
 Prepare your garden area. Consider your location. If you
live in an apartment perhaps you could have permission to
plant a small container garden or a rooftop garden.
Gardening With Your Children
Finding fun and creative ways to keep your
kids active and healthy can be challenging
with the fast-paced lives most families lead.
One simple solution is to introduce your
children to gardening. No matter where you
live - city, country, small town, urban or
rural - you can find a way to garden.
Gardening is a great way to get your children outside. Be prepared
for a little mess as young children will be especially curious and
want to dig in the dirt, look for worms and other bugs, and squish
stuff between their fingers and toes.
Think about the types of plants you like and that grow well where
you live - introduce your children to the things you love and they
will learn to love them as well.
 Figure out what you might grow and where you could grow
 Young children are small and may be overwhelmed by a
large garden plot.
 Start small with container gardening or raised beds.
 Share the planning, purchasing, and planting together. The
more involved, the more likely children will enjoy the
 Consider your child’s age, size, and interest level. Perhaps
you will want to purchase some small child-sized garden
tools that will make gardening more enjoyable.
 If having a garden or flower bed is not possible where you
live consider starting a community garden. Ask your local
community for permission to use an empty lot. Invite your
neighbors to join you and make the time a social event.
Once you have your tools and have decided upon the plants you
wish to grow--start planting.
 Remember that there will be maintenance involved in whatever
type of garden you decide upon: weeding, watering, fertilizing
and more.
 Make sure that you break each step down small enough for your
child to enjoy and be safe.
Most of all encourage your child to have fun while being active.
Some websites to check out are:
Author: Janice McCoy Family Life Educator, Whiteside Unit Spring 2008
For additional information contact:
Angela Reinhart, Family Life Educator
University of Illinois Extension, Champaign County Unit
801 N Country Fair Drive, Suite D
Champaign, IL 61821
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