Graphic Design Advertising Worksheet

Name: ___________________ Illustration & Design – Mr. Vedder
Graphic Design Advertising Worksheet
1. List 5 products that you use daily and explain why you originally bought those
2. Analyze the advertisement and list five elements that are used to create the final
3. Analyze and list differences between the two advertisements on the board.
4. Describe two ways to create a focal point in an advertisement.
5. Describe how overlapping can create interest in an advertisement.
6. List five potential products for our advertisement project.
7. Describe how the designers created a different background for each advertisement.
8. Describe how color schemes can influence a product or the opinion of it.
9. Describe what emotion would be linked to the following colors: Blue, Green, White,
Red, and Gold.
10. Describe and list four logos or symbols.
11. List the Principles of Design that can create a focus within a design.
12. Describe the elements of art that create an effective logo.
13. List two popular advertising slogans and describe why they are successful.
14. Describe how fonts can create a particular feeling within a design.
15. Self assess your design. Cite the challenges of the assignment.