Principles of Government

How would you define government?
 (hint: What do YOU think a government is
supposed to do)
Chapter 1 Section 1
Institution through which a society makes
and enforces its public polices
All things that a government decides to do
▪ Imposing Taxes
▪ Setting Minimum Wage
▪ Maintaining force
▪ Protect the environment
Body of people living in a territory, organized
More than 180 exist today
Sovereignty-the state has absolute power
within its own territory.
Government-political organization
Force Theory-one person in control
Evolutionary Theory-early family
Divine Right Theory-created by God and those
in power were chosen by God
Social Contract Theory-government arose out
of an act of the people (U.S.)
Open your books to page 8 and read the
“Preamble to the Constitution”
Along with a partner, fill out your “Purpose of
Government” worksheet (each person will
turn in their own!)
Your book describes each heading. You and
your partner need to think of an example for
each, and a picture for each