
English 0347
Practice with Parallel Structures
Topic: Student Participation in College Activities
Directions: Notice that each sentence below contains a compound subject,
compound object, or compound clauses. (Compound = two or
more parts, usually including and, but, or .) Revise the
sentences to reduce wordiness and to make parallel structures.
EX: Students don’t have much information about college activities and
about college events.
Students don’t have much information about college activities and events.
NOTE: see the “hint” in brackets !
1. Students have conflicts for the class schedule and work. [ prep. phrase]
2. Low student participation in activities is because of their lack of interest,
lack of information, and lack of time. [eliminate repetition]
3. Students don’t participate in HCC activities because they maintain busy
schedules and homework. [ parallel “because” clauses]
4. Students either work part-time after school or might have a family to take
care of. [ parallel verb phrases]
5. Working overtime and to volunteer in the community can be reasons for
low student participation. [parallel gerund subjects]
7. Often, no one motivates students to make progress by encouraging,
evaluation, or criticize their work. [ parallel gerund “by” phrases]
8. Not only do students have difficult homework, but they also have
financial. [ parallel objects of the verb “have”]
9. Faculty and administrators can do a lot of things to stimulate students’
interest, such as reading the school newspaper and give extra credit.
10. What can be done to make the lives of students easier and helping them
become members of the college community?