Chapter 1 PowerPoint Lecture

Chapter 1
Communication & Intercultural
Chapter Summary
 The Technological Imperative
 The Demographic Imperative
 The Economic Imperative
 The Peace Imperative
The Technological Imperative
 Five Aspects of Technology Related to
1. Increase in Information
2. Increased Contact with People who
Differ (Global Village)
3. Increased Contact with People who
are Similar
The Technological Imperative
 Five Aspects of Technology Related to
4. Identity, Culture, and Technology
Technology changes how we think about
ourselves and our identity management.
5. Access to Communication
Slide 5
The Technological Imperative
 Mobility and its Effect on Communication
Mobility in our society places us in physical
contact with more people.
U.S. families move more often than ever.
Mobility changes the individuals involved.
Young adults are more mobile than other generations.
Many families relocate as a result of divorce or
economic reasons.
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The Demographic Imperative
 There are two sources for recent and future
changes in the U.S. population:
 Changing
U.S. Demographics
 Changing
Immigration Patterns
The Demographic Imperative
 Changing U.S. Demographics
The U.S. population is increasingly nonwhite
and multiracial.
Nonwhite populations and ethnic diversity are
particularly prevalent and increasing in the
South and West. (New Majority)
The U.S. workforce is increasingly older and
The Demographic Imperative
Changing Immigration Patterns
Immigration and Economic Classes
A. Rigidity of economic class structure
B. Income gap between rich and poor
The Demographic Imperative
Changing Immigration Patterns
5. Demographic Diversity
A. Differences in worldviews often lead to
prejudices and stereotypes.
B. A better metaphor today than the “melting pot”
may be a "salad" or a "tapestry," which
recognizes that each group will retain its own
characteristics and yet contribute to the whole.
The Demographic Imperative
 Changing Immigration Patterns
5. Demographic Diversity (cont.)
C. Diversity can be a positive force providing
linguistic richness, culinary variety, new resources
to meet social challenges, as well as domestic
and international business opportunities.
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The Economic Imperative
 The Global Market
The recent trend toward globalization means
that the U.S. economy is increasingly
connected to those of other countries.
Unfortunately, many American companies
spend little time learning how to do business in
other countries.
The economy is increasingly dominated by
multinational corporations.
The Economic Imperative
 The Global Market
Domestic diversity also motivates businesses
to be attentive to cultural differences.
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The Peace Imperative
 Contact among different groups has often led to
 Other conflicts are tied to economic disparities
coupled with the influence of U.S. technology and
 It is also important to recognize the role of historical,
political, religions, and economic contexts.
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The Self-Awareness Imperative
 Studying intercultural communication helps
us understand our own cultural identity and
the similarities and differences that exist
around the world.
A. Communication is a symbolic interpretive,
transactional, contextual process in which
people create shared meanings.
B. There are six characteristics of
1. Communication is symbolic: symbols represent
shared meanings.
2. Communication is interpretive: people interpret
the symbolic behaviors of others
a. Communication requires understanding
sufficient to accomplish the purposes of the
b. Communication does not require
agreement among the participants.
3. Communication is transactional: people
work together to create meanings between
a. Actional views hold that communication is a
linear, one-way flow of ideas.
b. Interactional views hold that senders should
adapt persuasive messages to their
c. Transactional views of communication
emphasize the shared creation of messages
and meanings.
4. Communication is contextual: contexts frame
communicative events.
a. The physical context: the actual location of the interactants.
b. The social context: expectations about behaviors within
specific settings.
c. The interpersonal context: expectations about behaviors in
specific social
5. Communication is a process that includes
people, relationships, activities, objects, and
experiences that are dynamic rather than
6. Communication involves shared meanings
that are invented and co-created between
and among the participants.
C. Interpersonal communication is comprised
1. a small number of people, e.g. couples, families, and
2. people interact exclusively with one another and can
choose those with whom they
3. messages adapted to specific others, and participants
can assess message understanding
and interpretation; and
4. immediate interpretations as messages are being
III. The Challenge of Communicating in
an Intercultural World
A. There is no choice but to live in an intercultural
1. Work, school, neighborhoods, personal
relationships, and families are all becoming
2. Personal satisfaction will depend upon one's
ability to communicate competently across
B. Consequences of living in an intercultural
1. Negative consequences include increased
doubt, reduced level of predictability about
others, and increased discomfort and tensions in
interacting with others who are different.
2. Positive consequences include increased
opportunities and experiences.