Fantasy Map Garret Denise

Fantasy Map
Garret Denise
Welcome to the land of Adrogar a fairly peaceful land inhabited mainly by three different races:
Man, Elf, and Dwarf. This land was created by taking the areas of south east Asia from the east point of
Russia all the way down to the Indonesian islands and across to a portion of India and turning it upside
down. What was once south on a normal map is now north and what was once east is now west. I chose to
change the land like this because I wanted to view the world from the opposite perspective and see what
the land could become from this view.
Now about the Land of Adrogar, as stated before the three main races are Men, Elf, and Dwarf.
Men and dwarf take up the majority of the land between the three main races. The dwarves mainly stay
within the Himalayas but protrude a little to the south. The dwarfs are fairly secluded race mining within
the mountain which is why there is not any cross border travel. The capital of the Dwarven kingdom is the
city of Kingstadt (which in German means the Kings City), the other major city they have is Stadtausstein
which means Stone City. The Elves were originally on The Mystic Isles but have expanded on to part of
the mainland. The Mystic Isles are a place of magic and serenity. Those who have sailed by have notice a
slight luminescent glow of blue light coming from the islands. Their Capital is the City of Ashhalon, and
their other major city is the City of Eolas (ee-olais) which is the city of Knowledge. The three settlements
on the elven territory are just that settlements. The elven race is slowly expanding (at this point for
unknown reasons). The world of men on the western portion of Adrogar mainly have their most of their
settlements toward the southern region of the continent, However just as the Elves are expanding from
island to mainland the race of men are expanding from mainland to island off the western coast. The
Northern portion of the Human territory is fairly militaristic mainly due to the expansion of the elves.
Now they do not see this as a direct aggression against them however they are concerned due to the fact
that they wanted that portion of land that the elves have to themselves. The Wildands is an area of
bandits, criminals and other non-friendly folk. They have one main settlement that most people know of
Thieves Landing. This is the only known settlement out there due the fact that not many who have
journeyed out there have returned. The badlands are another area on the southernmost point of Adrogar
that is very un-inhabitable for the other three races. No one journeys out there because it is mainly a
desert wasteland. Troll territory is just as it sounds a land where fearsome trolls live that mainly feed on
little dwarves who venture out to far from their territory.
The majority of the cartographic work was done through Adobe Illustrator using different line
weights and strokes to help emphasize the border lines. Transparencies were also used in order to help
show the elevation of the land and add a little more realism to the map. Another technique that was used
in Illustrator to help create the borders was working with the Pathfinder tool and using the Minus Front
function to create realistic borders for the territories. There was some work done through ArcMap, one
portion being using the Union and Dissolve tool to create the actual territories from real world countries.
The cities were originally created from real city locations from ArcMap; they were then brought into
Illustrator and edited as necessary. Lastly coastal vignettes were made to add more artistry to the maps