Meeting Minutes: January 26, 2011

Campus Recreation and Wellness
Advisory Council Meeting Minutes
I. Call to order
Karen Warren called to order the meeting of the Campus Recreation and Wellness
Advisory Council at 5:05 on 1/26/11 in the Student Recreation Center classroom
II. Roll call
The following persons were present:
Taylor Bell, Alexa Hawkins, Antonial Marshall, Chelsea Corey, Karen Warren.
Guests in attendance included Janis Steele, Nance Mize, Stephen Tucci, and
Wood Davidson
III. Approval of minutes from last meeting
Passed out copies of minutes. Alexa Hawkins motioned to approve the minutes,
Taylor Bell second, minutes approved unanimously.
IV. Old Business
a) Changes to Center Court Food Service Operation
 Hours will be cut due to financial decisions with Campus Dining.
 New hours are Monday-Friday 8:30 AM-8:30 PM, Saturday and Sunday
noon-7:00 PM. Center Court will close on the last day of exams in the
spring and reopen the first day of classes in the fall.
i. Looking for other vending machine options to offer customers.
 Coffee, sandwiches, and salads are no longer being offered due to food
b) Patricia Lombardi wanted to discuss the following issues
 Field 1 at the North Recreational Complex has a ditch that holds water
and attracts bugs.
 Fields are being abused by non-club/intramural students.
i. Janis Steele suggested that she will address these first two issues
with Patricia as they relate to Facility Services and she needs
more information from her to investigate her concerns.
 Transportation to and from the North Recreational Complex for
i. This was addressed in the new business with Wood Davidson.
V. New business
a) Guest speaker Wood Davidson, Director of Student Transit Authority
 Addressing transportation to and from the North Recreational
 Currently there is not a dedicated line that runs directly to the field.
The closest bus that runs a route is North Campus Crossing, who pays
a substantial amount for those services.
Transportation services to the North Recreational Complex were
previously discussed
i. It is expensive, so ridership needs to be there to justify the new
ii. There has been more of a decline then an expansion of overall
transit services.
iii. The transit office has not received any complaints or requests for
services out to the North Recreational Complex.
Wood Davidson asked for suggestions and opened a discussion.
i. Taylor Bell discussed the percentage of students who have cars
on campus and alternate forms of transportation to get to the
North Recreational Complex.
ii. Wood Davidson explained that transit has to balance appropriate
places to provide services.
 Willing to discuss how to do it, but there needs to be
and established need for services.
Taylor Bell suggested checking with SGA to see if students feel there
is a need for services.
Karen Warren asked what would constitute as a substantial number to
provide services.
i. Suggested asking Mark Parker and Gray Hodges to survey their
participants to determine if there is a need for transportation
Antonial Marshall asked the following questions
i. Are students using Safe Ride to get to the North Recreational
ii. Would transit to the North Recreational Complex be just for
students on campus or for apartments as well?
Wood Davidson discussed that Safe Ride could be a transportation
option to get to the North Recreational Complex, depending on
The next step is to discuss with Intramurals and Club Sports to find
number of students who need services, and provide data that could be
sent to the transit office to determine ridership.
Karen Warren and Nance Mize suggested polling students through
Inner Pirate Network and SGA to determine if people are interested in
transportation out to the North Recreational Complex.
Wood Davidson stated that it would cost approximately $70,000 a year
to operate a bus route.
Janis Steele asked if transit would be able to coordinate transportation
out to the North Recreational Complex for the grand opening of Phase
II to bring awareness.
i. Wood Davidson discussed that there is a charter service they
offer that could be used for that.
b) Facility Updates- Janis Steele
 The target is to finish phase II of the North Recreational Complex in
 Phase II will include more walking trails, a lake, boat rentals, a beach,
sand volleyball, disc golf, and more.
 Alexa Hawkins asked what the policies would be to rent for Greek
Week or other events
i. Meetings will be held to establish policies for rental and
reservations of the new services.
 New flat screen TV’s were installed in the cardio area over break.
 The upgraded sound system will be finished the second week of
i. Will include speakers out in the pool area
 Energy efficient lighting was installed in the weight area
i. Installing more energy saving lights in pool area
 Ceiling supports in the Recreation Center were cleaned
 The downstairs area by Center Court was updated to include new
cement and tiled areas where trees were originally planted when the
center was open. The real trees could not live in the SRC environment.
Those that are now in the SRC are artificial.
c) Rockwall Expansion Proposal
 Brad Beggs will do a presentation at the next meeting on adding
bouldering walls, along with other ideas and plans.
i. Would like feedback on if it would be a good idea to add more
climbing space.
ii. The council was asked to please keep an eye on the basketball
court usage and think about the ramifications of having fewer
VI. Announcements
 Karen Warren discussed the new nutrition campaign “Arrrgh you eating
i. Supplied new fliers and pens to promote the campaign
 Nance Mize announced that the Polar Bear Plunge event hit 958 participants.
VII. Adjournment
Karen Warren adjourned the meeting at 6:00 pm.
Next Meeting: March 23, 5:00-6:00 PM, SRC Classroom 202
Minutes submitted by: Chelsea Corey