Commission on the Status of Women and American

Commission on the Status of Women and American
Association of University Women (AAUW)
Thursday, September 10, 2009
ARD Building, NAU Campus
I. Introduction
A. Sign in Sheet
B. Invitation to become a commissioner
C. Lighting and Safety Walk Survey-CSW typically participates-September 16th
in Biology 216
D. Scholarship Fund-Martha Portree Memorial Scholarship
1. Fundraising attempts
2. Single Women-back in school full time-children-scholarship goes to those
deserving of funds
E. See agenda for Academic Year 2009-10 for meeting schedule
1. Scheduled speakers have been added for October/November
2. Should look at Partner benefits as well
3. Start a conversation about race and gender as well
4. Need to think about topics for spring meetings
II. Introduction of Council Woman Coral Evans
A. She will be introducing our key note speaker
B. Key note speaker is Commissioner Sandra Kennedy
III. Commissioner Sandra Kennedy
A. What is the corporation commission?
1. Arizona needs to move from fossil fuel to solar-wind-renewable energy
2. Arizona is one of two states that constitutionally dictate what the
corporation must do-serve at the pleasure of the people
3. Utility commission regulates all companies that want to do business in
AZ-only non-municipal
4. Also regulate co-ops, pipelines for gas/oil
5. Commission holds public hearings so that individual citizens can be
involved in the decision making process about utilities, their rates, safety
issues, etc.
B. Hearing division does all of the arbitration to hear arguments about new
corporations or rate increases for existing corporations-recommendations
come from administrative judge-final decisions rests with the commission
C. Legal division acts as primary buffer between the commission and any
litigation that my arise
D. Corporation Commission’s budget was vetoed recently-if there is no budget
by October 1, they will have to either stop taking filings or layoff employees
E. Those in attendance need to go out into the community and encourage other
people to get involved-to join the public discussion about the issues relevant
to the Corporation Commission
F. Also-we must all get involved in energy efficiency-join the workshops that
are going on-be a part of the discussion
G. Read the handout but also pass it along it others and have them read it. More
people must get involved
H. Questions
1. Talk of a wind farm along I40-will APS not take that power into the grid?
Does your commission regulate that? They do regulate the argument for
new lines for renewable energy (by APS) appears to be a way to make
money-where is the proof that new lines are required?
2. APS is required by 2025 to do 15% of the energy production from
renewable sources-thinking about increasing that percentage
3. Why did Corporation Commission change UNS bill-information is
different now? There were options for public to participate in the
discussion,, but the public did not come out for the discussion-now you
need to send an email to the commissioners-that message will get added
to docket-a response from the utility division is then required to respond
4. Why doesn’t UNS adjust consumer prices down when the market price of
gas goes down? Send an email for the docket.
5. APS/wind power transmission lines problem-is it really necessary to put
in new transmission lines? APS says yes and we need new power
stations-it will cost a significant amount of money.-If APS is already
utilizing some renewable sources without new lines, why do they need
new lines for newer renewable sources? This will be answered in the
next month or so.
6. Train whistle closure-4 complaints about whistle-safety division is
working on this with the Feds because of intersection of state and federal
laws/rules-Commission wants to look at safety first and look towards
annoyance factors second
7. Haven’t seen any letters to the docket pertaining to the sound of the
whistle as of yet-from an annoyance perspective
8. Must ask the commission for help-if you don’t ask they cannot help-BNSF
has been tough to work with
9. How does the State of AZ rank when it comes to sustainability? Arizona is
getting there-Arizona is on the map due to some legislation that has come
out-lots of businesses want to come her to be a part of the sustainability
10. Comment-saw wind farms all along the way on a trip through the
Midwest-Arizona had none-There are a few wind projects coming online
soon in three different locations
11. Encourage people to move towards renewable sources of energyespecially children
I. Thank you-next time she can talk about projects that will be online soon.
IV. Call to Action for Commission This Year
A. 10 minute discussion about what we can do
B. We have the ear of the President of the University
C. Suggestions
1. Write a letter to Gov. Brewer-reverse the decision about domestic partner
2. Write letters to Dr. Haeger as well-find a solution absent a reversal or
change in the legislation-domestic partner benefits
3. Would like to advocate the writing of a commission letter to Dr.
Haeger…can’t formally ask through email commissioners to contact
anyone about a political issue-cost of domestic partner benefits to the
state is minimal
4. Recommendation-send comments to Dave Rayburn-oversees all
insurance regardless of whether or not the state pays for them.
5. There is a question of fairness that could lead to legal actions
6. On the university level we should advocate for domestic partner benefits
7. Is there support among commissioners to draft a letter? Yes-there is
8. Volunteers to draft a letter? Will put together a list to circulate to see if
there is anyone interested in drafting a letter?
9. Need to start informing people about train issue? It has nothing to do
with the city council-it is in the hands of the commission now
10. Need to discuss the closing of local offices for the utility services-this is an
important issue for those living pay check to pay check-could cost citizens
a significant amount of money-this is more important than the train issue
11. Really need to include a discussion about the utility services business
practices in any email circulated to the commission at large-send an email
about this to Commissioner Kennedy
V. Announcements
A. Flagstaff Symphony Orchestra Guild is having a tour of homes-six homes for
six hours-tickets are for sale-tickets have all of the information on them for
getting to the houses
B. AAUW-brochures for membership if you are interested-Flagstaff branch is
part of the National programC. Need help moving furniture
VI. Adjournment