InstItute for Values In PolIcy and scIence november 9, 2011

Institute for
Values in Policy
and Science
November 9, 2011
Segal Graduate School of Business
SFU, Room 2800 CN Strategy Room
500 Granville Street at 6:30PM
Coffee at 6:00PM
Dr. Michel Loreau
Department of Biology
McGill University
Please RSVP by November 4:
The Ecological and
Societal Consequences
of Biodiversity Loss
What is the impact of climate change on Earth’s
tremendous biological diversity? What impact are
changes in biodiversity likely to have on human
societies? This talk suggests that overcoming a
potential crisis of biodiversity requires moving
beyond traditional approaches to a new philosophy
and a new economy that consciously reinsert
humans into nature.
Nick Dulvy, CRC Chair in Marine Biodiversity and Conservation,
Department of Biology will be presenting a seminar on his
research on Oct 27, 2011, 11:30-12:30 in ASB10900. This CRC
seminar will provide helpful background to Dr. Loreau’s lecture.
Hosted by the SFU Institute for
Values in Policy and Science (ViPS)
Fostering conversations that are informed by the sciences and guided
by consideration of social and environmental impact.