10 December 2014 – Gengras Student Union 345 – 1:00 PM
Jessica Abbott, Randi Ashton-Pritting, Anne-Marie Cirullo, Barbara Dessureau,
Meagan Fazio, Valerie Gilleran, Ben Ide, Sue Landolina, Anita Marchant, Cindy
Oppenheimer, Catherine Rose, Gina Signorello, Connie Yoczik.
In the absence of Cheryl MacMath, the Staff Association Chair, the meeting was
conducted by Jessica Abbott, Vice Chair.
Discussion/Approval of Minutes of the October 8 meeting: The minutes were
approved as presented.
II. New Business
New Treasurer - Cindy Oppenheimer has accepted the position of
Treasurer of the University Staff Association, replacing Jessica Abbott, who has
now assumed the post of Vice Chair.
III. University Committee Reports
Budget Advisory Team - Randi Ashton-Pritting reported that enrollment is
down in both Full Time Undergraduate (by 53) and Part Time Undergraduate, but
is up in Full Time Graduate (by 24). Many of the University’s competitors for
students, especially those on the East Coast, are also experiencing a decline in
enrollment. To combat this, various strategies are being employed such as
including sophomore high school students in the University’s advertising web, and
also high school seniors. As part of the University community, we are all
encouraged to “live the brand,” being outgoing and friendly to students coming to
visit campus. The video stories on the web site are proving to be good sales
vehicles for the University, and we are also benefitting from the addition of more
international students.
Wellness Committee: Barbara Dessureau reported that Biometrics is
scheduled resume on January 20 and 22. Yoga At Lunch will be continued in the
Spring semester, and there is a possibility that kick boxing may be offered instead
of cardio, which has been discontinued. Weight Watchers will resume on 12
January, and there are plans in place for the community CSA to continue.
Benefits Task Force: Meagan Fazio, as BTF representative, reported that
the discussion at the last meeting centered chiefly on faculty. Randi AshtonPritting suggested several questions that might be carried to the next meeting on
behalf of Staff Association members:
Would it be possible to give Staff Association members a bank of hours to
manage on their own? This would not include work hours such as disability that
are necessarily governed by University policy, but might include personal and
vacation time, for example.
Vacation time: Can vacation days be made to roll over to the following
year? If an employee cannot use all of his/her vacation time, can it be taken off
taxes? If an employee cannot use all of his/her vacation time, is it possible to
donate it to someone else who is in need, or perhaps to a bank of hours?
Sustainability Committee: No representative.
II. Staff Association Reports
Web Advisory Committee: Barbara Dessureau. New guidelines to the
University Web Site are just starting to be received by the Committee from the
Faculty Senate : Ben Ide. Presentations were made at the recent meeting
by President Harrison, Provost Vasquez and Anton Goff, the new Athletics
Director. This was followed by a presentation by Lieutenant Christopher Lyons
of Public Safety on enhancing safety at the University, a program that Public
Safety has now embarked upon. Surveys of the faculty, Student Government
Association, adjunct faculty members, and other groups show that many of these
groups feel that the University is underprepared for an emergency situation.
Suggestions for improvement include making safety training mandatory just as
sexual harassment training is, and including safety training as part of the One Stop
Training for new faculty members. Phones (set on ‘vibrate’) should be
encouraged in the classroom rather than discouraged, because they are a means
of communication in case of a problem. There will be more information as the
program develops.
Treasurer’s Report: Cindy Oppenheimer. The current balance is $1157.40.
Membership Director Report: Anne Marie Cirullo. There was a gain of four
in membership, which is now at 159.
IV. Old Business
Scheduling a meeting of the Staff Association in the newly refurbished
Commons Dining Room’s special meeting space will not be possible, according to
the Commons scheduler. It is felt that it should be used chiefly by students and
their organizations. We may be able to try again at some time in the future.
V. New Business:
Ideas for Staff Association meetings in the future include the following:
Discussion of the Invisible Support Network and how we as Staff Members
can assist students in finding help there.
Information on available meeting spaces on campus, how to reserve their
use, and from whom.
Taking the University Shuttle bus: where does it go, and how can we, as
well as students, use it.
Elusian User Services Director, Sebby Sorrentino to talk about changes that
have taken place. (This is a possibility for the February meeting.)
Work Study information: How do we read the Work Study screens and use
Etiquette Lunch: Experience the training that is available from Career
Services for students preparing to enter the world of work and interviews. This
would be offered to the first 25 staff members who apply for an inexpensive
luncheon in which up to date etiquette is explained. Details are still being
developed, but it is hoped to be able to offer this as the January Staff Association
VI. Presentation: Steve Moron, Chef Manager, Commons.
Mr. Maron, Chef Manager at Commons, has a BA in Nutrition and is a graduate of
Johnson & Wales Culinary Institute. He offered a talk supplemented with both
nutritional information and delicious recipes, designed to encourage healthy
eating and habits. His talk was well received and he fielded many questions from
those present. The members thanked him for sharing his time and expertise in
such an interesting way.
The meeting adjourned at 2:10 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Anita Marchant