Constitution and Statutes Agenda September 20 , 2013 Senate Chambers 2:30 PM

Constitution and Statutes Agenda
September 20th, 2013
Senate Chambers 2:30 PM
Chair: Kaitlin Ramirez
Call to Order
Meeting is called to order at 2:30pm.
Roll Call – Vice Chair Louis Reich
Quorum is established with 5 voting members.
Student Remarks
Approval of Minutes – September 6th, 2013
Motion from Sen. Dykes to approve the minutes from last meeting. Second. No
objections. Moved.
Approval of Agenda
Motion from Sen. Gloster to approve the agenda. Second. No objections. Moved.
Guest Speakers
Remarks of the Chair –
We have an appeals hearing for Sen. Gloster. And with that I move on to old
Old Business
a. Appeals Hearing – Senator Gloster
Sen. Ramirez - Sen. Gloster has 27 points.
Senate President Brady – There were 14 points from the summer, 10 from
the spring, and 3 so far from this fall semester. I’ll explain more after his
appeal and explain why it’s so high.
Sen. Gloster. In the spring I lost 2 family members. It was my
responsibility and I neglected it. I spoke with Ms. Delaney about taking a
leave of absence. She said it was okay but I guess we did not take the
proper steps. I was not aware that the summer was not, not optional and I
take full responsibility for that. I met with the Business Manager and
Senate President Brady and they gave me the option to walk away or
appeal the point.
This last Friday I was in the hospital and I do have my doctor’s note. I also
did my Osprey Voice. I turned it in and time stamped it before it was due.
Senate President Brady – There was a lot of confusion with the spring
points. It was a personal issue that came about. The past senate president
and our advisor had a miscommunication between the 3 parties. Sen.
Gloster didn’t understand he could take 3 weeks leave or the entire
summer off. There was a lot of miscommunication. He didn’t realize he
had 27 points. He did talk to me about his doctor’s note. The appeal just
has not been turned in.
Sen. Ramirez – I saw the appeal was turned in but I did not receive the
Osprey Voice that should have been attached.
Sen. Gloster - I gave the appeal to the desk with the Osprey Voice
Sen. Reich – Just to be clear, there are 3 points being appealed?
Senate President Brady – If you turn in the appeal today by 5:00pm, the
hospital is an appropriate appeal, and if the Osprey Voice was turned in, it
will be appealed.
Sen. Reich – How many points do you think you should have leaving this?
Sen. Gloster – Given there was miscommunication I am fully responsible
for the points I have after today. But given the miscommunication between
former Senate President Varshovi and Advisor Katie Delaney there was a
lot of miscommunication and me not knowing so I will say that I don’t
feel that my feelings are appropriate for this situation. Whatever the
committee says I will agree with. I would understand why. Just for the
basis of serving the students I will be running again for re-elections.
Senate President Brady – It’s your job whether you guys decide it to
appeal the points. It is my recommendation that if you do appeal the
points, leave it at either 3 or 3.5 points, just right at that barrier. It’s your
job to decide whether you’re going to appeal those points or not.
Technically since you are hearing his appeal today, whatever you’re
appealing will be final. Because those points are being heard today,
whatever this committee will decide, that is how many points he will have
after today. You can specify which points you are appealing.
Motion from Reich to overturn 9 points from the spring semester, 16 from
the summer semester and give Sen. Gloster the benefit of doubt that he
will turn in the Osprey Voice to bring him down to 5 points. Second. No
objections. Discussion.
Sen. Dykes – I understand there was a miscommunication. From the way
you were stating though, it seems like you weren’t really shouldering any
of that miscommunications. All of our guidelines are written in statute and
I feel you should have reached out to our advisors and the guidelines.
Sen. Gloster – I did speak with the advisor and had a conversation face-toface. I did not completely neglect my responsibilities.
Senate President Brady – I ask that Sen. Gloster not speak during the
discussion. I feel it is inappropriate.
Roll call vote. Passes 3-1-1.
New Business
a. The next scheduled Senate Meeting will be September 27th, 2013 at 1:00 pm.
Final Roll Call – Vice Chair Louis Reich
Quorum is reestablished with 5 voting members.
Meeting is adjourned at 2:42 pm.