CTE Committee Meeting MINUTES 10 2 2015

CTE Committee Meeting Minutes
October 2, 2015
1:00 – 3:00 p.m.
Meeting Attendees: Leslie Blackie (Laney); Louis Quindlen (Laney); Mary Clarke-Miller (BCC); Natalia
Federova (BCC for Dr. Des Rochers); Gisele Giorgi (Merritt); Karen Engel (District) – KE; Char Perlas
(COA). NON COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Mark Martin (DSN – Laney College); Career Ladders Project staff:
Kris Palmer, Evan Decker, Mark Williamson
1. BOG Task Force
KE relayed the District Ed Committee’s expectation that the CTE Committee be THE District body to
review the BOG Task Force recommendations and determine how they should be addressed in the
Peralta Colleges.
2. Career Pathways
a. CLP staff provided an update of where we are in the process so far and what the work of
the local pathway action teams will be this year. Showed sample pathway maps. These
maps will be on the www.EastBayCareerPathways.org website. Pathway faculty should
check these out in advance of the pathway meetings. Pathway faculty should also
review their college’s CPT strategic plans.
b. CPT II – will most likely pay for half time positions at each campus to connect
disconnected, court, community, and alternative/continuation high school students to
our pathways.
c. Early College Credit. There are many tools in our tool box:
i. Dual enrollment
ii. Concurrent enrollment
iii. Articulation
iv. We are going to work with a group of CTE faculty to update our policies and
procedures for how we do articulation. KE will circulate a revised, updated
Articulation Handbook. Peralta will need to revise our Board Policy and
Administrative Procedures. We will also be adopting CATEMA as a tool to
Berkeley City College
College of Alameda
Laney College
Merritt College
manage these agreements and ensure students see their credit and grades on
their transcripts ASAP.
3. Getting our CTE programs back on CalJobs so that federally funded job seekers can enroll in our
programs with their WIA funding. To get the programs back on to the ETPL. Lilian Pires gave a
presentation on her efforts. It’s slow going. She will send out a template for program leads to
complete which includes the costs of books and equipment, tools, CIP codes, and other pieces of
information she needs to load your programs. lpires@peralta.edu. The biggest reason for this is
so that our students can collect unemployment insurance benefits while they go to school with
us. You have to sign their forms, but if our programs are not on the ETPL, then we can’t do that.
4. AB 86 Adult Ed. We reviewed the proposals that were submitted to create noncredit CDCP
pathway programs in collaboration with the Adult Schools. Committee members will inform
their campuses of this process and the timeline. www.nacrcae.com is where our Consortium’s
plan is. By October 31, we need to submit a budget for $2.6 m as a Consortium to the state.
5. Mary Clark Miller talked about need for computer equipment. She and Gisele will work to see if
Measure A funding is still available for new computer labs, mid level work stations for the ICT
6. Program Review: Tell people there is information about existing grants online here:
http://web.peralta.edu/cte/peralta-cte-grants/. Click on “Overview of Existing Grants.” Also,
get the link to the BACCC LMI data.
7. Invite Ron Little to our next meeting to discuss “systems” improvement questions.
8. RE priorities for the year. See the THREE things we are doing: building and strengthening CTE
pathways; improving transitions into and out of our programs; and increasing opportunities for
workbased learning and employment. Keep the CTE grants website up to date. Invite Ron Little
to next meeting to give him feedback on CTE and grants management because improving
processes and policies for basic finance, HR, A&R and other core district functions are still a
priority. BOG Task Force response. Help education the colleges about CTE and what it takes….
Berkeley City College
College of Alameda
Laney College
Merritt College