Chapter 22: Industrial Revolution (pg. 725-750)

Unit 5 Part 2: AP European History
Name: ___________________________
Period: ____
Chapter 22: Industrial Revolution (pg. 725-750)
Crystal Palace
John Cockerill
James Hargreaves
Thomas Malthus
Isaac & Emile Periere
Combination Acts
Richard Arkwright
Henry Cort
Friedrich List
Edmund Cartwright
Robert Owen
Friedrich List
Savery & Newcomen
James Watt
Fritz Harkort
George Stephenson
David Ricardo
1. _________________ he invented the spinning jenny which could spin from 6 to 24 spindles at a time.
2. _________________ he invented the water frame spinning machine which required large specialized mills,
factories that employed over a thousand people.
3. _________________ he invented the power loom in 1785, which eventually would replace the hand-loom
4. _________________ both invented the earliest steam engines, primarily used in English mines.
5. _________________ he increased the efficiency of the steam engine by adding a separate condenser.
6. _________________ he developed the puddling furnace, which allowed pig iron to be refined in turn with coke
In the smelting of pig iron after 1790.
7. _________________ he built the Rocket, an effective locomotive that first traveled from Manchester to
Liverpool at 16 miles per hour.
8. _________________ architectural masterpiece made entirely of glass and iron, and site of the Great Exhibit in
1851 which was a famous industrial fair.
9. _________________ in his influential Essay on the Principle of Population, he argued that population would
always tend to grow faster than the food supply.
10. _________________ his iron law of wages posited that because of the pressure of population growth, wages
would always sink to subsistence level.
11. _________________ along with his father, he established a large industrial enterprise which produced
machinery, steam engines, and railway locomotives in Liege, Belgium.
12. _________________ he established the first industrial center in the Ruhr Valley of Germany.
13. _________________ he wrote National System of political Economy which emphasized economic nationalism,
and supported the Zollverein (German customs union)
14. _________________ established the Credit Mobilier of Paris, a bank that used the savings of thousands of small
investors to finance the growing industrial revolution in France.
15. _________________ handicraft workers and skilled artisans who attacked factories and smashed machines
which they believed were putting them out of work.
16. _________________ he wrote The Condition of the Working Class in England, which was a blistering indictment
of the middle classes, charging them with mass murder and robbery of the working class.
17. _________________ a successful manufacturer in Scotland who testified against child labor in the factories,
and organized the Grand National Consolidated Trades Union.
18. _________________ passed by Parliament in 1799, they outlawed unions and strikes.