Document 14542982

戴妡芸 9921029A
7/2 晚上飛機起飛到香港,之後再由香港飛到倫敦,倫敦再到曼徹施特,從
了曼徹施特,學生大使 Jade 就帶我們坐車到學校,去學校的路上有些人早就累
到了學校,大家的 host family 早就在那 standby,我一眼就認出我的 host mom,
因為在出國前就加她 FaceBook,當然,她也認出我,所以她走向我給我一個大
大的擁抱,之後就開車載我回家。到家了!!! 真不敢相信眼前的房子就是我要住
覺!!! 外觀整體來說,
裡就只有我和 Host mom 兩個人,所以剛開始都會擔心會不會有溝通上的問題,
或者是太安靜而造成的尷尬,不過還好 host mom 人很好,跟我說話
以我真的很幸運來到這個家庭,雖然少了別人家庭的熱鬧,但多的卻是 host mom
第一天老師先帶我們去逛校園,跟我們介紹圖書館、體育館以及接下來 4
週都要在 Alexandra Building 上課的所在位置,也發給我們學生證和公車證,下午
就換學生大使 Jade 帶我們去鎮上逛,但我們可不是走馬看花,為了完成作業,
都會和店家有互動,讓我們更近一步的認識 Lancaster。
我們是由兩位 tutors 輪流上課,Krista 和 Helen,課程內容都很實用,像是和
host family 溝通的用語、英式英文、單字詞彙、探討英國文化、歷史等。Krista
Helen 是道地的英國人,有著一口很濃的英國腔,說話輕聲細語,講話也很慢,
上課很認真,她也會很有耐心的聽我們說,雖然兩位 tutors 的教學方式不同,一
7/7 Moorside Primary School
這天我們去參觀當地的小學 Moorside Primary School,這所小學總共有 460
位學生,年齡是 4 歲到 11 歲,整所小學就只有 14 個班級,每個班級約 20 位學
參觀,上午我和 Christine 被分配到年紀比較小的班級,大約 4~5 歲,每個都很
7/8 Lancaster Castle
Lancaster Castle 建於 12 世紀中葉,是個歷史悠久的城堡,現在有一部份是用
做 C 級的監獄,所以沒有開放參觀,不過有另外相當大的地方是可以給民眾參觀
的,分別是 The Shire Hall、Hadrian’s Tower、The Old Cells、The Crown Court、The
Drop Room、The Grand Jury Room。Lancaster Castle 給我的印象就是陰森以及壯觀,
著就會看見他的蹤影,來到 Lancaster 一定要來這裡一探究近,認識 Lancaster 這
7/13 The Lake District
湖區是是出了名的漂亮,這裡的美景也是童書作家 Beatrix Potter 的靈感泉源,
7/16 Williamson Park—Merlin
在 Williamson Park 欣賞戶外劇場真的很新奇,一般都是在有固定的地點和舞
場景,每一幕都在 Williamson Park 裡的不同地方演出,所以觀眾要跟著演員一同
劇,而今年我們看的是 Merlin,很可惜的是,由於資金短缺,所以今年是他們最
7/20 Manchester
Manchester 是個購物天堂,大街上都看得到大家提著大包小包的,除了逛街
7/26 Liverpool
來到 Liverpool 你會想到誰?沒錯!就是在 70 年代偷走許多少女心的披頭四,不
70 年代。比起 Lancaster,Liverpool 多了現代藝術感,這裡除了披頭四博物館非
說到迷路,我可是經驗豐富。想當初,第一天 host mom 開車帶我去繞從家
裡到學校的路,因為我走路上學的路車子不能開進去,所以 host mom 都用比的
聽 host mom 說我們家離學校走路只需 10~15 分鐘,但我卻走了半小時還沒到學
像一般住宅區,後來也是一路上問人才回到家的,回家後 host mom 也很有耐心
來越多張,從我家到市區也只要 5 分鐘,有一次我還走了一小時,一直在重複的
轉眼間一個月就過了,與 host mom、tutors、Jade 道別是多麼困難的事,道
別的那天大家哭成一團,很捨不得離去,因為在 Lancaster 生活是如此的悠閒,
國,你要選都市還是鄉村? 以前的我可能會選都市,但再次要我選擇,我會二話
不說的選鄉村小鎮 Lancaster,雖然沒有大都市的繁榮,Lancaster 的居民卻帶給
若你想尋求刺激然後回不了家,請坐 British Airways! 會讓你回憶無窮!
Business Administration
Sin Yun Dai 9921029A
Most of people’s dream is studying abroad and I’m one of them. I was so excited
when I knew I got the scholarship that I can study abroad for a month for free. So,I
was thankful that school gave me this opportunity to go abroad and broaden my
The flight went off to Hong Kong on 2nd July night. We changed the flight from
Hong Kong to London and then to Manchester. It took us more than 12 hours from
Taiwan to England. It was such a long flight that we were beat. Student
ambassador ,Jade,took us to the University of Cumbria by school coach when we
arrived at Manchester airport . On the way to scool,some of us were so tired that
they felt asleep on the coach right away. As to me, I looked at the scenery outside the
window and took pictures for the touching moment of my first day in Lancaster.
Host Family
Our host families were right there already when we arrived at the campus . I
could recognize my host mom at once because I had added her as my friend on
FaceBook before I went abroad. She could recognize me for sure . So she went to me
and gave me a big hug. I was taken home by my host mom then. I’m home!! I could
barely believe that beautiful house in front of me was the place where I would live
for a month. How fantastic it would be! We had a small garden with chairs and tables.
Therefore, we could sit on the chairs and have delicious cakes with coffee for
enjoying a whole relaxing afternoon . The appearance of the house made me felt
comfortable and good. As to inside the house, many stuff , like wall ,curtains and so
on were red or pink . However, they did not make me feel uncomfortable . They
created a warm feeling instead. Anyway, the house was tiny but delicate with
completion. Because there just host mom stayed with me, no other, so that I was
afraid that I could not communicate with her . Fortunately , my host mom would
speak slowly when she told to me. She was so nice that I could get used to the life in
Lancaster soon .I was really lucky that I could stay with my host mom. Although I did
not have a big family , I had a lot of love from my host mom.
At the first day , our tutors took us to walk around the campus and told us
where the library , the gym and Alexandra Building were. And we also got our
Cumbria card and bus pass. In the afternoon , Jade took us to town and we had an
assignment. To finish our assignments, we needed to communicate with shopkeepers.
Therefore, we could know more about the orientation of Lancaster.
We had two tutors, Krista and Helen .They took turns teaching us. The lessons
were very practical, including how to communicate with host family, British English,
British culture , British history and more. Krista is a Canadian and lively. And Helen is
a British with strong British accent. Although their teaching styles were different,
they had something in common , like be patient to talk with us and always
encourage us. Anyway, I loved their teaching styles and tutors.
7/7 Moorside Primary School
We went to the local primary school — Moorside, which contained 460 pupils
who aged from 4 to 11 . This school was near the University of Cumbria. In the
morning, when we waited for teacher to take us ,I noticed that almost students had
big smile and got angel’s face. Obviously, they were happy to go to school. Be a
pupil is lovely. I started to admire them.
Later, we went to visit the class situation. We taught them how to count in
Chinese . In the beginning, they were so shy to speak out . But it was better when
two children who can speak Chinese followed us and spoke loudly then. They were
so lovely and lively. In the class ,they were so brave to raise their hands and express
their opinions when teacher asked them questions. In Taiwan , when teacher ask us
questions ,we always pretend we do not know or have no confidence of our
answers. Raising hands mean you convict the crime and everyone stare you into
silence. Anyway, the act of those children is really impressive!
7/8 Lancaster Castle
Lancaster Castle was built in the mid-12th century and was an historic Castle. A
part of the Castle is used for C-level prison. So it is not allowed to visit . But the
other parts, such as The Shire Hall, Hadrian’s Tower, The Old Cell, The Crown Court,
The Drop Room, The Grand Jury Room are allowed to come and visit. Lancaster
Castle impressed me most is freaky . If you go there with a raining day and you will
be frighten by its serious atmosphere.
7/13 The Lake District
The Lake District is a really pretty place where Beatrix Potter was inspired by its
beauty and then create Peter Rabbit and other characters .When I was there , I felt
very relaxed and refresh. No wonder Ms. Potter could make such a wonderful
masterpiece here. Boarding is a way to enjoy the lake and it also can make you have
a good mood.
7/16 Williamson Park—Merlin
This is a very special outside drama. This drama is totally different from general
drama. Because they don’t have steady stage and everywhere in the Williamson Park.
might be the stages. Every act performed in different places in the park. Therefore,
all of the audience ,actors, and staff have to move . It’s special ,isn’t it?
I am so lucky that I could see this drama—Merlin. Due to shortage of funds, so
this year is the last time they performed. What can I say? How lucky of me.
7/20 Manchester
Manchester is a shopping paradise. You will see lots of people take bags
everywhere in Manchester on the street. Apart from shopping, we also went to
Manchester United Stadium where you have to visit if you come to Manchester.
I am not a fan of football players and have no interest in football. But I loved the
stadium. It’s big and beautiful. I could even imagine the players were there and many
audience were cheering to their favorite team. It’s a good place to visit ,anyway.
7/26 Liverpool
Who will you think of when you are in Liverpool? You got it! It’s the Beatles who
stole many girls’ heart and were popular in the 70’s. We went to the Beatles museum
and I knew much more about the Beatles after visiting. Be a fan of the Beatles a day, I
thought I was back to the 70’s. There are many museums in Liverpool. So if you are
interested in nature , animals , Egypt culture and so on. And just go and find the
secret . You will be satisfied with this trip to Liverpool.
Got lost
Speaking of getting lost, I had many experience. So I want to share my stories
with you and please be smart ! don’t be silly as me! In Lancaster, the houses look
very much alike . Even the buildings of Cumbria look like a general houses. So that’s
why I got lost on the way to school at the first day. Because I couldn’t find it. Alright,
actually my host mom gave me a map she draw and told me how to get to school by
walk. My host mom told me it only took me less than 15 minutes to school but I took
about 30 minutes to school at the first day .One day I took 1 hour to go back home
from the bus station and it only took 5 minutes instead. Obviously, I had no sense of
direction. Although I ‘ve got lost more than 10 times ,I enjoyed every experience .
Time’s fly, one month had gone by. It was so hard to say goodbye to my host mom,
my tutors , Jade. We did not want to go back to Taiwan. Because the life in Lancaster
was wonderful. Nothing got on my nerves and I had a good mood every day. But we
still had to go back to Taiwan. I will miss everything in Lancaster and always
remember my perfect host mom.
We did not go back to Taiwan at the time what we had expected. Because British
Airways had some problem, so that some of us had to stay in London one night. The
next day , we took the flight to Finland and changed flight to Hong Kong when we
arrived in Finland ,then to Taiwan.
This trip to the UK was amazing and unforgettable . Thanks to British Airways , it
gave me a chance to look what Finland looks like . So ,if you want to experience that
you cannot go back to your hometown and then please take British Airways!
鄭亦珊 9877023A
Very grateful to the school to give us the opportunity to study abroad, so we
understand the customs of different countries, but also to learn many different
cultural characteristics, so that we can leave this summer many fond
But this opportunity can be said that hard-earned A. Recall that time, in order
to get a free chance to go abroad, but we have to go through numerous
tests. The first shell can be related test data is not easy, although the school
has given many guidelines, so that we can multi-take the exam, but if not
prepared in advance can only ask you to come again next year. To the exam
day to see a large number of competitors, in fact, my heart has begun to
tense.Although the exam is not very easy but very lucky, results would be
released that day my name has appeared on it. Is in line to the needs of the
busy pre-prepared. The school held two intimate shows will be before the line,
let you on a journey well before adequate psychological preparation.
Again came the day the plane. Honestly, psychologically it is very
tight. Although this is not the first time abroad, but the thought of a complete
stranger to set foot on the country, I get nervous and excited, plus the other
members do not know much, just know that we are all ISU students, which
further accelerated the uncertaintysense. Fortunately we have a little in front of
an interactive ride, we all counted them feel good to get along. Say goodbye to
their parents at the end, everyone dragged their luggage ready to exit.On the
plane looked familiar scene slowly away from his heart, feeling kind of grow up
themselves. The first station we came to Hong Kong ready to turn, did not
encounter any problems, a short stay on the left for London. The plane,
European and American visitors quietly increased, and my heart more eager to
fly the United Kingdom. After a long wait we finally came to London, waiting for
the last transfer to Manchester, but unfortunately unlike the Hong Kong airport,
London airport, free wireless Internet, we can all sorts of silly Guangzhao not
very interesting shopping street, and finally he simply doing daze rest. After
four hours we got on a British Airways to Manchester. This flight takes about
an hour, so we lead into the environment is good luggage sent to talk to the
school to meet student ambassadors. We boarded the bus ready to go to
Lancaster University to meet with their host families. After this long journey we
are tired, but with a little traffic jam on the highway, we very quickly fell asleep.
After a two hours drive, we finally to Dhahran Custer, the eye thing so that we
marvel of beauty, as if we came to the medieval European town, antique
houses, beautiful gardens, people could not help but pick up the camera from
the photo shoot crazy. To the parents of the school to see a bunch of collection
at the door, everyone will guess up. Parents of the car to see a name like a
question to find their own students. I finally found my dad boom boom mother,
is a sixty retired couples, people look good together, they also proved that is
easy-going and optimistic about the couple. And then depart for the UK before
I knew their home far from the school, but when they set us back a hop when I
was scared, because it took about five minutes. The first of their family image
is amazing A. Although there is not much but to see that large windows and
living room furnishings deeply in love here. That day, their son and daughter
just to visit them so we dined on the Pharmacist. Although just to England, but
because sleep in the car has been so up pretty good spirit. After dinner, the
H-H Mom Dad took me and another classmate to play near the walk way by
understanding the environment. For the beauty of this neighborhood I can only
say that here is a dream of fairyland. A man-made canal, the river has many
ducks are playing the river, the river opposite a hillside above raised a few
horses, sheep and cattle, and occasionally there are a few pieces of hare ran
out to feed. No exaggeration, I think I did that in a paradise, we have around
the home near the finishing around the luggage, take a bath and then degree
of this day.
The first day of class H is H-dad's mom took us to their fast walking speed, I
want to make ㄧ step two-step mergers with a small run to keep up with the
way their footsteps. To the school, the teacher took us first to know the
campus and the location of the classroom after school, we come to the library
to produce student cards, probably in the morning to deal with these
administrative procedures. After eating lunch at noon, we followed the
students to understand the Ambassador Pharmacist town. As everyone here
familiar with and go more slowly, upside down to complete the teacher gave us
homework later than the scheduled time and a half hours, because it is the first
day, all the host families are tight to death, I thought we got lost it. H mom said
I did not come home if I was ready to call the police he had. The next day
school teacher, said she scared, so I decided not to do this after the event. In
the past two days, we are in class and ready to go visit a local elementary
school Thursday. I can only say that foreign children is really too beautiful, big
eyes and fair skin, no wonder that local parents are afraid their children taken
away to be bad. Apart from the case of their class experience, we have to
teach them to say a few words in Chinese, although they are suddenly
forgotten. Friday we visited the castle there, although only saw a small part but
still can feel the terrible atmosphere. Saturday school invited us to go to the
movies, we chose the bridesmaid big battle, the story is a comedy can be
romance. ㄧ ups next day we train to another town to go shopping, go home
when the boom boom Mom Dad also took me to a very nice sea view
landscape. Then the end of this week so
Quickly came to the second week, the first two days as usual to be prepared
on Wednesday to go to class attractions information.This Wednesday we went
to Lake District, visited the home of Peter Rabbit author, inside decoration is
very cute, full of the protagonist of the book have appeared. Before going we
read a few of the Peter Rabbit series of books found in the fact the protagonist
is actually around half naughty. After visiting the author's home we do the boat
tour for one of the lake. Probably because we sit top yacht, the wind a little big
but also a bit cold, but beautiful scenery here, and let the wind and then the
face is actually a pleasure. Many people are not afraid of the lake swan, sitting
on their lazy lake, there are many tourists feeding them out of biscuits.Looks
kind of people think the pace of life slows down feeling.Afternoon to another
area, stroll to local shops, and students to drink a cup of tea, sometimes hope
time will stop so that you can wait a little longer here again. Friday afternoon
we went to visit a theater, theater people are very warm, with some games we
play are also introduced to us about their theater. The next day, I went to see
them play in an outdoor drama called Merlin. I think they played great,
unfortunately this year is held in the last year, after the people of this treat, no.
The third week we went to the British industrial city of Manchester, we went to
visit the world famous Manchester United football team home, though some
people talk too fast to explain, but unfortunately he is also too quiet back there,
cause I only know that Beckham is still the same and Wayne Rooney . Time
again is the free exercise of course reading, watching a teacher sent us a map
of attractions slowly stroll, walk just taken to the last call, like lemon acid, we
also see a gay street, very interesting. Friday afternoon there was a business
school professor to pay us the history of Lancaster also took us to follow the
footsteps of history in a circle towns. Because it is the last holiday, many
students went to Edinburgh, but I did not go so boom boom Mom drove Dad to
take me to another town shopping, they bought meat in a special school for me,
the whole was very moved. Sunday went to a kite festival, everywhere is full of
fun kite, there are a variety of different shapes, for my last holiday to paint a
perfect ending.
Time flies, soon came to the last week, to be honest heart full of sadness,
though only in here for a short period of four weeks but there are full of good
memories. This week also went to Liverpool to visit the Beatles
museum. Thursday's report we have done. Say goodbye to everyone in the
Leihai in Friday, said the airport was found to send complete baggage airline
went wrong, so we receive a luggage in London but also lead us to miss the
original aircraft.We are divided into many echelon back to Taiwan, also have to
fly to Finland turnaround, though, that we finally have peace back,
unfortunately, be in great luck.
In conclusion, If you could have a chance, I will be taking part in some.
2011 學海遊學 英國坎布里亞大學團 中文心得報告
餐旅管理學系黃楷淳 9973025a
險的心情,前往我所選擇的大學-英國坎布里亞大學(University of Cumbria)。就
在 2011 年的 7 月 2 號正式出發前往充滿幻想的國度-England,我做夢也沒想到
爸爸(Bez)是辛巴威人,27 歲,職業是醫生,主要是幫助人們戒菸的工作,去非
洲旅行過,喜歡唱歌和慢跑;媽媽(Janice)是英國人,25 歲,喜歡烹飪、旅遊、
髮小美女,Scarlette 喜歡芭比娃娃,最感到驕傲的是他有一頭和長髮公主一樣長
以借住 Rosemary 家一天,他是個可愛又親切的老奶奶,最拿手的是煮飯,雖然
不一樣的主餐。放學後也會和同學們去 bar 喝喝酒聊聊天,英國人下班也都很喜
躺在這大草皮吸收陽光的菁華。平常上課由兩個老師輪流教學,分別是 Helen 和
Krista。Helen 是傳統英國人,所以上起課來比較平淡,但也會教授很多知識給同
學;Krista 是加拿大人,所以上起課來格外風趣許多,聽到有趣的事他也會放聲
2011 的盛夏我獻給了英國,多麼奇妙又夢幻的一趟旅程,一個月其實說長不長
University of Cumbria
Hospitality managementKai-Chun, Huang
First of all, I want to say thanks tothe I-Shou University, provides this
scholarship to me. Before I studied in the I-shouUniversity, I had already
known that there was ascholarship.It’s very hard to have chance to study
abroad for one month, and give me the chance to experience different life.
You can learn more by travelling thousand miles than by reading
thousand books.With adventurous mood, leaving for the University of
Cumbria in 2011 July 2.I have never dreamed about that I will stay in
England someday; I believe that I am a lucky girl.
Host family
Janice and Bez have two lovely girls, Scarlette and Amber. Pets: A
small cat (Catface) and dwarf hamster (Sasha).Bezworks as a health care
assistant at Lancaster Farms Youth Offending Institute and Janice is a
trainee social worker. Janice enjoys dancing, reading, cooking, jogging,
travelling and cinema / theater.Bez likes cinema, live music and running /
fitness.Scarlette likes dancing, singing, performing, writing and playing
with Bratz dolls.Bez is from Zimbabwe and has travelled in Africa.
Janice has travelled a lot in Central America and Australasia and once
lived in the Cook Islands.Scarlette is half Australian and has been there.
In this small family, Bez cooks and has a lot of housework. I am very
glad they think about I am one of their families. They care about my
situation in class, let me show them something about what I bought. We
go to beach and watch a Harry Potter movie on weekend. Before I
coming, I stay with Rosemary Dobson. Rosemary is retired with
grown-up children and grand-children.She is a warm, friendly lady who is
active in church and community matters. She enjoys having students to
stay and recently travelled to Hong Kong and met up with previous
students! She is a very popular hostess and a very good cook.
Britain's staple food is different from Asian’s, they eat potatoes,
pasta orcheese lasagna mostly. Host family is responsible for preparing
breakfast and dinner for me. I always havecereal, toast, and milk for
breakfast. Bez is so considerate of me. He doesn’t want to let me eat the
same food in this month, he cooked a variety of food for me. The only
thing let me feel not so good is salad. But while in Rome, do as the
Romans do. SoI still try something new food and salad here. After school
I will go to the bar nearby the town with my classmates. We love watch
witch the most, just standing by the window and chatting with friends is
the most happiness thing in the world. I can feel that I forget some
troubles at that time. We enjoy it very much.
Most of classmates take bus to school, but I just live near the school, so I
go to school on foot, it takes me as long as five minutes. We have a bus
pass for one month, so we don’t have to pay more charges in the same
area (Lancaster). If we leave Lancaster to other cities, we will take the
train in order to get there. Unlike Taiwan, where many train stations, you
can only take the train in big city. It’s a convenient public transportation
to somebody who wants to travel to the England. The most special traffic
I have ever seen in Liverpool is amphibious vehicle.People always think
of that double-decker bus is a symbol of England. So if you have not
taken the double-decker bus, never say that you have ever been to
Every store is a magnificent adventure, you will never know about what
secret they have. A lot of candy stores ‘decorations are so attractive and
lovely. Flavorsare full of wonders. There are also a lot of clothes and
shoes style in every shops, not to mention decorations. There is also
an attraction issmall bazaar. I will stand for a while in front of every
vendor. Enjoy theirhandmade masterpiece. And myfavorite store is ice
cream cart. Although each cart sells the same ice cream, but the owner
will decorate his cart become charming.
School life
There are two universities in Lancaster, one of them is Lancaster
University, and the other is Cumbria University. We study at University
of Cumbria, it’s a quite bigcampus. We have to take about 15 minutes
from classroom to teacher’s office. There are two teachers take turn to
teach uscalled Helen and Krista. Helen is a traditional British, so her
teaching is a little boring, Krista is a Canadian, I like her teaching very
much, because her laughter is so charming. Here in the class, we have to
present our ideas or opinions by ourselves and this is also a good way to
build up our ability of presentation. Fortunately, I live nearby and I
don’t have to get up early or be in a hurry. Although, it only takes me five
minutes to walk to school, I can still find out lots of different things or
interesting people on the way. Every weekend, we will visit a city and
teachers will introduce the histories or landscapes patiently to us. Also,
they will hand us a city map in order to avoid getting lost. How sweet
they are!
* Manchester
In the morning, we take school bus to Manchester football field.
Although, football is not that popular in Taiwan, when you watch those
photos which playersplaying on the field you still feel exciting. Because
of the accent of the tour guide, I understand quite few about what he says
but when I see those cups and medals I can still feel that they are really
proud of their own team. What comes next is my little adventure in the
street of Manchester. The map which our teacher gave to us is detailed.
The most impressive store is an art alley.
There are lots of handicrafts and beautiful postcards. And every artist has
its own room to create art works. And then, I walk into a big church.
There are many people pray there so I am afraid of making any noise.
The religion here is quite different from Taiwan so I can experience the
exotic atmosphere. In downtown, there are many buskers on the street.
and I really admire them. I cannot help but taking a lot of pictures. When
I decide to go back, I found that I was lost. But people in Manchester are
so kind that they help me to find the way back. It is really a good
experience to explore a city like that.
* Edinburgh
It is a charming city. We took about two hours to get there by train. When
we were about to take on the train, it rained. Fortunately, it stopped when
we arrived. It seems that Edinburgh welcomes us to visit. This city is
quite different from Lancaster. The buildings are taller here and there are
old town and new town. Many men wear Scottish kilts. And
buskersperformance traditional music and weird but funny tricks there. I
love them and their shows. A must-buy here is Kashmir scarf. It’s soft
and warm but a little bit expensive. Whisky is another must-buy. I bought
some mini size whisky to decorate my windows at home. They are really
cute. And in old town, there is an amazing castle. The ticket is cheap but
it’s too big for us to visit the whole castle. An art festival will be held in
August and you can feel some atmosphere now in July. What a pity that I
can’t participate in the festival. One day I will come back and pay a visit!
I spent my whole 2011 summer time in England. What a wonderful and
charming country.
A month is neither long nor short. I am lucky to live in such a kind host
family, and meet nice teachers, and good friends. I got lots of beautiful
memories. I feel rich in my soul. I sent lots of postcards to my friends to
share those nice things in Lancaster. This shot term trip really teaches me
lots of things that I won’t learn in class in Taiwan. It widens my mind and
enlarges my views. I hope that I can have another chance to explore the
2011 學海遊學 英國坎布里亞大學團 中文心得報告
企管系 盧庭宇 9821802A
二 0 一一年七月二日的晚上八點三十五分,人生第一次出國的我,搭上了前
『 in the end
the love you take is equal to the love you make.』!
盧庭宇 9821802A
At 10:35 pm of July 4th, I took a plane to England. This was the first time for me to
go foreign country and it made me feel not only fresh but also disturbing. After a long
flight, I finally arrived in England. There is lots of different comparing to Taiwan. The
old saying goes: "seeing is believing". No matter the scene or the weather is totally
In the first week, it was inevitable for me to feel a little unease. Fortunately, my home
was close to the school and I am not lack of sense of direction. I felt like an explorer
when I walked around with a map.
The first impression of my home stay parents for me was a couple full with smile and
warmth. When mom took me home in first day, she asked me about the impression of
England. I said "Just like Harry Potter". After back home, mom kept asking me "Are
you hungry?", "Want something to eat?" Lots of question made me a little nervous.
But surely this is a family full of joy. Before I came England, I always asked people
around me that if English people are good to be with or not. But when I was in
England, I realized that people here are truly friendly. They always keep smile on
their face, greet with others with warmth, and help others with enthusiasm. And
before I came here, I thought food in England was delicious, but I was wrong. Food
here is not as good as I thought. Actually the real food paradise is Taiwan. But I found
that England was truly a beautiful place soon.
I tried to see the beauty and the past of Lancaster. I went to Lancaster Castle, walked
through the urban of Lancaster. Teacher told me that the road from urban to castle was
built in Roman. This really touched me. I thought it might due to that I always want to
go to Rome one day and today I followed ancestor's steps to here. I didn't know that
speaking English can be as beautiful as speaking Chinese until I heard my home stay
mother's British accent English.
We also went to visit an elementary school, the way of teaching and student's attitude
are totally different from Taiwan's. Students wouldn't just sit and learn what teacher
taught. They had more eager on asking question than students in Taiwan. Watching
them, I knew that I have more things to improve. At weekend, we went to watch a
movie without subtitle. I felt so proud that I could finally understand the whole story
just by listening.
The second week, I got more familiar with Lancaster and less embarrassing. When I
walked on the street, I could get into living here. One day, my home stay father took
me to a trail nearby the canal. I couldn't help but think "What an extreme beautiful
scene!" It's not a big city, but it's full of fascination. Weekend, we went to Peter
Rabbit's hometown-Lake District, a very beautiful place. It felt so different when
getting on a boat. The difference between it and Sun Moon Lake is as far removed as
heaven from earth. I also saw a handmade chocolate shop. The shop was just like a
small art exhibition. And Peter Rabbit museum was like the world only exists in story.
What's more, we went to Williams Park to watch the theater-King Arthur. Williams
Park used to be a quarry. There was a beautiful house at the highest point of the quarry,
which is a gift from Williams to his wife. Williams donated the whole park to local
government after he passed away. Although today's weather was not so good, it didn't
affect the show. The show was still great. And it's a rare experience that audience had
to move as the chapter changing. Unfortunately, due to the lack of fund, 2011 is the
last year of performance. We are really lucky that we can watch the last show.
I went to Manchester with my classmates at the third week. This city had one of the
most famous soccer team- the Manchester United. The soccer field was enormous and
in well maintenance. Though the tour guide spoke very fast, it's still a great trip. There
was a huge shopping mall located at suburbs. There were hundreds of international
brands in there. One of my classmates spent more than 100 thousands easily.
In Manchester, the combination of modern and old building also amazed me. Not like
Taiwan, England took cultural preservation very serious. When a new building builds
beside an old one, it wouldn't look odd or strange. On the contrary, it made me feel
like the witness of history.
Then we went Edinburgh to see the different culture. The performance of street
performer really amazed me. The staggering churches and castles were just a part of
the city. Though I always couldn't figure out the difference between this corner and
that street, I still held my each step fearing missing any beauty of the city. I walked
alone in this city mixing modern and classic, experiencing one day Back Packer.
Every step was amaze, each turning back had new discovered. The only thing that I
regretted was my sunglasses being stolen. I would come to Edinburgh again if I get
the chance.
The last week, we went to Liverpool. It's totally different with Manchester. If I must
choose one to live in, I would like Liverpool, because it had more cultural diversity.
Visiting the Beatles Museum, it didn't like other museum I had been before. You don't
need a guide in it. Everyone has his headset; just follow your own step to see each
item in it. In the world of Beatles, John Lennon said: in the end the love you take is
equal to the love you make.
Life in England was very pleased. Weather was fine but it would be little cold in the
night. I had more patients to read English article. Teachers always had patients to
explain all we didn't understand. Sharing from my classmates and teachers' addition
made me understand England more. Some I didn't really understand, my home stay
parents always did their best to tell me in more easy understanding way. My home
stay father often shared what he known about Taiwan and China. He's really a
interesting person. I ate dinner with my home stay parents and their children every
evening. At first, I felt their conversations were hard for me to understand. Few days
later, it's kind easy for me to have an easy talk with them. After dinner, we went walk
around Lancaster. Each route had its own new discovery. I strongly wanted to get
familiar with whole city. Everything has a different looking in evening. I thought
Lancaster Canal was the most beautiful scene here. Each section had different scene,
and I had different feeling every time. When the weather was good, you could see the
sea on the other side. I got more attracted when longer I stayed at Lancaster. Lancaster
is neither big nor small. It's not a modern city but not an old one, either. It's simple but
not boring. The different face of her deeply attracted me to know more about her. I
also went to experience night life in England. It's special. Bar here was totally
different from Taiwan's. It's a good place for family. Many things are special in
England. You must go second floor when taking a bus. I got addicted to mother's food.
It's more delicious than shop's. And I got used to traffic signals and the direction. My
English speaking got more British accent and I talked in British phrase more often.
Time flies, it had been 4 weeks. In the last of the last, I thought I was going home in
Taiwan successfully, the flight tickets went wrong. I stayed at hotel in London due to
no seat for me to fly back to Taiwan. But I also got a profit from a misfortune: a
delicious breakfast cost 1000 NTD. I think the biggest amazement was flying to
Helsinki Airport in Finland for a transfer. I had never thought that I would go North
Europe. It was an unforgettable trip in my life. Dear England, though it has been a
month after I came back Taiwan, I still cannot forget about all of your beauty.
2011 學海遊學 英國坎布里亞大學團 中文心得報告
9871008A 陳品潔
在 2011 年的暑假,能夠藉由學校提供的機會,到英國的坎布里亞大學
著自己所接待的學生。而我的 home 媽在一見到我時,就給予我一個大大
我的寄宿家庭離學校很近,在加上 home 媽開車又很快,所以很快的,我
卸完了行李,home 媽依序向我介紹家中所養的三隻小貓,即問我會不
多少,當我問 home 媽該怎麼處理那些吃不下的食物該怎麼辦時,她竟然
吃完晚餐之後,因為很累,就跟 home 媽道晚安,準備去睡覺,但一
的路程,是 home 媽開車帶我的,沿途就向我解釋到學校到如何走,該到
有關於彼得兔的商品,之後,在要搭船去 Kisick 之前,大家在岸邊想與天
想多在那兒多待一會,享受那樣愜意的午後時光。到了 Kisick 這個小鎮,
友們一樣,會與我們一起說說笑笑,感情非常的融洽,回到家後,home 媽
這次回國的路程出了些小狀況,一夥人,在曼徹斯特機場 check-in 的
敦機場,因此,在我們等拿行李的時候,就來不及 check-in 往香港的班機
University of Cumbria
The 2011 summer vacation was my most unforgettable memory. In this vacation, I got the chance to go England for a month. This was my first time to go abroad without family, and I am so excited to live in a local family. In this trip, I saw a lot of magnificent scenery and made a lot of friends. This month, I thought this is my favorite experience that I never have. Before the leave, all the students get together in the airport. After we check‐in, I said goodbye to my father, mother and younger sister. And all of we take the first picture, all of us feel very strange and embrassing because we didn’t know each other at all. After a very long flight and two times transfer, we finally arrival at Manchaster Airport. Leave the airport we took about 1 hour to take the bus to school. Reach school, we saw many people that are our host family stand in front the Gateway building to greet us with a big smile. When I found my host mother, she gave me a friendly hug instantly. The hug is so tight that I almost can’t breathe. Before we went home, teachers gave us some information about school and paper about our course schedule. After a while, my host mother took me home that I will live in for a month. She dirves so fast that we arrival home just need 5 minutes. She helps me unload my luggage and bring me to my lovely room and introduce her room, bathroom, kitchen and three charming cats. After I arrangement my luggage, I went to bathroom to take a shower. After that I ate my first meal, there has lots of potatos, corn, beans and a piece of fried chicken. First night, I was so tired that I sleep very soon and nice as well as I have a suitable bed. After finish my first breakfast, host mother took me to the school by her car, on the way to school she told me the way to get to school. It is very easy to reach school; I just need to spend about 15 minutes by walk. The first class, teaches and us introduce ourselves to each others. It is very funny monent because everybody felt very embrassing and shy. Afterward we went to the library to apply our student card that we can use it to pay our lunch. After we got our card, the library manager introduced their library and our account and password to use the campus internet. After that, teaches introduce the building which we will study there for a month. When we start our first class, teachers taught some word, sentence and manner that we can use it to communite with our host family. Then, she gave a paper that is Lancaster’s street map. We will use it to know more about this town at afternoon. Finish the class in morning; we went to the restaurant to eat our first lunch. There has many kind of food you can choose such as salad, rice, burger, soup, pasta, potato and so on. After the meal, we went to town with a local student. We went to many places, like the Lancaster castle, post office, bookstore, bus station and library. Finish this short trip, we went home separately. Our course had different subject in each week. For example, we had talk about the tourism, business in Lancaster and Britisih cultture. We always got together to learning in a class, so the atomsphere is very harmonious. In the break time, we will chat with our teachers, like talk about Taiwan’s weather, delicious food, transportation and so on. We also taught them how to count in Chinese; although it is hard to them, they were very conscientious to learn. Sometimes, we will do presentation in a group or by ourself. I think this is very helpful to us, because we can enhance our confidence and made our verbal communication more fluently. Everyweek, we have one day can go out for sightseeing,so we had been to many places,like the Lake District, Manchaster, Liverpool. Before we leave for an attraction, teacher will give some information about this city, like her history, culture, most famous attractions and building. She will give us a map of the city, so we can go around in the city in our free time with the map. This is a very adventure for me, beacause I didn’t have much knowledge about the city, I only have a map can trust. But when I go around the city by myself or two, I felt very confident and happy; I or we did an awesome thing. In July, I’ve been to many charming places. Just like the above‐mentioned. In Lake District, we went to THE WORLD OF BEATRIX POTTER ATTRACTION, visited the Peter Rabbit and other character. I also know the Peter Rabbit how birth by BEATRIX POTTER. After that, we went to a souverir shop; there has lots of goods abouts Peter Rabbit, like candy box, Peter Rabbit’doll, bookmarker, postcards and so on. Althought it is so pretty that attract me, it is too expensive to buy them. Before we took the boat to Kiswick, we waited at the shore and took many photos with big swans or splendid landscapes. When we arrivaled at Kiswick, we went to the Pencil Museum, this is museum was so borning, so I was very regret to pay for the ticket. Then, we went to Manchaster to visit the Old Trafford Manchaster. It has A museum about the Manchaste United, after we look around it, we went to the foodball field. This field is so big that I was very amazing. We have an explainer when we visist the field, but he said too fast to understand it. After that, we went to the city center. In Manchaster, we saw many old and morden buildings, they were very harmonious to exist in this city. In the last week, we went to the Liverpool, we first visited the Beatles museum in morning, although I know they were the most influential bands; I do not have much knowledge. In this museum we saw their fortune to the well‐known from the period of journey, all sorts of things, are presented in this museum, not only people can miss them, so we have a better understanding of them. At afternoon I walked with another student, took the city map that teacher sent us, free to wander random walk, take a lot of pictures along the way, but also into the a museum, saw the exhibition of ancient Egyptian objects, and then still go in a cathedral, which device is really amazing, quiet and solemn atmosphere also can not help but not loudly. In one afternoon, we almost walked around the entire city, not only do not feel tired, but so am very satisfied, even with little sense of achievement too! In a weekend, we went to a park near the school to enjoy the outdoor theater performances ‐ Merlin legend, this experience of seeing the drama is wonderful, because we must move with the plot, drama screen changes, along with changes in space, every a story ended, the staff will guide the audience to another place of the change, the way the conversion site, will see several actors performing in the side, so this wat has a little fun. In addition, I am most impressed with is the protagonist ‐ King Arthur, also ran to step down to shake hands with the audience, I am also very lucky, I shook hands with him! One day, we also went to the city of cinema, this is my first time to see the film without any subtitles, although some do not understand the meaning of dialogue, but also be able to understand the content in general, be no money wasted film ! In the movie has not yet started, we visit the city's marketplace, many people coming and going to see, and businesses are bargaining situation is quite lively. This summer vacation; go to Britain to live for almost a month, although I am not suited to the food a bit, otherwise fairly good adaptation. The time each day passes very happy, teachers were like with our friends, would laugh with us, feeling very harmonious, after returning home, home mom will care about today, what happened at school, ask asked if had a very wonderful, happy, etc. So, to the last day to leave the school, with teachers, host families say goodbye to each other, everyone is very reluctant, crying so much, until the car left the school after a long time, gradually the calm mood. The return journey out of some small state, when we at Manchester Airport to check‐in, we will not confirm the airline should hang our luggage to Kaohsiung International Airport, not linked to the London airport, so when we arrive at London airport, we have to go the baggage claim to pick our luggage. Therefore ,we were late for check‐in for the flight to Hong Kong.Fortunately, the airline willing to help us deal with the problem, they provided we hotel to stay one night, so do not let us sleep on the streets. After a night, we have to transfer from London to Finland, then transfer to fly to Hong Kong and backto Kaohsiung, the waiting time for connecting flights are so long, so we almost have to be at the airport for nearly a whole day, waiting time can only play cards to pass up! And the time we arrived in Kaohsiung, almost two days later the scheduled time 2011 學海遊學 英國坎布里亞大學團 中文心得報告
男一女,男的英文名字叫 Joe,女的叫 Stella,吃個早餐聊一天打發時間後,便集
名字叫作 Jade,她帶我們出機場後到一台小巴士,我們就坐這台巴士到坎布里亞
位老師叫作 Krista,她人看起來很風趣,接下來她給大家一個信封袋,裡面有很
位阿富汗留學生,姑且先稱他們為爸媽和室友,我爸爸的名字叫作 Sam,媽媽的
名字叫 Mavis,室友叫作 Adi,他們都是很好相處的家人,爸爸比較少言少語,
聊到死,還好 Adi 幫我解決了了這個問題,真謝謝他,不然我不知道這一個月會
隔天早上九點半要到學校上課,Krista 先帶我們大家逛逛校園,熟悉一下校
由 Jade 帶領我們去的,我們參觀了很多地方,令我印象最深刻的是湖區,那裡
風很大,之後 Jade 帶我們大家去參觀彼得兔,這是英國童話故事裡的一位有名
那天的校外課程是去電影院看電影,我們選的影片是 Bridesmaids,中文片名叫作
個 受 到過失戀創傷單身女人, 她受邀成爲自己最好的朋友莉蓮的伴娘,
而 在 這個過程中,她結識了另 外幾位和她一樣有各式問題的女人,所以
雖 然 生活一派糟糕,但安妮通 過參與婚禮這個昂貴的儀式找到了自己的
機 會 ,她要向好友們證實和顯 示:得到一個人的愛到底有多遠。整體而
言 還 不錯看,而且是沒字幕的 ,有些地方的笑點很可惜地沒辦法理解。
然 後 看完電影,由於那天是爸 爸 Sam 的生日,所以很可惜地沒辦法跟其
它 同 學去逛逛,就先回家準備慶生了,我們家辦了一場 BBQ 派對來慶生,
當 天 晚上吃了好多漢堡和香腸 ,好飽又開心。
總 而 言 之,這 一 趟 英 國 之 旅,我 學 到 了 很 多 事 情,也 認 識 了 許 多 人 ,
更 體 驗了不同的生活,了解到 每個國家都有各自的文化、行為和觀念,
許 多 在台灣不曾聽聞過的事物 ,都在這一趟旅途中見到了,相對地,外
國 人 也對我們台灣人很感興趣 ,時常會問一些有關台灣的文化或習慣,
有 時 候在路上也會遇到不認識 的英國人跟你說「你好!」,相當地有趣。
在 課 堂上,老師們也跟我們分 享了很多事情,我們也跟老師們分享了許
多 在 台灣的事物,類似這樣彼 此的交流,如今離開英國了,有不少對這
個 國 家有了很多留念和回憶, 從沒想過這一生中會經歷這麼有趣的事
情,雖 然 曾經覺得出國是一件 很麻煩的 事,要 整 理 行 李 又 要 搭 飛 機 … 等 ,
很 多 麻煩的事情要準備,不過 當這些麻煩事過去了之後,而且你也從那
個 國 家回來了,你會發現這是 值得的。體驗一下不同的人生,看看外面
的 世 界,似乎也不是一件無聊 的事,現在我終於了解,一成不變的生活
才 是 一件很無聊的事。
University of Cumbria’s
First, I’m very pleased to have this opportunity to go abroad and increase my sight. In this process, I had
observed the life of go abroad. The most important was to meet a lot of people. Perhaps learning knowledge is
important, but how to know people who are not familiar with, and even establish a basic friendship with foreigners. I
think it was more important. After all, when we faced the society, we will meet a wide range of people. How to
communicate with the people and catch their minds, I think it was a very important thing. Not meaning that to take
advantage of others or control them, but at least knew about each other's thought. Don’t mess with them, and
according to their individual to make response.
Seems a little pull away, next I would like to talk about the trip that I had. The first day is July 2 Saturday afternoon,
about half past five from home. After arrived Kaohsiung International Airport is quarter past six. Just a moment, the
travel agency came to explain the things we should know, and give us the tickets. Then it’s time to say goodbye to our
families. After we reach the plane, the first flight was to Hong Kong. Because we didn’t know each, so we just make an
appointment about where we meet. Then we go shopping by each. After two hours, everyone was on the plane to
London. After arrived in London, due to take some times, I walked around the airport with two people. A boy and a girl,
the boy named Joe, girl called Stella. We had a breakfast together and chatting to spend the time. After few hours, we
took a flight to Manchester. After took a nap on the plane for about half an hour, we reached the destination finally.
After receiving our luggage, we met the University of Cumbria’s student ambassador at exit. She called Jade. Then
she brought us to the small bus. We took this bus to the University of Cumbria. We were all quiet and tired, and the
scenery along the way was really beautiful. It’s rarely seen in Taiwan. When we have arrived Cumbria, we saw a lot of
host families were waiting for us. We had two teachers, Krista and Helen. They were kind and friendly. Then, Krista
gave us an envelope bag. There are many things about the British Lancaster's introduction and some school’s
curriculum and itinerary. After that, we went home with our host family. My host family is an elderly couple plus an
Afghan student. My father's name is called Sam, mother's name was Mavis, and roommate called Adi. They were all
very kind, my father was quiet and rare words, but sometimes very funny. My mother was conversational, she never
stops talking. My roommate was very humorous and mischievous. They have a nice house. It had beautiful landscape
and the weather was very cool. My room is quite spacious and comfortable. Then, I chatted with my host family and
put my clothes to the closet. I hadn’t talked to foreigner for a long time, and I was little bit nervous. And then one more
thing, my laptop can not surf the internet. Fortunately, Adi help me to solve this problem. It’s really appreciated. If I had
no internet, I will get boring. In short, I love this family.
On next day at 9:30 am to go to school, Krista brought us to walk around the campus and introduce it. Then, she
took us back to the classroom. The class was very interesting. Before class began, Krista will ask us what we had
done at the day before yesterday, or what happened. And then the class started. These classes were mainly talking
about British culture and some well-known scenic spots. However, these classes were not like the kind of talking a lot
and never stop. You will get the content of the paper, and the paper has many questions. Krista would let us think the
answer by us first. Then, after a few minutes later, she will make some groups. A group usually had two people.
Sometimes there will three or four people possible. Then, we will share our answers together. After that, Krista will
gather all of us, and asked each of us. And then make conclusions. It was very interesting. First of all, let us
understand each other more quickly, so we could be familiar quickly. Second, this way can train us to speak bravely.
So we will not afraid to be shy to speak and can enjoy expressing our ideas. At last, in this way, we can improve our
English. If you want to make rapid progress in English, the only way was to listen to foreigners and communicated with
them. It was very good to see our English skills getting better and better.
Our curriculum was quite a lot. On Wednesday and Saturday, we will go out to visit. Jade will bring us to visit the
other cities or sightseeing. The most I had impressed is“The Lake District". The scenery in there was really beautiful
that I've never seen before. There are many white swans and the water is very clear. More and more, there were many
trees and grasses. We had the kind of tour boat to ride around the lake. We never stop taking pictures and feel the
wind. The wind was really cool. We felt comfortable. Then, Jade took us to visit“Peter Rabbit". Peter Rabbit was a
fairy tale of a British famous cartoon characters. We took lots of pictures from there too. The most important was to
buy a lot of souvenirs. And these things were quite expensive. I spent more than four dozen pounds on these things,
but I feel worthy. We also went to Manchester and Liverpool. We also bought a lot of souvenirs from these two cities. I
bought a football from Manchester and some key rings and a little ball. As in Liverpool, I bought some shrapnel for
playing guitar and straps in the Beatles souvenir shops. Another day, in the July 7 Thursday, we went to visit the
primary schools. The mainly purpose was to understand about their school life. In the morning, we had visit the age is
about five year’s old children. In the afternoon is about six to seven. Compared to Taiwan, I feel those children were
very lively, and they were bravely to raise their hands to answer questions. Furthermore, they were not afraid to ask
questions. Similarly, the teachers were also very lively in classes. In this day, I felt that foreign kids were happy to go to
school. You can see they were smiling and actively. In the July 9 Saturday, the day of the school curriculum was to go
to the movies. We have chosen the film called“Bridesmaids". The film centers on Annie (Kristen Wiig), a simple and
single 30-something Midwestern girl (with poor dating track record) who is asked to be her best friend Lillian's (Maya
Rudolph) maid of honor. However, having never done the job, she struggles to please the snobby, rich bridesmaids at
every pre-wedding event. And one of Lillian's best friends is essentially the bridesmaid from hell (Rose Byrne) — who
attempts to take over the maid of honor duties from the inexperienced Annie. Overall, pretty good story, but no
subtitles, and some parts of humors were unfortunately in no way to understand. After the film, because that day is my
host dad’s birthday, so unfortunately couldn’t go with other students to go shopping. So I went home early to celebrate
the birthday party. My host family had a BBQ birthday party. At night, I ate a lot of burgers and sausages. To conclude,
I felt enjoy and satisfied.
All in all, I learned a lot of things in this trip and meet many people. And also had experience a different life. I had
understood that each country has its own culture, behavior and attitudes. Many of these things I had never heard in
Taiwan. In this trip, I had many excited things. Also the foreigners were interested in our Taiwanese. They often ask
about the culture or habits from Taiwan, and sometimes you will see that they will say“Hello"to you in Chinese. It
was quite interesting. In the classroom, teachers had share a lot of things with us. Also we shared many things about
Taiwan with them. In nowadays, I had left the UK. And many of the pictures and memories from this country were all in
my mind. Never thought I will have such interesting things in my life. Although I had thought that going abroad was
very troublesome. You need to pack up what you needed, and also taking flight was very tired. In other words, you will
have a lot of things to prepare, and its very trouble. But when the trouble was past over, and you had been came back
from that country. You will find it was worth it. It seems not bored to have another life and look around the world. At last,
I finally understand that live in the static life was a very boring thing.
2011 學海遊學 英國坎布里亞大學團 中文心得報告
李妍璋 醫學營養系 9943062A
2011 年的暑假,對我來説是一個很特別的暑假。這一年,我成功申請到學
海助學金。我們一共有 6 團,分別在英國,美國及澳洲。我選擇了英國坎布里亞
大學這一團。坎布里亞大學位于英格蘭的蘭卡斯特。坎布里亞團的研習期間為 7
月 2 日至 7 月 30 日。週一至週五早上 9 點至下午 4 點為上課時間。我們這一團
一共有 12 位,雖然都來自不同的系別,但是我們都相處得很融洽。
讓整所大學看起來生機勃勃。負責教導我們的老師有兩位,分別是 Krista 和 Helen。
在英國的這一段期間,我們都住在寄養家庭里。我的寄養家庭是 Dawson
Family。他們是一家四口的小康家庭。爸爸是 Francis,媽媽 Sarah ,大女兒 Grace 及
小女兒 Rose。我的 home 爸 home 媽都很照顧及關心我,讓我在英國也還能感受
到家庭的溫暖。孩子們也很喜歡拉著我在他們家附近到處跑。每天的晚餐 home
Primary School)參觀及參與他們的課程。我發現英國小學生的上課方式和臺灣有
國著名作家 Beatrix Potter 所創造出來的卡通角色。其實 Beatrix Potter 還寫了許多
們念念不忘。彼得兔花園裡還有一閒售賣關於 Beatrix Potter 童話故事的店。裡面
程是參訪英國浪漫詩人渥茲華斯的故居。之後,我們搭著公車,到了 Keswick 後,
個場景都不一樣。這個舞臺劇是關於國王與魔法師的故事(Merlin and The Legend
of King Arthur)
。在這個舞臺劇裡,我們一共換了 5 個地點,以便能更融入故事
裡。話説,King Arthur 是國王的私生子。當國王逝世後,許多人開始爭奪王位,
這時聰明的魔法師 Merlin 想了一個方法。那就是誰能把石中劍拔出來,誰就繼承
王位。在一次意外中,Arthur 就把石中劍拔出來了,所以他就意外的當了皇帝。
Arthur 還娶了他心愛的女人。之後故事發展到 Arthur 的妹妹不擇手段的陷害 Arthur
還處處可見高樓大廈。那裡還有許多著名名牌的專賣店如 GUCCI,BURBERRY
等等。除此,曼徹斯特也因爲它們的球隊而聞名。我們去了 Old Trafford,那是一
巧 7 月份是英國商店的大減價季節,所以我們在附近的百貨公司買了許多衣服、
就有跟我們提到我們必須分組做報告。報告主題則自由選擇。我和 2 位朋友就做
集了許多資料後,我們才發現英國酒吧(PUB)是指 public house,就是公共的集
成 PPT 檔案。就在第四個星期的星期四,我們發表了關於酒吧的報告。老師藉
是在 7 月 29 號那天離開了英國,離開了坎布里亞大學,離開了我們的老師,也
要謝謝義守大學給我這個機會參與 2011 年的學海海外研習團。
2011 summer is a very special summer to me, because I spent half of my summer holiday in United Kingdom. I attended summer school in Lancaster, England. This is an English language and culture programme. There are 12 of us joined the course . The summer school started from 2nd of July and ended on 30rd of July. We attended this course in The University Of Cumbria,Lancaster. We used to stay in a host family instead of university hostel. I stayed together with Mr & Mrs Francis and family. Mr &Mrs Francis have two daughters .They are Rose and Grace. That is a very special feeling and experience living together in a host family for one month. They treated me very well and I appreciate everything they do for me. There are 4 weeks of courses in this summer school. Krista and Helen were our lecturers in this summer school .Our English course included English vocabulary, listening skills , reading skills and topic work. We used to set aims and fill the noticing charts throughout this course. First week of course is all about the education of England. We had discussed many differences between the UK education and Taiwan education. After discussing, I found out that there were big differences between the education in Europe and Asia. Krista and Helen had taught us a lot of UK greetings and polite requests because they hope we will leave a good impression to our host family. Besides, Krista introduced us to a project work. We should work in pairs in our project and we can choose any topic. My group chose “PUB” as our project topic and this is a very interesting topic. To know more about the education in the UK , Krista had arranged us for a school visit . That is a primary school nearby called Moorside Primary School. We have the chance to study together with the small kid . We found out that the situation and atmosphere in the class were different from Taiwan. Students were studied in pairs or group instead of studying alone. The another biggest difference was student’s behavior. Students in the UK study with joy and happiness but students in Taiwan study under great pressure. Besides visiting the school, we went to Lancaster castle as well. Since Lancaster is a historic city, we should visit the oldest part of the city, that is the castle. We found out that Lancaster castle was a very special castle because it was a prison as well. We joined the castle tour and we have the chance to go into the castle. The castle was so large and you may get lost inside if you didn’t catch up the tourist. The tourist had told us a lot of the castle history. He showed and introduced us the prison, the court and the hanging place. Our tourist asked us to go into one of the prison to experience the feeling of being locked in dark. We were so shock that there was really very dark in the prison and you will have some kind of uncomfortable feeling. Maybe that was some kind of panic or fear. The first week social outing was on Saturday. We planned to watch “bridesmaids” in a cinema. We clearly knew that there were no subtitle in the movie. At first we were so worried because we afraid that we couldn’t understand the movie since our English were not that good. Krista knew our problem and she encouraged us and finally we decided to overcome this problem. We were so concentrate watching on the screen and although we couldn’t understood all the plot of the story but at least we had tried. I think this was a good chance for us to improve our listening skills. Perhaps it’s work! The theme for second week was leisure and tourism. To understand more about the leisure activities in the UK, Krista had arranged us for a cultural visit to the lake district. The lake district is in the county of Cumbria in North West England. It was established as a National Park in 1951. It possesses a unique combination of spectacular mountains, rugged fells , pastoral and wooded valleys and numerous lakes and tarns. So, the lake district is a suitable place for leisure activities. After we reached the lake district, the first thing to do was to visit the Peter Rabbit Garden. Peter Rabbit is a cartoon character which attracted most of the children in this world. Beatrix Potter is the writer for the Peter Rabbit story. Besides Peter Rabbit story, there are a few of another stories like “The Tale of Squirrel Nutkin” , “The Tale of Benjamin Bunny” and so on. After visited the Peter Rabbit Garden , we took ferry to Ambleside. The scenery on the lake was so awesome, we were so enjoyed looking at the scenery. After we reached Ambleside, we took bus to Keswick. Keswick is an old city as well. The architecture there was so special and made me felt that I was in the past century. I visited the Pencil Museum when hanging around Keswick. I learnt a lot from the Pencil Museum especially the types of pencils and the production of pencils. After travelling around Keswick for few hours, we went back to Lancaster. The social outing for this week was the Play in the Park. The theme for this Play was “Merlin and The Legend of King Arthur”. The Play was played in Williamson park and it was a play conducted under Duke’s Theater. Before the Play started, Krista had taught us the plot, characters and setting of the story. This will make us more understand the story when the play is in progress. The Play was so interesting because it took a few places to carry on due to the script requirement. That’s mean we shall change the venue after each chapter. This was a great experience for me and I think the Play was fantastic. The week three was all about the business. We had a cultural visit to Manchester. This is because Manchester is a very prosperous and progressive city. We were hanging around the city and we found out that there were a lot of shopping mall around this city. This showed that we could know more about the business and economy of the UK by observing this city. Besides, Manchester was famous for it’s football club as well. Since we were here, we joined the Old Trafford tour. It’s a amusing place. The week four was all about the project presentation. After collected all the data for our project, we discussed with Krista and Helen and finally, my group had make a PPT about the “Pub”. We presented our project successfully. Although there were some mistakes during the presentation but we have overcame it and finished it. This was an affirmation for us. The last cultural visit for us was to Liverpool. Liverpool is an old city compare to Manchester. We visited Albert Dock. Albert Dock is one of the oldest dock in the UK. Except Albert Dock, The Beatles is the landmark for Liverpool too. The Beatles was a famous band and they were so famous before they disbanded. The Beatles Museum is the best place to go if you wish to know more about them. Since this was the last week for us to stay in the UK, Krista and Helen had arranged us for a farewell party. Our host families were invited to the party and we did enjoyed very much in the party. We were not willing to leave here because we just spent a lot of great times here but we have no choice. The last day had came. We finally leave our host family, our university and the UK. Actually, I felt very thankful because I have the chance to attend the summer school in UK. I had experience a totally different life in the UK. I used to know more about the culture of British and their life‐style. Living together with host family is a great thing ever because that’s not much chance to stay with a host family. Some more my host family treated me very well. They prepared great and special dinner for me every day. They taught me a lot of British culture as well. Besides, I would like to thank our lecturers, Krista and Helen. In fact, we had gained a lot of knowledge due to the hard work of both lecturers. They had spent lots of their time accompanied us and make sure we able to adapt into the life‐style in the UK. They had put a lot of efforts to teach us in this summer school. To make the class more interesting, they had planned a lot of exercise and games too. Krista and Helen also arranged the most host family for us. Instead, they started to contact us to know more about us before the summer school started. I do appreciate everything they have done. 2011 學海遊學 英國坎布里亞大學團 中文心得報告
餐旅二 9873047A
可是,不管怎樣, 這一切都是值得的!就這樣,開始了我難忘的英國之旅。
剛到達英國機場,興奮得東張西望,到處都是白人也!偶爾也看到有些東方臉孔。由一位叫 Jade
還看到我們的 home 爸 home 媽在向我們揮手呢~哇,看到他們真的好緊張。我的寄宿家人老奶奶
Rosemary 一認出我就給我親切的一個吻了~她好慈祥哦!
不同的料理給我吃呢,廚藝真是一級棒!!除了傳統 英國食物,還會做蛋糕、比薩、一些中式和泰式
料理。在 rosemary 家每一餐都很期待,都很飽足。還記得早餐吃麥片,土司和熱飲,晚餐是主餐配果
在 cumbria 上課,每天都充滿了歡樂。很榮幸地有兩位很棒的老師耐心地教導我們英文,她們喜歡
BBQ 都很開心,一起討論各自的寄宿家庭的食物、家人、天氣、紀念品等等,沒想到最后還一起共患
下英國的其他地方。她說到,比起繁榮又複雜的倫敦,她比較喜歡 Lancaster 這個清靜悠閒的地方。我
不同種類的狗和牛、羊等。那天天氣很好,美懿和我們家人一起到 Morecambe 海邊吹吹風,聽著海鷗
的呼叫聲,還在沙灘上跳起來!很多人都來曬太陽呢,就連 Rosemary 也說我們來得正是好天氣的時候。
Rosemary 也曾經帶我和美懿到基督教教堂參與她們的教會活動。我很享受與他們一起唱歌的時候,旋
唯有英國人煮的飯不夠久所以不夠軟,咬起來會有種咔咔的聲音。在 Rosemary 的家裡,她讓我有機會
去了愛丁堡、blackpool 遊樂園呢!因為我們知道,一生人能到歐洲國家幾次呢,除了機票不便宜,物
克力店,是女生最愛甜食,可惜當做紀念品帶回家的都 融化了。曼徹以足球引以為傲,利物浦的玻璃
的格子風格、毛衣、笛聲、華麗的建築、城堡、花園,真的難以形容呢~贊!再來是 blackpool 遊樂園,
範圍廣大,有著世上排名前面的很長的雲霄飛車!我坐過了!那其實沒有很恐怖,另一個叫作 infusion
是時候要走了。我們大家超不捨的,可是離別的這一天確實來到了。我真的很感謝 Rosemary 那麼細心
胡嘉玲 餐旅二 9873047A
University Cumbria——學習心得
I heard some news from my seniors since I was studied in Year one in I-Shou
University. There has a scholarship which is able to study in foreign country. If you have a good
result in one of the semester and had passed the English test, then you may have a chance to
apply for this scholarship. In year one, I failed to apply it. But, I didn’t give up. Luckily, I
passed the test in Year two. I was so excited. As I knew, if this time I couldn’t pass I have no
more chance because this opportunity only offers to Year one and Year two students.
The second semester of Year two was really busy with reports, exam and activities.
When we realized all of these had just over, we continued to move out from campus. The days
we move out from place to place were extremely tired. A few days later, I would start off to
England. I knew that it would be a tired journey again. It took ten more hours to get there.
However, it was really worth. I started my unforgettable life in England.
When we reached London Airport, I couldn’t stop looking around. It was amazing.
Western people were everywhere. A student ambassador led us to University of Cumbria when
we reached Manchester Airport. We fell asleep in the bus. When we were awaked, we could see
our host families were waving their hands to us. They looked so nice. I felt very nervous when I
looked at them. It just liked a dream. My host mother, Rosemary gave me a hug and a polite
kiss. She was a very gentle person.
On this month, Rosemary treated me just liked her family. When we chatted, she knew
that I usually have milo or soy bean milk as my breakfast. She also knew that my favorite fruit
is melon and few days later she bought that for me. May be she thought it just a small things
because she was accustomed to take care of others. For me, it was really touched. Rosemary is
a very good cook. Besides English traditional food, she also knew how to make pizzas, cakes
and some Chinese even Thai food. I still remembered that we ate cereal, toast and milo every
morning. For dinner, we ate main food, juice and desserts. I couldn’t believe that these made
me had another two kilograms on my weight.
It was really joyful when we studied at University of Cumbria. We were honored to
have Christy and Helen to be our English teacher. They are very kind and helpful. They really
pleased to hear our grumbles and also worried about our safety. They always felt sorry if we
were not happy about something. They offered some information of traffic, accommodation and
maps for our trip to Edinburgh and Blackpool. On the other hand, it was enjoyable while
studied with those friends. Although some of them loved shopping, photographing, some ate a
lots, some always lost their ways like me, but we had experienced many things. We studied,
played, barbecued, and discussed our host families, British food, weather, souvenirs and so on.
Even, we faced the problems and difficulties when we went backed to Taiwan. Some luggage
had sent to different countries so that we didn’t check in on time. We forced to be separate and
went backed by our own. It was exaggerated. We must double confirmed with the attendant for
where the luggage is going, or else it may cause another mistake.
During this month, we went to many scenic spots. Besides Lake District, Manchester
and Liverpool that arrange by our teacher as part of the course, we went to Edinburgh and
Blackpool by ourselves. It is because not only the plane ticket, but also the commodity prices in
England are quite expensive. We might just have this chance to come here in the whole life.
Someone said, when you have the time you have no money, yet when you have money but no
time. Hence, we must have much unforgettable memory here. British cultures, customs and
eating habits were really different from my country. My favorite place was Lake District. I love
the various types of antiques, candy and chocolate shops. I couldn’t forget the scenery and the
nasty swans there. Manchester is famous by football while Liverpool’s museums and glass
buildings were impressive indeed. If you ever visited Edinburgh you would love it. It is a place
full of joy and happiness. Their culture like kilts, sweaters, bagpipe, magnificent building,
castle and garden are fantastic. It just one word to describe it, Bravo! Moreover, we went to the
amusement park in Blackpool. We experienced the roller coaster which ranks top ten in the
world. It wasn’t frightened enough. Another game called Infusion was completely excited.
This study tour let us learned about British culture, habits, history through had fun in
different places and communicated with British people. It also improved our speaking and
listening skills while talked to the others. Although there still some grammar problems in our
sentences, but at least we were not afraid of English any more. Time went very fast. When we
began to suit ourselves with the weather and the life there, it is time to go home. I really
appreciate that Rosemary had take good care of me. Although she is much older and had an
operation before, she still insisted to swim once a week. She visited the homeless children on
Friday and prepared some food for them. Someone said, “She is a wonder woman.” And I
would say she is the best grandma I have ever met. If I have a chance, I really hope that can go
back to Lancaster to visit her. It will be another delightful trip.
2011 學海遊學 英國坎布里亞大學團 中文心得報告
觀旅三 許式吟 9879038A 七月二日,手拉了一個大行李箱和一個重得無法言喻的大背包以及懷抱興奮坦忐
因為這間學校非常的美麗, 校門口一進去旁邊站著的不是警衛而是一排整齊的
築前面站了滿滿的 host families,看到我們一下車他們就熱情地湧過來尋找他們各
情的一家人,host father 把我的行李搬上車之後我的 host mother 就開始很熱情的跟
的寄宿家庭的爸媽都很年輕三十幾歲而已,他們還有一個女兒才 15 歲,可是看起
離學校的距離也是十二個人當中最遠的。Host mother 帶我到我的房間放下行李之
一個月我們常常會到隔壁去喝茶聊天看電影。喝完下午茶,我的 host mother 開車
校,到了學校之後不曉得 gate way building 在哪,還有熱心的學生帶我們走到定點,
證, 下午的時候學生大使帶著我們大伙用走的大略認識蘭卡斯特。學校的課程完
一些台灣特色的食物,例如:炒飯、泡麵。在和 host mother 聊天的時候她還請我教
名叫 Moorside 的一間小學,們也跟台灣的學校做了一些比較,英國的學生上課比較
讓我們體驗完全沒有字幕的電影,那天我們投票決定看 Bridesmaids,台灣還沒上
拜我們去了美麗的湖區(Lake District),坐船遊湖一圈,湖的沿岸到處都可以看到度
了一場讓我永生難忘的戲劇表演,這場戲劇表演是以當地有名的 Williamson Park
幕 Lady of the Lake 最為精彩!只可惜,因為經費短缺,今年是他們最後一年在
Williamson Park 表演。第三周的校外教學,學校安排我們到鄰近的大城市-曼徹斯
特。曼徹斯特的第一站我們來到曼聯的球場(Old Trafford),跟著導遊一路參觀球場
格。我們還去參觀全英國最大的中國城,我們在裡面的一間 bar 點了珍珠奶茶,那
如: Preston 逛街購物、Morecambe 海灘、愛丁堡、加上我們自己也去了一次曼徹
斯特有名的購物天堂-Trafford Centre;最特別的行程是愛丁堡,愛丁堡位於蘇格蘭,
Tourism and Hospitality Hsu Shih‐Yin(Elsie Hsu) 9879038A In 2011 July 2, I carried a luggage and a heavy backpack with an excited mood to set foot on my first trip in United Kingdom my group members and I embarked on a one‐month adventure! Because this was our first time to study abroad without any teacher accompanied us, it seemed nervous especially. After fourteen hours traveled‐worn we finally arrived in the land of United Kingdom. When we walked away from the air port of Manchester, we felt the very comfortable weather. Comparing with Taiwan, the weather in summer here is cool and refreshing like a heaven on earth to us. We rode on the shuttle coach to the town where we will live in four weeks. We went through many towns and there are lots of green grasses on our way to school, finally we arrived in Lancaster. After we enter the campus, we met all the host families. My host family took me home by their car. This was the first time I living with British. I heard the British is very serious and polite. But on my way home, my host mother chatted with me. After this first talking, I felt this rumor is not true. On the contrary, I felt that they are lovely and nice. When I first stepped into the house we lived, I felt very different to houses in Taiwan. The houses in United Kingdom always build in wood or stone. But our houses always build in reinforced concrete. Then my host mother took me to my room, this room is small but clean. After that, my host family invited me having afternoon tea with them in their garden. That was a leisure moment. After the afternoon tea, my host mother took me by car to walk around the town of the Lancaster, and let me know which stop should I took on and took off when I went to school and back home. Also she took me too many important locations that might use, like bus station, post office, train station, cinema, and some special restaurants. School life The first day I went to school. I was not really realized which moment I should press the stop button in the bus. Fortunately, there are many kind people in the bus remind me and help me to press the stop button. Even one of a student leaded me to the building where we met in the school. I am really touched and thankful. School curriculum is entirely tailored to us. They start to let us know British culture, lifestyle, habits and manners. In the class we always compare the difference with our country. The most special, we have two classmates from Malaysia, so that we can not only compare the difference with Taiwan but in three ways. We also discussed the topics with our families after school. This kind of learning way not only interested but we can also learn and experience deeply. The most important part of this language course is introducing the British English. And we compared British English with American English in many ways (e.g. usage, vocabularies, and accent). Because we always learn and use American English not British English, I benefited greatly. My ability of listening and speaking of British English are improved. The school also introduced us the economy of United Kingdom. Let us know what the economy problem of United Kingdom is. Family life First of all, I have to say that I met a very nice and lovely family in the Britain. The averages of age of my host family members are very young. Though they have their own jobs, they still willing to spend time to talk to me and listen to me. My host mother always cooked a lot of kinds of food for me. The most special cuisine was Chinese fried rice. That was her first time to cook Chinese fried rice. And I also prepare some Taiwan food for them (e.g. famous brand of instant noodle in Taiwan). In one of evening, my host mother and host sister invited me to join their girls’ reunion. That was a very nice evening. We played badminton together. After that we went to a lady’s house to play some games. I am very glad to meet them! Extracurricular activities The school plan many activities to us. First week, we went to a primary school which name was Moorside. We visited and joined their class. I think the most difference between students in Taiwan and in the Britain was their “class attitude”. The students in Taiwan are passive and shy to interact with their teacher. But students in the Britain are more active in the class and always interact with their teacher. And the sits in Taiwan are more organized. But in the Britain their sits of students are more flexible. In the Britain, the students don’t have their own books, but in Taiwan we have our own books. The schools in United Kingdom are focus on the group working, but in Taiwan we always work in individual. Also we have almost 40 students in the one class in Taiwan. There are only 20 students in the one class. So the students in the Britain are easily to be taken care. The teaching and learning cultures are very different between Taiwan and United Kingdom. This week we also went to the cinema to watch the film. We watched the “Bridesmaids”. That is a comedy. So without the subtitle we can also easy to understand what this film wanted to express. The second week we went to the Lake District and visited the museum of the Peter Rabbit. The museum of the Peter Rabbit is definitely a paradise for children. And the Lake District is the perfect resort. Many climbers are there to go climbing. In this weekend we also watched a very awesome play in the Williamson Park of Lancaster. We watched “Merlin” in that day. The whole Williamson Park was the backgrounds and stages. So we have to follow the crew to walk to the next scenes. That is very special to us, because we don’t have the similar performance. Unfortunately, this year is the last year that they play the play in the Williamson Park, because the shortage of funds. What a pity! In the week three, we went to the big city which is next to Lancaster‐ Manchester. Manchester is the second largest city in the United Kingdom. Manchester also has the largest china town in the United Kingdom. The first stop that we visited in Manchester was The Old Trafford Stadium. We visited the football field, changing room of the football player, and the exhibition room of the history of the Manchester United Football Club. After visiting The Old Trafford Stadium we visited the whole city by ourselves and a map. We went to the shopping street, china town, city hall, and the cathedral in the Manchester. Manchester is the quite different city from Lancaster. Manchester is an industrialized city but Lancaster is a historical city. In the last week, we went to Liverpool. Liverpool is the city which similar to Kaohsiung. Liverpool and Kaohsiung are both have port, Ferris wheel, and many modern arts. And these two cities both are industrialized city. There are many museums, and art galleries. First stop, we visited the museum of the Beatles. Next stop we went to the national museum. The national museum is a compound museum. We visited Egyptian Exhibition. There are many mummies, vases made by the pottery clay in that exhibition room. The topic of the next exhibition room was Prehistoric Animals and the dinosaurs. That was a very knowledgeable trip! In addition to the extracurricular activities planned by school, we also plan some trip by ourselves. We visited many cities by the train. For example, we went to Preston to go shopping, Morecambe bay, Edinburgh, and the Trafford centre of Manchester. The most impressive place was Edinburgh. We stay in the Edinburgh for one night. Edinburgh is a very different area from England. Edinburgh is full of atmosphere of Scotland. We can see many street performers playing the traditional instruments of Scotland. Finally, really thank I‐Shou University provides us this scholarship to give us an opportunity to study abroad. When I saw these photos that I will think of the beautiful memories during these four weeks in the United Kingdom where I lived in. This experience inspires me to more study hard and hard. I hope I can study abroad in the future. Now I am focusing on the training of English abilities. Especially improve the ability of oral speaking and listening in English. If I have these two of ability of oral speaking and listening in English that I can travel around the world by myself easily. The United Kingdom is a very nice, friendly, beautiful, and modern country. I am sure that I will travel the United Kingdom again. I learn lots of things in these four months; these four months will be a very good memory in my life. This summer is the best summer vacation I ever been! 