Mission *

St. André Bessette Elementary School
Learning Plan
Mission *
Mission Statement
As a Catholic School Community, we commit ourselves to nurture and develop the spiritual, intellectual, physical and social growth of each student. We strive
to ensure that each receives a Catholic education that is rich in both academic excellence and Christian values. We believe that all children can learn and if
we empower them to reach their potential, they will be encouraged to live fully and become valued and contributing members of our society.
We pledge to promote an effective partnership with home, school and Parish in a safe, caring, inclusive and Catholic environment.
The mission of St. André Bessette Elementary School is to further develop the faith of our members and to recognize that God lives in all of us. Through
social outreach programs, we strive to help students develop healthy minds, bodies and spirits. Instilling self-respect, respect for others as well as
compassion and empathy are of utmost importance to our mission.
Catholic Focus
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St. André Bessette Elementary School
Learning Plan
St. André Bessette Elementary School believes that the Catholic faith, as expressed through Gospel values, is the driving force in the school’s community of
learners, which includes students, parish, home and community. The school strives to be Christ-centred so that all may work and learn in a supportive,
inclusive, meaningful, and respectful environment. Within the context of an authentic Catholic learning environment, St. André Bessette Elementary School
strives to provide students with the opportunity to realize their potential and develop into skilled, knowledgeable, caring citizens who contribute positively to
The school is further committed to:
Deepening the understanding, appreciation and practice of the Catholic lifestyle, with Jesus as role model
Aligning a system-wide approach to Catholicity, whereby all educational practices are implemented through a Catholic lens
Developing graduates who are fully alive in Christ, not only in terms of knowledge and skills, but also in terms of values, attitudes and actions
Encouraging unique approaches to support system priorities and the principal strands of faith education: prayer and liturgy; sacramentally; morality and
justice; and scripture and church
As a diverse educational community of approximately 46% ELL learners, responding to God’s call, St. André Bessette Elementary School fosters and
nourishes an inclusive environment rooted in tradition and scripture. The school is committed to the guiding principles of Learning for All: K-12 (draft),
Growing Success and to Dufferin-Peel’s Equity and Inclusive Education Policy.
We pledge to:
Be authentic witnesses to our Catholic faith
Be responsible stewards of God’s grace in the world
Respect human dignity
Model after Jesus, as ministers of compassion and service for all learners
To strengthen its Catholic identity, St. André Bessette Elementary School, will develop opportunities for faith formation of students and staff, together with our
commitment to our educational programs such as our monthly focus on the Virtues, and community building activities which strive to integrate our
fundamental beliefs and values into all of our endeavours.
Core Principles
The school community models, celebrates and nourishes Gospel Values in the teaching and learning of our Christ-centred programs and services
Following Board Religion and Family Life curriculum
Maintaining a positive relationship with St. Patrick Church
Promoting and sustaining initiatives in the following areas: safe schools, diversity education, monthly Virtues, social justice, charitable and social
outreach, healthy living, morning prayers and liturgies
The “I Can Make a Difference” campaign which focuses on volunteer community service hours for students in grades 5-8
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St. André Bessette Elementary School
Learning Plan
Using progressive discipline practices that promote Christ-centred approaches to finding solutions
Encouraging student participation in PeaceMakers, Student Faith Leaders, ShareLife & United Way campaigns, food drives, and other extra-curricular
EQAO Results 2014-2015
Gr. 3
Reading - School (68), Board (71), Province (EC)
Writing - School (82), Board (76), Province (EC)
Math - School (66), Board (64), Province (EC)
Gr. 6
Reading - School (68), Board (81), Province (EC)
Writing - School (62), Board (82), Province (EC)
Math - School (34), Board (53), Province (EC)
EC: Due to exceptional circumstances in 2015, provincial data are unavailable to report provincial results.
The school community supports and provides opportunities for life-long learning as follows:
School promotes a culture of high expectations and supports the belief that all students can learn, progress and achieve
School-wide focus on mathematics and reading (take home books at student's independent reading level)
Focus on literacy room materials, independent leveled books for take home reading and Math manipulatives in every classroom
Students, parents/guardians and staff understand the full range of pathways, options, programs and supports that are available
Timely and tiered interventions, supported by a team approach, responding to individual student learning needs
Professional learning opportunities and materials available to staff
Math homework help line for Grade 7 & 8 students
Appropriate transition planning
Pro-Grant opportunities
The school demonstrates commitment to continuous improvement in student achievement and supports the well-being of all learners as follows:
Students and teachers share a common understanding of the learning goals and related success criteria attached to the Ontario curriculum
A variety of valid and reliable assessment data is used by teachers to continuously monitor learning, to inform instruction and assessment and to
determine next steps
Teacher moderation opportunities
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St. André Bessette Elementary School
Learning Plan
Lap tops, computers, Smart Boards and tablets available in all classrooms
Teachers and students are encouraged to bring to school personal electronic devices and utilize them under careful supervision, to support teaching
and learning
Differentiated instruction in every class
Student generated anchor charts and success criteria
Accountable talk, descriptive feedback
Peer/Self assessment
Student-led conferences
Monthly staff meetings with a focus on instructional strategies, goals and sharing of best practice
Reflection of current teaching strategies and expected practices during staff meetings via professional reading or resource
Integration meetings to plan next steps for exceptional students
Promotion of healthy habits through Healthy Schools Program
Promotion of ECO friendly school through various initiatives throughout the year
Utilize special services: CYW (Child Youth Worker), ERWs (Educational Resource Workers), SW (Social worker), Psychologist, Speech and Language
Pathologist, ELL support, Settlement worker, SAT (Special Assignment Teacher), Student Achievement Officer
Our Catholic School Council reflects the diverse Catholic community as follows:
School council elections, meetings and activities are promoted to all community members. Active participation of all community members is
encouraged, celebrated and recognized
Encouragement of diverse community agencies invited to Open House and meetings
Opportunities to become involved in volunteer activities at the school
Translated materials, settlement worker and/or translators provided for parents as necessary
Our school team builds and sustains community partnerships and collaborative relationships as follows:
Recreation centre, Brampton Beast Hockey Team ( free tickets when students independently demonstrate Ontario Catholic School Graduate
Expectations), CAA with Peel Police training bus patrollers, Peel Police Youth Education Program, Region of Peel Health, RAID program, PLASP,
Newcomer Centre, Peel Fire Department, Brampton Safe City, Brampton Clean City, Family Education Centre, Early Literacy Program, High School Cardinal Ambrozic
Student teachers and co-op students
Our school promotes the engagement and active participation of the parish and home as a fundamental component of student success as follows:
Active participation in St. Patrick Church with Father Vito
Parish news included on school website as available
Participation in Sacramental preparation (encourage parents/guardians to be part of sacramental preparation)
Work with parish priest to offer school masses throughout the year
The school provides support for Parish and Board charitable works initiatives: Share Life, Terry Fox, Helping Hands, The Knight’s Table, Food drives
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St. André Bessette Elementary School
Learning Plan
and Project Hope
Yearly mass to celebrate St. André Bessette Feast Day
Provide announcements for the Parish over the PA system .
Good stewardship is promoted as follows:
Recycling program
"Green” initiatives throughout the year (Big Crunch, Big Gulp, Eco-Fest)
School-wide recycling program
Through the delivery of curriculum e.g., geography, science, religion, family programs that foster ‘respect for life’ and stewardship of resources
Through the purchasing of learning resources that reflect the diversity within the school
Earth Day
Photocopy reduction plan
Water bottle filling stations
Participation in ECO schools certification
Bike racks
Use of DP Cloud
The school demonstrates financial responsibility as follows:
Follows financial guidelines to help ensure accountability and accuracy
Allocate available funds in a manner that meets highest priority needs
Align budget to school goals and priorities
Provide library funds to support school goals
Literacy Room purchases to support literacy program
Math manipulatives in each class to support numeracy
SMART Board, lap tops, computers and tablets throughout classrooms
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St. André Bessette Elementary School
Learning Plan
Creating Catholic Conditions for Well-Being, Learning and Leading
1.0 By June 2016, at least 80% of Junior students will indicate through the Safe Schools Survey that they feel connected and safe at school
Action Plans
Bullying Prevention
I Can Make a Difference campaign
Virtues Program
Building Collaborative Practices Through Inquiry
2.0 By the end of 2016, there will be a movement towards developing a school culture focused on a growth mindset to help support the Board Mathematics
Strategic Plan.
Action Plans
Collaborative Inquiry Approach
Enhancing Transitional Practices
3.0 If we engage Grade 8 students in transitional activities with the high school, students will feel supported, have a sense of belonging and feel less anxiety as
they move into Grade 9
Action Plans
Early contact with high school to ease transition of Grade 8 students
Knowing the Learner through Assessment
4.0 If teachers focus on assessment for and as learning, then students will improve their critical thinking skills and set specific next steps for their own
improvement in all subject areas.
Action Plans
Opportunities for student individual goal setting and next steps for improvement
Provide multiple opportunities for students to self-asses their work
Timely and specific teacher descriptive feedback to support the learner
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St. André Bessette Elementary School
Learning Plan
Responding through Effective Instruction
5.0 If teachers focus on accountable talk using open-ended questions which encourage critical thinking across all subject areas (focus on 3 Part Math lessons),
then students will improve their EQAO achievement level in Reading, Writing and Math over time.
Action Plans
Incorporate accountable talk into the "during" phase of the 3 Part Math leseson
Incorporate accountable talk strategies into the "consolidation phase" of the 3 Part Math lesson
Incorporate strategies that encourage accountable talk in the activation stage
Outcome Timeframe
Action Plan Priority
Not Assigned
Not Assigned
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