
Bill 1
Bill 2
Bill 3
Bill 4
Proposal 5
Congress of the
United States
Congress of the
United States
Congress of the
United States
Congress of the
United States
Congress of the
United States
An ACT for
Funding the
National Debt
An ACT for
Establishing the
Residence of the
United States
An ACT for
laying a TARIFF
on Goods
Imported into
the United States
An ACT for
creating a
National Bank
A plan for
assuming state
Task A: Select any bill or bills that appear above to explain one of the functions of the
federal government.
Task B: Select any bill or bills that appear above to explain how conflict and cooperation
among people contribute to the division of the Earth’s surface into distinctive…political
Task C: Briefly explain the federal system outlined in the United States Constitution and
give one reasons why some states viewed the Assumption Plan as a threat to that system.