{(setq a 7)}, then \typewriter{(let ((a 6)) a)} will return \typewriter{6}, not \typewriter{7}. (However, \typewriter{a} will be \typewriter{7} after \typewriter{LET} returns.)} ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ LET*} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(let* \italic{((var1 val1) (var2 val2) ... (varn valn)) body}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{LET* takes two arguments, a variable list and a \italic{body,} neither of which are evaluated. Each of the \italic{vari's} in the variable list must be a symbol. } \bold{Description} \leftindent{LET* evaluates and binds each \italic{vali} to \italic{vari,} then evaluates \italic{body} while these temporary variables are in effect. The return value is the result of evaluating \italic{body.} When LET* returns, the \italic{vari's} revert to their previous values, if any. Note that LET* evaluates \italic{vali} and binds it to \italic{vari} before evaluating \italic{vali+1} and binding it to \italic{vari+1.} This allows the values of variables bound earlier in the list to be used later in the list. This is as opposed to LET. \italic{Body} may be omitted, in which case \typewriter{NIL} is returned.} \bold{Defined In }\leftindent{ELI primitive. } ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ SET} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(set \italic{x y}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{\italic{X} must evaluate to a symbol, \italic{y} may evaluate to any expression. } \bold{Description} \leftindent{Exactly like \typewriter{SETQ}, except that \italic{x} is evaluated first.} \leftindent{ }\bold{Defined In }\leftindent{misc.eli } \bold{Example} \leftindent{If you \typewriter{(setq a 'b)}, then \typewriter{(set a 7)} will return \typewriter{7} and bind \typewriter{7} to the symbol \typewriter{b}, while \typewriter{a} will retain the value \typewriter{b}.} ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ SETQ} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(setq \italic{var val}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{\italic{Var} must be a symbol, \italic{val} may evaluate to any expression. } \bold{Description} \leftindent{The symbol named by \italic{var} (which is unevaluated) has the value \italic{val} dynamically bound to it. Returns the bound value.} \leftindent{ }\bold{Defined In }\leftindent{ELI primitive. } \bold{Example} \leftindent{\typewriter{(setq a (+ 3 4))} returns \typewriter{7}, and binds \typewriter{7} to the symbol \typewriter{a}. \typewriter{(let ((foo 0)) (progn (setq foo 10) foo))} returns \typewriter{10}, and doesn't change the top-level binding of \typewriter{foo} (if any). } ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ SYMBOLP} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(symbolp \italic{e}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{\italic{E} may evaluate to any expression. } \bold{Description} \leftindent{If \italic{e} evaluates to a symbol, returns \typewriter{T}, otherwise returns \typewriter{NIL}.} \bold{Defined In }\leftindent{ELI primitive. } ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ SYM-TO-STR} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(sym-to-str \italic{sym}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{\italic{Sym} must evaluate to a symbol. } \bold{Description} \leftindent{Returns a string containing the name of \italic{sym.} } \leftindent{ }\bold{Defined In }\leftindent{ELI primitive. } \bold{Example} \leftindent{\typewriter{(sym-to-str 'defun)} returns \typewriter{"DEFUN"}.} ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ UNBIND} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(unbind \italic{s}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{\italic{S} must evaluate to a symbol. } \bold{Description} \leftindent{Removes the value bound to \italic{s} (which was probably bound with \typewriter{SETQ}). Returns \italic{s.} } \bold{Defined In }\leftindent{ELI primitive. } ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ UNBINDFN} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(unbindfn \italic{s}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{\italic{S} must evaluate to a symbol. } \bold{Description} \leftindent{Removes the function bound to \italic{s} (which was probably done with \typewriter{DEFUN} or \typewriter{DEFUNQ}). Returns \italic{s.} } \bold{Defined In }\leftindent{ELI primitive. } \begindata{bp,539691016} \enddata{bp,539691016} \view{bpv,539691016,1749,0,0} \section{1.9 Iteration, Application, and Conditionals } ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ AND} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(and \italic{e1 e2 ... en}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{\italic{E1} through\italic{ en} may be any expressions. } \bold{Description} \leftindent{Evaluates \italic{e1} through \italic{en} in order. If any \italic{ei} evaluates to \typewriter{NIL}, stops evaluating immediately and returns \typewriter{NIL}. If all \italic{n} expressions evaluate to non-\typewriter{NIL}, returns the value of the last expression. \italic{N} may be zero, in which case \typewriter{AND} returns \typewriter{T}. } \bold{Return Value} \leftindent{Returns \typewriter{T} or \typewriter{NIL}. } \bold{Defined In }\leftindent{ELI primitive. } \bold{See Also} \typewriter{\leftindent{OR, NOT, COND, CASE }} \bold{Example} \leftindent{\typewriter{(and (+ 2 3) (car '(nil t nil)) (setq foo 'bar))} would evaluate \typewriter{(+ 2 3)}, then \typewriter{(car '(nil t nil))} and return \typewriter{NIL}, without evaluating the \typewriter{setq} expression. } ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ APPLY} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(apply \italic{func arglist}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{\italic{Func} must evaluate to a symbol naming a function, or to a lambda list; \italic{arglist} must evaluate to a list. } \bold{Description} \leftindent{Calls the procedure \italic{func,} giving it the elements in \italic{arglist} as its parameters. Returns the result of \italic{func.} The individual arguments to \italic{func} will not be evaluated (this is accomplished by QUOTE-ing each of the arguments, which breaks invocation of functions which don't evaluate their arguments (e.g. DO, or any DEFUNV-ed function). Try using EVAL instead.).} \leftindent{ }\bold{Defined In }\leftindent{lists.eli } \bold{Example} \leftindent{\typewriter{(apply '+ '(3 4 5))} returns \typewriter{12}. \typewriter{(apply 'list '(a b c))} returns \typewriter{(a b c)}.} ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ CASE} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(case \italic{keyform (keylist resultforms*)*}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{Case takes a \italic{keyform} and any number of (\italic{keylist} \italic{resultforms)} expressions. } \bold{Description} \leftindent{CASE will evaluate \italic{keyform} once, and then find a match for it in one of the \italic{keylists.} When a match is found, the \italic{resultforms} are executed in an implicit PROGN. If there is no match, or no \italic{resultforms,} then \typewriter{NIL} is returned, unless \italic{keylist} is one of the atoms \typewriter{T} or OTHERWISE, then the \italic{resultforms} will always be executed. If there is just one key in the \italic{keylist,} then the \italic{keylist} may be written as that key alone, as long as it it unambiguous. Keep in mind that the keys in the \italic{keylist} are not evaluated and should not be quoted.} \leftindent{ }\bold{Defined In }\leftindent{lists.eli } \bold{Example} \leftindent{\programexample{(case 'foo (bar (print "hi") 123) (foo (print "bye") 456) (otherwise (print "error") 999)) }prints \typewriter{"bye"} and returns \typewriter{456}.} ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ COND} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(cond \italic{(t1 a1) (t2 a2) ... (tn an)} ) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{COND takes an arbitrary number of arguments which are not evaluated. These arguments must each be a two-element list. Each list must contain a "test/action" pair. } \bold{Description} \leftindent{COND evaluates each \italic{ti} in order until it finds a \italic{tj} which evaluates to non-\typewriter{NIL}. It then returns the result of evaluating \italic{aj}. Note that \italic{n} may be zero, in which case COND returns \typewriter{NIL}. If every \italic{ti} evaluates to \typewriter{NIL}, COND returns \typewriter{NIL}.} \bold{Defined In }\leftindent{ELI primitive. } ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ DO} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(do \italic{((var1 init1 step1) (var2 init2 step2) ... (varn initn stepn)) (end-test return-val) body}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{DO takes three arguments, none of which are evaluated. The first is the variable list, the second is the \italic{end-test}/\italic{returnval} pair, the third is the \italic{body} and can be any expression, or can be omitted. Each \italic{vari} must be a symbol; each \italic{initi} and \italic{stepi} can be any expression. } \bold{Description} \leftindent{First, the \italic{initi}'s are evaluated and bound to their respective symbols \italic{vari}; then \italic{end-test} is evaluated. If end-test evaluates to \typewriter{NIL}, then \italic{body} is evaluated (if it is present). Following this, each \italic{stepi} is evaluated and bound to its repective \italic{vari}, replacing the old value of \italic{vari}. The \italic{end-test} is evaluated again, and the loop continues in this fashion until \italic{end-test} evaluates to non-\typewriter{NIL}. When this occurs, \italic{return-val} is evaluated and returned. The \italic{stepi}'s are optional; if \italic{stepi} is omitted, then \italic{vari} will retain the value of \italic{initi} in each iteration. Note that in evaluating the \italic{initi}'s and the \italic{stepi}'s, every \italic{initi} or \italic{stepi} is evaluated before any are bound to the vari's. This is not the case with DO* (see below); there are times when each functionality is useful. Note that \italic{n} (the number of variables) may be zero. Note also that the values bound to the variables vanish when DO returns, and these variables revert to their previous values, if any.} \leftindent{ }\bold{Defined In }\leftindent{ELI primitive. } \bold{Example} \leftindent{The expression \programexample{(do ((lis '(a b c) (cdr lis)) (count 0 (+ count 1))) ((null lis) count)) }counts the length of the list \typewriter{(a b c)}, returning \typewriter{3}. \typewriter{Lis} is initially set to the list \typewriter{(a b c)}, and \typewriter{count} is set to zero. In each iteration, \typewriter{lis} is set to the \typewriter{cdr} of itself, and \typewriter{count} is incremented, until \typewriter{lis} is empty and \typewriter{count} has been incremented three times. } ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ DO*} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(do*\italic{((var1 init1 step1) (var2 init2 step2) ... (varn initn stepn)) (end-test return-val) body}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{DO* takes three arguments, none of which are evaluated. The first is the variable list, the second is the \italic{end-test}/\italic{returnval} pair, the third is the \italic{body} and can be any expression, or can be omitted. Each \italic{vari} must be a symbol; each \italic{initi} and \italic{stepi} can be any expression. } \bold{Description} \leftindent{First, the \italic{initi}'s are evaluated and bound to their respective symbols \italic{vari}; then \italic{end-test} is evaluated. If \italic{end-test} evaluates to \typewriter{NIL}, then \italic{body} is evaluated (if it is present). Following this, each \italic{stepi} is evaluated and bound to its repective \italic{vari}, replacing the old value of \italic{vari}. The \italic{end-test} is evaluated again, and the loop continues in this fashion until \italic{end-test} evaluates to non-\typewriter{NIL}. When this occurs, \italic{return-val} is evaluated and returned. The \italic{stepi}'s are optional; if \italic{stepi} is omitted, then \italic{vari} will retain the value of \italic{initi} in each iteration. Note that in evaluating the \italic{initi}'s and \italic{stepi}'s, each \italic{initi} or \italic{stepi} is evaluated and bound to \italic{vari} before the next \italic{initi+1} or \italic{stepi+1} is evaluated (unlike DO). This makes values bound earlier in the variable list available for variables bound later in the last.} \bold{Defined In }\leftindent{ELI primitive. } ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ DOLIST} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(dolist \italic{(var listform result) body}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{\italic{Var} must be a symbol, \italic{listform} an expression evaluating to a list, and \italic{result} and \italic{body} can be any expression.} \bold{Description} \leftindent{DOLIST takes two arguments, which become transformed into a DO* form. \italic{Var} is bound to successive CAR's of \italic{listform} for each evaluation of \italic{body.} The optional \italic{result} is returned as the value of the DOLIST form, or \typewriter{NIL} if there is no \italic{result.} } \leftindent{ }\bold{Defined In }\leftindent{lists.eli } \bold{Example} \leftindent{\programexample{(dolist (x '(a b c) t) (print x))} prints "\typewriter{ABC}" and returns \typewriter{T}.} ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ EQ} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(eq \italic{e1 e2}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{\italic{E1 }and \italic{e2} may evaluate to any expression. } \bold{Description} \leftindent{Tests for "strict" equality between the expressions \italic{e1} and \italic{e2}. Strict equality means that \italic{e1} and \italic{e2} are the same exact object, which is not always true even when two expressions appear identical when displayed. Returns \typewriter{T} for true, \typewriter{NIL} for false.} \leftindent{ }\bold{Defined In }\leftindent{ELI primitive. } \bold{Example} \leftindent{\typewriter{(eq 7 7)} is true. If you \typewriter{(setq a 7)}, then \typewriter{(eq a 7)} is true. \typewriter{(eq "hello" "hello")} is true. \typewriter{(eq '(a b c) '(a b c))} is false. However, if you \typewriter{(setq a '(a b c))} and \typewriter{(setq b a)}, then \typewriter{(eq a b)} is true.} ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ EQUAL} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(equal \italic{e1 e2}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{\italic{E1} and \italic{e2} may evaluate to any expression. } \bold{Description} \leftindent{Tests for "weak" equality between the expressions \italic{e1} and \italic{e2}. Weak equality means that \italic{e1} and \italic{e2} are isomorphic objects, which is generally true if and only if their displayed representations are true. For instance, strings are EQUAL if they contain the same sequence of characters; symbols are EQUAL if they have the same names (although they need not be the same symbol); lists are EQUAL if their cars are EQUAL and their cdrs are EQUAL. Returns \typewriter{T} for true, \typewriter{NIL} for false.} \leftindent{ }\bold{Defined In }\leftindent{ELI primitive. } \bold{Example} \leftindent{\typewriter{(equal 'a 'a)} is true. c) '(a b c))} is true. You get the idea.} \typewriter{(equal '(a b ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ EVAL} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(eval \italic{e}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{\italic{E} may evaluate to any expression. } \bold{Description} \leftindent{Evaluates and returns \italic{e}.} \leftindent{ }\bold{Defined In }\leftindent{ELI primitive. } \bold{Example} \leftindent{If you \typewriter{(setq a 7)}, then \typewriter{(eval 'a)} returns \typewriter{7}. If you then \typewriter{(setq b 'a)}, \typewriter{(eval b)} returns \typewriter{7} also.} ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ MAPCAR} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(mapcar \italic{fn args)} } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{\italic{Fn} must evaluate to either a function (i.e., a LAMBDA-list) or a symbol with a function bound to it, \italic{args} must evaluate to a list. The function \italic{fn} must be one that expects a single argument. } \bold{Description} \leftindent{Applies \italic{fn} to each of the elements of \italic{args}, returning a list of the evaluated results.} \leftindent{ }\bold{Defined In }\leftindent{lists.eli } \bold{Example} \leftindent{\typewriter{(mapcar '(lambda (x) (+ x 1)) '(3 4 5))} returns \typewriter{(4 5 6)}.} ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ NOT and NULL} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(not \italic{e}) (null \italic{e}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{\italic{E} may evaluate to any expression. \bold{Description} } \leftindent{If \italic{e} is \typewriter{NIL}, returns \typewriter{T}, otherwise returns \typewriter{NIL}.} \bold{Defined In }\leftindent{ELI primitive. } ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ OR} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(or \italic{e1 e2 ... en}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{\italic{E1} through \italic{en} may be any expressions. } \bold{Description} \leftindent{Evaluates \italic{e1} through \italic{en} in turn until one is found which evaluates to non-\typewriter{NIL}, in which case its value is returned immediately without further evaluation. If all \italic{ei's} evaluate to \typewriter{NIL}, returns \typewriter{NIL}. \italic{N} may be zero, in which case \typewriter{NIL} is returned.} \bold{Defined In }\leftindent{ELI primitive. } ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ PROGN} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(progn \italic{e1 e2 ... en}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{\italic{E1} through \italic{en} may be any expressions. } \bold{Description} \leftindent{Evaluates \italic{e1} through en in order, returning the value of \italic{en.} \italic{N} may be zero, in which case \typewriter{NIL} is returned.} \bold{Defined In }\leftindent{ELI primitive. } \begindata{bp,539690952} \enddata{bp,539690952} \view{bpv,539690952,1750,0,0} \section{1.10 Input, Output and System interface } ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ CATCHERR} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(catcherr \italic{expr}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{\italic{Expr} is any valid Lisp expression. } \bold{Description} CATCHERR evaluates its argument. If the evaluation succeeds, CATCHERR returns a two-element list. The first element is the symbol \typewriter{T}, and the second is the result of evaluating \italic{expr}. If the evaluation fails, the list returned consists of the symbol \typewriter{NIL}, followed by a string describing the type of error that occurred during evaluation, followed by a string describing the particular error in detail, followed optionally by a string describing giving a description of the Unix error that occurred (if applicable), optionally followed by the particular expression that caused the error (if available). If normal evaluation of \italic{expr} were to signal an error, CATCHERR provides a way to circumvent that error condition. \leftindent{ }\bold{Defined In }\leftindent{ELI primitive. } \bold{Example} \leftindent{\typewriter{(catcherr (read "foobarbaz"))} returns the list \typewriter{(NIL "Bad Argument" "ELI-PRIMITIVE [READ (error opening file)]" "No such file or directory" "foobarbaz")}. \typewriter{(catcherr (+ 1 2))} returns the list \typewriter{(T 3)}. } ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ FILTER} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(filter \italic{timeout stdin command arg1 arg2 ... argn}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{\italic{Timeout} must evaluate to an integer, \italic{stdin} may evaluate to \typewriter{NIL} or to a string, all other arguments must evaluate to strings. FILTER invokes the command \italic{command}, which must name an executable file. If the first character of \italic{command} is '/', then \italic{command} is taken to be the full pathname to the executable. If \italic{command} contains a '/' in its name but does not begin with one, then \italic{command} is taken to name an executable file relative to the current working directory. If \italic{command} contains no slashes, then FILTER will search the directories in the PATH environment variable to find \italic{command}. (Note that these three modes correspond exactly to the operation of the shell.) \italic{Arg1} through \italic{argn} are supplied to command as its command-line arguments, exactly one such argument per \italic{argi}. If \italic{stdin} is non-\typewriter{NIL}, it is supplied to \italic{command} as its standard input. The \italic{timeout} parameter is optional. If present, it specifies a number of seconds to wait for \italic{command} to complete (a \italic{timeout} of 0 means "wait forever"). If the timeout period expires before \italic{command} completes, an error is signalled and \italic{command} is terminated. If \italic{timeout} is not supplied, a default of 300 seconds (5 minutes) is used. } \bold{Description} \leftindent{FILTER returns a list containing the integer exit status of \italic{command}, a string containing \italic{command}'s standard output, and a string containing \italic{command}'s diagnostic output (standard error), in that order. If the exit status is 256 or greater, then \italic{command} exited abnormally and dumped core.} \leftindent{ }\bold{Defined In }\leftindent{ELI primitive. } \bold{Example} \leftindent{\typewriter{(filter "abc\\ndef\\nghi\\n" "grep" "-n" "e")} returns the list \typewriter{(0 "2:def" "")}. \typewriter{(filter 10 NIL "sleep" "1000")} will time out, signalling an error (since 10 seconds elapse before sleep gets to sleep for 1000 seconds).} \bold{Known Bugs} \leftindent{Warning: Since the standard output and standard error from command are placed in strings in ELI's memory space, you should avoid executing commands which are likely to produce large amounts of output, since you will then "eat" large amounts of memory.} ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ GETENV} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(getenv \italic{str}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{\italic{Str} must evaluate to a string. } \bold{Description} \leftindent{If \italic{str} is the name of an environment variable (in the shell), the value of this variable is returned (in a string); otherwise, \typewriter{NIL} is returned.} \leftindent{ }\bold{Defined In }\leftindent{ELI primitive. } \bold{Example} \leftindent{\typewriter{(getenv "PATH")} returns something like \typewriter{"/usr/local/bin:/usr/andrew/bin:/usr/ucb:/usr/bin"}. that environment variable names are typically all-upper-case.} ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ LOAD} }______________________________________________________ Note \typewriter{(load \italic{filename}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{\italic{Filename} must evaluate to a string. } \bold{Description} \leftindent{Searches for a file whose name is \italic{filename} in the directories listed in your \typewriter{*.elipath} preference in your preferences file. Also, if ELI is running in some other application, such as FLAMES, it will first search along your \typewriter{*.flamespath} preference. \typewriter{LOAD} also looks for a default extension on the file name, such as "\typewriter{.eli}" or "\typewriter{.flames}". The return value is a list of the expressions it evaluated from the file it found. Returns \typewriter{NIL} if it couldn't find an appropriate file to read.} \leftindent{ }\bold{Defined In }\leftindent{ELI primitive. } \bold{Example} \leftindent{If you are running BGLisp (which only uses the \typewriter{*.elipath} preference), and your preferences file contains the line \programexample{*.elipath: /afs/andrew/usr/bobg:/usr/andrew/lib/eli }then \typewriter{(load "foo")} will try to load one of these files: \programexample{/afs/andrew/usr/bobg/eli/foo /afs/andrew/usr/bobg/eli/foo.eli /usr/andrew/lib/eli/foo /usr/andrew/lib/eli/foo.eli} It will try each file in sequence until it finds one that exists. Then it will read and evaluate every Lisp expression in the file it finds. If you are using FLAMES, and your preferences file contains the lines \programexample{*.elipath: /afs/andrew/usr/bobg/eli:/usr/andrew/lib/eli *.flamespath: /afs/andrew/usr/bobg/flames:/usr/andrew/lib/flames }then \typewriter{(load "foo")} will search this sequence of files: \programexample{/afs/andrew/usr/bobg/flames/foo /afs/andrew/usr/bobg/flames/foo.flames /usr/andrew/lib/flames/foo /usr/andrew/lib/flames/foo.flames /afs/andrew/usr/bobg/eli/foo /afs/andrew/usr/bobg/eli/foo.eli /usr/andrew/lib/eli/foo /usr/andrew/lib/eli/foo.eli }} ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ PRINT} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(print \italic{e}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{E may evaluate to any expression. } \bold{Description} \leftindent{Prints \italic{e} on the standard output. newline after \italic{e.} } \bold{Defined In }\leftindent{ELI primitive. } ______________________________________________________ Does not place a \paragraph{\index{ PRINTF} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(printf \italic{format arg1 arg2 ... argn}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{\italic{Format} must evaluate to a string, \italic{arg1} through \italic{argn} may evaluate to any expressions provided that their types match the corresponding directives in \italic{format.} } \bold{Description} \leftindent{PRINTF prints the string \italic{format} on the standard output, except where a `%' directive is encountered. If the \italic{ith} `%' directive is %s, then \italic{argi} must be a string, and is printed as such (minus quotation marks and \\ escapes). If the \italic{ith} `%' directive is %d, then \italic{argi} must be an integer, and is printed as such. If the \italic{ith} `%' directive is %S, then \italic{argi} may be any expression and is printed as with PRINT. (In this last case, strings will be printed with their surrounding quotation marks and \\ escapes.) Returns \typewriter{T}.} \leftindent{ }\bold{Defined In }\leftindent{ELI primitive. } \bold{Example} \leftindent{If you \typewriter{(setq hrs 9)}, \typewriter{(setq mins 30)} and \typewriter{(setq day "Wednesday")}, then \programexample{(printf "The time is %d:%d\\nToday is %s\\n%s\\n" hrs mins day "Here is a quote:\\nOprah spelled backwards is Harpo.") }will print \programexample{The time is 9:30 Today is Wednesday Here is a quote: Oprah spelled backwards is Harpo. }} ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ PUTS} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(puts \italic{s}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{\italic{S} must evaluate to a string. } \bold{Description} \leftindent{Prints \italic{s} on the standard output, minus quotations marks and \\ escapes. Works exactly like (printf "%s" \italic{s),} except that this call returns the string that was printed.} \leftindent{ }\bold{Defined In }\leftindent{ELI primitive. } \bold{Example} \leftindent{\programexample{(puts "Here is a quote:\\n\\"Sinners can repent but stupid is forever.\\"\\n") }will print \programexample{Here is a quote: "Sinners can repent but stupid is forever." The string "Here is a quote:\\n\\"Sinners can repent but stupid is forever.\\"\\n" will be returned. }} ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ READ} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(read \italic{filename}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{\italic{Filename} must evaluate to a string. \italic{Filename} can be omitted. } \bold{Description} \leftindent{If \italic{filename} is given, READ opens that file and reads the Lisp expressions contained therein, returning a list of the results of evaluating each expression it read. If \italic{filename} is not given, READ reads and returns a single Lisp expression from the standard input. It does not evaluate this expression.} \bold{Defined In }\leftindent{ELI primitive. } ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ SYSTEM} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(system \italic{str}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{\italic{Str} must evaluate to a string. } \bold{Description} \leftindent{Executes the command(s) in \italic{str} in a Unix subshell (the Bourne shell, not the familiar C-shell). Returns an integer which is the status of the executed command(s).} \leftindent{ }\bold{Defined In }\leftindent{ELI primitive. } \bold{Example} \leftindent{\typewriter{(system "ls")} will list the files in the current directory on the standard output, and assuming all went well, will return \typewriter{0}, which is the return value of a successful "ls".} ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ TERPRI} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(terpri) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{None} \bold{Description} \leftindent{Places a newline on the standard output. "TERminate current PRInt line".)} \bold{Defined In }\leftindent{ELI primitive. (Stands for } \begindata{bp,539690824} \enddata{bp,539690824} \view{bpv,539690824,1751,0,0} \section{1.11 Debugging } ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ DEBUG} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(debug \italic{n str}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{\italic{N} is an integer which may be omitted, \italic{str} is a string that may be omitted. } \bold{Description} \leftindent{This primitive has three different modes of operation, depending on what parameters are supplied.} \description{\leftindent{Mode 1: If both \italic{n} and \italic{str} are supplied, then DEBUG logs \italic{str} as a debugging message at debugging level \italic{n} (which means that \italic{str} gets logged if and only if the current debugging level is \italic{n} or greater). \italic{N} must be greater than 0. Returns \typewriter{T}.} \leftindent{Mode 2: If only \italic{n} is supplied, then \italic{n} becomes the new debugging level. Zero turns off debugging, and higher numbers represent higher levels of debugging information. Returns \italic{n}.} \leftindent{Mode 3: If no arguments are supplied, prints all of the debugging messages which have been queued since the last request to print debugging messages. Returns the "history number" of the last debugging message printed, or zero if none were.}} \bold{Defined In }\leftindent{ELI primitive. } ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ ERROR} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(error \italic{str e}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{\italic{Str} must evaluate to a string, \italic{e} may evaluate to any expression. } \bold{Description} \leftindent{This function causes an error to occur; the text of the error message is \italic{str}. \italic{E} may be omitted; if it is supplied, then \italic{e} is recorded as the expression that caused the error.} \leftindent{ }\bold{Defined In }\leftindent{ELI primitive. } \bold{Example} \leftindent{\typewriter{(defunv foo (x) (cond ((null x) (error "Empty Arg List to Foo" x)) ... ))} defines a function which causes an error to occur if it is passed zero arguments.} ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ PLUMBER} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(plumber \italic{filename}) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{\italic{Filename} must evaluate to a string. } \bold{Description} \leftindent{Creates the file \italic{filename} and writes cryptic memoryusage information into it. Returns \typewriter{T}. It is an error for \italic{filename} not to be writable or creatable. } \bold{Defined In }\leftindent{ELI primitive. } \bold{Known Bugs} \leftindent{This primitive is definitely not needed by users.} ______________________________________________________ \paragraph{\index{ VERSION} }______________________________________________________ \typewriter{(version) } \bold{Parameters} \leftindent{None.} \bold{Description} \leftindent{Returns a list containing two integers, which are the major and minor version numbers (respectively) of this version of ELI.} \bold{Defined In }\leftindent{ELI primitive. } \begindata{bp,537558784} \enddata{bp,537558784} \view{bpv,537558784,1753,0,0} Copyright 1992 Carnegie Mellon University and IBM. All rights reserved. \smaller{\smaller{$Disclaimer: Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice, this permission notice, and the following disclaimer appear in supporting documentation, and that the names of IBM, Carnegie Mellon University, and other copyright holders, not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. IBM, CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY, AND THE OTHER COPYRIGHT HOLDERS DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL IBM, CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY, OR ANY OTHER COPYRIGHT HOLDER BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. $ }}\enddata{text,539466424}