
Instructions for Editing a Project
Applies to: All Fast Track, Low, Medium and High Complexity Projects
1. Access the PMIT system via the link on the PMO Web site or
directly by going to this URL: http//www.pubapps.vcu.edu/pmit
2. Login to the PMIT system using your eID and password.
3. You may only edit projects that you created. In the Project Data
Management section of the PMIT home page select My Projects.
4. The list of all your projects is displayed in order of last entered to
first entered. Only Active status projects (those that have not been
Closed) can be edited. Select the one you wish to edit by clicking
on its title.
5. The Data Entry Status page lists all required plans for that project’s
complexity level with a Status indicator. If any are marked
Skipped, they must be completed before the project is ready to
6. Select the plan you wish to edit from the list of plans on the left.
Those that were skipped are marked with a red asterisk.
7. For plans you may have skipped, or to add a non-required plan, or
to add new content to plans that have multiple entries (indicated by
the cross inside a box to the left of the title), you can add new
contents by clicking on ADD NEW at the bottom of the contents
8. If the plan you wish to edit has a cross inside a box to the left of
the title, click on the box to open the plan’s contents. Select the
one you wish to edit. If the plan does not have a cross inside a
box, click on the plan’s title.
9. You may change existing data in a plan by editing it directly on the
10.You may delete:
 Tasks in the Work Breakdown Structure (note that this will
delete all resources and the schedule associated with that
task) by clicking on the Delete button
 Resources in the Resource Breakdown Structure (this will
not effect the task or the schedule) by clicking on the Delete
11.There are three action buttons at the bottom:
 SAVE will commit your changes to the database and return
to the Data Entry Status page
 RESET will undo any changes made on the form and restore
the original contents
12.CANCEL will end the edit session and return to the PMIT home
13.For help with any plan’s contents, refer to the Instructions for
completing that plan located on the PMO Web site.
14.Logout of the system and close your browser session at