ITAC Meeting Minutes (DRAFT)
Tuesday, November 24, 2015, 1:10-3:30 pm, Batmale 108
Committee Members: Jorge Bell, Cynthia Dewar, Jay Field, Kimberly Ginther-Webster, Joe Jah, Chien “Ken” Lin,
Craig Persiko, Shawn Yee
Guests: Alex Gaesser, James “JR” Hall, Robert Lam, Julian Prentice, Tim Ryan
Absent Committee Members: David Yee
Meeting Called to Order at 1:11 pm.
II. Approval of minutes with minor changes.
III. Announcements
a. The December 15th ITAC meeting will not be held.
IV. Old Business
a. Plans for classroom technology
i. Specific standards are being set. The control panels will not include VGA. HDMI will
only be included on the panels.
ii. The instructor station standard will be ADA compliant.
iii. A whiteboard vendor has been identified. The Batmale classrooms will be re-done
over the winter break. The chalkboards can easily be replaced by whiteboards. ITS
will purchase whiteboard markers for faculty.
iv. Wireless display is a possibility for the first round of installations. AppleTV could be
the solution.
b. Replacement computers for faculty/staff
i. Replacement computers are continuing to be rolled out and the spreadsheet updated.
Since the Dells have been purchased there were 138 replacements completed.
c. Identify management project update
i. Tuesday, December 1st will be the launch of the pilot with 20 people and an additional
30 added before the winter break. The network ID allows access into and
CurricUNET. Early next year wifi will be added. The network ID will need to be
claimed and it is branded as RAM ID.
d. Update on status of ITAC to PGC
i. ITAC will be a Standing Committee to PGC sometime in January/February 2016.
ii. We will need to discuss the implications of this at future ITAC meetings.
V. New Business
a. Accreditation Self-study Review of Standard IIIC
i. It needs edits and re-writes. The draft needs more evidence links and some evidence
needs to be clarified. Jay is working on re-organizing and re-writing it. Please send Jay
any info that needs to be added especially the positive examples of way we are
working with students and technology.
b. Schedule of Spring 2016 Meetings
i. ITAC will meet on the fourth Tuesday of the month from 1:10-3 pm in L108. The first
meeting is scheduled for January 26th.
VI. Reports
a. ITS, Ellucian, Help Desk
i. ITS has purchased the Banner Operational Data Store (ODS). ODS will aggregate info
on the Banner database in a more manageable and “user friendly” way. It has been
purchased with Equity funds and ITS funds. Extensive training is included with
implementation. All School and Site Deans will be required to complete training
before using the tool. Implementation will take place in January. CCSF has contracted
with Ellucian through 2018 to have one quarter time remote DBA for ODS. Argos
remains the reporting tool. ODS gives you easier data to work with. It will make
building reports in Argos much faster because it is “grabbing” the data from ODS
instead of directly from Banner.
ii. Next week Banner Document Management will be deployed in A&R. They have been
defining their record types and business process. The system has been updated for
full text indexing.
iii. The Data Center is implementing a new back-up system for spring.
iv. Very good progress is being made on the Ed Planning/Degree Audit Project. The goal
is a soft rollout in early spring. This means that if a student goes to a counselor who is
part of the pilot, and you happen to be in one of the 150 programs that are being preentered into the system, than the student will be piloting the project. Students in the
pilot will need to claim their RAM IDs in order to access Hobson’s Degree Planner.
v. RAM ID will begin in spring with full rollout in fall 2016. Students will need a RAM ID
in order to access Web4.
vi. CCSF is working on a potential website upgrade grant especially optimizing the
website for mobile delivery with a responsive design. Some minor optimization have
already been made to the CCSF website (front page). An RFP would need to be
issued. The focus is on the design end. CSU-Long Beach offers an engaging model for
a website.
1. Those present discussed adding a date stamp to each page when it was last
updated; Adding the name of who is responsible for the page/author of the
page in a footnote.
2. The website needs regular audits. Schools and departments need to regularly
audit their webpages.
3. ITAC discussed solutions to this College-wide problem such as a check box in
Program Review, a regular schedule for updating, required trainings, etc.
vii. CCSF has purchased a platform from DUB Labs for the implementation of a mobile
app. The app directly connects with Banner so that students can do A&R tasks such as
register for a class. Dub Labs is the only platform that ITS looked at that could connect
with Banner. Jay is in the process of putting together a small team to kick off the app.
Educational Technology Department
i. NetTutor will be in place before the end of the semester. The World Wide Whiteboard
will be part of the implementation.
ii. Turnitin is “on” and training is scheduled.
iii. The Canvas pilot is continuing with discussion happening at DLAC, TLTR, and the Ed
Tech Department Meetings. We are doing a “live” pilot in spring with robust
participation by faculty.
Student Report
i. “Google Hackathon” was great and students would like more such activities.
VII. Meeting Adjourned at 3:01
Minutes respectfully submitted by Cynthia Dewar